Feb 05, 2025  
2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog 
2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog

Academic Standing

 Students enrolled at the University who maintain a University cumulative grade point average of 2.00 (GPB of 0 and higher) will be considered in good standing.

Dean’s Honors List

Undergraduate students are eligible for the Dean’s Honors List if:

  1. At least 12 credits have been completed during the semester with grades on the ABCDF scale and
  2. The semester grade point average is 3.50 or higher.

Courses with an Incomplete (I grade) or grade change completed after the semester will not be eligible to count towards the Dean’s Honors List criteria. The University calculates Dean’s Honors List eligibility for fall and spring semesters only, not for summer term.

Academic Warning

The University will place a student on academic warning status if the University cumulative GPA falls below a 2.00 (GPB -1 or lower).  Academic Warning will be calculated only at the end of a regular fall or spring semester. Students will continue in academic warning status until the grade point balance rises to zero (0) or above. It is the responsibility of students on academic warning to seek advice from an academic advisor.

University Suspension

If the GPB of a student who has ever received notification of academic warning status falls to -15 or below, the University will suspend the student for a minimum of one (1) calendar year.  A suspended student will not be allowed to take any University credit courses. The University will suspend only at the end of a regular fall or spring semester in which the student has been on warning.  University suspension automatically suspends the student from the program and college in which they are enrolled.  An email sent to the student’s official University Rebelmail email address will discharge all university responsibility for notification.

If the student has already begun courses in summer term I at the time that a suspension is processed, the courses in summer term I may be completed for credit.  Students will be dropped from courses in which they are enrolled in summer terms II and III, as well as any future semesters. Credits earned in summer term I will not take a student off university suspension even if the grade point balance reaches above -15.

University Readmission after Suspension 

After one calendar year has elapsed, students may petition their college for readmission. (A student with less than 36 credits may choose to request entrance to the Academic Success Center.)  If there were extenuating circumstances preventing successful academic progress and they have been resolved, students may petition the Faculty Senate for early reinstatement.  Students are required to submit official transcripts of courses taken elsewhere while on suspension.

College Probation, Suspension, and Readmission  

If acceptable progress is not made in the program in which a student is enrolled, the student may be placed on academic warning or suspension at the college level.  In addition to university-wide policies, students are responsible for knowing and complying with applicable school, college and department regulations on academic standing.

College suspension does not suspend a student from the university; however, a suspended student will not be permitted to take any University course until the student has secured re-admittance or acceptance by another college. The college may readmit a student suspended by the college, upon application to the dean, in accordance with college and department regulations.  Students who have been suspended from a college and later re-admitted may be required to apply for reinstatement to a program within the college.

Program Dismissal 

Any student may be dismissed from an academic program for reasons that may include, but are not limited to, inadequate grades, failure to remain in good academic standing as defined by the program, a lack of professionalism, unethical conduct, failure to comport with professional and/or ethical standards applicable to a particular discipline or program, or failure to comply with other specific program requirements.  Each University academic program may establish its own written policies, procedures, and sanctions for its students, so long as the written procedures and sanctions for such program dismissals have been reviewed by the Office of General Counsel and approved by the President of the University.  Students are responsible for knowing and complying with such written policies, procedures, and sanctions.

For programs that do not have a separately approved program dismissal, the procedures specified in the NSHE Student Program Dismissal Policy (NSHE Handbook, Title 2, Chapter 11) shall apply.

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