Oct 23, 2024  
2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog 
2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog

Biological Sciences (BS)

Biology is the study of life. The earth is filled with an enormous variety of living organisms; therefore, an understanding of the basic biological processes common to all organisms is essential to understanding the world. In recent decades, great strides have been made in understanding important biological processes, particularly those at the molecular, cellular, and ecosystem levels. An understanding of biological systems depends, in part, on the principles of physics and chemistry; thus a firm background in the physical sciences is also important in the study of biology. For many, a Bachelor of Science (BS) in Biology serves as a basis for postgraduate study in the life sciences. School of Life Sciences graduates have gone on to advanced graduate study, leading to careers in college or university teaching, basic and applied research, and public health. Many have entered professional programs in medicine, veterinary medicine, and dentistry. Other graduates have gone directly into secondary (high school) science teaching, the biomedical industry, independent laboratory research, natural resources management, or environmental education.

The BS in Biological Sciences undergraduate degree program aims to diversely train its students, enabling graduates to pursue careers or advanced degrees in life and health sciences, research, education, industry, or governmental work. Based on their individual interests, students may select from the following concentrations: Biotechnology, Cell and Molecular Biology, Comprehensive Biology, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Education, Integrative Physiology, Microbiology, and Pre-Professional Studies. All biology undergraduate students must complete a minimum of 120 credit hours. Each concentration may require specific upper division courses; therefore the number of upper division electives may vary across concentrations.

Please see the UNLV College of Sciences, Biology department web page at www.unlv.edu/lifesciences for information about department programs, faculty and facilities.  Degree worksheets and 4/5 year plan for the major are available at www.unlv.edu/degree/bs-biological-sciences.

Available Options

  • Concentration in Cell and Molecular Biology
  • Concentration in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
  • Concentration in Integrative Physiology
  • Concentration in Microbiology
  • Concentration in Pre-Professional Studies

Learning Outcomes

All students graduating with a Bachelor of Science in Biological Sciences should be able to:

*Outcomes marked with an asterisk apply to students graduating with a minor in Biological Sciences.

1. Understand the nature of scientific knowledge. *

  • Describe the differences between opinions, facts, and scientific theories.
  • Appropriately utilize the scientific method within the laboratory environment.
  • Apply their understanding of the scientific method to successfully design an experiment.
  • Critically analyze scientific content presented both orally and in writing.

2. Understand cell structures and functions. *

  • Explain the similarities and differences between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells.
  • Explain the similarities and differences between plant and animal cells.
  • Describe the structure and function(s) of common eukaryotic organelles (nucleus, ribosomes, rough and smooth endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi apparatus, vesicles, lysosomes, mitochondria, chloroplasts, peroxisomes, vacuoles, and cytoskeleton).
  • Diagram the structure of an animal cell membrane, including the phospholipid bilayer, cholesterol, proteins, and carbohydrates.
  • Explain the functions of the cell membrane, including passive and active transport and communication/information processing.

3. Understand the physical nature of genetic information. *

  • Describe the structure of DNA.
  • Diagram the basic structure of a gene, including regulatory and coding sequences.
  • Explain how genetic information is used in reproduction, including the processes of mitosis and meiosis.
  • Explain how genetic information is utilized during transcription, translation, DNA replication, and cell division.
  • Explain how genetic information can be changed through processes of mutation.
  • Explain how epigenetic regulation of gene expression can occur.

4. Understand that all organisms are genetically related, have evolved, and are evolving. *

  • Explain the relationship between genetic information, physical characteristics, and the environment.
  • Provide a timeline of major evolutionary events describing the emergence of the main forms of life (prokaryotes, eukaryotes, multicellular life, fungi, plants, insects, fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, mammals).
  • Articulate the mechanisms of evolution including mutation, selection, and speciation.
  • Apply their understanding of evolutionary relationships to accurately interpret phylogenetic trees.
  • Explain experimental techniques used to investigate evolution.

5. Understand the metabolic complexity of cells and organisms.

  • Provide examples of diverse mechanisms used by cells/organisms to extract energy from the environment.
  • Explain the reactions of energy transformation that occur in mitochondria, chloroplasts, microbes, and multicellular organisms.
  • Provide examples of diverse mechanisms used by cells/organisms to synthesize biological molecules.
  • Explain how cells/organisms regulate the internal environment.

6. Understand the complex interplay of how organisms respond to and interact with each other and their environment.

  • Describe how interactions change as the scale of life transitions from cells to ecosystems.
  • Articulate the different patterns of population growth and explain the environmental factors that underlie each pattern.
  • Explain community structure and the various forms of biodiversity.
  • Provide examples of the types of interactions that can occur between community members, including competition, predation, parasitism, coexistence, mutualism, and commensalism.
  • Explain how communities can respond to disturbances.
  • Discuss the interactions that occur between organisms and the nonliving components of their environment, including the role of biogeochemical cycling.

7. Effectively communicate complex biological concepts, orally and in writing.

  • Effectively discuss individual biological concepts in short written format such as a two to four paragraph response.
  • Effectively articulate the relationships between many biological concepts in an extended written format such as an eight to ten page paper.
  • Effectively explain individual biological concepts in a ten to fifteen minute oral presentation.
  • Effectively answer questions from the audience following an oral presentation.
  • Summarize key points from a peer-reviewed journal article in a written report or during a group discussion.

8. Fulfill their professional goals.

Concentration in Cell and Molecular Biology

In addition to the outcomes listed above, concentration specific outcomes are as follows:

  • Explain the interrelationship between chemistry and biology, including how physical and chemical laws influence the structure and function of intracellular components and macromolecules.
Concentration in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology

In addition to the outcomes listed above, concentration specific outcomes are as follows:

  • Articulate in detail the interactions organisms have with each other and with nonliving components of the environment and how organisms and environments change over time.
Concentration in Integrative Physiology

In addition to the outcomes listed above, concentration specific outcomes are as follows:

  • Explain how cells and organisms acquire and process nutrients, transform energy, and maintain homeostasis in a variable environment to survive and reproduce.
Concentration in Microbiology

In addition to the outcomes listed above, concentration specific outcomes are as follows:

  • Explain the diversity and similarity of microbes, including their physiology, mechanisms of pathogenesis and host defenses, and unique ecology.
Concentration in Pre-Professional

In addition to the outcomes listed above, concentration specific outcomes are as follows:

  • Become competitive candidates for admission into professional schools.


Admission Policies

Minimum GPA Requirement: 2.50

Prospective biology majors with a GPA less than 2.50, but at least 2.0, may be admitted on probationary status. A student placed on probation must meet with an advisor to design and agree upon a probationary course of study based on the student’s previous progress and on established degree program requirements. This course of study must include at least 15 credits that apply toward a degree in the major, with a majority of the credits coming from courses in the college, unless all requirements within the college have been completed by the student. The advisor will place a memorandum outlining the course of study in the student’s file. Students are expected to complete the probationary course of study within two consecutive semesters and one summer. Students who complete the probationary course of study within the allotted time with a cumulative GPA (for the course of study only) of at least 2.00 will be removed from probation.

Biological Sciences Major:

Course requirements:
Biological Sciences majors must complete a set of required 100-level science, math, and composition classes with a satisfactory grade before they can enroll in more advanced 300- and 400-level biology classes. In the first two semesters the typical student will complete the seven biology, chemistry, math, and composition courses listed below with a C or better (C- is not sufficient) as a prerequisite for enrollment in any upper division biology course. These courses, which satisfy university and science major requirements (22 credits), are typically taken in the freshman year:

With satisfactory completion of these classes (“C” or better in each class), students will be able to enroll in 300- and 400-level biology classes, subject to any additional prerequisites listed in the course catalog.

If a student does not earn a “C” or better the first time they take a required course, it is expected that they will repeat the course one time and utilize available resources to improve their academic performance. Continuation as a biology major requires a C or better (C- is not sufficient) in each course (or equivalent transferred from another institution).

Transfer Policies

Transfer students must have a minimum GPA of 2.50. All students are required to meet with an advisor to determine course work that can be used to satisfy degree requirements. Biology, chemistry, physics and math transfer courses will be accepted to fill specific degree requirements only with a grade of C or better.
Although rare, it is possible for superior pre-professional students to gain admission to a professional school upon completion of 94 units of undergraduate work. Such students may, under certain circumstances, be awarded a baccalaureate degree from UNLV upon successfully completing one year of full-time study with courses equivalent to the School of Life Sciences major at the professional school. To apply for a degree after one year of professional school, students must have completed 94 units at UNLV with a GPA of 3.50 and meet university and college graduation requirements. Any student contemplating such a program must obtain approval from the departmental chair and college dean in advance of departure from UNLV.

Community College Articulation

The School of Life Sciences has course articulation agreements with several community colleges both within and outside Nevada. For specific information about transfer of credits from two-year institutions, students should seek advising about specific courses of study from the department.

Department Policies

Academic Policies

In addition to the General Education Core requirements, all study courses must include a minimum of 39 credits in the Biological Sciences and satisfy the specific requirements of one of the five concentration areas offered by the department.

In accord with UNLV requirements, at least 40 credits must be earned in upper-division-level courses. This requirement may be satisfied by selecting courses within and outside the School of Life Sciences.

To graduate with a degree in the biological sciences, a cumulative GPA of at least 2.00 must be maintained for all courses in the major field (BIOL). All BIOL core courses taken (BIOL 190A/190L, 191A/191L, 300 or 304, 351, and 415) must be passed with a grade of C or better to fulfill prerequisites for other upper-division courses and to apply to the B.S. degree in Biological Sciences.

BIOL 100, 104, 109, 113, 189, 120, 121, 122, 148, 208, 220 are designed for non-biology majors and do not fulfill the School of Life Sciences curricular requirements. Although these credits will apply to the general university total credit requirement; or might be required or advised for other programs or career tracks (e.g., primary or secondary teaching), they are not recommended for Biological Sciences majors and do not fulfill any requirements for the biology major. The faculty of the School of Life Sciences urge all new majors in the department to enroll in and promptly complete fundamental course work, which will serve as a foundation for success in the study of the life sciences. By the end of the second full year of study (or its equivalent), Biological Sciences Instructors will expect that Biological Sciences majors in all concentrations will have completed: ENG 101 and 102; MATH 127, 128 or MATH 181; CHEM 121A and CHEM 121L and CHEM 122A and CHEM 122L; and PHYS 151A/151L and 152A/152L (or the equivalent from the PHYS 180 series). BIOL course content will reflect these expectations.


Please see advising information at the UNLV College of Sciences Advising Center.


For information regarding accreditation at UNLV, please head over to Academic Program Accreditations.

University Graduation Requirements

Please see Graduation Policies  for complete information.

Biology (BS) Degree Requirements - Total: 120 Credits

General Education Requirements - Subtotal: 32-42 Credits

First-Year Seminar - Credits: 2-3

It is strongly recommended that students take SCI 101  to satisfy the First Year Seminar requirement.

English Composition - Credits: 6

Second - Year Seminar - Credits: 3

Constitutions - Credits: 3-6


Distribution Requirement - Credits: 18

Please see Distribution Requirements  for more information.

  • Humanities and Fine Arts: 9 Credits
    • Two courses 3 credits each from two different humanities areas - 6 credits
    • One course in fine arts- 3 credits
  • Social Science: 9 Credits
    • One course each from three different fields.
  • Life and Physical Sciences and Analytical Thinking:
    • Automatically satisfied by Major requirements

Multicultural and International - Credits: 0-6

Every student must complete a multicultural course and an international course. Courses satisfying other requirements may simultaneously satisfy the multicultural and international requirements except one course cannot satisfy both the multicultural and the international requirements.

Multicultural, one 3 credit course required
International, one 3 credit course required

These courses may overlap with general education and major requirements.  A single course may not meet the multicultural and international requirements simultaneously. For the list of approved multicultural and international courses, go to: www.unlv.edu/provost/multicultural-requirements.

Major Requirement - BS in Biology - Cell and Molecular Biology Concentration - Subtotal: 78 Credits

(see notes 1-4 below)

General Electives - Credits: 6-9


  1. It is strongly recommended that students interested in biomedicine or attending graduate school take additional appropriate upper-division biology courses and research units to meet their elective credit requirements.
  2. Up to 4 credits of BIOL 492  may be used toward concentration total of 24 credits.
  3. Up to 2 credits total of BIOL 494  and/or BIOL 499  may be used as electives to satisfy 120 credit total.
  4. At least 40 credits must be earned at the upper-division level (300 and above).

Total Credits: 120

Major Requirements - BS in Biology - Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Concentration - Subtotal: 78 Credits

 (see note 1-4 below)

General Electives - Credits: 6-9


  1. It is strongly recommended that students interested in biomedicine or attending graduate school take additional appropriate upper-division biology courses and research units to meet their elective credit requirements.
  2. Up to 4 credits of BIOL 492  may be used toward concentration total of 24 credits.
  3. Up to 2 credits total of BIOL 494  and/or BIOL 499  may be used as electives to satisfy 120 credit total.
  4. At least 40 credits must be earned at the upper-division level (300 and above).

Total Credits: 120

Major Requirements - BS in Biology - Integrative Physiology Concentration - Subtotal: 78 Credits

(see notes 1-4 below)

Integrative Physiology Requirements Credits: 24

General Electives - Credits: 6-9


  1.  It is strongly recommended that students interested in biomedicine or attending graduate school take additional appropriate upper-division biology courses and research units to meet their elective credit requirements.
  2. Up to 4 credits of BIOL 492  may be used toward concentration total of 24 credits.
  3. Up to 2 credits total of BIOL 494  and/or BIOL 499  may be used as electives to satisfy 120 credit total.
  4.  At least 40 credits must be earned at the upper-division level (300 and above).

Total Credits: 120

Microbiology Concentration - Credits: 24

A minimum of three courses from list below:

General Electives - Credits: 6-9


  1.  It is strongly recommended that students interested in biomedicine or attending graduate school take additional appropriate upper-division biology courses and research units to meet their elective credit requirements.
  2. Up to 4 credits of BIOL 492  may be used toward concentration total of 24 credits.
  3. Up to 2 credits total of BIOL 494  and/or BIOL 499  may be used as electives to satisfy 120 credit total.
  4.  At least 40 credits must be earned at the upper-division level (300 and above).

Total Credits: 120

Major Requirement - BS in Pre-Professional Concentration - Subtotal: 76 Credits

(see notes 1-4 below)

Pre-Professional Requirements - Credits: 20

A minimum of six courses from focus course lists A, B, and C (total of 20 credits) selected from course focus lists A - C.
Overall minimum of one course from each list A - C

General Electives - Credits: 2-12

Total Credits: 120


  1. It is strongly recommended that students interested in biomedicine or attending graduate school take additional appropriate upper-division biology courses and research units to meet their elective credit requirements.
  2. Up to 2 credits total of BIOL 492  , BIOL 494  , BBIOL 496   and/or BIOL 499  may be used to satisfy concentration of 20 credits.
  3. An additional 2 credits of BIOL 492  , BIOL 494  , BIOL 496  , and/or BIOL 499   may be used a electives to satisfy 120 credit total.
  4. At least 40 credits must be earned at the upper-division level (300 and above).
  5. BIOL 351  , BIOL 415  are milestone courses for Biological Sciences B.S.