Mar 10, 2025  
2019-2020 Graduate Catalog 

Master of Science in Engineering - Civil and Environmental Engineering

Plan Description

The Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering and Construction (CEEC) at UNLV offers a number of program degree options leading to the Master of Science in Engineering (M.S.E.) - Civil and Environmental Engineering. Specific areas of engineering that are currently available include Construction, Geotechnical, Structural, Transportation, and Water Resources/Environmental. Two tracks (thesis and project) are available in M.S.E. degree program along with an Integrated BS-MSE Thesis Track for currently enrolled CEEC undergraduate students. 

For more information about your program, including your graduate program handbook and learning outcomes please visit the Degree Directory.

Plan Admission Requirements

Application deadlines

Applications available on the UNLV Graduate College website.

Admission to the program leading to the M.S.E. degree in thesis and project tracks is open to those students completing the following requirements:

  1. Applications must include all documentation as required by the Graduate College. Applications should be submitted through the Grad Rebel Gateway system.
  2. Applicant must have a bachelor’s degree in engineering or a closely-related discipline with an overall GPA of 2.75 (4.00=A) and a GPA of 3.0 (4.00=A) for the last 60 credit hours (semester basis) of undergraduate program. Applicants desiring to specialize in environmental engineering who have baccalaureate degrees in the natural sciences may require at least an additional semester of full­time study to complete engineering prerequisite undergraduate course work; this may include fluid mechanics, calculus through differential equations, engineering physics, chemistry and engineering economics. Successful environmental engineering applicants are expected to complete a set of graduate courses in engineering hydrology, hydraulics, statistics, water and wastewater treatment, and wastewater treatment plant design during their graduate study. The CEEC Graduate Program Committee (GPC) and Graduate Coordinator make all the final decisions after review of each applicant’s records and admissions information.
  3. The applicant must submit a Statement of Purpose (SOP) with no more than two pages, indicating his/her interests in the area of specialization (construction, geotechnical, structural, transportation, and water resources/environmental) and objectives in working toward a M.S.E. degree. In addition, two letters of recommendation (LOR) must be submitted from individuals familiar with the applicant’s knowledge, skills and abilities. It is highly recommended that LOR be written on official letter head.
  4. International applicants must meet English proficiency requirements established in the UNLV Graduate Catalog.
  5. All applicants are required to take GRE General Test and submit the scores to the University of Nevada, Las Vegas (code 4861). Successful applicants generally have a combined verbal and quantitative GRE score of at least 300 and analytical writing score of at least 3.
  6. All domestic and international applicants must review and follow the Graduate College Admission and Registration Requirements.

Additional Requirements for the Integrated BS-MSE Thesis Track

This program is designed to provide high-achieving CEEC undergraduate students with the opportunity to be exposed to graduate courses and encourage them to continue with a graduate degree by reducing the time needed for degree completion. Up to six credit hours of approved graduate-level coursework with grades of B or better can be taken as technical electives during the senior year. Those credit hours will be also counted towards the graduate degree coursework. The following additional requirements must be satisfied:

  1. A minimum of two semesters of full­time enrollment in B.S. of Civil and Environmental Engineering program at UNLV is required.
  2. A minimum of 90 credit hours of course work applicable to the B.S. of Civil and Environmental Engineering degree must be completed before beginning the joint degree program.
  3. An overall cumulative GPA of 3.20 or higher and a cumulative GPA in math/science/engineering of 3.50 or higher are needed to begin the Integrated BS-MSE Thesis Track degree program.

Once a student has been admitted into the Integrated BS-MSE Thesis Track program, they must then submit an application for an M.S.E. program in Civil Engineering. The student has to follow the normal application procedures found on the UNLV Graduate College website. Additionally,

  1. Student must meet all departmental and Graduate College application deadlines.
  2. Student should indicate in their application materials that they are participating in the Integrated BS-MSE Thesis Track program.
  3. Student should request a letter of nomination from a CEEC faculty member. Submit this letter along with a short resume (no more than 2 pages). The materials will be evaluated by three faculty members in the student’s technical area of interest or nearby areas.
  4. Student must choose the Integrated BS-M.S.E. Thesis Track

Students are accepted into a degree program as described in the Graduate Catalog. The faculty, specific areas, and degree tracks within the described programs are subject to change at any time.

Subplan 1 Requirements: Thesis Track

Total Credits Required: 30

Course Requirements

Elective Courses – Credits: 18

Students must successfully complete a minimum of 3 courses from one of the five categories in the following discipline-based list:

Degree Requirements

  1. A Thesis Advisory Committee composed of at least four members of the UNLV graduate faculty is to be formed for the student. At least two of the committee members must be from tenured or tenure-track faculty of the CEEC Department and the third member from a related field. The fourth faculty member, the Graduate College Representative, is recommended by advisor/advisee and appointed by the Graduate College. It is recommended that the Thesis Advisory Committee collective expertise reflects the thesis topic. The committee chair must be a faculty from the area of expertise chosen for thesis topic.
  2. In addition to CEE 700, all students must successfully complete a minimum of 18 credit hours of approved graduate courses, out of which a minimum of 3 courses from one of the five categories in the discipline-based list provided above.
  3. In addition to the coursework requirements, 9 credits of research work associated with the master’s level thesis (CEE 797) with the outcome being a manuscript written for a specific indexed conference or journal.
  4. At least 50% of the courses (600 and 700 level) within the total coursework must be from the College of Engineering.
  5. At least 50% of the courses within the total coursework must be 700 level.
  6. Students must maintain a minimum grade point average of 3.00. A course in which a grade of less than C was earned will not be considered for use toward the degree.
  7. All requirements for the M.S.E. are met upon the satisfactory completion of the proposed research, the submission of a satisfactory thesis, and the successful oral defense of the thesis before the Thesis Advisory Committee.

Graduation Requirements

  1. The student must submit all required forms to the Graduate College and then apply for graduation up to two semesters prior to completing his/her degree requirements.
  2. The student must submit and successfully defend his/her thesis by the posted deadline. The defense must be advertised and is open to the public.
  3. After the thesis defense, the student must electronically submit a properly formatted pdf copy of their thesis to the Graduate College for format check. Once the thesis format has been approved by the Graduate College, the student will submit the approved electronic version to ProQuest. Deadlines for thesis defenses, format check submissions, and the final ProQuest submission can be found here

Subplan 2 Requirements: Project Track

Total Credits Required: 30

Course Requirements

Elective Courses - Credits: 27

Students must successfully complete a minimum of 3 courses from one of the five categories in the following discipline-based list.

Degree Requirements

  1. The student’s Advisor should be tenured or a tenure­track faculty member of the CEEC Department. An advisory committee is not required.
  2. Students must complete a minimum of 27 credit hours of approved graduate-level courses, out of which a minimum of 3 courses from one of the five categories in the discipline-based list provided above, and 3 credits of project work associated with the master’s level project (CEE 796) with the outcome being a paper written for a specific indexed conference or journal.
  3. At least 50% of the courses (600 and 700 level) within the total coursework must be from the College of Engineering.
  4. At least 50% of the courses within the total coursework must be 700 level.
  5. Students must maintain a minimum grade point average of 3.00. A course in which a grade of less than C was earned will not be considered for use toward the degree.
  6. All requirements for the M.S.E. are met upon the satisfactory completion of the project, and the submission of a satisfactory project report to the Advisor.

Graduation Requirements

  1. The student must submit all required forms to the Graduate College and then apply for graduation up to two semesters prior to completing his/her degree requirements.
  2. The student must successfully complete a project and submit a project report.

Subplan 3 Requirements: The Integrated BS-MSE Thesis Track

Total Credits Required: 30

Course Requirements

Elective Courses - Credits: 18

Students must successfully complete a minimum of 3 courses from one of the five categories in the following discipline-based list:

Degree Requirements

  1. A Thesis Advisory Committee composed of at least four members of the UNLV graduate faculty is to be formed for the student. At least two of the committee members must be from tenured or tenure-track faculty of the CEEC Department and the third member from a related field. The fourth faculty member, the Graduate College Representative, is recommended by advisor/advisee and appointed by the Graduate College. It is recommended that the Thesis Advisory Committee collective expertise reflects the thesis topic. The committee chair must be a faculty from the area of expertise chosen for thesis topic.
  2. In addition to CEE 700, all students must successfully complete a minimum of 18 credit hours of approved graduate courses, out of which a minimum of 3 courses from one of the five categories in the discipline-based list provided above.
  3. In addition to the coursework requirements, 9 credits of research work associated with the master’s level thesis (CEE 797) with the outcome being a manuscript written for a specific indexed conference or journal.
  4. At least 50% of the courses (600 and 700 level) within the total coursework must be from the College of Engineering.
  5. At least 50% of the courses within the total coursework must be 700 level. 6. Students must maintain a minimum grade point average of 3.00. A course in which a grade of less than C was earned will not be considered for use toward the degree.
  6. All requirements for the M.S.E. are met upon the satisfactory completion of the proposed research, the submission of a satisfactory thesis, and the successful oral defense of the thesis before the Thesis Advisory Committee.

In addition to this, the following are required.

Additional Requirements for the Integrated BS-MSE

Students enrolled through Integrated BS-MSE Thesis Track option must meet requirements for both B.S. and M.S.E. degree as follows:

B.S. Degree Requirements

  1. Students must successfully complete all of the existing B.S. degree requirements for Civil Engineering at UNLV.
  2. Students may take up to 6 credits of approved graduate level courses in place of undergraduate courses. These classes would typically substitute for the undergraduate technical electives.
  3. Undergraduates taking graduate courses must pay the graduate tuition and fees for these courses.
  4. Students will graduate with the B.S. degree as soon as all B.S. degree requirements are completed.

M.S.E. Degree Requirements

  1. Students must meet all of the other degree requirements for the M.S.E. Thesis Track degree.
  2. The 6 graduate-level class credits taken as part of the undergraduate program may count for the M.S.E. degree as long as the course grades are B (3.00) or better and their average GPA for these classes is a 3.00 or above.
  3. Students must pursue Thesis Track to receive the course release. Students who later elect to pursue a M.S.E. Project Track degree must apply to the M.S.E. degree and complete all the requirements listed for that degree.

Graduation Requirements

  1. The student must submit all required forms to the Graduate College and then apply for graduation up to two semesters prior to completing his/her degree requirements.
  2. The student must submit and successfully defend his/her thesis by the posted deadline. The defense must be advertised and is open to the public.
  3. After the thesis defense, the student must electronically submit a properly formatted pdf copy of their thesis to the Graduate College for format check. Once the thesis format has been approved by the Graduate College, the student will submit the approved electronic version to ProQuest. Deadlines for thesis defenses, format check submissions, and the final ProQuest submission can be found here

Plan Graduation Requirements

Refer to your subplan for Graduation Requirements.

Subplan 1: Thesis Track
Subplan 2: Project Track
Subplan 3: The Integrated BS-MSE Thesis Track