General Studies in Liberal Arts Major - Bachelor of Arts (BA)
The B.A. in General Studies in Liberal Arts will offer a flexible pathway to graduation for students not pursuing a more traditional degree. Students in the program must complete all UNLV requirements for graduation, including the university general education requirements, plus a six-credit General Studies in Liberal Arts core course sequence. In the core sequence, students will synthesize their areas of study over the course of their education and reflect upon career opportunities that build upon their interests.
Please see the UNLV College of Liberal Arts, Interdisciplinary Degrees web page at for information about department programs, faculty, and facilities. Degree worksheets and 4/5 year plans for the major are available at site.
Please see advising information at the UNLV Wilson Advising Center at
Institution - Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities
Learning Objectives
- By the end of completing this degree program, students will be able to:
- Integrate learned skills and knowledge acquired during their course of study, acquiring the necessary breadth and depth for a comprehensive perspective.
- Explain the value of the degree and its relevance to their own professional and/or personal goals.
- Find, evaluate, and analyze relevant data/information to effectively address a focused research question that addresses a complex problem in the world.
- Communicate ideas clearly in written and oral form.
- Build an intellectual foundation to support continuous learning.
To declare this major, students must have a minimum 2.0 GPA, are required to have completed a minimum of 90 credit hours, need more than 30 credits to complete a degree in any degree program, and has a goal of completing an undergraduate degree within two semesters. In addition, the student must obtain permission from an advisor, the chair of Interdisciplinary, Gender, & Ethnic Studies, and the dean of the College of Liberal Arts.
University Graduation Requirements
Please see Graduation Policies for complete information