The Biological Sciences Minor is appropriate for all students with interests in the life sciences and especially for those who seek careers that may be enhanced by a background in biology. These include, but are not limited to, biochemistry, chemistry, geology, psychology, anthropology, and sociology. To minor in Biological Sciences, students must complete the biological sciences core (BIOL 189, BIOL 190A/L, and BIOL 191A/L) and 12 upper-division credits (BIOL 300 - Principles of Genetics and BIOL 415 - Evolution are recommended). No more than three credits of independent study (BIOL 492, 493, 494, 496) may be applied toward the minor. A Biological Sciences Minor will be awarded only if the overall Biology GPA is 2.00 or above. At least nine credits must be earned at UNLV.
Please see the UNLV College of Sciences web page at for information about department programs, faculty and facilities. Degree worksheets are available at Minor in Biological Sciences | Academics | University of Nevada, Las Vegas (
Please see advising information at the UNLV College of Sciences Advising Center
Institution - Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities
Learning Outcomes
All students graduating with a Minor in Biological Sciences should be able to:
Understand the nature of scientific knowledge.
Understand cell structures and functions.
Understand the physical nature of genetic information.
Understand that all organisms are genetically related, have evolved, and are evolving.
A Biological Sciences Minor will be awarded only if the overall Biology GPA is 2.00 or above.
Transfer Limit
At least nine credits must be earned at UNLV.