Oct 06, 2024  
2024-2025 Graduate Catalog 
2024-2025 Graduate Catalog

Student Forms

Required Student Forms (in alphabetical order)

Additional Student Forms (in alphabetical order)

Departmental Forms

Forms Located Outside of the Grad Rebel Gateway


Generally, all Graduate College student forms are located in the Grad Rebel Gateway on the student’s Forms tab. Forms render dynamically based on the specific graduate program enrollment of the student. If forms are required by the Graduate College for a student’s program, they will appear under the Required Student Forms link in the Grad Rebel Gateway, and after submitting a form, students can monitor the approval progress of that form on this tab. These forms are sequential, in that they must be completed and approved in the order that they are listed in the Grad Rebel Gateway. They are mandatory and the Graduate College will not be able to confer a student’s degree or certificate until all forms on the Required Student Forms page have been approved. Other forms will appear under Additional Student Forms and Departmental Forms tabs and are only required in situations outlined in the descriptions of those respective forms below.

Information regarding form routing and samples of forms are available on the Graduate College Forms page.

Required Student Forms (in alphabetical order)

  • Appointment of Graduate Advisory Committee (GAC)
    • Not all graduate programs require a GAC, but many do (see Graduate Student Advisory Committees  section). All students in master’s thesis tracks or doctoral degree-seeking students require a GAC. To determine whether you need a GAC, review your program requirements in the Graduate Catalog and procedures in your program handbook. If an Appointment of Advisory Committee Form is required of the student, this form will appear under Required Student Forms in their Grad Rebel Gateway account.
    • Refer to the GAC section of this Catalog for committee composition, requirements, roles and responsibilities.
    • To change the membership of the GAC, students must submit a Change of Advisory Committee Form in Grad Rebel Gateway.
  • Appointment of Faculty Advisor

    • Instead of a full GAC, some certificate, non-thesis master’s programs, and specialist programs require students to appoint a faculty advisor. If an Appointment of Faculty Advisor Form is required of the student, this form will appear under Required Student Forms in their Grad Rebel Gateway Account. Faculty advisors must have graduate faculty status in the student’s academic department.
    • To change a faculty advisor, students submit a new Appointment of Faculty Advisor Form in Grad Rebel Gateway.
  • Plan of Study Parts I and II

    • The Plan of Study Form lists all courses the student has and will complete for the degree or certificate or microcredential program. The courses listed must fulfill all degree, certificate, or microcredential requirements specified in the Graduate Catalog according to the student’s requirement term. 
    • The Plan of Study Form has two parts: Part I is an electronic signature page available in the student’s Grad Rebel Gateway portal, and Part II is available in the Degrees Directory for the student’s graduate degree or certificate program under the Program Information section. Part II of the form is where the student will list all of the courses they have and will be completing to satisfy the requirements of the program. Look for the announcement for a new repository that will house Part II for all degree and certificate programs soon.
    • On departmental approval, the Graduate College will accept up to two course substitutions listed on Part II. Not counting any already approved transfer credits, more than two substitutions will require an approved appeal before the Plan of Study Parts I and II may be approved. If the student completed courses required for the current degree or certificate as part of a previously earned degree, and are therefore required to replace those credits, those replacements will not count toward the maximum allowable two substitutions and should be noted by the student’s advisor or graduate coordinator when they approve the form. The culminating experience requirement is required and may not be substituted.  
    • Students will also need to submit a Time Limit Extension form for approval to use courses they successfully completed more than 10 years ago per the Course Credit Expiration policy (see Registration, Enrollment and Curricular Policies ).
  • Prospectus Approval

    • Students must submit the Prospectus Approval Form (for master’s and specialist students) to indicate that the prospectus has been defended and approved by the GAC. Only after approval of this form may students proceed to work on their final document and enroll in their thesis/final project courses.
    • Refer to the section on Milestone Examinations & Culminating Experience Requirements for prospectus requirements, policies, and procedures.
    • Registering for thesis credits before approval of this form is prohibited.
  • Advancement to Doctoral Candidacy

    • Doctoral students must submit the Advancement to Doctoral Candidacy Form to indicate that the dissertation or doctoral project/dissertation proposal has been defended and approved by the GAC; all coursework required for the program has been completed; all prior required forms have been approved; and any/all qualifying, preliminary, and/or comprehensive exams have been passed. Only after approval of this form may students proceed to work on their final document and enroll in dissertation course credits.
    • Refer to the section on Milestone Examinations & Culminating Experience Requirements   for Advancement to Doctoral Candidacy requirements, policies, and procedures.
    • Registering for dissertation credits before approval of this form is prohibited.
  • Culminating Experience Results

    • Students completing a thesis, taking final exams, completing professional papers, or doing other approved culminating experiences must submit the results of their oral defense, final exam, or project defense immediately after completion and by the deadline posted on the Graduation Deadlines webpage for the student’s respective graduation term. Typically, students must enroll in culminating activities to meet program requirements in their graduating semester. The required culminating experience may not be substituted with other course credits. 
    • For students completing a thesis, dissertation, or doctoral project, the first page of the iThenticate text only summary report must be uploaded into the Culminating Experience Results Form in the Grad Rebel Gateway before submission to the Graduate College.


Additional Student Forms (in alphabetical order)

  • Appeal

    • Used by students to request reconsideration or a remedy from alleged unfair or inappropriate academic practice, or relief or waiver from a UNLV and/or Graduate College policy or requirement per the Progression and Completion Policies  
  • Appeal for Graduate-Level Course Grade Change
    • Used by students for grade change appeals.
  • Authorization for Overload

  • Change of Advisory Committee 

    • Students who have an approved Appointment of Advisory Committee Form on file with a need to change the composition of the committee must complete and submit the Change of Advisory Committee Form. Change requests must still adhere to all Graduate Advisory Committee requirements (see Graduate Student Advisory Committees ).

  • GA Request for Additional Employment

    • Used by GAs to request approval to be employed for up to 10 additional hours outside of their GAship.
  • GA Termination Appeal

    • Used by students to appeal the termination of their GAship.

  • Graduate Access Emergency Retention Grant Application

    • Used by students to apply for an emergency retention grant.

  • International Student Reduced Enrollment Request Form
    • Used by international students on F-1 visas who are not on a GAship but requesting to enroll in fewer than 9 credits total.
  • Leave of Absence (LOA)

  • Thesis and Dissertation Embargo Request

    • Used by students who wish to request an embargo of their final document from ProQuest and or the UNLV digital repository. Form cannot be submitted until Appointment of Advisory Committee Form is approved.

  • Time Limit Extension Request

  • Transfer Credit Request

    • Used by students to request transfer of credits from another institution per the Transfer Credit Policy (see Admissions Policies ). 


Departmental Forms

  • Departmental Milestone Results Tracking

    • If required by an academic unit, this form is used to track student milestone completion. Students must check with their graduate coordinators to determine if this form is required. The Graduate College does not require or use this form.


Forms Located Outside of the Grad Rebel Gateway

While the majority of Graduate College forms are located in the Grad Rebel Gateway portal, the following forms are located elsewhere either because they are not processed by the Graduate College or because they are used by individuals who may not have Grad Rebel Gateway access.

  • Concurrent Degree Enrollment Approval Form

    • This form is required for students to enroll in concurrent degree programs (see Information about the Graduate Curriculum  ); approval must be granted from the academic departments and the Graduate College. Here, concurrent degree enrollment refers to a scenario in which a student enrolls in two or more distinct graduate programs simultaneously. Students who are concurrently enrolled in more than one graduate degree must complete all of the requirements for each degree independently without sharing or double counting any credits. Graduate students must complete the full application and admissions process for each degree. This form is not necessary for students enrolled in approved Dual Degree programs that are listed in the UNLV Graduate Catalog.
  • Personal Identification Change Form

  • Residency Application

    • Students who have been classified as a nonresident for tuition purposes but have taken the proper steps to give up previous domicile and gain Nevada residency may apply for reclassification. The residency page contains further information as well as a link to the application.


Undergraduate Approval to take a Graduate Level Course



Next: Maintaining Good Academic Standing    

Previous: Progression and Completion Policies (listed alphabetically)