LAW 603 - Federal Income Tax Credits 3
Overview of the code provisions governing the taxation of individual income and the basic concepts and legal doctrines which courts employ in implementing those provisions.
Prerequisites Majors only or completion of first-year law courses or consent of instructor.
LAW 604 - Administrative Law Credits 3
Examines the legal structure of federal and state government agencies; how they may be structured under the Constitution; how they issue and enforce regulations; and how they make decisions.
Notes Majors only or completion of first-year law courses or consent of instructor.
LAW 605 - Basic Bankruptcy Credits 3
Reviews the basic elements of business and consumer bankruptcy under federal bankruptcy statutes. Emphasis on problem solving and ethical issues.
Prerequisites Majors only or completion of first-year law courses or consent of instructor.
LAW 606 - Evidence Credits 3 – 5
Focuses on the Federal Rules of Evidence and the issues that arise out of their use. Provides understanding of the rules including both their theoretical basis and how they function in the courtroom. Addresses preparation and presentation of various kinds of evidence, including proof of writings; qualifications and examination of witnesses; privilege; opinion testimony; demonstrative, experimental, scientific evidence, determination of relevancy; application of the hearsay rule.
Prerequisites Majors only or completion of first-year law courses or consent of instructor.
LAW 607 - Family Law Credits 3
Basic family law. Covers legal construction of the family and relationship between the state and the family, marriage, divorce, custody, and adoption.
Prerequisites Majors only or completion of first-year law courses or consent of instructor.
LAW 608 - Insurance Law Credits 3
Overview of the theory and operation of insurance, including the marketing, underwriting, and claims process. Major forms of insurance surveyed with primary focus on issues of insurance policy construction and judicial resolution of recurring coverage issues.
Prerequisites Majors only or completion of first-year law courses or consent of instructor.
LAW 609 - Law and Literature Credits 1 – 3
Study of real or functional depictions of lawyers and the legal system from a literary perspective to gain a new understanding of the law.
Prerequisites Majors only or completion of first-year law courses or consent of instructor.
LAW 610 - Advanced Legal Analysis and Writing: Special Topics Credits 3
Analysis and writing about complex legal problems. Interpretation of various authorities and use of various forms of legal reasoning, types of argument, and techniques for clear and effective writing.
Prerequisites LAW 505, LAW 515, majors only, consent of instructor.
LAW 611 - Products Liability Credits 2 – 3
Analyzes the substantive law, underlying theory and policy, and practice of products liability—liability for injuries by defective consumer products.
Prerequisites Majors only or completion of first-year law courses or consent of instructor.
LAW 613 - Professional Responsibility Credits 3
Examines the law governing lawyers, the rules that govern how members of the legal profession, including judges as well as lawyers, may or must behave. Sources of these rules are many— the Constitution, statutes, procedural, evidentiary and court rules, and rules of professional conduct.
Prerequisites Majors only or completion of first-year law courses or consent of instructor.
LAW 614 - Real Estate Finance Credits 3
Mortgages, deeds of trust, installment land contracts, construction financing, mechanics’ liens, sales and leasebacks.
Prerequisites Majors only or completion of first-year law courses or consent of instructor.
LAW 615 - Secured Transactions Credits 3
Covers Article 9 of the Uniform Commercial code with respect to taking security interests in personal property. Emphasis on interplay with real property security and bankruptcy, problem solving and ethical issues.
Prerequisites Majors only or completion of first-year law courses or consent of instructor.
LAW 616 - Criminal Law Credits 3
Introduction to criminal law with emphasis on principles of criminal liability.
Prerequisites Majors only or completion of first-year law courses or consent of instructor.
LAW 617 - Disability Law Credits 3
Examines the law of disability discrimination, focusing on the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 and other federal and state statutes, case law and regulations governing the civil rights of persons with disabilities to education, employment, public accommodations and housing.
Prerequisites Majors only or completion of first-year law courses or consent of instructor.
LAW 618 - Employment Discrimination Law Credits 3
Examines the law of employment discrimination, focusing on Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Civil Rights Act of 1991, the Age Discrimination Employment Act of 1967 and other federal and state statutes, case law and regulations protecting the civil rights of employees and job applicants.
Prerequisites Majors only or completion of first-year law courses or consent of instructor.
LAW 619 - Employment Law Credits 3
Surveys the law of employment relations focusing on common law exceptions to the employment at will doctrine through public policy, individual contracts, handbooks, and tort doctrine. Examines just cause provisions of the Model Termination Act. Analyzes common law and statutory protections afforded to employee speech and employee privacy, and examines federal wages and hours legislation.
Prerequisites Majors only or completion of first-year law courses or consent of instructor.
LAW 620 - Water Law Credits 3
Acquisition and exercise of private rights in water, public rights and environmental protection, water distribution organizations, interstate water allocation, and federal-state relations in water resource management.
Prerequisites Majors only or completion of first-year law courses or consent of instructor.
LAW 621 - Patents, Trademarks and Trade Secrets Credits 3
Study of the law relating to the protection of literary, artistic, and musical material; copyright law, including publication, subjects protected, and extent of protection; aspects of unfair competition, and right of privacy.
Notes May be repeated to a maximum of four credits.
Prerequisites Majors only or completion of first-year law courses or consent of instructor.
LAW 622 - Introduction to Gaming Law Credits 2 – 3
This course provides an overview of public policy issues; the federal role in gaming regulation; the economics of gaming; the creation of gaming control systems; the licensing process; ethical requirements for the gaming lawyer; accounting, internal controls and taxation; gaming contracts; gaming crimes; advertising; entertainment; the legislative process; problem gambling; and practical approaches to legal representation.
Prerequisites Majors only or completion of first-year law courses or consent of instructor.
LAW 624 - Constitutional Law II Credits 3
Examines the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment and related topics and the First Amendment’s Free Speech and Free Press Clauses.
Prerequisites Majors only or completion of first-year law courses or consent of instructor.
LAW 625 - Federal Indian Law Credits 3
Anthropological, historical, and legal study of the American Indians, including a focus on American Indian traditional law and values, federal policy and current legal issues.
Notes May be repeated to a maximum of four credits.
Prerequisites Majors only or completion of first-year law courses or consent of instructor.
LAW 626 - Business Organizations I Credits 3 – 4
Examines different forms of business organization, including corporations, partnerships and limited liability companies. Focuses on similarities and differences among these forms, and examines the roles, responsibilities and rights of the persons involved in business organizations. Does not cover federal regulation of securities or issuers.
Prerequisites Majors only or completion of first-year law courses or consent of instructor.
LAW 627 - Pretrial Litigation Credits 3
Hands-on experience of the pre-trial litigation process in the federal court system. Students act as lawyers in a simulated civil case, interviewing and counseling clients, conducting legal research, drafting pleading, engaging in discovery practice, settlement negotiations and pre-trial motion practice.
Prerequisites Majors only or completion of first-year law courses or consent of instructor.
LAW 628 - Payment Systems Credits 3
Examine the legal rules regarding how goods and services are paid for. Includes portions of Articles 3 and 4 of the Uniform Commercial Code, federal statues regarding credit and debit cards, and the rules regarding negotiable instruments.
LAW 629 - Copyright Credits 3
Covers federal copyright law and the state law right of publicity, with minor attention to some closely related doctrines. Fundamental principles and public policy questions of federal copyright law. Although some state law doctrines examined from time to time, copyright laws in the United states is almost exclusively federal. For students whose career interests include intellectual property or entertainment law. Also recommended for those interested in communications law, general business transactions, and/or commercial litigation.
Notes May be repeated to a maximum of four credits.
LAW 630 - Community Property Credits 1 – 3
Examines the law dealing with the classification, management and distribution of property acquisition within the community property jurisdictions of the United States.
Prerequisites Majors only or completion of first-year law courses or consent of instructor.
LAW 631 - Remedies Credits 2 – 4
Explores what lawyers and courts do to help someone who has been, or is about to be, wronged. In-depth look at the four major categories of remedies: damages, coercive remedies, declaratory relief and restitution.
Prerequisites Majors only or completion of first-year law courses or consent of instructor.
LAW 632 - Wills, Trusts and Estates Credits 2 – 3
Examines intestate succession, family protection, execution of wills, will contests, will substitutes, creation of trusts, modification and termination of trusts, administration of estates and trusts.
Prerequisites Majors only or completion of first-year law courses or consent of instructor.
LAW 633 - Land Use Regulation Credits 2 – 3
Focuses on public regulation of land use, including zoning, subdivision regulation, regulation of urban growth, etc. Include the planning process, constitutional limitations on land use controls, state and regional regulation, aesthetic regulation and discriminatory zoning, and private land use alternatives.
Prerequisites Majors only or completion of first-year law courses or consent of instructor.
LAW 634 - Federal Courts Credits 2 – 3
Examines federal jurisdiction and the law of federal- state relations. Covers federal judicial powers, congressional allocation of jurisdiction, choice of law, district court jurisdiction, appellate review, civil judicial reform, 42 USC Section 1983, Implied Right of Action, 11th Amendment and Federal Habeas Corpus.
Prerequisites Majors only or completion of first-year law courses or consent of instructor.
LAW 635 - Conflict of Laws Credits 2 – 3
Focuses on the problem of choosing which jurisdiction’s law should be applied to transactions, relationships, or events with contracts in more than one jurisdiction.
Prerequisites Majors only or completion of first-year law courses or consent of instructor.
LAW 636 - Child, Parent and the State Credits 2 – 3
Explores the legal relationships between children, their parents, and the state, covering such issues as the child as an autonomous being, the child’s role in the family, family autonomy, and the obligations of parents and the state to children.
Prerequisites Majors only or completion of first-year law courses or consent of instructor.
LAW 637 - Sales and Leases Credits 2 – 3
Examines the laws governing sales and leases of goods, including Articles 1, 2 and 2A of the Uniform Commercial Code, the U.N. Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods, and the Uniform Electronic Transactions Act.
Prerequisites Majors only or completion of first- year law courses or consent of instructor.
LAW 638 - Education Law and Policy Credits 2 – 3
Examines six distinct and highly visible areas of education law and policy, primarily in K-12: compulsory education; school governance and due process; school finance; private schools; religion and public schools; and, equal educational opportunity.
LAW 639 - Feminist Jurisprudence Credits 2 – 3
Explores feminist theory in relation to the law. Examines the historical foundations of women’s legal subordination as well as the various strands of feminist legal theory. Specific units of study may include topics such as affirmative action, comparable worth, work and family, education, sexual harassment, domestic violence, the teaching and practice of law, pornography and free speech, abortion and others.
Prerequisites Majors only or completion of first-year law courses or consent of instructor.
LAW 640 - Labor Law Credits 2 – 3
Explores the employer-employee-union relationship, its historical and economic development and its modern statutory framework.
LAW 641 - Entertainment Law Credits 2 – 3
Surveys a wide range of legal issues pertinent to live and recorded entertainment, including intellectual property rights, contract formation and breach, regulatory schemes, labor issues, and First Amendment considerations.
Prerequisites LAW 629
LAW 642 - Law and Social Justice Credits 2 – 3
Examines the role of law in creating, perpetuating, and dismantling hierarchies of power and privilege in society, particularly those based on social/ethnic groupings, gender, socio-economic class, sexual orientation, and disabilities. Enables students to read law critically with an understanding of the ways in which techniques, practices and rhetorical strategies can exclude and subordinate based on categories of identity.
LAW 643 - Legislation and Statutory Interpretation Credits 2 – 3
Explores some of the various procedural, constitutional, and jurisprudential issues raised by a study of the unique role that state and federal legislatures play in constitutional order.
Prerequisites Majors only or completion of first-year law courses or consent of instructor.
LAW 644 - Juvenile Law Credits 2 – 3
Examines the procedural and substantive law and judicial administration relating to juvenile justice. Primary area of concentration: rights of accused juvenile, police conduct and detention, reference for adult prosecution, adjudication, treatment vs. punishment, and the roles of the lawyer in the juvenile court system.
Prerequisites Majors only or completion of first-year law courses or consent of instructor.
LAW 645 - Lawyering Theory and Practice Credits 2 – 4
Students study and perform a range of tasks and services performed by practicing attorneys in the representation of clients. Exercises include counseling, assessment of legal problems, efforts for resolution and claims activity, including litigation and defense through complaints, motions, discovery, and trial-related activity.
LAW 646 - Cyberlaw Credits 2 –4
Study of legal issues attending use of computers and electronic communications and commerce, including intellectual property concerns related to cyberspace and features such as websites, e-commerce and communications.
Notes LAW 629 is strongly recommended.
LAW 647 - Civil Rights Litigation Credits 2 – 4
Students examine, analyze and evaluate the various stages of a complex case involving a civil rights claim made pursuant to the Constitution, federal anti-discrimination statutes, or common law.
Prerequisites LAW 515, majors only, consent of instructor.
LAW 648 - Health Care Liability and Quality Regulation Credits 3
Explores ways in which the law promotes the quality of health care through licensing, certification, and accreditation of health care professionals and institutions and also addresses liability issues in the health care context.
Prerequisites Majors only or completion of first-year law courses or consent of instructor.
LAW 649 - Taxation of Business Entities Credits 2 – 3
Surveys federal income taxation of business entities and their owners, including corporations, partnerships, LLC’s, and LLP’s.
Prerequisites LAW 603, majors only or completion of first-year law courses or consent of instructor.
LAW 650 - Estate and Gift Tax Credits 1 – 3
Examines the federal taxation regime applicable to gifts and inheritances.
Prerequisites Majors only or completion of first-year law courses or consent of instructor.
LAW 651 - Environmental Quality Law Credits 2 – 3
Provides an overview of the law and policy of environmental quality and pollution control. Addresses the origins and development of modern statutory environmental law as it relates to the various media: air, water and soil.
Prerequisites Majors only or completion of first-year law courses or consent of instructor.
LAW 652 - International Public Law Credits 2 – 3
Introduction to the doctrines, institutions and methodology of modern international law. Students examine the legal systems governing relations among states, and their expansion to non-state actors. Also analyzes the application of international law in domestic courts, international tribunals and organizations, doctrines of jurisdiction and immunities and human rights.
Prerequisites Majors only or completion of first-year law courses or consent of instructor.
LAW 653 - Criminal Procedure I Credits 3
Basic course in criminal procedure. Covers laws regulating daily interactions of police and public, including laws of search and seizure and of interrogations. Does not cover rights subsequent to interrogation.
Prerequisites Majors only or completion of first-year law courses or consent of instructor.
LAW 654 - Public Lands and Natural Resources Law Credits 2 – 3
Provides an introduction to federal public lands and natural resources law. Focuses on the laws and legal systems that govern the classification and use of the federally owned lands comprising a third of America and the vast majority of the West. Examines major resource areas, including: minerals, timber, range, wildlife, recreation, wilderness, and cultural resources. Explores the interplay between environmental, economic, cultural, social and political factors in managing national parks, forest, and the public domain.
Prerequisites Majors only or completion of first-year law courses or consent of instructor.
LAW 655 - Securitization Credits 2 – 3
Examines the financing technique of securitization and its various legal underpinnings. Securitization is a trillion dollar industry that raises issues in corporate finance, secured transactions, bankruptcy and securities regulation.
Prerequisites Majors only or completion of first-year law courses or consent of instructor, and LAW 615 or LAW 626.
LAW 656 - Business Organizations II Credits 2 – 3
Covers the law of publicly-traded corporations. Special attention will be given to the fiduciary duties of boards of directors; management, and controlling shareholders; proxy regulation and shareholder voting; insider trading; shareholder litigation and mergers and acquisitions.
Prerequisites Majors only or completion of first-year law courses or consent of instructor.
LAW 657 - Antitrust Credits 1 – 3
Basic legal framework for regulating conduct to undermine competitive markets. Topics include antitrust regulation of horizontal agreements between competitors to restrain trade, such as price-fixing, output restrictions, boycotts and mergers; vertical agreements between suppliers and purchasers such as distributional restraints, exclusive dealing and tying; and unilateral conduct, such as monopolization and attempted monopolization. Role of antitrust law in today’s technological environment.
Prerequisites Majors only or completion of first- ear law courses or consent of instructor.
LAW 658 - Immigration Law Credits 1 – 3
Covers legal issues and policies pertaining to non- citizens of the United States, including the regulation of admission, exclusion, and deportation of immigrants seeking to enter the United States. Rights of non-citizens who are in U.S. territory in the areas of health, education, and labor. Topics covered from various perspectives, including constitutional law, international human rights, comparative law, ethics and morality and history.
Prerequisites Majors only or completion of first-year law courses or consent of instructor.
LAW 659 - First Amendment Rights Credits 2 – 3
Explores in depth critical First Amendment FreedomsラFreedom of Expression and Association, Freedom of Press and Media, and Freedom of Religion.
Prerequisites Law 517
LAW 660 - Banking Law Credits 3
Basic understanding of the federal and state laws governing traditional commercial banks and financial institutions in the United States, At the end of the course, the students will have a solid foundation which they can use to study more specific areas of law regarding such institutions.
Prerequisites Majors only or completion of first year law courses or consent of instructor.
LAW 661 - Federal Taxation Credits 1 – 5
Surveys the three major federal tax topics: income tax (two-fifths of course), taxation of business entities (two-fifths), and estate and gift tax (one-fifth). Students may enroll for all three components (5 credits), or two components, or one component (credits depending on components taken).
Prerequisites Majors only or completion of first year law courses or consent of instructor.
LAW 662 - Civil and Criminal Tax Litigation Credits 1 – 3
Examines tax controversy resolution mechanism. Not limited to tax students. Helpful for all interested in litigation career, including civil litigation and white collar crime. Also, good to hone drafting skills. Students prepare pleadings, memos, and other controversy-related documents.
Notes May be repeated to a maximum of three credits.
Prerequisites Majors only or completion of first year law courses or consent of instructor.
LAW 663 - Advanced Issues in Tax Credits 2 – 3
Seminar. In consultation with the professor, students select a topic of current interest and importance in federal, state, or international taxation.
Notes Students write research papers on topic and present and defend them in class.
Prerequisites Majors only or completion of first year law courses, or consent of instructor.
LAW 664 - Criminal Procedure II Credits 3
Covers law and practices between the time defendant is charged and final disposition and sentencing. Includes prosecutorial discretion, bail, plea bargaining right to counsel, due process, sentencing, and post-conviction review.
Prerequisites Majors only or completion of first year courses or consent of instructor.
LAW 665 - Health Care Organization and Finance Credits 3
Laws and legal issues relating to the organization and operation of health care enterprises and the financing of health care services.
Notes Prior or concurrent enrollment in LAW 626 desirable but not required.
Prerequisites Majors only or completion of first year courses or consent of professor.
LAW 666 - Domestic Violence and the Law Credits 3
Examines violence against women and others in intimate relationships and the ways in which the law impacts and is impacted by domestic violence. Explores the history and social context of domestic violence and the dynamics and dimensions of abusive relationships.
Prerequisites Majors only or completion of first year courses or consent of professor.
LAW 667 - International Criminal Law Credits 3
Covers the basics of public international law in the context of international criminal law including the nature of international crime, aspects of the international substantive system of laws, and specific offenses, as well as how this law is adjudicated and enforced. Specific offenses covered will include both international and transnational crimes as well as the procedural and adjudicative mechanisms established to deal with these offenses.
Prerequisites Majors only or completion of first year law courses or consent of instructor.
LAW 668 - Commercial Law: Core Concepts in Secured Transactions and Payments Systems Credits 4 – 5
Gives students a familiarity with, and the ability to manipulate, basic concepts in secured transactions (Article 9 of the Uniform Commercial Code) and certain aspects of payment systems (Articles 3,4 and 5 of the Uniform Commercial Code).
Prerequisites Majors only or completion of first year law courses or consent of instructor.
LAW 669 - Legal Drafting: Special Topics Credits 3
Drafting legal documents such as contracts, leases, wills, by-laws, and employment agreements. Recognizing the importance of determining the client’s objectives, researching the relevant law, organizing the document effectively, and drafting with accuracy, clarity, brevity, and appropriate tone.
Prerequisites LAW 505, LAW 515; majors only; consent of instructor.
LAW 670 - Alternative Dispute Resolution Survey Credits 3
Students learn about negotiation, mediation, arbitration, and other forms of dispute resolution that are alternative or supplemental to litigation. The course will include theory, discussion, simulations, and lectures.
Prerequisites 500-level courses; majors only; consent of instructor.
LAW 671 - Judicial Writing Credits 3
Introduction to style and form of judicial writing. Researching and writing on problems typically handled by trial or appellate courts. Exploration of the roles of courts in America’s law and society, the internal workings of courts, and the roles and ethical obligations of various court staff.
Prerequisites LAW 505, LAW 515; majors only; consent of instructor.
LAW 672 - International Business Transactions Credits 3
Explores a wide range of legal problems involving international trade, licensing, and investment issues.
Prerequisites Majors only or completion of first-year law courses or consent of instructor.
LAW 673 - Estate Planning Credits 3
Cover various estate planning strategies, including but not limited to, the estate planning process, wills and living trusts, gifting considerations, life insurance, limited partnerships and limited liability companies and charitable giving.
Prerequisites LAW 632, LAW 650, majors only or permission of instructor.
LAW 674 - Perspectives on the LawヨHistory and Jurisprudence Credits 3
Explores American Legal History and the best thinking about the nature of law and how it functions.
Prerequisites Majors only or permission of instructor.
LAW 675 - State and Local Taxation Credits 1 – 3
Explores the state and federal constitutional limits on state taxation and the principle kinds of state taxes: income, sales and property taxes.
Prerequisites Majors only or completion of first-year law courses or consent of instructor.
LAW 676 - Intellectual Property Licensing Practicum Credits 3
Covers the fundamentals of intellectual property licensing agreements with emphasis on drafting techniques for licenses involving patents, copyrights, trademarks, databases, and/or trade secrets.
Notes This course satisfies the third semester Lawyering Process requirement.
Prerequisites LAW 505, and LAW 515, LAW 621 or LAW 629.
LAW 677 - Nevada Civil Practice Credits 2-3
This course covers the basic areas of civil practice [actions, pleadings, civil procedure, evidence, and remedies], and will explore their particular applications [from selection, discovery tactics, litigation and trial strategy, professional ethics].
Prerequisites Majors only or completion of first year law courses or consent of professor.
LAW 678 - U.S. Federal Gaming Law Credits 3
This course will provide basic information about federal gambling law, including laws concerning Native American casinos, interstate wagering, international wagering, transportation of wagering devices and online wagering.
LAW 679 - Advanced Writers’ Group Credits 1
The Advanced Writers’ Group helps students become more effective legal writers by providing opportunities for them to respond to others’ writing and to receive feedback on their own writing.
Notes S/F grading only.
LAW 680 - International Intellectual Property Credits 3
This course covers the principles, treaties and mechanisms that regulate intellectual property at the international level (particularly copyright, patents, trademarks and internet domain names) and surveys the differences in the intellectual property laws of various countries.
LAW 681 - Critical Race Theory Credits 2-5
This course will explore the relationship between race and the law from the perspective of Critical Race Theory (CRT). It covers the origins of the literature and contrasts CRT with other frameworks. The course also covers major theoretical themes as well as questions and criticisms raised about CRT.
LAW 689 - Resort & Hotel Casino Law Credits 3
The course will explore the legal issues that arise from the operation of a resort hotel and casino, using Nevada companies as typical examples. Although many of the topics discussed will be relevant to non-gaming resorts, this course emphasizes legal issues relating to the presence of gaming in resorts. The course is designed to provide an understanding of the array of legal issues associated with the operation of a resort hotel and the laws applicable to those issues. Legal issues will be identified and analyzed, and solutions will be discussed in the context of resort hotel and casino business operations.
LAW 710 - The Bill of Rights in Law and History Credits 2 – 3
Read recent works on the Bill of Rights and consider contemporary and historical questions about the meaning and purpose of the Bill of Rights or one of its particular provisions. Topics include federalism, populism, the role of reason in conceptualizations of the Constitution and Bill of Rights, the problem of unenumerated rights and issues raised by the incorporation controversy.
Prerequisites Law 517
LAW 711 - Children in Society: Selected Problems Credits 2 – 3
Examines issues related to laws and policy governing the place and treatment of children in American society. Specific issues vary somewhat based on current events and student interest, but generally focus on legal and policy issues affecting the meaning of the state’s parents-partial obligation, the parent-child relationship and the family.
LAW 712 - Trial Advocacy Credits 2 – 4
Students design, execute, and practice the lawyering tasks specifically associated with actual courtroom trials, including opening statements, direct examination, cross-examination, evidentiary objectives, and closing arguments. Students perform these tasks in the context of hypothetical cases.
Prerequisites Prior or concurrent enrollment in LAW 606 and LAW 515.
LAW 713 - Interviewing, Counseling and Negotiations Credits 2 – 4
Studies three principal forms of lawyering that take place outside the courtroom. Examines issues of client relations, decision-making and ethics in dealing with opponents as well as in guiding clients. Simulated exercises performed by students.
Prerequisites LAW 610
LAW 714 - Alternative Dispute Resolution Practicum Credits 2 – 4
Engages in simulated situations involving various means of alternative dispute resolution in action, including simulated forms of meditation, arbitration, and various hybrids of ADR.
Prerequisites LAW 531
LAW 715 - Mediation Credits 2 – 3
Examines the theory, practice, and public policy of mediation. Focusing particularly on issues of relevance to attorneys representing clients in mediation, the course will include simulations.
Prerequisites Majors only or completion of first year law courses or consent of instructor.
LAW 716 - Society of Advocates Credits 1 – 3
Students participate in forensic competitions, such as moot court and trial practice, involving legal research and analysis and brief writing as well as oral arguments or other advanced lawyering tasks.
Prerequisites LAW 515, majors only; consent of instructor.
LAW 717 - Arbitration Credits 2 – 4
Examination of the history and use of arbitration as well as its current legal status. Focus will be on substantive legal doctrines of arbitration particularly enforcement of arbitration agreements, and on arbitration procedure, particularly the manner in which arbitration may be conducted in various contexts.
Prerequisites LAW 610
LAW 718 - Advanced Advocacy: Special Topics Credits 3
Analysis and writing about complex legal problems and writing documents that would be submitted to a court or quasi-judicial decision-maker.
Prerequisites LAW 505 and LAW 515; majors only; consent of instructor.
LAW 719 - Negotiation Credits 2 – 3
Examines the theory, practice, and public policy of negotiation. Focusing particularly on issues of relevance to attorneys representing clients in negotiation, the course will include numerous simulations.
Prerequisites Majors only or completion of first year law courses or consent of instructor.
LAW 720 - Trial Evidence Credits 2
This course is designed to move evidence from a group of rules grounded in theory to their application in adversarial proceedings.
Prerequisites .
LAW 721 - Criminal Evidence Credits 2
An in-depth exploration of the evidentiary issues that often come into play in criminal trials.
Prerequisites and .
LAW 722 - International Commercial Arbitration Credits 2
This course introduces students to the fundamentals of international commercial arbitration, including drafting an effective arbitration clause, selection of arbitrators, proceedings before arbitrators, enforcement, and challenge of awards.
LAW 723 - Economics and the Law Credits 3
Application of economic analysis to the topics confronted in litigation. Topics include: microeconomic theory, property rights, contracts, torts, discrimination, eminent domain, copyrights, patents, antitrust and criminal law.
Prerequisites ECO 302 or MBA 710, or consent of instructor.
LAW 724 - Law Practice Management Credits 1 – 3
Study how to maintain law practice for clients, including not only law office management but also issues of handling client funds, legal ethics, and economics of successful law practice.
Prerequisites Majors only or completion of first-year law courses or consent of instructor.
LAW 725 - Gaming Policy Seminar Credits 1 – 3
Studies gaming policy and sophisticated legal issues surrounding gaming law and regulation, primarily through case studies. Focuses on legislative and administrative action as well as litigation.
Prerequisites Majors only or completion of first-year law courses, LAW 622 or consent of instructor.
LAW 726 - Separation of Powers Law Credits 2 – 3
Explores the separation of powers in federal constitutional system. Topics covered include allocation of authority in the Constitution relating to the conduct of American foreign policy and the conduct of war-making activities.
Prerequisites Majors only or completion of first-year law courses or consent of instructor.
LAW 727 - International Human Rights Law Credits 2 – 3
Studies the norms, procedures, and the actors of international human rights. Explores the U.S. role in international human rights, the US policies that motivate its involvement, and the significance of international human rights as US domestic law. Explores the legal and moral complexities of implementing universal principles of human rights and introduce the mechanics of the practice of human rights domestically and internationally.
Prerequisites Majors only or completion of first year law courses or consent of instructor.
LAW 728 - Bioethics and the Law Credits 2 – 3
Seminar explores law and policy relating to bioethical issues. Coverage of issues varies somewhat based on current events and student interest. Topics may include abortion, genetic screening, defining death, the “right to die,” and research involving human subjects.
Prerequisites Majors only, consent of instructor.
LAW 729 - Advanced Legal Research Credits 1 – 3
Expands the research skills that have been introduced in Lawyering Process I as well as introduce new topics. Focuses on practitioner oriented materials and their use. In addition, research in specific subject areas also explored.
Prerequisites Majors only, consent of instructor; LAW 505, LAW 515.
LAW 730 - Business Bankruptcy Credits 2 – 3
Studies financially distressed businesses with emphasis on business reorganizations under Chapter 11 of the Bankruptcy Code. Emphasizes lawyering skills and may include students representing parties in a simulated Chapter 11.
Prerequisites Majors only, or completion of first year courses or consent of professor; either LAW 605 or LAW 615.
LAW 731 - Seminar in Race, Gender, Sexual Orientation and the Law Credits 2 – 3
Students select the specific topics covered. Examines race, ethnicity, culture, gender, and sexual orientation and how legal norms address tensions raised by such diversity.
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