Oct 06, 2024  
2024-2025 Graduate Catalog 
2024-2025 Graduate Catalog

Progression and Completion Policies (listed alphabetically)

Academic Standing

Annual Mandatory Individual Development Plan and Procedures

Appeals and Procedures

Appeals Regarding Financial Issues

Appeals Regarding Other Conflicts

Continuous Enrollment

Credit Toward Degree

Enrollment and Milestones

Grade Changes

Leaves of Absence

Mandatory Student Health Insurance

Probation and Separation

Catalog Year for Program Requirements

Resident Credit Requirement

Time-to-Degree (TTD) Recommended Guidelines


Academic Standing

Students are expected to remain in good academic standing as they matriculate through their graduate program. Refer to the Maintaining Good Academic Standing  section for more information.

Annual Mandatory Individual Development Plan and Procedures

Please see Stay Connected & Informed section of this Catalog.

Appeals and Procedures

Graduate academic appeals are used to guarantee due process rights for students. The appeal process involves program faculty review, college/school review, and Graduate College dean review and respondents are encouraged to attach supporting documentation at each level of appeal review. This process allows graduate students to request reconsideration or a remedy from alleged unfair or inappropriate academic practice, or relief or waiver from a UNLV and/or Graduate College policy or requirement. Appeals must be filed via the DocuSign Appeal form in students’ Grad Rebel Gateway portal within 60 calendar days from the last day of the term/semester in which the issue being appealed arose. Students needing to appeal who last enrolled prior to 2017 but have not applied to admission to a different graduate program since then should email GradRebel@unlv.edu

Each appeal is reviewed individually and a decision will be based on the merits of the request as substantiated in the documentation provided. The Graduate College dean may elect to request review of any appeal by the Graduate Appeals and Legal Committee (GALIC) (which does not convene in summer) for their review and recommendation. The Graduate College dean will render the final decision and move to inform the student in a timely manner. Generally, graduate academic appeals take from two weeks to several months to resolve, depending on the nature and complexity of the appeal.

When submitting an academic appeal, it is the student’s responsibility to provide a clear and concisely written statement explaining the reason for the appeal and the remedy being requested. The student must also provide all relevant documentation that they wish to be reviewed and considered in the appeal decision. Academic appeals must include:

  • A written statement of explanation of the nature of the appeal.
  • Relevant documentation and support. For example, documents may include medical records, work verification, police reports, death certificates, airline receipts, letters from professors on university letterhead, transcripts, etc.

Appeals Regarding Financial Issues

Appeals regarding financial issues (e.g., tuition refund, tuition waiver, student fees, late fees, etc.) must be submitted separately to the UNLV Cashiering and Student Accounts Office, using their Tuition and Fee Appeal Form. If an appeal involves both academic and financial issues, the student should submit an academic appeal first to the Graduate College and wait for a decision before commencing with the financial appeal to the Cashiering and Student Accounts Office. For further information concerning the financial appeal process please refer to Cashiering and Student Accounts.

Appeals Regarding Other Conflicts

All conduct code violations are handled by the Office of Student Conduct; academic appeals and requests for waivers of Graduate College policies are handled through the Graduate College. All graduate students have a due process right to appeal an academic policy, procedure, or issue and to request specific relief or remedy. 

Conduct complaints and appeals are handled by the Office of Student Conduct. If a faculty member suspects that a graduate student may have committed academic dishonesty, or that the student is otherwise in violation of the UNLV Student Conduct Code, the faculty member or administrator must contact the Office of Student Conduct to discuss the possibility of disciplinary review under procedures described in the NSHE document Rules and Disciplinary Procedures for Members of the University Community

Academic penalties for academic dishonesty include, but are not limited to: assigning the graduate student a failing grade for the corresponding segment of the course or for the entire course; requiring the student to rewrite the corresponding sections of a research paper, professional paper, thesis or dissertation, or the document in full; failing the student on the exam in question; or recommending that the student is separated from their graduate program. Further disciplinary sanction options described in the UNLV Student Conduct Code include warning, probation, suspension, and expulsion or revocation of a degree if a degree has been previously awarded. 

The Office of Student Conduct’s final decision will be relayed to the student, their department, and the Graduate College. Please visit the Progression and Completion Policies section for further information about Graduate College academic appeal guidelines and procedures.

If a graduate student fails to maintain the standards of academic or professional integrity expected as defined in writing by their discipline or program, the student’s admission status in their graduate program will be terminated. If any member of the university community is deemed guilty of academic dishonesty, action may be brought under Title 2, Chapter 6 of the Board of Regents Handbook. In addition, students who violate these standards will be subject to conduct sanctions, in accordance with the UNLV Student Conduct Code and Policies, in order to promote their own personal development, to protect the university community, and to maintain order and stability on campus.

Appeals regarding other conflicts such as academic bullying may be submitted to the Graduate College in collaboration with the Ombuds office. Academic bullying involves individuals – often with more power or authority – intimidating, demeaning, or undermining others in educational settings. Academic bullying is a form of aggressive or harmful behavior that occurs within educational, academic, or research settings. It involves one or more individuals targeting another person (typically a student, colleague, or faculty member) with the intention of causing emotional distress, undermining their work or reputation, or creating a toxic environment. The Graduate College and the Ombuds Office have partnered to be a resource for members of UNLV’s scholarly community experiencing academic bullying. The collaboration between the Graduate College and the Ombuds Office provides a safe space to share concerns and seek mediation or strategies to help improve the situation. Members of our scholarly community who have academic bullying concerns and would like to speak confidentially with the Graduate College or the Ombuds Office can start by completing this form, visiting the contact page, or scheduling an appointment using Google calendar.

Continuous Enrollment

After admission to a graduate program, students must register for and complete a minimum total of six graduate credits over the current and two previous semesters (summer enrollment counts toward this minimum enrollment requirement). Dropped, audited, and withdrawn classes do not count towards enrollment. Students who have not registered for academic work within the three rolling semesters will be separated from their program and must reapply for admission should they wish to continue.

All students must be enrolled in a minimum of one credit in the semester that students defend their prospectus and when they are taking a qualifying, comprehensive or preliminary exam. Students must also register for at least three graduate credits in the final semester of their program.

Additionally, if students have fulfilled their program thesis or dissertation credit requirements but have not yet completed and been given final approval for their thesis or dissertation, they must adhere to the enrollment and registration guidelines outlined in their respective program handbooks. Programs may establish more stringent registration credit requirements during this stage of thesis or dissertation completion but the guidelines may not reduce the credit enrollment requirements outlined above per Graduate College policies.  

Please refer to the Graduate Non-Degree-Seeking Information section   for more information on continuous enrollment requirements for non-degree-seeking students. Please note that this policy is separate and different from the Full- and Part-Time Enrollment policy .

Credit Toward Degree

  • Courses used to fulfill requirements for one degree at UNLV or elsewhere may not be used toward another degree or certificate. 
  • No more than three credits of a student’s degree program may consist of UNLV workshop, institute, and conference credits that have been approved through the graduate standard curricular review and approval process, and the student must have received a grade for these credits. 
  • A course in which the student earns a grade of less than C may not be used to fulfill degree requirements. Departments may impose a higher grade standard, and it is common for degree programs to not accept courses with grades below a ‘B’. 
  • Experiential (life and work experiences), correspondence, and audited courses may not be applied toward graduate degrees or certificates. In addition, courses numbered in the 100-499 series cannot be used for graduate credit. Only graduate, credit-bearing classes with the appropriate grading basis may be used toward a degree, certificate or microcredential.
  • A minimum of 50 percent of the credits a student uses toward a graduate degree program, excluding thesis, dissertation, or professional/scholarly paper, must be 700-level or higher courses. 
    • Individual departments may require more than the Graduate College minimum.

    • The following select programs are exempted from this requirement: Music M.M., Curriculum and Instruction M.Ed., Elementary Education M.A.T., Secondary Education M.A.T., Higher Education M.Ed., Educational Psychology M.S. and Ed.S., Executive Master of Hospitality Administration.

  • Thesis courses, dissertation courses, professional project courses, and other courses designated for culminating experience credit cannot be used toward satisfying other degree/certificate/microcredential requirements or be used to substitute for other courses.
  • The Satisfactory (S) or Failing (F) grading scheme is used upon completion of the thesis, dissertation, professional paper, or for non-credit or satisfactory/fail courses. Grade-point values are not assigned for S. Many graduate and professional schools may not accept satisfactory/fail credits, or accept them only if accompanied by written evaluations of the work accomplished in such courses that bear upon the field of specialization. UNLV does not accept graduate courses graded satisfactory/fail for use in a degree program except for thesis, dissertation, or professional paper credits.

Enrollment and Milestones

Any student using the services of the academic staff or university facilities must be registered for classes in the semester in which the services are rendered or the facilities are used. 

  • Milestone/Program Examinations: Students must be enrolled in at least one graduate-level credit during any semester in which they take a milestone examination (e.g. preliminary, comprehensive, and/or qualifying exam).
  • Prospectus Defense: Students must be enrolled in at least one graduate-level credit in the semester they defend their prospectus.
  • Defense of Thesis/Dissertation: Students must be enrolled in a minimum of three graduate-level credits during the term in which they intend to graduate.
  • Graduation/Completion Term: Students must be enrolled in a minimum of three graduate-level credits during the term in which they intend to graduate. This enrollment requirement applies to all degree-, certificate-seeking, and microcredential-seeking students. Completing courses from prior semesters with ‘X’ or ‘I’ grades does not fulfill this enrollment requirement. Please see enrollment waiver policy for students in their final semester.

International students must refer to the Enrollment Policy for International Students section  for more information on enrollment requirements.

Grade Changes

For incorrect grades, the Office of the Registrar must receive notification to change a grade due to clerical error within six months from the last day of the term/semester.  The Grade Change Form is available on the Office of the Registrar forms page. For faculty submitting the Change of Grade Authorization  within six months of the last day of the semester/term in which the course was taken, the form should be submitted to registrar@unlv.edu. After this period, the form must be emailed to GradRebel@unlv.edu. For grade changes after this deadline, please submit a complete and signed Graduate College Appeal for Graduate-Level Grade Change Form available via the Grad Rebel Gateway Forms tab under Additional Forms.

When a student requests a grade change on the basis of an instructor’s error, the student should first attempt to resolve grading issues with the course instructor. If the issue is not resolved between the student and course instructor, a written summary should first be directed to the graduate coordinator of the department in question and the student should request a conversation about this matter at the department level and possibly in the office of the academic dean. If the problem remains unresolved to the student’s satisfaction, the student may submit a complete and signed Graduate College Graduate-Level Appeal for Grade Change Form via the Grad Rebel Gateway Forms tab under Additional Forms.

Leaves of Absence

If a graduate student is unable to meet the continuous enrollment policy, the student may request approval for a leave of absence (LOA) from a degree program. 

  • During the leave of absence, the student should remain in contact with the department about their return plans. 
  • One year is the standard leave period; two years is the maximum allowable leave. Military leave is the exception, and military orders must be attached to the form at the time of submission.
  • If a student does not return by the end of their approved LOA, they must apply for an additional LOA, by submitting another Leave of Absence Form via the Grad Rebel Gateway, or they may be separated from their graduate program. 
  • Approved LOAs stop the clock for students regarding time to degree, incomplete grade reconciliation, and generally, probation requirements. The amount of time a student has left to reconcile an incomplete grade at the time they begin their leave of absence will be the amount of time they will have once they return from leave. Approved student LOA forms will state any special circumstances or requirements that may apply.
  • Graduate students receiving an ‘I’ grade have one calendar year to complete all course requirements and remove the ‘I’ grade. Students who are fulfilling an incomplete do not register for the course but make individual arrangements with the instructor who assigned the ‘I’ grade. The amount of time a student has left to reconcile an incomplete grade at the time they begin their leave of absence will be the amount of time they will have once they return from leave. However, the ‘I’ grade will automatically default to an ‘F’ after one calendar year regardless of LOA approval. In this circumstance, the Graduate College dean’s office will request the change to a grade on notification from the course instructor or graduate coordinator. Approved student LOA forms will state any special circumstances or requirements that may apply. Details can be found in the Graduate Catalog. Please refer to the Incomplete Grade section   for more information.
  • Medical Leaves and Voluntary Health Withdrawal: Students may apply for a Voluntary Health Withdrawal (VHW) using the VHW form if they experience medical or psychological conditions that impair their ability to function successfully and safely in their role as a student. The Graduate College does not adjudicate requests for medical leave. Students should refer to information available on the VHW website for information regarding medical-related leave requests.

Mandatory Student Health Insurance

All admitted graduate students enrolled in nine or more credits (regardless of level) in a semester and all graduate assistants are required to have health insurance. More information and guidelines can be found on the Mandatory Graduate Student Health Insurance page.

Probation and Separation

Academic probation at the graduate level is a non-punitive mechanism used to ensure graduate students who are not successfully progressing in their graduate programs are provided with clear information and requirements to guide them to appropriate progression and successful program completion.

Students who are in any way struggling, failing to progress, or otherwise at-risk should be placed on probation. Probation neither goes on a student’s permanent record or transcript, nor does it necessarily result in the loss of a GAship. Academic probation is not to be used as punishment. Instead, graduate probation is a proactive and supportive step that advises students of concerns their faculty have about their performance and/or degree progression, clearly outlines steps to take to remedy the issue(s) and get back on track, provides information about resources that may help the student succeed, and sets a reasonable and appropriate timeline in which students must do so. If a student on probation fails to take the appropriate actions to improve their performance and meet all the requirements established in their probation letter from the Graduate College within the time provided, the department/school may submit a request to the Graduate College to separate a student.

For the purposes of evaluating student progression, UNLV considers student performance in individual graduate classes; timely and successful completion of required milestones; appropriate engagement with and completion of scholarly, research, professional, and creative requirements of their program; adherence to expectations and timelines established by their advisor or graduate coordinator; graduate program GPA; as well as other indicators of academic success and timely program completion. So, unsuccessful degree program progression includes, but is not limited to, a failure to:

  • maintain a minimum degree GPA of 3.0;
  • earn satisfactory grades, including no more than two incompletes; grades below a B or B- (depending on the program’s handbook); and no repeated withdrawals from courses required for the degree program;
  • maintain continuous enrollment by completing six (6) graduate credits each rolling three semesters (including summer) toward their program requirements;
  • be enrolled for at least one graduate-level credit during the semester in which a qualifying, comprehensive/preliminary, prospectus, or final examination is taken;
  • consult with their advisor within a reasonable amount of time when requested;
  • establish a GAC, when required;
  • consult with a GAC when requested;
  • develop and submit an official, approved degree program in a timely manner;
  • establish the groundwork for an acceptable thesis or dissertation and successfully defend the prospectus in a timely manner;
  • complete required comprehensive and/or qualifying examinations on schedule;
  • meet a department milestone or pass the culminating experience in an appropriate time frame;
  • successfully defend a thesis or dissertation in a timely manner;
  • and/or meet approved requirements in their department’s graduate handbook.

If a student fails to successfully progress in their degree program, their department/school will recommend that the student be placed on probation by the Graduate College. Departments, schools, and academic programs may not place students on academic probation on their own; they must recommend the probation to the Graduate College who will send the official notice of probation to students. Students on probation may be dismissed/separated from their program for failing to successfully meet the conditions of their probation by the deadline(s) provided.

Students may be dismissed/separated based on the Student Program Dismissal Procedures which include:

  • violations of ethical, professional, and/or student conduct in the field of study and/or as reflected in the UNLV Student Conduct Code and adjudicated by the UNLV Student Conduct board review process;
  • failing to follow appropriate degree program handbook requirements that are more stringent than Graduate College requirements;
  • and failure to successfully progress in one’s degree program and failure to meet academic probation requirements within the prescribed time frame.

Please note that graduate students will be separated for failure to meet admissions conditions or provisions or failure to comply with the continuous enrollment policy.

An UNLV graduate student who has been put on probation or separated for academic reasons has up to 30 days from the date of academic probation/separation to appeal the decision. The appeal for separation must be submitted to the Graduate College to be considered for academic reinstatement; and if approved, the student may be required to (re)apply to their desired degree program and complete the standard application process.

Students who are applying for admission or reentry into programs beyond the 30 day appeal period, may submit an application but are strongly encouraged to discuss their plans with the Department/program prior to application submission.

Please note that all probation and separation recommendations must be submitted to the Graduate College and only the Graduate College may officially place students on probation or separate students. Programs may not place students on “department” probation, nor separate students. These actions must be done in coordination with the Graduate College. All students are guaranteed due process rights and protections so students are always given the right to submit academic appeals.

Catalog Year for Program Requirements

The requirement term refers to the Catalog year that a student uses to establish their certificate/microcredential or degree program requirements for the purpose of graduation. Typically, a student’s term of admission is the requirement term they will adhere to so they will follow the certificate or degree requirements outlined in that Graduate Catalog and Program Handbook. However, with departmental and Graduate College approval, a student may use the Catalog that is in effect at the time of their graduation, or a Catalog between their admission and their term of graduation. With appropriate and timely communications to students, programs may opt to have students follow the requirements that are in effect at the time of admission or between admission and their term of graduation. Program Handbooks must clearly articulate requirement effective dates. If no specification of effective dates are noted in the handbook, it’s assumed that students must adhere to the Program Handbook requirements currently posted on the UNLV Degrees Directory website. Please note that program requirements must be met as outlined in one Catalog year only. Blending of program requirements from more than one Catalog or Profram Handbook is not permitted. For example, for embedded degrees, students are required to meet the requirements for both the embedded degree and the Ph.D. degree in one given Catalog year. All students seeking a graduate degree or certificate or microcredential under a given catalog year must adhere to all of the regulations and requirements outlined in that particular Catalog. Unless a student specifies otherwise, and has the support of their advisor and graduate coordinator, the term of admission will be the requirement term and that Catalog’s degree requirements will apply. 

Resident Credit Requirement

A minimum of two-thirds of total credits required to complete a graduate degree or certificate or microcredential program – not including thesis, dissertation, or professional paper credits – must be earned at UNLV after admission to a graduate degree program. Students may enroll in certificate or microcredential programs either as a stand-alone educational experience to earn the credential or as an additional credential (like a graduate minor) earned while also working on a graduate degree. Certificate or microcredential course credits earned before your graduate or professional degree, or simultaneously, may be approved to be used toward your graduate degree program. Students enrolled in a graduate or professional degree may still be awarded certificates or microcredentials as long as the certificate or microcredential course credits were taken prior to the completion of the graduate or professional degree. Additionally, microcredential course credits earned before a graduate or professional certificate, or simultaneously, may be approved to be used toward existing certificate programs. Students enrolled in a certificate program may still be awarded microcredentials as long as the microcredential course credits were taken prior to the completion of the certificate/degree. Students who are admitted and enrolled solely in certificate or microcredential programs may not be eligible for federal financial aid or Graduate College scholarships or fellowships (Please see UNLV’s Financial Aid & Scholarships). For more information about graduate certificates, please visit our graduate certificates webpage and microcredential webpage.

Time-to-Degree (TTD) Recommended Guidelines

Below describes Graduate College recommended guidelines. Within reason, departments/schools and academic colleges may impose shorter or longer timelines for program completion specific to their field of study.

Degree Type

Intended Length

Graduate College Recommendations on

Maximum Time to Degree


1-2 years

4 years; 6 years if simultaneously enrolled in another graduate degree program


1-3 years

6 years

Specialist or Artist Diploma

3-6 years

6 years if admitted post-masters; 8 years if admitted post-bachelor’s degree


3-6 years

6 years if admitted post-masters; 8 years if admitted post-bachelor’s degree




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