Mar 14, 2025  
2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog 
2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog

Shanghai, China – UNLV Course Equivalency 2024 – 2025

Available Terms


Chinese Language Courses

  • Visit the program’s Courses page for course descriptions and requirements.
  • During the semester, students must either take one of the four language tracks, or Elementary Chinese I or Chinese Conversation. During the summer, students must take one language course or the 1-credit Introduction to Chinese Language
USAC Track Prerequisites & Course Titles Credits UNLV Equivalency Sheet
Track I Prerequisite: None Elementary Chinese I&II  8 CHI 187  , CHI 187   
Track II Prerequisite: 2 semesters of college Chinese Intermediate Chinese I&II  6 CHI 287  , CHI 287  
Track III (Option 1) Prerequisite: 4 semesters of college Chinese Advanced Chinese I&II  6 CHI 387  , CHI 387  
Track III (Option 2) Prerequisite: TBD by on-site placement test Advanced Chinese III & IV  6 CHI 487  ,CHI 487   
Chinese Conversation 3 CHI 287  
Chinese Conversation (Summer Only)  2 CHI 287  
Introduction to Chinese Language I / II (Summer Only)  2 CHI 187  



Spring 2025 – Students enroll in 12-18 credits, one language course is required 

USAC Course Title Credits UNLV Equivalent Language of Instruction
Advanced Chinese I 3 CHI 387   Chinese
Advanced Chinese II 3 CHI 387   Chinese
Advanced Chinese III 3 CHI 487   Chinese
Advanced Chinese IV 3 CHI 487   Chinese
Chinese Business Issues and Practices  3 MGT 494   English 
Chinese Calligraphy  2 ART 493   English 
Chinese Cuisine *CANCELED* 1 FAB 474   English 
Chinese for Business Professionals *CANCELED* 3 CHI 487   Chinese
Contemporary Chinese Foreign Relations *CANCELED* 3 PSC 405Z   English 
Elementary Chinese I 4 CHI 187   Chinese
Elementary Chinese II 4 CHI 187   Chinese
Intermediate Chinese I 3 CHI 287   Chinese
Intermediate Chinese II 3 CHI 287   Chinese
International Financial Management  3 FIN 308   English 
International Marketing *CANCELED* 3 MKT 456   English 
Internship  3 ANTH 490   Chinese & English
Managing in a Global Economy with Emphasis on China  3 MGT 480   English 
Modern Chinese Culture and Society 3 CHI 387   English 
Seminar in Mandarin Chinese: Preparation for the HSK Exam  *CANCELED* 1 CHI 387   Chinese
Tai Chi  1 AIS 499   English 


Summer Session I 2025 – Students enroll in 3-6 credits 

USAC Course Title Credits UNLV Equivalent Language of Instruction
Advanced Chinese I 3 CHI 387   Chinese
China Phenomenon: Society, Politics, and Business  3 SOC 497   English 
Chinese Calligraphy 2 ART 493   English
Chinese Conversation 2 CHI 287   Chinese
Elementary Chinese I 4 CHI 187   Chinese
Intermediate Chinese I 3 CHI 287   Chinese
International Marketing  3 MKT 456   English 
Introduction to Chinese Language I 2 CHI 187   Chinese & English


Summer Session II 2025 – Students enroll in 3-5 credits 

USAC Course Title Credits UNLV Equivalent Language of Instruction
Advanced Chinese II 3 CHI 387   Chinese
Chinese Conversation 2 CHI 287   Chinese
Elementary Chinese II 4 CHI 187   Chinese
Entrepreneurship in a Global Market  3 MGT 302   English 
Intermediate Chinese II 3 CHI 287   Chinese
International Business Management  3 MGT 480   English 
Introduction to Chinese Language I 2 CHI 187   Chinese & English
Introduction to Chinese Language II 2 CHI 187   Chinese & English
Tai Chi  1 AIS 499   English 


If you are interested in using a USAC internship to satisfy an internship requirement within your major, you must meet with your academic advisor to obtain directions/guidance on what departmental requirements you must meet. Your final USAC internship approval and grade relies on approval from your academic department. Without your department’s approval, your internship credit may only satisfy elective requirements.


Note: Course approvals are accurate at time of publication and subject to change.
Please contact the Office of Study Abroad Programs to verify course availability.


Updated as of: February 12, 2025