Feb 18, 2025  
2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog 
2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog

Other Education Opportunities

ASC Dual Enrollment Program


Nevada students wishing to enroll in university courses while still attending high school should refer to the Dual Enrollment Program information under the Academic Success Center’s section of this catalog or email dualenrollment@unlv.edu.

Honors College

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Details on admission to the Honors College are outlined in the Honors College  section of this catalog.

Office of Study Abroad Programs

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702-895-3896 / studyabroad@unlv.edu / GTW Suite 200

Details on Study Abroad Courses are outlined in the Study Abroad Programs  section of this catalog.

The Office of Study Abroad Programs coordinates and administers a growing number of quality international education experiences for interested students. Academic credit earned abroad may be used toward degree completion. Scholarships and financial aid are available to qualified students. For more information about new study abroad opportunities, financial aid, or scholarships, contact Study Abroad Programs, University Gateway Building (GTW) Suite 200, 702-895-3896, studyabroad@unlv.edu. 

Study Abroad:  UNLV students in a variety of academic disciplines may choose to study abroad for the summer, winter break, semester, or academic year on a UNLV-sponsored study abroad program. Currently, UNLV offers study programs in Australia, Chile, China, Costa Rica, Cuba, Czech Republic, England, France, Germany, India, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Korea, Netherlands, New Zealand, Portugal, Scotland, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Thailand, Uruguay, and other locations.

International Student Teaching: Students in the College of Education can apply to participate in student teaching abroad.

Graduate Research: Graduate students can apply for funding, including Fulbright, through the Office of Study Abroad Programs for eligible international research purposes.

Faculty Exchanges: UNLV students are further exposed to international experiences on campus by means of faculty exchanges. Academic colleges have welcomed visiting professors from around the world, while UNLV tenure-track faculty have the option to apply to teach abroad. These professors add an extra dimension to the classes they teach and to the academic life on campus by means of a dynamic exchange of cross-cultural ideas.

National Student Exchange

UNLV is a member institution of the National Student Exchange (NSE). The program offers qualified undergraduate students the opportunity to study for one or two semesters at another NSE member institution without paying out-of-state tuition.

The National Student Exchange inspires academic enrichment, personal exploration, and student development by facilitating an accessible collegiate exchange among member universities and colleges throughout the United States, Guam, Puerto Rico, and U.S Virgin Islands. There are over 160 universities and colleges in NSE.

NSE values diversity, open-mindedness, and cross cultural engagement fostering learning, understanding, respect, and a sense of community among all people. NSE universities and colleges believe that adding a collegiate exchange experience enhances education and enriches student growth.
For more information, contact the NSE Coordinator in the Office of the Registrar at learningconcierge@unlv.edu.

The Office of Student-Athlete Academic Services

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Student-Athlete Academic Services (SAAS) serves student-athletes in their recruitment, transition, eligibility, progression, and retention. SAAS provides the resources and guidance for student-athletes to achieve success in the classroom and in life, from enrollment to graduation and in their future careers and graduate study. Academic eligibility specialists and academic support specialists are assigned to teams and are often available on a walk–in basis as well as through scheduled appointments. Our services and priorities include:

  • Recruitment Assistance
  • Academic Eligibility and Graduation Monitoring/Reporting
  • Advisement & Scheduling
  • Academic Support Counseling & Services
  • Outreach

SAAS is located in the Lied Athletic Complex (LAC). Please visit our website for more information and specific staff contact information at https://www.unlv.edu/asc/student-athlete.
