Jun 30, 2024  
2010-2012 Undergraduate Catalog 


  • NURS 427 - Improving Clinical Care via Leadership and Management

    Leadership and management strategies to coordinate and supervise care including interdisciplinary collaboration, systems operations, and professional standards of care. Three hours a week will be with a preceptor in the managerial role. Theory = 1 credit, Clinical = 1 credit.

    Credits 2
    Corequisites NURS 425.
    Prerequisites NURS 415, 418 and 419.
  • NURS 451 - Leadership and Management in Nursing Practice

    Examination of concepts which facilitate effectiveness in the nurse manager role. Study, observation, critique and practice of selected formal managerial strategies and informal managerial processes. Includes three hours of clinical practice weekly.

    Credits (1-4)
    Prerequisites NURS 411.
  • NURS 473 - Health and Disease in Antiquity

    (Same as ANTH 467.) Covers paleopathology, or, the study of disease in ancient populations. It provides an overview of morbidity over the last 20,000 years for many different populations from around the globe. Information on disease is drawn from human skeletal and mummified remains, as well as from archaeological reconstructions of lifestyle and diet.

    Credits 3
    Prerequisites Any one of the following: ANTH 102, BIOL 100, 109, 189 or 223, or NURS 299 or equivalent.
  • NURS 474 - Medical Anthropology

    (Same as ANTH 426.) Provides a broad overview of medical anthropology, covering such biocultural topics as disease and human evolution and ecology of disease, as well as culturally centered approaches in the field, including ethnomedicine (culture-specific conceptions of health and illness), healers in cross-cultural perspective, and medical anthropology practiced in clinical and public health settings.

    Credits 3
    Prerequisites   or  .
  • NURS 486 - Gerontology

    Study of age-related changes of the elderly relevant to their needs and delivery of health care.

    Credits 3
    Prerequisites Upper-division standing.
  • NURS 490 - Special Topics in Nursing

    Information related to broad topic areas. Separate units focus on aspects of a) Medical Nursing, b) Surgical Nursing, c) Psychiatric Nursing, d) Obstetrical Nursing, e) Pediatric Nursing, f) Gerontological Nursing, g) Research in Nursing, i) The Profession of Nursing, j) Specialty Areas in Nursing, k) Preventative Aspects of Health Care. Other specific topic areas published in class schedules.

    Credits (1-3)
    Prerequisites Upper-division standing.
  • NURS 498 - Independent Study

    Independent research projects under faculty supervision.

    Credits 1-3
    May be repeated to a maximum of nine credits.
  • NUTR 121 - Human Nutrition

    Emphasis on the classification, digestion, absorption, metabolism, and function of carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, water, vitamins, and minerals in the human body. Energy metabolism and nutrient needs during the lifecycle and for special populations will be discussed. A personal dietary assessment project will be required.

    Credits 3
    Notes Not for NUTR majors.
  • NUTR 223 - Principles of Nutrition

    Nutrition functions and bases for nutrient requirement at the cellular level.

    Credits 3
    Prerequisites CHEM 121 and NUTR 121, or NUTR major, or consent of instructor.
    Notes This course is for Nutrition Sciences majors or approved Allied Health Sciences students only.
  • NUTR 240 - Introduction to Sports Nutrition

    Evaluation of current concepts in sports nutrition. Findings translated into practical guidelines for fitness, dietary regimens supplementation, ergogenic aids, and food consumption. Not for NUTR majors.

    Credits 3
    Prerequisites NUTR 121 or BIOL 224, 224L.
  • NUTR 271 - Introduction to Nutrition and Dietetics

    Formerly Listed as NUTR 201

    Exposure to various areas of the field of dietetics, including clinical, community, management, and consultant paths. The nature of the work, the occupational outlook, ethics, networking and professionalism are covered.

    Credits 1
    Prerequisites NUTR 223.
  • NUTR 301 - Nutrition, Health and Ethnic Issues

    Discussions of the historical, geographic, political and religious factors influencing the nutritional status, eating customs, and meal patterns of various ethnic groups. Fulfills the university international course requirement.

    Credits 3
    Prerequisites ENG 101.
  • NUTR 311 - Nutrition Assessment

    Computerized dietary analysis systems, growth charts, national health and nutrition surveys, biochemical parameters and physical signs of nutritional status, and anthropometric assessment techniques. Also includes a self-paced interactive study of medical terminology.

    Credits (1-4)
    Prerequisites MATH 127, NUTR 370.
    Lab/Lecture/Studio Hours Three hours lecture and three hours laboratory. Laboratory fee required.
  • NUTR 311L - Nutrition Assessment

    Computerized dietary analysis systems, growth charts, national health and nutrition surveys, biochemical parameters and physical signs of nutritional status, and anthropometric assessment techniques. Also includes a self-paced interactive study of medical terminology.

    Credits (1-4)
    Prerequisites MATH 127, NUTR 370.
    Lab/Lecture/Studio Hours Three hours lecture and three hours laboratory. Laboratory fee required.
  • NUTR 315 - Field Experience in Nutrition

    Students participate in various community nutrition intervention projects aimed at improving eating habits and physical activity patterns of the participants. Students gain experience working with people from various stages in the life cycle (children through older adults) and they learn to provide appropriate nutrition education for age, educational level, and cultural background.

    Credits (1-3)
    Prerequisites NUTR 223 and NUTR 201.
    May be repeated to a maximum of six credits.
  • NUTR 370 - Nutrition in the Life Cycle

    Changes in nutrient needs during reproduction, growth and development and aging discussed with consideration given to physiologic, social, economic, and life-style factors that influence nutrition status, food choices and specific life-stage concerns.

    Credits 3
    Prerequisites NUTR 223.
  • NUTR 405 - Advanced Sports Nutrition

    Popular nutrition practices utilized by competitive and recreational athletes focusing on dietary analyses, scientific support and efficacy. Emphasis on fuel, alterations in body composition, weight control, metabolic pathways, and ergogenic aids.

    Credits 3
    Prerequisites NUTR 311/311L.
  • NUTR 406 - Food Microbiology

    (Same as BIOL 470.) Microrganism classification, normal populations, gastrointestinal flora, food-borne illnesses, sanitation safety, and new technologies.

    Credits 3
    Prerequisites BIOL 251/251L.
    Lab/Lecture/Studio Hours Laboratory experiences offered twice a week to enhance lecture topics. Semester credit hours (3); 3 hour lecture; (2) 3 hour laboratory sessions.
  • NUTR 407 - Complementary and Integrative MNT

    Emphasis on research methods and science-based literature to evaluate the safety, standardization and efficacy of popular therapies, including herbals, botanicals, and dietary supplements for preventive and nontraditional medical nutrition therapies.

    Credits 3
    Prerequisites NUTR 311/311L.
  • NUTR 408 - Nutrition, Food and Policy

    Combination lecture and seminar course covering laws and policies related to health care, food, and nutrition, including, but not limited to, advertising, labeling, food assistance, and biotechnology. The role of federal and state regulations and agencies in these areas is also covered.

    Credits 3
    Prerequisites NUTR 370.
  • NUTR 426 - Medical Nutrition Therapy I

    In-depth exploration of the Nutrition Care Process, including relevant documentation, standardized language, comprehensive nutrition assessment, interpretation of laboratory values, food and medication interactions and individualized patient and client care planning.

    Credits 3
    Prerequisites NUTR 311/311L and BIOL 224/224L.
  • NUTR 427 - Medical Nutrition Therapy II

    Medical Nutrition Therapy and nutrition support as applied to specific disease states. Conditions impacting weight management, bone health, eating disorders, diabetes, renal, hepatic, and gastrointestinal disorders are covered.

    Credits 3
    Corequisites NUTR 450 and NUTR 437.
    Prerequisites NUTR 426.
  • NUTR 429 - Dietetics Business and Management Principles I

    Business and management theories and practices specific to dietetics professionals in clinical practice, food service management, community nutrition, and private practice.

    Credits 3
    Prerequisites FAB 160, FAB 361, NUTR 311/311L.
  • NUTR 430 - Dietetics, Business, and Management Principles II

    Case study approach to support theories and principles taught in NUTR 429.

    Credits 3
    Prerequisites NUTR 429.
  • NUTR 431 - Seminar in Nutrition

    Synthesizes knowledge of nutrition as a science and the role of nutrition and dietetics professionals in the future of the Nutrition Care Process.

    Credits 3
    Corequisites  ;  .
    Prerequisites  .
  • NUTR 436 - Food Microbiology Laboratory

    (Same as BIOL 469L.) Practical laboratory experiences in food microbiology; methodology for identification and quantification of microbes for food safety.

    Credits 2
    Corequisites NUTR 406.
    Prerequisites BIOL 251.
    Notes Laboratory fee required.
  • NUTR 437 - Medical Nutrition Therapy Practicum

    Practicum sessions, on and off campus, with emphasis on application of the Nutrition Care Process.

    Credits 1
    Corequisites NUTR 427.
    Prerequisites NUTR 426.
  • NUTR 450 - Advanced Nutrition: Theory and Application

    Investigation of pathophysiology of common human metabolic disorders. Develops an understanding of the role of nutrition in the etiology and treatment of these disorders through examination of case studies.

    Credits 3
    Prerequisites BIOL 224/224L, CHEM 241/241L, NUTR 311/311L, or consent of instructor.
  • NUTR 451 - Nutrition and Metabolism I

    Cellular metabolism of carbohydrates, lipids and proteins and related macronutrients, including energy transformation, digestion, absorption, transport and malnutrition with emphasis on food sources and current research.

    Credits 3
    Prerequisites NUTR 370; CHEM 241/241L, BIOL 224/224L.
  • NUTR 452 - Nutrition and Metabolism II

    Cellular metabolism of vitamins, minerals and related micronutrients; including, digestion, absorption, transport, and malnutrition with emphasis on food sources and current research.

    Credits 3
    Prerequisites NUTR 451.
  • NUTR 466 - Nutritional Anthropology

    (Same as ANTH 466.) Provides anthropological perspective on the multifaceted nature of human relationships to food, especially regarding health, disease, and malnutrition in the contemporary world. Variety of theoretical and methodological approaches explored.

    Credits 3
    Prerequisites NUTR 223.
  • NUTR 470 - Community Nutrition

    Health care systems, program development, behavior change strategies and health status of individuals and communities. At least one field experience, which includes opportunities to observe or assist with screenings, educational programs, community events and state/federal nutrition programs, will be required outside of class.

    Credits 3
    Prerequisites NUTR 201 and NUTR 370.
  • NUTR 475 - Undergraduate Research in Nutrition

    Participation in a research project in nutrition selected by faculty and students to demonstrate potential in the field. Project may be conducted as an integrated project or an independent activity.

    Credits (1-3)
    Prerequisites NUTR 311/311L and consent of instructor.
    May be repeated to a maximum of six credits.
  • NUTR 490 - Special Topics in Nutrition

    Focuses on specific nutrition-related issue not covered in depth in other NUTR courses.

    Credits (1-3)
    Prerequisites NUTR 311/311L.
    May be repeated to a maximum of six credits.
    Notes Offered for students who have a common interest in a nutrition topic.
  • NUTR 491 - Independent Study in Clinical Nutrition

    Formerly Listed as NUTR 480.

    Independent study of selected nutrition topics. Assignments/projects designed by instructor to meet the needs of the student.

    Credits (1-3)
    Prerequisites  /  and consent of instructor.
    May be repeated to a maximum of nine credits.
  • NUTR 495 - Practicum in Nutrition Education

    Practical experiences for students to share information with populations of various ages and nutritional needs. Guidance provided for planning and implementing nutrition education sessions, program evaluation, and use of multimedia technologies.

    Credits (1-3)
    Prerequisites NUTR 311/311L and consent of instructor.
  • PED 170 - Introduction to Physical Education

    Provides orientation to the field and history of physical education, including current trends, professional standards and discussions with guest speakers. Must earn B- or better.

    Credits 3
  • PED 173 - Teaching Tumbling

    Instruction in skills and methods of teaching tumbling. For students majoring or minoring in physical education.

    Credits 1
  • PED 240 - Scientific Bases of Physical Education

    Overview of scientific bases for teaching physical education focusing on integration and application of selected anatomical, biomechanical, and biological principles. Must earn a B- or better.

    Credits 3
    Prerequisites BIOL 189.
  • PED 286 - Teaching Team Sports

    Provides students with knowledge of and practice in various methods and techniques of teaching selected team sports.

    Credits 3
  • PED 287 - Teaching Fitness Activities

    Critical study of the basic concepts and organizational techniques utilized in teaching a variety of physical fitness activities. Students given opportunities to apply these factors to teaching situations.

    Credits 3
    Prerequisites PED 240.
  • PED 288 - Teaching Individual Sports

    Provides students with knowledge of and practice in various methods and techniques of teaching selected individual sports.

    Credits 3
  • PED 295 - Introduction to Coaching

    Provides awareness, knowledge, and competencies in history, philosophy, principles, organization, and techniques of coaching.

    Credits 3
  • PED 300 - Techniques of Coaching Basketball

    Provides basic principles, methods and techniques of coaching basketball. Includes study of rules and mechanics of officiating.

    Credits 3
  • PED 301 - Techniques of Coaching Baseball

    Provides basic principles, methods, and techniques of coaching baseball. Includes study of rules and mechanics of officiating.

    Credits 3
  • PED 302 - Techniques of Coaching Football

    Provides basic principles, methods, and techniques of coaching football. Includes study of rules and mechanics of officiating.

    Credits 3
  • PED 303 - Techniques of Coaching Running Events

    Provides basic principles, methods, and techniques of coaching running events. Includes study of rules and mechanics of officiating.

    Credits 3
  • PED 303B - Techniques of Coaching Field Events

    Provides basic principles, methods, and techniques of coaching field events. Includes study of rules and mechanics of officiating.

    Credits 3
  • PED 304 - Techniques of Coaching Swimming, Diving, and Water Polo

    Provides basic principles, methods, and techniques of coaching swimming, diving, and water polo. Includes study of rules and mechanics of officiating.

    Credits 3
    Prerequisites PEX 120C and 120D.
  • PED 305 - Techniques of Coaching Wrestling

    Provides basic principles, methods, and techniques of coaching wrestling. Includes study of rules and mechanics of officiating.

    Credits 3
  • PED 306 - Techniques of Coaching Volleyball

    Provides basic principles, methods, and techniques of coaching volleyball. Includes study of rules and mechanics of officiating.

    Credits 3
  • PED 310 - Sports Officiating

    Study of rules and mechanics of officiating the sports of baseball, basketball, football, and track and field.

    Credits 2
  • PED 320 - Motor Development for the Practitioner

    Examination of human motor behavior from birth through adulthood. Special emphasis placed on development of fundamental skills and their effect on future motor performance. Geared towards practical application of motor development theories. Must earn B- or better.

    Credits 3
    Prerequisites PED 240.
  • PED 335 - Coaching Practicum

    Practicum in teaching physical education and athletic coaching.

    Credits 2
    Prerequisites Consent of instructor.
  • PED 336 - Elementary Physical Education Teaching Practicum

    Practicum in teaching physical education in an elementary setting. Must be taken concurrently with PED 428 for those students who are seeking Special License (grades K-12) or Elementary License (Grades K-8).

    Credits 2
    Prerequisites Passing scores on PRAXIS I Series: Pre-Professional Skills Test, PED 240 and PED 320. Corequisite courses: PED 428.
  • PED 337 - Movement Experiences for Children

    Designed to acquaint students with developmentally appropriate activities for grades Pre-K-2. Activities range from fundamental motor skills, dance, gymnastics, and fitness to transition of their use in sports settings.

    Credits 3
    Prerequisites PED 170 or EDU 201.
  • PED 338 - Movement Experiences for Children in Intermediate Grades

    Designed to acquaint students with developmentally appropriate activities for grades 3-6. Focus on refinement of fundamental skills and transition to their use in sports settings.

    Credits 2
    Prerequisites PED 336.
  • PED 339 - Teaching Educational Gymnastics

    Provides prospective educators with content knowledge and pedagogical skills needed to teach educational gymnastics in the K-12 physical education program.

    Credits 2
    Prerequisites PED 336 or consent of instructor.
  • PED 340 - Teaching Rhythmic Activities

    Provides prospective physical educators with content knowledge and pedagogical skills needed to teach rhythmic activities in the K-12 physical education program. Emphasis on supporting development of motor skills through rhythmic activities.

    Credits 3
    Prerequisites PED 170.
  • PED 350 - Psychology of Coaching

    Provides selected psychological theories and techniques for producing a more effective teacher and/or coach.

    Credits 3
    Prerequisites PSY 101 or SOC 101 or ANT 101.
  • PED 380 - History and Philosophy of Physical Education

    Historical analysis of physical education within context of forces which have affected its development. Philosophical bases and principles as guidelines for the profession.

    Credits 2
    Prerequisites PED 170.
  • PED 391 - Conditioning and Training Principles

    (Same as KIN 391.) Relates principles of anatomical, biomechanical, and physiological kinesiology directly to problems of the athletic coach. Emphasis on application of kinesiological principles to conditioning and training of athletes.

    Credits 3
    Prerequisites PED 240.
  • PED 400 - Advanced Principles in Coaching Basketball

    Principles and techniques in coaching advanced basketball. For coaches who have experience with coaching basketball and wish to increase their knowledge and effectiveness.

    Credits 3
  • PED 402 - Advanced Principles of Coaching Football

    Principles and techniques in coaching advanced football. For coaches who have experience with coaching football and wish to increase their knowledge and effectiveness.

    Credits 3
  • PED 407 - Stress Management

    (Same as HED 407.) Explores such things as the meaning of stress, its effects, how it manifests itself physically, mistakes made in handling stress, and strategies for self-care in managing stress. Particular emphasis on the role of physical activity in controlling stress and the development of a controlled lifestyle providing balance between work and play and rest and exercise.

    Credits 3
  • PED 428 - Methods of Teaching Physical Education

    Study of modern trends in materials, methods, techniques, and practices in secondary physical education programs. Includes careful study of aims and objectives, classification of pupils, selection of activities, organization, equipment, and management challenges. Depending on certification program emphasis (e.g., elementary, secondary, or both) students must enroll in the appropriate teaching course(s) (e.g., PED 336 and /or PED 445) in conjunction with this course.

    Credits 4
    Prerequisites Passing scores on Praxis I, B- or above in PED 240 and PED 320.
  • PED 440 - Organization and Administration of the Physical Education Program

    Principles and methods of organizing and administering three components of the physical education program: general education, physical recreation, and interscholastic athletics.

    Credits 3
    Prerequisites PED 170 or PED 295, and PED 350.
  • PED 445 - Secondary Physical Education Teaching Practicum

    Practicum in teaching physical education in a secondary school setting. Must be taken concurrently with PED 428 for those students seeking Special License (Grades K-12) or Secondary License (Grades 7-12).

    Credits 2
  • PED 450 - Supervised Teaching in Physical Education (Major field)

    Provides opportunities for supervised teaching in an assigned class situation in physical education.

    Credits 6
    Prerequisites B- or better in PED 170, 240, 320, 336, 428, 445. In addition, students must have taken and passed PED 494.
    May be repeated to a maximum of 12 credits.
    Notes Must be taken concurrently with PED 470.
  • PED 451 - Supervised Teaching in Physical Education (Minor field)

    Provides opportunities for supervised teaching in an assigned class situation in physical education.

    Credits 6 or 12
    Prerequisites B- or better in PED 170, 240, 320, 336, 428, 445. In addition students must have taken and passed PED 494. (6 for minors, 12 for majors).
    May be repeated to a maximum of 12 credits.
    Notes Must be taken concurrently with PED 470.
  • PED 460 - Workshop in Physical Education

    Designed to provide opportunities for study in specific areas in physical education.

    Credits 3
    May be repeated to a maximum of 12 credits.
  • PED 465 - Introduction to Adapted Physical Education

    (Same as EDSP 413.) Adaptive physical education and recreational programming for the physically challenged child. Emphasis on gross and fine motor coordinative activities, fitness, and recreational activities in special education.

    Credits 3
    Prerequisites PED 320.
  • PED 466 - Methods in Teaching Adapted Physical Education

    Prepares teachers in selection and instruction of physical education activities for handicapped individuals. Emphasis on curriculum development, programmed materials, equipment, and teaching methods in developing the special/adapted physical education program.

    Credits 3
    Prerequisites PED 320.
  • PED 467 - Assessment in Adapted Physical Education

    Overview of assessment devices available for special populations being served by adapted physical education specialists. Practical experience selecting, utilizing and scoring each assessment device provided.

    Credits 3
    Prerequisites PED 465.
  • PED 468 - Practicum

    Experience in Adapted Physical Education Collaborative practicum experience between pre-service students and professional adapted physical educators in Clark County Schools and/or local charter schools. Practical teaching experience in providing physical education services to students with disabilities by being assigned a professional mentor and participating in class lectures and discussions.

    Credits 3
    Prerequisites BIOL 189, PED 240, PED 320, PED 465, PED 467.
  • PED 470 - Clinical Teaching Seminar in Physical Education

    Bridges the professional sequence and clinical experience of specific applications of teaching methods and techniques.

    Credits 2
    Notes Must be taken concurrently with either PED 450 or PED 451.
  • PED 489 - Administration of Athletic Programs

    Current problems and issues, including the management and administration of interscholastic and intercollegiate athletic programs. Issues, forces, and problems of modern administration that confront present-day athletic directors and coaches discussed as well as today’s concepts, methods, and practices for resolving problems.

    Credits 3
  • PED 494 - Evaluation in Physical Education

    Investigation of tests used in physical education, of methods of administration of the testing program, and of interpreting and reporting the data collected.

    Credits 3
    Prerequisites PED 170.
  • PED 496 - Advanced Methodology in Coaching Interscholastic and Intercollegiate Athletics

    Practicum in methodology of coaching athletics.

    Credits 3
    Prerequisites PED 295.
    Notes Students planning to complete their practicum in the CCSD must be fingerprinted.
  • PED 497 - Research and Development in Athletics

    Practicum in methodology of coaching interscholastic and intercollegiate athletics, with emphasis in areas of statistical analysis, physiological program, recruiting, and finance. Twenty hours per week required.

    Credits 3
    Prerequisites Consent of instructor.
  • PED 498 - Coaching Clinic

    Lectures and demonstrations in techniques of coaching major sports.

    Credits (1-2)
    May be repeated to a maximum of two credits.
  • PED 499 - Special Problems in Physical Education

    Specialized instruction and/or research designed to develop in-depth understanding of a current physical education problem.

    Credits (1-6)
    Prerequisites Consent of instructor.
    May be repeated to a maximum of six credits.
  • PEX 100 - Archery

    An activity class may be repeated for credit up to four times and may be audited.

    Credits 1
    May be repeated for a maximum of four credits.
  • PEX 101 - Backpacking and Camping

    An activity class may be repeated for credit up to four times and may be audited.

    Credits 1
    May be repeated for a maximum of four credits.
  • PEX 102 - Badminton

    An activity class may be repeated for credit up to four times and may be audited.

    Credits 1
    May be repeated for a maximum of four credits.
  • PEX 103 - Bicycling

    An activity class may be repeated for credit up to four times and may be audited.

    Credits 1
    May be repeated for a maximum of four credits.
  • PEX 104 - Billiards

    An activity class may be repeated for credit up to four times and may be audited.

    Credits 1
    May be repeated for a maximum of four credits.
  • PEX 104C - Billiards (Advanced)

    An activity class may be repeated for credit up to four times and may be audited.

    Credits 1
    May be repeated for a maximum of four credits.
  • PEX 105 - Bowling

    An activity class may be repeated for credit up to four times and may be audited.

    Credits 1
    May be repeated for a maximum of four credits.
  • PEX 106 - Canoeing

    An activity class may be repeated for credit up to four times and may be audited.

    Credits 1
    May be repeated for a maximum of four credits.
  • PEX 107 - Golf

    An activity class may be repeated for credit up to four times and may be audited.

    Credits 1
    May be repeated for a maximum of four credits.
  • PEX 107A - Golf (Intermediate)

    An activity class may be repeated for credit up to four times and may be audited.

    Credits 1
    May be repeated for a maximum of four credits.
  • PEX 109 - Handball

    An activity class may be repeated for credit up to four times and may be audited.

    Credits 1
    May be repeated for a maximum of four credits.
  • PEX 110 - Fitness Walking

    An activity class may be repeated for credit up to four times and may be audited.

    Credits 1
    May be repeated for a maximum of four credits.
  • PEX 111 - Jogging

    An activity class may be repeated for credit up to four times and may be audited.

    Credits 1
    May be repeated for a maximum of four credits.
  • PEX 112 - Olympic Sport Judo

    An activity class may be repeated for credit up to four times and may be audited.

    Credits 1
    May be repeated for a maximum of four credits.
  • PEX 112B - Self-Defense Judo

    An activity class may be repeated for credit up to four times and may be audited.

    Credits 1
    May be repeated for a maximum of four credits.
  • PEX 113 - Tae Kwon Do (Beginning)

    An activity class may be repeated for credit up to four times and may be audited.

    Credits 1
    May be repeated for a maximum of four credits.
  • PEX 113B - Tae Kwon Do (Intermediate)

    An activity class may be repeated for credit up to four times and may be audited.

    Credits 1
    May be repeated for a maximum of four credits.
  • PEX 114 - Self Defense

    An activity class may be repeated for credit up to four times and may be audited.

    Credits 1
    May be repeated for a maximum of four credits.

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