Sep 22, 2024  
2008-2010 Undergraduate Catalog 


Purpose and Focus

The mission of the Department of Music is to provide a professional artistic environment that supports programs of excellence in the education of musicians. Courses in music are designed to prepare graduates for professional music careers in teaching, performance, and composition and to enrich the cultural experience of all university students.

The department offers many music courses that may be selected by non-music majors to satisfy university and College of Fine Arts requirements. In addition, university students may participate in Department of Music ensembles. Membership in the department’s instrumental and vocal ensembles is open to all university students by audition and/or consent of the instructor.


Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities
National Association of Schools of Music

Undergraduate Majors

Music — Bachelor of Arts
Music — Bachelor of Music

Areas of Concentration

Bachelor of Arts

The Bachelor of Arts in Music, with concentrations in Recital or History and Literature, allows the student to pursue music as a major within the context of a liberal arts curriculum. The BA curriculum offers an intensive study of music as both an intellectual discipline and a performance art. Students pursuing this degree enroll in the same classes, ensembles, and private lessons as students in the Bachelor of Music program but have the opportunity to enroll in a maximum of 25 elective credits in other disciplines as part of the degree Bachelor of Arts in Music.

Bachelor of Music

The Bachelor of Music degree is offered in the following areas of concentration:


The Bachelor of Music degree in Composition, with training in composition, orchestration, and arranging, prepares students for professional work in music.

Jazz Studies

The Bachelor of Music degree in Jazz Studies, with special areas of interest in instrumental and vocal performance and/or composition, prepares students for a professional career in the field of jazz.

Music Education

The Bachelor of Music degree in Music Education, with special areas of interest in instrumental, vocal and piano, prepares the student for a career in public school music teaching while earning Nevada teacher certification.


The Bachelor of Music degree in Performance, with special areas of interest in instrumental, vocal, and piano, prepares the student for a professional career in music.

All Bachelor of Music degrees provide thorough preparation for further study in music at the graduate level.

Admission to the Major

The department of music requires a minimum GPA of 2.30 overall.

Admission Policies

New freshman should refer to the university requirements for admission. Each music major enrolling at UNLV for the first time must audition in the primary performance medium (principle instrument or voice classification) and must qualify for admission to MUSA lower- division applied study as specified in the course syllabus for this medium.

Transfer Policies

Transfer students must have earned at least a cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 2.50 in transferable college credits and 2.70 in the area of concentration. Transfer students must also audition in the appropriate primary performance medium (principle instrument or voice classification) and will be placed in the appropriate level of applied study based on the audition.

All entering freshman music majors and transfers from other institutions must take the music theory placement examination for assignment to the appropriate level of music theory study.

Department Policies

Principle Instrument/Voice Classification

Each music major must declare, with the approval of the faculty of music, a primary performance medium (principle instrument or voice classification) or a primary and a secondary medium, depending upon the special area of interest selected. Each music major must audition in the primary performance medium and must qualify for admission to MUSA lower division of applied study. Those not qualifying must enroll in Applied Music for non-majors each semester until able to pass the audition. Applied lessons in the primary performance medium must be taken in sequence, beginning with lower-division applied music. Applied lessons may not be audited.

If a student chooses to change to another primary performance medium, the entire Principle Instrument/Voice Classification policy must be met for the new medium.

While enrolled in applied music lessons, all music majors must perform regularly in studio and/or repertory class. Those enrolled in Applied Music III or above must also, at the discretion of the instructor, perform on a student convocation at least once per semester.

Each music major, while enrolled in Applied Music for Majors, must appear before a departmental jury at the end of each semester for performance examination and grading recommendations. At the conclusion of Applied Music IV, the jury performance occurs before a committee representing the entire faculty of music. To advance to upper division applied study (Level V), the student must have successfully completed four semesters of harmony, sight singing, and ear training and have made satisfactory progress toward his or her degree (see Satisfactory Progress).

Composition students enrolled in MUSA 451, Private Study in Composition, must present their work before a jury each semester.

Piano Proficiency

All music majors must demonstrate piano proficiency. Performance and composition majors must satisfy the piano proficiency requirement before enrolling in senior-level applied lessons. Music education majors must satisfy the piano-proficiency requirement before enrolling in senior-level applied lessons and before submitting an application for student teaching. Completing one of the following options fulfills the piano-proficiency procedure:

  1. Students may enroll in MUS 167 and pass the comprehensive Piano Proficiency Examination at any time before enrolling in senior-level applied lessons (performance and composition) or before submitting an application for student teaching (music education).
  2. Students may enroll in the functional piano sequence (MUS 109, 110, 201, 210). A grade of C or above is required in each functional piano course. When enrolling in functional piano IV (MUS 210), students must concurrently enroll in piano proficiency exam (MUS 167). Students maintaining a cumulative grade point average of B or above in the four functional Piano courses are exempt for the piano proficiency examination. A “P” (pass) for MUS 167 will automatically be recorded on the student’s transcript. Note: Functional piano courses must be taken in sequence.
  3. Transfer students and students with accomplished piano skills may choose to take the comprehensive Piano Proficiency Examination (MUS 167) in lieu of enrolling in functional piano courses. If the student does not pass the comprehensive Piano Proficiency Examination, Option 2 applies.

Music education/vocal students are required to take two semesters of private piano instruction MUSA 300 (2 semesters - 1 credit each) upon successful completion of the comprehensive Piano Proficiency Examination.

Music Theory Placement Examination

All entering freshman music majors and transfers from other institutions must take the music theory placement examination for assignment to the appropriate level of music theory study. The examination consists of written harmony, dictation, and sight singing. Students not qualifying for placement in MUS 201, as determined by this examination, are required to take MUS 102. All other students will be assigned according to their demonstrated proficiency.

Recital Attendance

For each semester of degree residence as a music major, every student must enroll in MUS 100, for a maximum of eight semesters, and attend a minimum of 10 approved on-campus concerts and/or recitals as a member of the audience. Students not fulfilling this requirement will not be approved for graduation.


Music majors are required to participate each semester of full-time enrollment in an ensemble appropriate both to their degree program and to their major instrument. Students must enroll in an ensemble for eight semesters, beginning with the first semester of full-time study. Music students receiving Department of Music scholarship support must participate in two ensembles each semester of full-time enrollment. Students electing additional ensembles must audition and receive permission from the department. Times and places for the auditions will be announced.

Satisfactory Progress

To ensure satisfactory progress toward completion of the degree, students must register concurrently for harmony, sight singing, ear training, and functional piano each semester until these course sequences are completed.


Students successfully completing undergraduate degrees offered by the Department of Music will have acquired competencies sufficient to confidently enter the job market in their areas of concentration. Performance majors will be prepared to begin building careers as professional performers or private teachers. Music education graduates will have earned certification for teaching music in the state of Nevada and promise for success as school music teachers. All degrees in the Department of Music offer thorough preparation for success in graduate music programs.


Entering music students will be assigned an advisor at the Orientation for UNLV. An advising list is posted in the Department of Music. Students are to meet with their advisor once per semester, at which time an advising sheet will be completed for the student’s department file. In the event a student has not been assigned to an advisor, he or she should contact the department chair to receive one.


  1. Variable elective credits must be approved by the student’s advisor.
  2. A minimal grade point average of 2.70 must be maintained in all music courses except where noted by individual degree programs.