Mar 06, 2025  
2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog 
2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog

Academic Success Center



Academic Success Center

 (702) 895-3177 / /

Purpose and Focus  

The Academic Success Center (ASC) is a resource and service hub that partners with the UNLV campus community to welcome, guide, and support students through their academic careers. The ASC offers a wide variety of programs that include academic advising for Exploring Majors and non-degree seeking students, campus-wide tutoring and supplemental instruction, academic success coaching, math bridge programs, first-year seminars for ASC students, student-athlete academic services, scholarship programs, a learning specialist program, and much more.



Academic Success Center Service Areas

Academic Advising (Exploring Majors, Major Pathways, and Major Exploration for all undergraduate students)


Students in the Exploring Major should meet with an academic advisor in the ASC at least once per semester, to discuss the current semester, their individual goals and interests, and to explore majors and careers. The academic advising unit’s academic advisors have resources designed to help with the exploration of various majors, minors, careers, and continuing educational pursuits. The planning process for students begins in their first semester, and continues each time a student meets with an academic advisor until they declare their major of choice; making an informed decision. Students who have completed more than 48 credits who are in the Exploring Major are recommended to meet an advisor each semester to discuss their plans in more detail. Students in the Exploring major can declare their majors at any time as long as they meet the entrance requirements for the college, and major selected. 

Change of Major Policies
Students can change their major to Exploring if they are: 1) Unsure of a major/career path, and 2) have earned fewer than 48 cumulative credits. Students over 48 credits who are currently declared in other majors may meet with an advisor in the ASC to discuss majors but are generally not changed to Exploring.

Academic Warning/Suspension
All students are subject to University policies regarding University academic warning and suspension.

Students wishing to appeal University suspension may submit a petition for Early Reinstatement after College/University Suspension including a personal statement and supporting documentation of extenuating circumstance(s) to the Academic Success Center’s Academic Standards Committee for review.

Undergraduate Non-Degree Seeking Students
Undergraduate non-degree seeking students can take a maximum of eight credits per fall/spring semester. No more than 24 credits earned as a non-degree seeking student at UNLV may be applied toward a bachelor’s degree at UNLV. Non-Degree seeking students who are close to earning or have earned 24 credits are highly encouraged to apply for degree-seeking status if they intend to complete a bachelor’s degree at UNLV.

Credit Overload Petitions
Degree-seeking freshmen may take a maximum of 17 credits per semester and sophomores through seniors may take a maximum of 18 credits per semester. Degree-seeking and non-degree seeking students wanting to enroll in additonal semester credits than their standing allows may submit a credit overload petition. Credit overload petitions will be considered only for students who have established a minimum UNLV GPA of 3.0 or at the most recently attended institution of higher education and/or a combination of all institutions attended.





The ASC’s campus-wide Tutoring program provides structured study time with peers, review of subject material, and insight into learning strategies for students to gain a deeper understanding of the supported UNLV course content. ASC tutors are current UNLV students who have completed the supported courses with a grade of B or better and are recommended by partnering UNLV faculty. ASC Tutoring is a service at no additional cost to enrolled UNLV undergraduate students. ASC Tutoring offers both in-person and virtual drop-in tutoring. A complete listing of all available ASC Tutoring locations through our campus partnerships, including times and subject availability, can be found at



Supplemental Instruction (SI)


The ASC Supplemental Instruction (SI) Program is a peer-led study group that partners with historically difficult courses and provides an active learning environment to assist students with course concepts and discuss learning strategies. Each group is conducted by a current UNLV student who has recently completed the course with a high grade and is highly recommended by partnering UNLV faculty. SI is a service at no additional cost to enrolled UNLV undergraduate students and is typically offered for lower-division Biology, Chemistry, and more. In a partnered course, frequent SI attendance by students enrolled in the course has been correlated to increased rates of performance and retention when compared to non-SI participants. Please feel free to visit our website for a current listing of partnering courses and session times at



Math Bridge Program


The Math Bridge Program is a virtual academic support program designed to help students gain the skills and confidence needed to succeed in college-level mathematics with the goal of improving their ALEKS scores for placement into a higher college-level math course. The program combines online learning through customized WebCampus modules with instruction from expert math facilitators, instructors, and peer tutors to help students better understand core math concepts and overcome math anxiety. In addition to math instruction and skill development, students are introduced to various campus resources and peers to help build a strong foundation for success at UNLV.

Summer Math Bridge is a five-week program separated into a Calculus (MATH 181 ) track and College Algebra (MATH 124 ) track depending upon a student’s declared major.  Summer Math Bridge comes at no additional cost to students upon completion of program requirements. Summer Math Bridge sessions are conducted during two summer sessions for eligible students. Additionally, Math Bridge expanded services to students during the Fall in a 0-credit course, MATH 5 . This course is designed for students who did not enroll in the math course required for their major in the Fall with the goal of improving upon (or maintaining) their math skills throughout the 16 weeks of the semester. Students receive a satisfactory or unsatisfactory grade based upon their course completion. Both Math Bridge and MATH 5  utilize an online platform, ALEKS, to evaluate students’ learning and to create customized content for each student. ALEKS is also used as the math placement software for UNLV. Most students who participate in Math Bridge find success in raising their ALEKS score to their goal level, which allows them to enroll in a different 100-level math course for their desired major. Please visit our website for more information:




Academic Success Coaching 


The Academic Success Coaching Program helps students develop successful strategies for navigating college academically, socially, and personally. Through one-on-one meetings and small-group workshops, Coaches engage students in the process of reflection, goal-setting, and planning to create individualized academic/personal plans for success. The Academic Success Coaching Program empowers students by:

  • providing support to establish attainable educational goals,
  • to improve time management and organizational skills,
  • to develop effective learning strategies,
  • and to connect students with professors and campus resources.

Coaches are current graduate students who provide a peer-to-peer experience for students. Coaching is a free service available all year-round. Please visit our website for more information and to schedule services:



First-Year Seminar (COLA 100E)





The ASC, in partnership with the College of Liberal Arts, provides a 3-credit first-year seminar designed to help students build a strong foundation for academic success. COLA 100E addresses topics regarding learning strategies, critical thinking, citizenship, ethics, multiculturalism, college-level writing, and other areas relating to student development. Major and career exploration are intertwined throughout the course content, as students are exposed to a blend of information and experiences to help them investigate potential major and career choices.








The ASC currently offers three scholarships. The Hixson-Lied Success Scholars Program, the ASC Dean’s Award, and the Jump-Start Scholarship.  The Hixson-Lied Success Scholars Program is for selected incoming and current undergraduate students.  The four-year scholarship is geared toward students who have overcome significant challenges (academic, economic, etc.) to find success in and out of the classroom. This structured, service-based scholarship program provides financial and academic support and helps students grow as leaders in both the professional and academic aspects. Students must be enrolled full-time (12 or more credits per semester) and maintain a 3.0 GPA. Applications open in the fall semester for the following academic year. For more information, visit or email

The ASC offers the Dean’s Award for undergraduate students in the Exploring major. To be eligible for the scholarship, students in the Exploring major must be in good academic standing (minimum UNLV GPA of 2.0) and be enrolled in a minimum of 12 credits in each semester of award.  Students submit applications to the ASC advising unit in the spring, and awardees are notified prior to the fall semester.

The ASC offers the Jump-Start Scholarship to incoming first-year Exploring Major students who are enrolled full-time. This one-year scholarship is awarded in the Fall and Spring semesters pending eligibility. Applications open in the fall semester for the following academic year. For more information, visit




First-Gen Connect 


First-Gen Connect is part of a collaborative effort between the Academic Success Center, the First-Year Experience, and the College of Liberal Arts to connect First-Generation college students (students whose parents do not have a four-year degree) to essential resources, as well as to help them connect to a supportive community. During First-Gen Celebration Week, the program offers participants the opportunity to connect with current students, faculty, and staff as they celebrate and explore their first-gen identity. First-Gen Connect introduces student success strategies and resources that can contribute to their transition and success at UNLV (e.g., the Academic Success Center, the Writing Center, Academic Success Coaching, Peer Mentoring, and time management skills). Please visit our website for more details:



Student-Athlete Academic Services


Student-Athlete Academic Services (SAAS) serves student-athletes in their recruitment, transition, eligibility, progression, and retention. SAAS provides the resources and guidance for student-athletes to achieve success in the classroom and in life, from enrollment to graduation and in their future careers and graduate study. Academic eligibility specialists and academic support specialists are assigned to teams and are often available on a walk–in basis as well as through scheduled appointments. Our services and priorities include:

  • Recruitment Assistance
  • Academic Eligibility and Graduation Monitoring/Reporting
  • Advisement & Scheduling
  • Academic Support Counseling & Services
  • Outreach

SAAS is located in the Lied Athletic Complex (LAC). Please visit our website for more information and specific staff contact information at



Learning Specialist Program





In partnership with the Disability Resource Center and The PRACTICE, the Learning Specialist Program provides services to undergraduate UNLV students who face challenges that pose barriers to their academic success.



ASC Dual Enrollment Program


The ASC Dual Enrollment Program provides highly motivated Nevada high school students an opportunity to get a head start on their college education by enrolling in UNLV courses before high school graduation. ASC Dual Enrollment Program students also have the opportunity to earn dual credit (university and high school) with the approval of their high school counselors. Students who participate in the program attend regular established UNLV courses that are enrolled with UNLV undergraduate students. In addition, Dual Enrollment students receive full access to ASC resources, such as tutoring, advising, and academic success coaching. The ASC Dual Enrollment Program attracts some of the best and brightest students in Clark County and creates a more streamlined bridge from high school to college. For more information, visit or email