Sep 19, 2024  
2008-2010 Undergraduate Catalog 

Other Edu Opportunities


Click on any of the following links for information:

Early Studies Program

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Students wishing to enroll in university courses while still attending high school should refer to the Early Studies Program information under the Center for Academic Enrichment and Outreach in the Services & Activities for Students section of this catalog.

Honors College

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Details on admission to the Honors College are outlined in the Honors College section of this catalog.

International Programs

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The Office of International Programs coordinates and administers a growing number of quality educational experiences for interested students. Most academic credits earned by study-abroad students are part of regular authorized University of Nevada, Las Vegas course offerings, allowing students to make normal progress toward their undergraduate degrees, while utilizing foreign resources and cross-cultural experiences. Scholarships and financial aid are available to qualified students. For more information about new study-abroad opportunities, financial aid, or scholarships, contact International Programs, Classroom Building Complex (CBC) Building B, Room 325 (CBC B325), 702-895-3896.

Specific Programs of Study: Students in a variety of academic disciplines may choose to study for the summer, semester or longer in a UNLV-sponsored study-abroad program. Currently, UNLV offers semester study programs in Australia, Chile, China, Costa Rica, Czech Republic, Denmark, England, France, Germany, India, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Korea, Malta, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Scotland, Spain, Sweden, Thailand, and other locations.

International Student Teaching: Students in the College of Education can apply to participate in international student teaching in a variety of locations worldwide.

Graduate Research: Graduate students can apply for funding through the UNLV International Programs office for some international research purposes.

Model United Nations: Students can also participate in international education on campus. The Model United Nations program provides opportunities to learn more about global issues by participating in courses and conferences. The annual Model United Nations conference includes opportunities to represent UNLV while discussing issues and events that shape the world. International education helps students understand a changing society and planet from a global perspective. For more information on the Model United Nations Program, please contact the UNLV Department of Political Science, 895-3307.

Faculty Exchanges: UNLV students are further exposed to international experiences on campus by means of faculty exchanges. The academic colleges have welcomed visiting professors from such diverse countries as Korea, Switzerland, Hungary, and England, to name a few. These professors add an extra dimension to the classes they teach and to the academic life on campus by means of a dynamic exchange of cross-cultural ideas.

Switzerland Summer Hotel Program: Students majoring in hotel administration may take advantage of a summer study program administered by the College of Hotel Administration in Switzerland. Further information on this study program may be obtained by calling the College of Hotel Administration at 702-895-3616.

International Students: For specific entrance requirements and regulations for international students, please consult the Admissions section of this catalog.

Travel/Study Tours: The Division of Educational Outreach sponsors short tours to various countries. Recent trips have taken participants to Africa, Costa Rica, and the former Soviet Union. In most cases, tour leaders are university professors who present lectures prior to departure on the culture, geography, and natural history of the areas being visited.

National Student Exchange

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UNLV is affiliated with the National Student Exchange (NSE) program, which offers qualified undergraduate students the opportunity to study for up to one year at another NSE member institution without paying out-of-state tuition. There are approximately 180 members of NSE throughout the continental United States, Alaska, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, Guam and Canada. Students must have a minimum GPA of 2.50. The deadline for application for the next academic year’s exchange program is March 1. Some placements can be made outside of the regular placement schedule. Early application is recommended. For more information, contact the NSEcoordinator, UNLV International Programs, CBC-B325, (702) 895-3896,,

The Office of Athletic Academic Advising and NCAA Compliance Services

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The Office of Athletic Academic Advising and NCAA Compliance Services provides academic advising and services for UNLV’s more than 400 intercollegiate athletes who are eligible for the services. The office is committed to assisting student-athletes earn a degree of their choice, while fulfilling UNLV, Mountain West Conference (MWC), and National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) eligibility requirements. Therefore, the office will counsel, monitor, promote, and support the academic endeavors of every UNLV student-athlete. Further, every effort is made to instill in each individual those skills necessary to become an independent, responsible member of the UNLV student body. We are committed to providing an environment that facilitates the academic success of every student-athlete. Our goal is to prepare student-athletes to be fully accountable for their academic progress, which results not only in graduation, but also in their professional and personal development.

The academic services staff provides a variety of academic services, to both prospective student-athletes and currently enrolled UNLV student-athletes, per NCAA Bylaw 16.3.1. These services include, but are not limited to:

  • Providing UNLV athletic department coaching staff preliminary evaluations of the eligibility and admission status of prospective student-athletes (recruits).
  • Assisting student-athletes in the selection, planning, and course scheduling for their specific UNLV degree program.
  • Monitoring the academic progress of student-athletes toward degree program requirements.
  • Informing student-athletes of the myriad NCAA, MWC, and UNLV rules they must be cognizant of (and fulfill) in order to remain eligible to participate in intercollegiate athletics at UNLV.
  • Monitoring the eligibility status of student-athletes and providing direction for meeting eligibility requirements.
  • Assisting the faculty athletics representative (FAR) in the yearly and mid-year certification of all student-athletes.
  • Providing assistance and direction to student-athletes regarding all of the UNLV support services that are available, which will serve them in adjusting to and coping with the challenges of university life.
  • Creating and administering programs that will support and enhance the academic performance and potential of student-athletes.
  • Preparing student-athletes for graduation and the ensuing challenges.