Jul 27, 2024  
2017-2018 Graduate Catalog 

Graduate Courses

  • EOH 766 - Biological Invasions and Environmental Health

    Credits 3

    This class covers topics with regard to the human introduction, impacts, and prevention of invasive species to environmental health, such as invasion theory, species distinction, ecosystem health, social and economic impacts, invasive species control and management.

  • EOH 767 - Airborne Pathogens and Human Health

    Credits 3

    Airborne pathogens are microorganisms that can cause disease or adverse health effects when humans are exposed to them in indoor and outdoor environments. This course will describe the physical and environmental parameters that affect the dispersal, transport and survival of airborne pathogens and discuss the human health impacts of exposure.

  • EOH 769 - Pollution and Health

    Credits 3

    This course will address the major effects of pollution on human health and ecosystems.

  • EOH 775 - Injury Epidemiology

    Credits 3

    This course will teach students about the epidemiology of intentional and unintentional injury. The course will include the basic concepts of injury prevention, injury surveillance, strategies for injury control, developing injury prevention programs, and designing injury research and evaluation.

    Core Epidemiology and Research Methods.

  • EOH 777 - Emerging Infectious Disease

    Credits 3

    Re-emerging and newly recognized/emerging infections diseases are having a significant on public health world-wide. This course will present a variety of new diseases resulting from exposure to emerging and re-emerging microbial pathogens and suggested treatment and control strategies to minimize exposure and health impacts.

  • EOH 781 - Public Health Policy: Integrating Theory and Practice

    Credits 3

    How policy is used as a tool of public health through theory, case studies, and application through collaboration with community partners. Topics include the policy process; the roles of science, law, ethics, economics, and politics in policy; policy analysis; public health advocacy.

    Graduate standing

  • EOH 790 - Doctoral Seminar

    Credits 3

    This is an advanced seminar course directed by members of the Department of Environmental and Occupational Health and the Epidemiology and Biostatistics Program. Seminars will be facilitated by faculty members based on their particular areas of research interest and expertise.

    Same as
    EAB 790

    S/U grading only.

  • EOH 793 - Internship in Environmental Health

    Credits 1 – 3

    The environmental internships is one of the capstone experiences for the MPH degree and is intended to provide students with applied work experience in a local agency, organization, center or institute.

    May be repeated to a maximum of six credits.

    Admission to the School of Community Health Sciences or consent of instructor.

  • EOH 794 - Professional Paper in Environmental Health

    Credits 3

    This capstone experience provides the opportunity for a graduate degree candidate to be involved in an in-depth project either written or experimental in nature. A formal paper and presentation describing the project culminate this experience.

    May be repeated to a maximum of six credits.

    Admission to the School of Community Health Sciences or consent of instructor.

  • EOH 795 - Special Topics in Public Health

    Credits 3

    Selected topic of current interest not covered in any existing courses in environmental and occupational health.

    May be repeated to a maximum of three credits.

    Admission to the School of Community Health Sciences or consent of instructor.

  • EOH 796 - Independent Study in Environmental Health

    Credits 1 – 3

    Independent study of a selected topic in Environmental and Occupational Health.

    May be repeated to a maximum of six credits.

    Admission to the School of Community Health Sciences or consent of instructor.

  • EOH 797 - Dissertation Prospectus

    Credits 3

    This course is designed to guide students in the development of their dissertation prospectus.

  • EOH 798 - Thesis Research

    Credits 1 – 6

    May be repeated, but a maximum of six credits will apply towards the student’s degree program.

    S/F grading only.

  • EOH 799 - Dissertation

    Credits 3-6

    Dissertation in Environmental and Occupational Health

    May be repeated to a maximum of 21 credits

    PhD standing

  • EPL 700 - Special Topics

    Credits (1-3)

    Topics related to current issues in educational leadership and policy. May be repeated with new content. Maximum credit 6 units.

    May be repeated with new content to a maximum of 6 credits.

  • EPL 705 - Independent Study

    Credits (1-3)

    Independent study of a topic in educational leadership and policy under the direction/supervision of a faculty member.

    May be repeated to a maximum of 6 credits.

    Permission of instructor.

  • EPL 720 - Introduction to Leadership and Organizations

    Credits 3

    Introduction to general theories of educational leadership and organizational systems. 

  • EPL 722 - Educational Research Methods

    Credits 3

    Introduction to research for school leaders, including an overview of quantitative and qualitative research methods. The role of research in organizational change and strategic planning will be emphasized. Specific applications of research in terms of school improvement and student achievement will be addressed.

  • EPL 731 - Leadership in a Digital Age

    Credits 3

    The role of educational leaders in creating and sustaining systems and processes to align curriculum, instruction, and assessment with 21st century skills for college and career readiness, including the use of appropriate digital technologies to support learning and organizational goals.

  • EPL 732 - School and Community Leadership

    Credits 2

    How to work effectively with diverse families and community members by assessing and responding to diverse community interests and needs; sharing leadership with stakeholders; motivating and mobilizing community resources; and examining relationships between schools and communities from demographic and political perspectives, all to promote student achievement.

  • EPL 735 - Leadership for School Improvement

    Credits 3

    Application of evidence-based decision-making methods aimed at creating a culture of continuous school improvement including: 1) the collection, analysis, and interpretation of multiple measures, 2) the inter-relationships between evidence-based interventions and educational outcomes, 3) commonly used analytic strategies and processes, and (4) a step-by-step approach to evidence-based decisions.

  • EPL 737 - Systematic Professional Development and Instructional Supervision

    Credits 3

    The practice of teacher supervision with emphases on instructional leadership and professional development.  The course addresses coaching, adult learning, and distributive leadership to support the culture of learning and equity in the organization.

  • EPL 740 - Educational Systems

    Credits 1

    Seminar emphasizing the development of systems to guide instructional supervision through the use of research-based instructional frameworks.

  • EPL 742 - Leadership Field Experience

    Credits 3

    Supervised field experience in PK-12 schools.

    May be repeated to a maximum of 6 credits.

    Permission of program.

  • EPL 751 - Educational Law & Policy: Student Issues

    Credits 1

    Applicable federal, state, and local requirements and public policy related to student rights and responsibilities through case studies intended to develop the student’s capacity to create a safe and productive school culture.  Emphasis is placed on legal protections and due process relative to student discipline issues.

  • EPL 753 - Human and Fiscal Resource Management

    Credits 2

    The management of fiscal and human resources in PK-12 schools in order to achieve greater student performance. Case studies and simulations will be employed to develop the necessary resource management knowledge and skills. 

  • EPL 755 - Law for Exceptional Students

    Credits 1

    Seminar addressing applicable federal, state, and local requirements and public policy for providing services to exceptional and at-risk student populations through study of contemporary case law, case study analysis, and evidence-based program design and supervision.

  • EPL 757 - Education Law and Public Policy: Teacher/Staff Evaluation

    Credits 1

    Introduction of applicable federal, state, and local requirements and public policy for high stakes assessment of teachers emphasizing continuous improvement through carefully designed personnel supervision and evaluation. Contract management, employee discipline and recognition, and procedural expectations for insuring fairness and equity will be addressed.


  • EPL 758 - Financial Entrepreneurship & Educational Innovation

    Credits 3

    Exploration of educational leaders’ roles as entrepreneurs within existing organizational structures as well as how educational leaders can develop partnerships with various community, government, and business entities to augment financial and human resources toward increasing student learning.

  • EPL 780 - Capstone Seminar: Educational Leadership

    Credits 2

    The capstone seminar provides students with the opportunity to synthesize core and major coursework completed during the program of graduate study culminating in a portfolio or poster presentation demonstrating competencies in educational leadership as evidenced by field-based experiences.

    Permission of program.

  • EPP 710 - Assessment of Intelligence by School Psychologists

    Credits 3

    Theory and practice in the use of assessment measures for evaluating intellectual abilities of children, youth, and adults.

    Admission to program or consent of instructor.

  • EPP 715 - Projective, Personality, and Behavioral Assessment by School Psychologists

    Credits 3

    Assessment devices used by school psychologist to evaluate student’s emotional and behavioral status.

    Admission to program or consent of instructor.

  • EPP 720 - Problems in Child Development

    Credits 3

    Application of the principles in child growth and development; interpretation of research and theory of school practices relating student personnel services to the resolution of professional problems in the school.

    Graduate standing or consent of instructor.

  • EPP 723 - Diagnostic and Prescriptive Strategies: Psychopathology

    Credits 3

    Designed to explore variables and intervention strategies with emphasis on assessment-based interventions and focus on brief counseling theories and techniques for school psychologists and other school-based practitioners.

    (EPC 723)

    Admission to doctoral program or consent of instructor.

  • EPP 730 - Consultation Theory & Skills

    An overview of the foundations of collaboration models, research-based interventions, and skills for use in culturally diverse schools and communities.

  • EPP 735 - Evidence Based Interventions to Promote Mental Health

    Empirically supported counseling interventions to promote mental health and address psychosocial issues that may impede school functioning. 

    CED 727  

  • EPP 745 - Legal Clinic on Law, Ethics, & Advocacy

    Credits 3

    Collaborative interdisciplinary experiences advocating for the educational rights of children and youth who are involved in the legal system. Substantive areas of law, psychology, educational advocacy; ethics, consultation, collaboration, and professionalism.       

  • EPP 750 - Advanced Test Analysis in School Psychology

    Credits 3

    Functional and theoretical approach for interpretation and inquiry applications with cognitive and affective scales typical in school-based practice. Emphasis on advanced statistical analysis for synthesizing data in diagnostic and validation studies.

    Admission to doctoral program or consent of instructor.

  • EPP 760 - Psychoeducational Issues of Diverse Learners

    Credits 3

    Provides skills needed to work with diverse learners in a psychoeducational setting. The learner will be expected to understand multicultural issues concerning assessment, counseling, second-language acquisition, and/or general cultural diversity.

    Admission to program or consent of instructor.

  • EPP 761 - Role and Function of the School Psychologist

    Credits 3

    Primarily designed for prospective school psychologists but also for those interested in field of school psychology. In-depth survey of field with its related problems and issues. Local, regional, and national issues studied from a practical field perspective.

    Consent of instructor.

  • EPP 762 - School Psychology Intermediate Practicum

    Credits 3

    Supervised practice with children in school and clinic settings with intervention recommendations.

    May be repeated up to a maximum of nine credits.

    Admission to program and consent of instructor.

  • EPP 763 - Psychoeducational Academic and Diagnostic Assessment

    Credits 3

    Teaches students how to effectively perform psychological, academic, and diagnostic testing as part of a general psychoeducational evaluation. Students will also be given skills in diagnosing educational and psychological disorders.

    Admission to program or consent of instructor.

  • EPP 764 - School Psychology Seminar

    Credits 1

    Review of issues and research in the field of school psychology.

    May be repeated to a maximum of four credits.

    Consent of instructor.

  • EPP 765 - Advanced Assessment Seminar:

    Credits 1 – 9

    Designed to provide functional skills in assessment in the diagnosis and evaluation phase of counseling to provide skills in the administration, scoring, and interpretation of clinical instruments.

    Admission to program or consent of instructor.

  • EPP 766 - School Psychology Professional Paper

    Credits 2

    Scholarly paper on a topic pertinent to the profession of school psychology.

    Admission to program and consent of instructor.

  • EPP 767 - School-Based Neuropsychological Assessment

    Credits 3

    Provides functional skills in neuropsychological assessment for school psychologists with attention to organization of the human nervous system, brain-behavior relationships, and developing recommendations for instructional interventions based on neurocognitive strengths and weaknesses.

  • EPP 769 - Internship in School Psychology

    Credits 3

    Supervised school-based experience as a school psychologist intern.

    May be repeated to a maximum of six credits.

    EPP 761 (may be taken concurrently).

  • EPP 770 - Systems Change, Leadership, & Advocacy in Schools

    Credits 3

    Overview of models for systems change in schools and skills in research-based interventions, organizational consultation, leadership, and advocacy.  

  • EPP 773 - Social Science Contributions in Education

    Credits 2

    Utilization of theory, data, and methodology from various social sciences to gain an appreciation and understanding of the forces and interactions among societies, institutions, and individuals in the realm of educational theory and pedagogy. a) Anthropological perspectives. b) Sociological perspectives. c) Economic perspectives.

    May be repeated to a maximum of six credits.

    Consent of instructor.

  • EPY 690 - Introduction to the Learning Sciences

    Credits 3

    The learning sciences are concerned with designing effective learning innovations and environments.  Field is rooted in educational psychology, cognitive science, anthropology, applied linguistics, educational technology, and computer science.  Course surveys major aspects of the learning sciences, including research methodologies, learning technologies, collaborative learning, disciplinary learning, teacher learning, policy design.

    This course is crosslisted with EPY 490. Credit at the 600-level requires additional work.

  • EPY 699 - Special Topics

    Specialized instruction in counseling and human development services concerned with specific problem areas or specific approaches to counseling and delivery systems. Specific topics designed to help students develop in-depth understanding of particular topic or issue.

    This course is crosslisted with EPY 499. Credit at the 600 level requires additional work.

  • EPY 700 - Special Problems: EPY

    Credits 1 – 6

    Specialized instruction in general professional education designed to develop depth in understanding of current EPY problems.

    May be repeated to a maximum of six credits.

  • EPY 701 - Proseminar in Educational Psychology

    Credits 1 – 2

    Introduction to graduate studies in educational psychology. Topics may include, but are not limited to: teaching apprenticeship, professional organizations, creating a vita, evaluation and assessment, institutional review board training, peer review process, use of PsychInfo and other topics relevant to graduate studies.

    May be repeated to a maximum of two credits.

      (may be taken concurrently) or equivalent.

  • EPY 702 - Research Methods

    Credits 3

    Early entry graduate-level survey of research methods with emphasis on comprehension of educational research literature. Includes scientific method, locating and summarizing published research, sampling, measurement, statistics, research design, and critique of published research

  • EPY 703 - Teachers as Producers and Consumers of Educational Research

    Credits 3

    Entry graduate-level survey of research methods with a dual emphasis on 1) comprehension of educational research literature (teachers as consumers of educational research) and 2) designing and conducting classroom-based research (teachers as producers of educational research).

  • EPY 707 - Adolescent Development

    Credits 3

    Examines physical, cognitive, social, and moral development of adolescents. Theories of identity development, including ethnic identity development, and their applications to counseling, education, and curriculum development discussed. Social relations, aspects of sexuality, and special problems/issues of adolescence.

  • EPY 708 - Human Learning and Development

    Credits 3

    Graduate-level introduction to basic concepts in educational psychology with emphasis on development, learning, and motivation.

    Undergraduate degree not in behavioral science or consent of instructor.

  • EPY 709 - Classroom Assessment

    Credits 3

    Compares and contrasts traditional and alternative assessment procedures including factors such as: philosophical basis, purposes, roles of teacher, student and administrators, interpreting and reporting results, and strengths and limitations. The role of assessment in promoting learning also discussed.

    EPY 707 or EPY 708 (may be concurrent) or consent of instructor.

  • EPY 710 - Survey Methods and Design

    Credits 3

    Systematic analysis of survey design and research conducted using survey techniques with emphasis on how to effectively plan and conduct mail, electronic, and other self-administered.

    EPY 702 or consent of instructor.

  • EPY 711 - Human Growth and Development

    Credits 3

    Emphasis on implications of human growth and life-span development (childhood through adulthood) for counseling, research and instruction. Topics include prenatal development and birth, death and dying, and physical, perceptual, cognitive, moral, personality, and language development.

    EPY 701  or consent of instructor.

  • EPY 712 - Foundations of Learning and Cognition

    Credits 3

    Systematic analysis of concepts and principles of human learning with emphasis on their application to instruction and counseling. Topics include classical and operant conditioning, information-processing and memory, the neurophysiology of learning, and personality and social factors in learning.

  • EPY 716 - Evaluation Research Methods

    Credits 3

    Addresses the definition and purposes of evaluation research including its potential uses and limitations. Examines models of evaluation research and their application in a variety of settings.

    Students are strongly encouraged to complete EPY 711 prior to enrolling in this course.

    EPY 702  or EDH 707  ; EPY 721 

  • EPY 717 - Analysis of Applied Learning Principles and Educational Media

    Credits 3

    Introduction to the processes and products of educational media development/selection through the study of contributions, evaluation criteria, and production requirements essential for optimal learning situations. Includes practice in applying learning principles to educational media.

  • EPY 718 - Qualitative Research Methodologies

    Credits 3

    Qualitative approaches to exploring phenomena related to educational and other social contexts. Attention given to theoretical and practical considerations of case studies, ethnographies, participant observation and narrative reports; discussion of criteria for establishing goodness of qualitative studies.

    Field work using qualitative methods required.

    EPY 702  

  • EPY 719 - Advanced Qualitative Research

    Credits 3

    Qualitative approaches to exploring phenomena related to educational and other social contexts. Analysis of data and presentation of findings. Specific emphasis on analysis of discourses from participant observation and/or interview data.

    Field work using qualitative methods may be required.

    EPY 702  and EPY 718  

  • EPY 721 - Descriptive and Inferential Statistics: An Introduction

    Credits 3

    Descriptive indices of central location and dispersion, correlation and regression, hypothesis testing and basic inferential techniques. Emphasis on intuitive understanding and applications in educational/behavioral measurement and research.

  • EPY 722 - Inferential Statistics and Experimental Design

    Credits 3

    Intermediate- level coverage of inferential statistics and experimental design analysis covering commonly used techniques in educational and behavioral research with computer applications.

    EPY 721  

  • EPY 723 - Theory and Practice of Human Measurement I

    Credits 3

    Measurement of human characteristics using applications of classical measurement theory and introduction to the more recent item response theory models. Topics include test planning, scaling, item and test construction, item analysis, reliability and validity.

    EPY 721  (EPY 721 may be taken concurrently).

  • EPY 724 - Theory and Practice of Human Measurement II

    Credits 3

    Human measurement emphasizing methods of test and trait validation. Topics include factor analysis, discriminant analysis, item response theory, test equating, and current issues in measurement.

    EPY 721 , EPY 722 EPY 723  (EPY 722 may be taken concurrently).

  • EPY 726 - Advanced Evaluation Research Methods

    Credits 3

    Addresses application of evaluation research theory and methods through a project-bases curriculum in order to provide in-depth examination of essential elements of the evaluation process.

    EPY 716  

  • EPY 728 - Applied Classroom Research

    Credits 3

    Provides students with basic knowledge and skills necessary to conduct research within a classroom. Introduces elements required to begin and conduct an action research project, including purpose/rationale, literature review, data collection, analysis and interpretation, and communicating results.

    EPY 702  or EPY 703  and EPY 718  

  • EPY 729 - Qualitative Case Study Research

    Credits 3

    Focuses on case studies within education. Students conduct in-depth, naturalistic case studies in educational settings to learn about theory, methodology, and methodological issues relevant to disciplined qualitative case study. Conducting interviews, data collection, coding, and analysis in a qualitative case study design.

    EPY 702  and EPY 718  

  • EPY 730 - Advanced Research Methods

    Credits 3

    Compares strengths and weaknesses of experimental research designs, using this knowledge to improve design sensitivity. Includes hypothesis testing, threats to validity, power, and effect size. Considers controversies in quantitative research literature.

     ,   and  .

  • EPY 731 - Mixed Methods Research

    Credits 3

    This seminar provides an overview and introduction to mixed methods research designs including paradigmatic, practical, and methodological issues associated with the use of mixed methods in educational research.

    EPY 702  , EPY 718  , and EPY 721 . Or, permission of instructor. 

  • EPY 732 - Multiple Regression and Path Analysis

    Credits 3

    Intermediate-level inferential statistics for experimental and non-experimental educational research covering general linear models including analysis of variance, regression (simultaneous, variable-selection, hierarchical approach), and path analysis, integrated with the use of statistical computer packages.

    EPY 722

  • EPY 733 - Multivariate Statistics

    Credits 3

    Advanced-level statistics including commonly used multivariate statistical procedures in educational and behavioral inquiries with computer applications.

    EPY 722 , EPY 730  (EPY 730 may be taken concurrently).

  • EPY 734 - Latent Variable Models: Factor Analysis and SEM

    Credits 3

    Designed for those who want to become familiar with applied latent variable modeling and popular computer programs used to carry out the analysis. Topics include exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation models with observed and/or latent variables and with single or multiple groups.

    EPY 721 , EPY 732  or consent of instructor.

  • EPY 737 - Social Foundations in Education

    Credits 3

    Study of schools and other socialization agents as they interact within the community and the larger society. Also includes intercultural education.

  • EPY 738 - Discourse Analysis

    Credits 3

    Qualitative approaches to text and discourse analysis from different theoretical perspectives will be contrasted. Data from various textual and discourse oriented sources including narratives, audio and/or video tapes, and written artifacts analyzed in depth through hands-on projects. May include use of software programs specific to qualitative data analysis.

    EPY 702  or EPY 703  and EPY 718 , or equivalent.

  • EPY 742 - Language Diversity, Educational Policy & Equity

    Credits 3

    The course surveys language equity in the context of educational policies. Coursework surveys the challenges of developing and implementing equitable policies to address the learning needs of students from diverse linguistic backgrounds.

  • EPY 745 - Categorical/Nonparametric Data Analysis

    Credits 3

    Introduction to categorical/nonparametric data analysis, for use in small samples or when cases consist of categories or ranks. Topics include contingency tables (including loglinear models), nonparametric tests for ordinal and interval data, logistic and Poisson regression.

    Project involving analysis of the student’s own research data may be required.

    EPY 721 , EPY 722  

  • EPY 746 - Multilevel Statistical Models: Theory and Application

    Credits 3

    Intermediate-level coverage of linear and non-linear multilevel statistical models. Includes coverage of status and growth models. Emphasis on intuitive understanding and practical application.

    EPY 721 , EPY 722 , and EPY 732  

  • EPY 747 - Large Scale Secondary Data Analysis

    Credits 3

    Introduction to large scale secondary data analysis. Examination of the promise and pitfalls of working with secondary data sources. Overview of data management and analysis issues.

    Practical skill development emphasized.

    EPY 721 , EPY 722  and EPY 732  

  • EPY 748 - Capstone Seminar

    Credits 3

    A final seminar for students who have selected the comprehensive examination as the culminating experience. Students will prepare for and complete the comprehensive examination in this seminar.

    May be repeated to a maximum of 6 credits.

    Completion of 28 of 34 credits required for EPY MS.

  • EPY 749 - Thesis

    Credits 3 – 6

    Professional paper preparation, including review of literature or similar research effort.

    May be repeated but only six credits applied to the student’s program.

    S/F grading only.

    EPY 702  

  • EPY 751 - Motivation Theories and Applications in Education

    Credits 3

    Dominant motivational theories in education and focuses on motivational processes associated with human learning. Role of social context in motivational development and predictors and outcomes of motivational constructs.

    EPY 702  and EPY 721  

  • EPY 752 - Self-Regulated Learning, Metacognition, and Motivation

    Credits 3

    Theories of self- regulated learning with a focus on cognitive, metacognitive, and motivational processes, their interactions, and their measurement in classroom- and technology-enhanced contexts. Theoretical expertise and knowledge of research examining SRL across ages, domains, and instructional contexts.

    EPY 702  or EDH 707 , and EPY 721 

  • EPY 757 - Theory and Philosophy of Educational Psychology

    Credits 3

    Evolution of psychological learning theories, from their philosophical foundations to the present. Central issues include how psychological constructs such as the mind, knowledge representation, and attention impact learning and changes in our understanding of the nature of these constructs over time.

    Doctoral Standing.

  • EPY 760 - Advanced Seminars in School Counselor Education and Practice

    Credits 3

    Analysis of significant issues in counseling of current and continuing concern. Examination of historical, social, legal and philosophical dimensions of selected problem areas.

    (EPC 760)

    Consent of instructor.

  • EPY 767 - Human Learning and Cognition

    Credits 3

    Components of human memory and how these components affect learning. Emphasis placed on recent research and theory in working memory and long-term storage. Instructional implications of research discussed, especially with respect to skill acquisition, development of expertise, and cognitive strategy instruction.

    Graduate standing.

  • EPY 768 - Problem Solving and Reasoning

    Credits 3

    Acquisition of reasoning and problem solving expertise. Emphasis on information-processing models, critical thinking, creativity, rational decision making skills, reasoning biases, scientific and probabilistic reasoning, and evaluation of the extent people are capable of rational thinking and discussion.

    Graduate standing.

  • EPY 770 - Cognition and Instruction

    Credits 3

    Examines research in the application of cognitive learning principals to instruction in specific domains, particularly reading, writing, mathematics, and science. Research on technological applications especially emphasized. Readings include both foundational and current research.

    Graduate standing.

  • EPY 772 - Contemporary Philosophies of Education

    Credits 3

    Intensive critical analysis of leading contemporary philosophies of education and their possible implications for practice.

  • EPY 777 - Cognitive Development

    Credits 3

    Overview of major theories, issues, and research in cognitive development. Primary emphasis on development of thinking and learning from childhood through adulthood.

    Graduate standing.

  • EPY 780 - Individual Instruction

    Credits 1 – 12

    Selected basic problems related to the field of counseling services. a) Testing. b) Curriculum. c) Supervision. d) Counseling. e) Area Problems. f) Research.

    May be repeated to a maximum of 12 credits.

  • EPY 781 - Research in Educational Psychology

    Credits 3

    Individual research projects in educational psychology under the direction of a faculty member.

    May be repeated to a maximum of 12 credits.

    EPY 702 , EPY 721 , EPY 722  

  • EPY 782 - Independent Study

    Credits 3

    Independent study of a selected topic in educational psychology under the direction/supervision of a faculty member.

    May be repeated to a maximum of 12 credits.

  • EPY 783 - Directed Readings in Educational Psychology

    Credits 3

    In-depth study of a topic through selected readings under the direction of a faculty member.

    May be repeated to a maximum of six credits.

    EPY 767  

  • EPY 784 - Teaching Practicum

    Credits 3

    Individual study under the direction of a faculty member focusing on preparing to teach at the college level.

    EPY 723  or EPY 767  and consent of instructor.

  • EPY 786 - Applied Assessment in Educational and School Psychology

    Credits 1 – 4

    Application of assessment approaches used for the evaluation of students in school settings.

    May be repeated to a maximum of four credits.


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