EPY 787 - Individual Research Credits 1 – 7
Selected basic problems in personnel services.
Prerequisites EPY 702
EPY 788 - Seminar in EPY Credits 1 – 6
Selected topics in counseling and human development services. a) Principles and practices. b) Individual analysis. c) Occupational information. d) Placement. e) Follow-up evaluation. f) Research.
Notes May be repeated to a maximum of six credits.
Prerequisites Consent of instructor.
EPY 789 - Seminar in Learning and Cognition Credits 3 – 12
Selected topics in learning and cognition. Exploration of a specific aspect of learning and cognition. Topics may include, but are not limited to: memory, learning theory, motivation, text processing, individual differences, epistemological beliefs.
Prerequisites EPY 767 or consent of instructor.
EPY 790 - Research Seminar in EPY Credits 1 – 3
Seminar for the advanced candidate stressing the exploration of current literature and research projects.
Prerequisites Consent of advisor and instructor.
EPY 791 - Special Topics in Educational Psychology Credits 3
In-depth study of special topics in educational psychology stressing the exploration of cutting-edge research on the topic. Topics may include, but are not limited to: false memory, goal theory, self-regulated learning, web-based data collection, discourse analysis.
Notes May be repeated to a maximum of twelve credits.
Prerequisites Consent of instructor.
EPY 793 - Advanced Doctoral Practicum Credits 3 – 6
Advanced practice supervised experience for doctoral students in school psychology and counseling.
Notes May be repeated to a total of six credits.
Prerequisites Consent of instructor.
EPY 794 - Internship Credits 3 – 6
Final activity intended to provide on-the-job experience in developing related competencies.
Notes May be repeated to a maximum of six credits.
Prerequisites Consent of instructor.
EPY 799 - Dissertation Credits 3–24
Culminating experience that may be: a) traditional, original research, b) field oriented and problem solving, or c) exploratory or generative research.Limited to doctoral candidates. 3-24 credits in increments of three.
Notes May be repeated but only a maximum of 24 credits may be applied towards degree.
Grading S/F grading only.
ESP 691 - Student Teaching in Special Education Credits 1-12
Full-time supervised practice teaching with exceptional children.
Notes This course is crosslisted with EDSP 491. Credit at the 600-level requires additional work.
Corequisite ESP 692
ESP 692 - Student Teaching Seminar Credits 2
Application of specific curricular learning and procedures designed to facilitate the task of the student teacher.
Notes This course is crosslisted with EDSP 492. Credit at the 600-level requires additional work.
Corequisite ESP 691
ESP 700 - Problems in Special Education Credits 1 – 6
Specialized instruction in special education designed to develop depth in understanding a current educational problem of the in-service teacher.
Notes Maximum of six credits accepted toward degree from special education courses in EPY 700, ESP 700, and ICG 700.
ESP 701 - Introduction to Special Education and Legal Issues Credits 3
Survey of the characteristics, training, and educational needs of students with disabilities. Designed for graduate students in special education, general education, nursing, counseling, psychology and related fields.
Notes Required of all students in the Generalist Program who do not have a bachelor’s degree in special education.
ESP 702 - Psychological and Social Problems in Intellectual Disabilities Credits 3
Study and interpretation of theories and research on the learning characteristics of person with intellectual disabilities: psychological and social contributions to educative/habilitative solutions in intellectual disabilities.
ESP 703 - Prescriptive and Precision Teaching with Intellectual Disabilities Credits 3
Cognitive, adaptive, and diagnostic-prescriptive instructional strategies and behavioral interventions for persons with intellectual disabilities and diverse educational and community settings.
ESP 704 - Adaptive Curricular Programming for Persons with Intellectual Disabilities Credits 3
In-depth analysis and application of curricular development and implementation for persons with intellectual disabilities in diverse educational settings.
ESP 705 - Psychological and Sociological Problems of Students with Emotional Disabilities Credits 3
Study and interpretation of theories and research concerning learning characteristics and psychological and social aspects of the student with emotional disabilities within the school setting.
ESP 706 - Advanced Educational Strategies for Students with Emotional Disabilities Credits 3
Evaluation of the behavioral characteristics of students with emotional disabilities applied to practical classroom strategies. Application of treatment strategies and relevant research to the educational problems of students with emotional disabilities.
Prerequisites ESP 705
ESP 707 - Theories of Learning Disabilities Credits 3
Study of the contemporary positions regarding learning disabilities. Curricular implications of positions emphasized.
ESP 708 - Advanced Education Strategies for Students with Disabilities Credits 3
Advanced instructional methods and procedures applicable to the education of children with learning disabilities.
Prerequisites ESP 701 or ESP 707
ESP 709 - Diagnostic and Prescriptive Assessment for Diverse Learners Credits 3
Establishment of educationally relevant diagnostic and prescriptive teaching procedures for students who are learners (i.e., students with/or at-risk for disabilities, including those who are second language learners). Emphasis upon both individual and group prescriptive classroom methodologies.
Prerequisites ESP 701 or ESP 708
ESP 712 - Applied Behavior Analysis Credits 3
Evaluation of the application of behavior analysis in classroom, clinical, and consultative settings. Includes definition and characteristics of applied behavior analysis, basic principles of behavior, measurement and observation procedures, evaluation and analysis of behavior change, procedures for increasing and decreasing behavior, and systems applications.
ESP 713 - Affective Assessment Models Credits 3
Study of affective behavioral testing procedures applicable to children and adolescents in public school settings. Emphasis on classroom observational techniques, as well as supplemental employment of data obtained through school relevant behavior rating scales and checklists, task analysis assessments, projective and group personality testing and case studies.
Prerequisites Consent of instructor.
ESP 714 - Advanced Seminar in Learning Disabilities Credits 3 - 6
In-depth review of recent developments and research in the field of learning disabilities.
Notes May be repeated to a maximum of nine credits.
Prerequisites ESP 607
Corequisite ESP 611
ESP 715 - Communication Programming for Persons with Severe Disabilities Credits 3
Critical study of disorders affecting communication of persons with severe disabilities. Emphasis on developmental considerations, ecological needs, clinical assessment, selection and implementation of augmentative systems, support services, funding, and research.
Prerequisites ESP 701 or ESP 707
ESP 717 A - Seminar in Advanced Curriculum Development Credits 1 – 9
Critical study of current curricular models in special education. Areas of emphasis: mental retardation.
Notes May be repeated to a maximum of nine credits.
Prerequisites ESP 701
ESP 717 B - Seminar in Advanced Curriculum Development Credits 1 – 9
Critical study of current curricular models in special education. Areas of emphasis: emotional disturbance.
Notes May be repeated to a maximum of nine credits.
ESP 717 C - Seminar in Advanced Curriculum Development Credits 1 – 9
Critical study of current curricular models in special education. Areas of emphasis: learning disabilities.
Notes May be repeated to a maximum of nine credits.
ESP 717 D - Seminar in Advanced Curriculum Development Credits 1 – 9
Critical study of current curricular models in special education. Areas of emphasis: early childhood special education.
Notes May be repeated to a maximum of nine credits.
ESP 717 E - Seminar in Advanced Curriculum Development Credits 1 – 9
Critical study of current curricular models in special education. Areas of emphasis: adaptive physical education.
Notes May be repeated to a maximum of nine credits.
ESP 717 F - Seminar in Advanced Curriculum Development Credits 1 – 9
Critical study of current curricular models in special education. Areas of emphasis: parent education.
Notes May be repeated to a maximum of nine credits.
ESP 717 G - Seminar in Advanced Curriculum Development Credits 1 – 9
Critical study of current curricular models in special education. Areas of emphasis: gifted education.
Notes May be repeated to a maximum of nine credits.
ESP 717 H - Seminar in Advanced Curriculum Development Credits 1 – 9
Critical study of current curricular models in special education. Areas of emphasis: career education.
Notes May be repeated to a maximum of nine credits.
ESP 717 I - Seminar in Advanced Curriculum Development Credits 1 – 9
Critical study of current curricular models in special education. Areas of emphasis: management and staff direction.
Notes May be repeated to a maximum of nine credits.
ESP 717 J - Seminar in Advanced Curriculum Development Credits 1 – 9
Critical study of current curricular models in special education. Areas of emphasis: English Language Learners
Notes May be repeated to a maximum of nine credits.
ESP 718 - Assessment of Persons with Severe Intellectual Disabilities Credits 3
Emphasis on diagnosis and problems encountered in assessing individuals with severe intellectual disabilities. Practice observation techniques, develop and implement ecological inventories, developmental scales, and adaptive behavior scales.
Prerequisites ESP 702 or consent of instructor.
ESP 719A - Advanced Oral and Written Language Instruction for Students with Disabilities Credits 3
Overview course on language development, disabilities, and delays. Information and specific strategies for identifying oral and written language difficulties in students with disabilities. Emphasis on educational applications – designing and implementing instruction for students with disabilities.
Prerequisites ESP 701
ESP 719B - Advanced Oral and Written Instruction Early Childhood Credits 3
Methods and curriculum in early childhood literacy and early intervention strategies for inclusive education.
Prerequisites ECE 709
ESP 720 - Field Experience in Special Education Credits 1 – 9
Supervised experience in designing and using prescriptive teaching in the classroom. Areas include: (a) intellectual disabilities, (b) emotional/behavioral disabilities, (c) learning disabilities, (d) early childhood special education, (e) autism, and (f) gifted and talented. A maximum of nine credits may be applied to a graduate program.
Notes May be repeated to a maximum of nine credits.
ESP 722 - Multicultural Perspectives in Special Education Credits 3
Introduces trends and issues in special education relative to students with disabilities who come from culturally diverse backgrounds. Educational programming and adaptations emphasized.
ESP 723 - Learning Strategies Instruction Credits 3
Theoretical and practical aspects of implementing a learning strategy curriculum within elementary and secondary school environments. Class participants analyze, synthesize, and modify instructional strategies to meet the needs of students with disabilities.
Prerequisites ESP 701
ESP 724 - Math Methods in Special Education Credits 3
Effective classroom methods and strategies for assessing, teaching, and monitoring the mathematical performance of students with learning difficulties. Emphasis on practical classroom techniques designed to facilitate skill acquisition, maintenance, retention, and generalization. Computation and problem-solving covered.
Prerequisites ESP 701
ESP 725 - Workshops in Special Education Credits 1 – 3
Supervised instruction through workshops and conferences in topics relevant to special education. Emphasis on in-service education for regular and special education personnel.
Notes May be repeated to a maximum of four credits.
Grading S/F grading only.
ESP 726 - Policy Analysis and Development for Special Human Services Credits 3
Principles and practices of policy development and critical analysis of established social policy in local, state, and federal programs and its impact on persons with exceptionalities.
ESP 727 - Technology in Special Education Credits 3
Uses of computers and other technologies in the instruction of students with disabilities. Includes strategies for adapting computers and selecting software for individuals with special needs. Principles for integrating technology into the curriculum and strategies for teaching academic subjects with technology stressed. Overviews of integrated technologies such as hypermedia and access technologies provided.
ESP 728 - Theory of Play Development Credits 3
Critical analysis of theoretical, philosophical, empirical, and educational implications of play. Provides planning, integrating and evaluating play in the educational curriculum.
ESP 729 - Characteristics of Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders Credits 3
Survey of the characteristics of students with autism spectrum disorders, including historical foundations, definitions, placement alternatives, and current issues.
Prerequisites ESP 701 and ESP 733 or equivalent.
ESP 730 - Parent Involvement in Special and General Education Credits 3
Overview of current involvement, rationales for parent involvement, and research that supports it. Focuses on common effort by the school, home and community to provide for students’ growth through integrated successive learning experiences that allow for variation in skills, cognitive development, emotional creative abilities, and physical development.
ESP 731 - Practicum in Parental Involvement Credits 3
Advanced practicum to involve teachers with parents of children with special needs in various aspects of special education programming in the home, school, and public agency settings. Development of parent education materials and program for parents, or prospective parents in some of the basic skills necessary for effective parenting.
Prerequisites ESP 730
ESP 733 - Management and Modification of Students with Special Needs Credits 3
Provides introduction to applied behavior analysis as it relates to teaching and managing students with special needs. Focuses on teaching new skills and managing inappropriate behavior, both academic and social. Strengths and weaknesses of common school practices for controlling students’ inappropriate behaviors described.
ESP 734 - Vocational and Career Education for Persons with Disabilities in Transition Credits 3
Consideration and design of vocational and career education programs for students with disabilities including those with intellectual disabilities, learning disabilities, emotional disturbances, and others.
ESP 735 - Advanced Behavior Management Credits 3
Application of behavioral, psychoeducational and other management approaches for students with disabilities. Special emphasis given to implementation of behavior management techniques for students with disabilities and students in early childhood special education.
Prerequisites Consent of instructor.
ESP 737 - Advanced Practicum with Exceptional Children Credits 1 – 9
Teaching and research experience with exceptional students, with special emphasis upon application, educational methods, and curricular models. Areas of emphasis are: a) intellectual disabilities, b) emotional disturbance, c) learning disabilities, d) early childhood special education, e) research, f) gifted education, g) parent education, h) career education, i) resource room, or j) inclusive environments.
Notes May be repeated to a maximum of nine credits.
ESP 737B - Emotional Disturbance Credits 1-9
ESP 737C - Learning Disabilities Credits 1-9
ESP 737I - Resource Room Credits 1-9
ESP 739 - Advanced Educational Strategies for Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders Credits 3
Advanced instructional methods and curricular models applicable to the education of students with autism spectrum disorders.
Prerequisites ESP 729 or equivalent.
ESP 740 - Speech and Hearing Therapy for Classroom Teachers Credits 3
Overview of common speech and hearing disabilities, with primary teacher-relevant therapeutic methods and materials applicable to general and special classroom contexts.
ESP 741 - Introduction to Gifted Education Credits 3
Introduction to individuals who are gifted, including definition, identification, characteristics, etiology, and nurturing factors. Relationship of creativity and concerns for underachievement, cultural differences, disabilities and gender issues of individuals who are gifted.
ESP 742 - Dimensions of Giftedness Credits 3
Information concerning educational procedures in all areas of functioning appropriate for gifted individuals, along with basic strategies for creativity and self-concept. Skills developed for planning, implementing, and evaluating effective programs for the gifted. Individualization, strategies for teaching, simulation and inquiry skills, and skills of higher-level thinking emphasized.
Prerequisites ESP 741 or equivalent.
ESP 743 - Teaching Models in Gifted Education Credits 3
Provides comprehensive review of teaching-learning models for use in development and implementation of curriculum for gifted students.
Prerequisites ESP 742 or consent of instructor.
ESP 745 - Experiential Learning in Gifted Education Credits 3
Connection between the gifted classroom and the world of work and postsecondary education. Focuses on breaking boundaries of school with emphasis on global issues, rapidly changing workplace, and linkage between schools and future life experiences.
Prerequisites ESP 741
ESP 746 - Creativity in Gifted Education Credits 3
Intensive study of new approaches dealing with creative expression for the gifted student stressing strategies for creativity.
ESP 747 - Contemporary Considerations Gifted Education Credits 3
Current trends, research and issues in the education of students who are gifted.
Prerequisites ESP 746 and consent of instructor.
ESP 748 - Overview of Assistive Technology Credits 3
Overview of assistive technology as it relates to life skills including communication, mobility, education, recreation, vocation, independence and therapy/rehabilitation. Variety of computer access methods investigated. Underlying assumptions and legal basis explored.
Prerequisites ESP 701 or equivalent.
ESP 749 - Thesis Credits 3 – 6
Research, analysis, and writing towards completion of thesis and subsequent defense.
Notes May be repeated, but only six credits applied to the student’s program.
Grading S/F grading only.
ESP 751 - Advanced Techniques in Applied Behavior Analysis Credits 3
Analysis and application of the skills, practices, and knowledge in advanced theory and methods of Applied Behavior Analysis in special education. Attention given to acquiring practical skills in the theory, principles, procedures, and science of Applied Behavior Analysis with human populations ans systems (e.g., classrooms and schools).
ESP 752 - Consultative Techniques in Special Education Credits 3
In-depth emphasis on the differing roles of the special education consultant. Attention given to acquiring practical skills in interviewing parents and teachers of exceptional children.
ESP 753 - Administration and Supervision of Special Education Programs Credits 3
Investigation of existing special education administrative units, pupil placement procedures, student staffing, program reimbursement procedures, and federal funding models.
Prerequisites Consent of area coordinator.
ESP 755 A - Medically Related Aspects of Disabilities Credits 3
Course emphasizes medical bases of typical and atypical development for individuals across the lifespan. Physical systems and disabilities; etiologies, symptoms, and psychosocial implications of disabilities and medical conditions; and interventions, treatment strategies, resources, transition/vocational implications are addressed.
ESP 755 B - Medically Related Aspects of Disabilities Credits 3
Course emphasizes medical bases of typical and atypical development for young children birth to eight with developmental delays. Physical systems and disabilities; etiologies, symptoms, and psychosocial implications of disabilities and medical conditions; and interventions, treatment strategies, resources, transition/vocational implications are addressed.
ESP 757 - Assistive Technology Assessment Credits 3
Presents variety of procedures for gathering data to identify assistive technology needs. Role of team decision making in the assessment process to determine appropriate assistive technology solutions described. Integration of assistive and educational technologies also investigated.
Prerequisites ESP 748 , ESP 701
ESP 758 - Collaborative Services in Assistive Technology Credits 3
Emphasizes development of collaborative relationships that support development of student-centered assistive technology plans, including working with parents, students and related service providers. Funding issues also addressed.
Prerequisites ESP 701 and overview of AT (ESP 748).
ESP 759 - Assistive Technology Applications for Students with Disabilities Credits 3
Development of functional applications of assistive technology in the areas of communication, mobility, education, recreation, vocation, independence, and therapy/rehabilitation.
Prerequisites ESP 701 , ESP 715 and ESP 727 .
ESP 762 - Ethical Evaluation of Programs for Persons with Exceptionalities/Special Needs Credits 3
Principles and practices in program evaluation including a critical analysis of models, methods of inquiry, evaluator competency issues, implementation strategies, and setting criteria and expectations of impact on persons with exceptionalities/special needs.
ESP 763 - Seminars in Selected Special Educational Topics Credits 1 – 3
Areas of emphasis are a) mental retardation, b) emotional disturbance, c) learning disabilities, d) autism, e) early childhood, f) gifted education, g) parent education, h) higher education, i) special education administration, j) research, k) consultation, l) curriculum, m) technology, n) ABA, o) diversity, p) professional writing, q) data-based decision making and growth models.
Notes May be repeated to a maximum of nine credits.
Prerequisites ESP 760 and consent of instructor.
ESP 764 - Characteristics & Inclusive Strategies for Students with LD, ED, & MID Credits 3
Overview of natural and characteristics of students with mild disabilities. Issues in assessment, curriculum and instruction, and placement discussed.
ESP 766 - Comprehensive Examination Credits 3
Preparation for Comprehensive Examination. Students enroll in this course only if they are not enrolled in coursework in the semester in which they sit for the Comprehensive Examination.
Notes No additional assignments are required. Only one credit will be accepted toward degree plan.
Grading S/F grading only.
ESP 767 - Training Program Seminar Credits 3
In-depth analysis of special education training program roles and functions in college and university settings. Emphasis upon teaching, supervisory, and advisement functions, program and area curriculum development, program funding, program-university, public agency and community relationships, and ancillary training program responsibilities.
Prerequisites Consent of instructor.
ESP 770 - Second Language Methods for Diverse Learners in Inclusive Settings Credits 3
Study and implementation of methods and strategies for teaching English language learners (ELLs) with and without disabilities. Learner characteristics and second language development reviewed followed by practical techniques for teaching diverse second language learners across the curriculum.
ESP 771 - Perspectives on Early Childhood Special Education Credits 3
Perspectives of national, state, and local programs in special education for young children with disabilities. Reviews variables related to: program development, classroom management, parent involvement, legislation and funding, disability condition, identification, screening and assessment, learning and developmental problems, research, normal child development and developmental deviations.
ESP 772 - Family Education in Early Childhood Credits 3
Review family structure and interaction patterns, roles, expectations and conflicts; general and specific problems and needs of families; programs developed for family involvement and education; national, state and local program models, policy, regulations and evaluation. The course focuses on strategies and practice for engaging, empowering and collaborating with all families.
Prerequisites ESP 771 or consent of instructor.
ESP 773 - Assessment for Young Children with Disabilities Credits 3
Focuses on subjective, objective, unstructured, and structured observations of young children with physical disabilities and disabilities of behavior, communication, learning, and development. Survey, review and critique of standardized and non-standardized tests as well as the use of test data in planning instruction.
Prerequisites ESP 771
ESP 774 - Seminar in Curriculum Development in Early Childhood Special Education Credits 3
Focuses on the identification of important components of early childhood education for young children with disabilities; critical evaluation for the suitability of various curriculum modes for various disabilities; critical evaluation of commercial materials; designing new curriculum models; and utilizing teacher-made materials.
Prerequisites ESP 771
ESP 775 - Strategies for Early Childhood Special Education Credits 3
Focuses upon development of behavioral objectives, task analysis, and grouping and regrouping of children. Includes behavior modification, precision teaching, interaction analysis and microteaching procedures. Consideration of modifications of classroom physical and learning environments, reinforcement patterns, and questioning styles, etc.
Prerequisites ESP 771
ESP 776 - Strategies for Working with Infants and Toddlers in Early Childhood Special Education Credits 3
Focus is on research based practices, practical problems, and issues pertaining to the effectiveness of various interventions and strategies used with infants and toddlers (0-3) with special needs.
Prerequisites ESP 771
ESP 777 - Assistive Technology Strategies for Young Children Credits 3
Emphasizes the selection and implementation of assistive technology for young children with and without disabilities.
Prerequisites ESP 701 and ESP 748
ESP 778 - Behavior Management for Early Childhood Credits 3
Provides a background in applied behavior analysis and positive behavior support, with a focus on the application of behavior support for young children and their families. Future service providers receive important knowledge and skills for implementing positive, preventive and function-based interventions in school, home and community environments.
Prerequisites ESP 771
ESP 779 - Early Intervention Service Coordination Credits 3
Provides content related to staffing patterns in programs for young children with disabilities; organization and implementation of training to meet identified needs of varied paraprofessionals and professionals; supervisory and consultive roles; and budget and fiscal matters.
Prerequisites ESP 771 or consent of instructor.
ESP 780 - Field Experience in Early Childhood Special Education ラ Infancy Credits 3 or 6
Intensive 15-week full- or part-time early intervention experience with high risk children and infants with disabilities and their families. Experience includes working with children below age three years in individual and small group activities, planning and implementing Individual Family Service Plans, and exploring community resources.
Prerequisites Consent of instructor.
ESP 781 - Field Experience in Early Childhood Special Education ラ Preschool/Kindergarten Credits 8
Intensive 15-week full- or part-time supervised teaching experience with young children with disabilities and their families. Experience includes working with children three to six years of age in individual, small and large group activities, planning and implementing Individualized Program Plans, and exploring community resources.
Prerequisites Consent of instructor.
ESP 782R - Professional Seminar in Special Education Credits 3
Perceptions of exceptionality by a variety of interdisciplinary personnel.
Prerequisites Doctoral status or consent of instructor.
ESP 783R - Leadership Seminar in Special Education Credits 3
Teaches and empowers participants to become highly effective leaders in the field of special education. Current leadership paradigms and their application to a variety of professional roles in special education explored.
Prerequisites ESP 782R
ESP 784 - Seminar in Advanced Special Education Technology Credits 3
In-depth analysis concerning the impact of technology on persons with disabilities. Includes analysis and synthesis of research, local, state, and national policies and initiatives; resource allocations; funding issues; and the use of technology in higher education special education.
Prerequisites ESP 782R
ESP 785 - Issues, Trends and Futures in Special Education Credits 3
Concepts and techniques which facilitates students’ abilities in issue analysis, issue resolution, trend impact analysis, and futures formulations. The latter includes evaluations of possibilities, probabilities, and preferences in creating the future.
Prerequisites ESP 782R
ESP 786 - Legal and Political Issues in Special Education Programming Credits 3
Analysis of federal, state, and local statutes, policies and titles which affect the funding and direction of programs for exceptional children. Impact of special education from social, political, and economic perspectives.
ESP 787 - Philosophical Perspectives in Special Education Credits 3
Emphasis on the sociocultural, epistemological, teleological, and ethical implications of special education programs.
Prerequisites ESP 782R
ESP 788 - Single Subject Methods in Special Education Credits 3
Overview of methods for evaluating the effectiveness of individual educational interventions and curricula for students with disabilities. Factors which determine when and under what conditions it is appropriate to employ different assessment strategies.
Prerequisites and ; and or or consent of instructor
ESP 789 - Grant Writing for Human Services Credits 3
History and pragmatics of grant proposal writing, management, and evaluation for federal, state and philanthropic support of research, demonstration programs, and personnel preparation in special education and related services.
Prerequisites ESP 782R
ESP 791 - Proposal Design and Analysis Credits 3
Formative and summative research considerations and applications, with emphasis upon practitioner-relevant proposal development, research design, and interpretive critical analyses.
Prerequisites , , , ESP 794 , and or or consent of instructor.
ESP 793 - Advanced Field Experience in Special Education Credits 3 – 6
Field-relevant applications of administrative diagnostic-prescriptive and research content to practical working situations.
Prerequisites Consent of instructor.
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