Feb 17, 2025
Executive Leadership Cohort Ed.D.
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The Executive Leadership program focuses on current and future educational challenges to enhance the knowledge and skill development of mid-career public school leadership in their current and future leadership positions. This program utilizes a problem-based learning approach that consists of a series of compressed thematic seminars in which emphasis is placed on identifying and developing solutions to real life problems of practice. Additionally, this program provides for the interaction between students and faculty to determine the precise content and problems of practice that will be pursued under each broadly defined theme. Students meet on weekends and for 10 days each summer. |
Admission Requirements
Students must first apply for admission through the university’s Graduate College. After an initial evaluation, the Graduate College forwards all of the materials to the Department of Educational Leadership for review. Current application deadlines are posted on the department program areas websites. Minimum admission requirements for UNLV’s Graduate College include:
- Completed application and non-refundable admission and application fee;
- One copy of official transcripts from all institutions attended after high school, including verification of a master’s degree in educational administration or an approved equivalent.
For more information about the Graduate College, please visit: http://graduatecollege.unlv.edu.
Additional materials must be submitted directly to the Department of Educational Leadership. These include:
- Evidence of a master’s degree from an accredited college or university or an approved equivalent;
- Copies of all college transcripts with degrees posted;
- Three letters of professional recommendation;
- Satisfactory composite scores on the Graduate Record Examination’s General Test;
- A current professional resumé or vita;
- Verification of professional experience in leadership positions equivalent to Principal or above;
- Evidence of writing ability;
- Evidence of entry-level technology skills;
- Written statement of leadership philosophy.
After a review, the appropriate program faculty within the department will select students for interviews with departmental faculty based upon the application materials submitted to the Graduate College and the department. Each candidate’s final admission decision relies on an evaluation of all application materials including the interview.
Degree Requirements
The minimum program consists of 60 credit hours of study beyond the master’s degree, which includes 12 credit hours for dissertation study. Executive doctoral students are required to participate in a one-week internship with a school district or education agency outside their own employment during the spring semester of their first year of course work. Students also participate in a one-week federal education seminar in Washington, D.C. during the spring semester of their second year of course work. In addition to regular course fees, an additional fee of $600 per semester is required in this program and covers textbook and supplementary materials, breakfast , lunch, and dinner for weekend classes, and travel and lodging for the Washington, D.C. seminar. The residency requirement is met by enrollment of 30 semester hours of course work throughout their program; the courses must be related to the student’s program or dissertation. Students must complete all degree requirements within six calendar years of matriculation in the program. For additional information about the program, contact the department or visit the Department of Educational Leadership’s PK-12 Program Area Web site: http://education.unlv.edu/Educational_Leadership/pk12admin/pk12admin.htm |
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