Feb 17, 2025
Business Administration & Dental Medicine Dual M.B.A./D.M.D.
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The University of Nevada, Las Vegas School of Dental Medicine and the College of Business offer a dual Doctorate of Dental Medicine (DMD) and Master of Business Administration (MBA) degree program that allows students to be admitted in both programs and achieve the DMD and MBA degrees. As a concurrent program, the dual degree requires that students satisfy the degree requirements of both programs.
The MBA degree at UNLV requires 48 credit hours. The Dental degree requires 195 credit hours. Under the dual degree program fifteen credit hours of dental courses are accepted towards the MBA degree.
Admission Requirements
Applicants to the DMD/MBA program must submit formal applications for admission to both the School of Dental Medicine and to the College of Business. Students must meet the requirements for admission to both programs. Admissions requirements are the same as those stated under the DMD and MBA programs. Contact the UNLV School of Dental Medicine and the College of Business MBA programs for further information on admissions requirements. Applications from current students in either program will be considered. Entry into the MBA program for students from School of Dental Medicine will be no earlier than the Fall semester of year two of the dental curriculum. However, petitions requesting admission to the dual DMD/MBA program from students at more advanced stages will be considered.
Application Process
See application process under the MBA and School of Dental Medicine. In addition, include a letter of intent indicating you are applying for the dual DMD/MBA degree.
Degree Requirements
Students must be admitted to both the DMD and MBA programs with graduate standing. The candidates must successfully complete the 186 credit hours of Dentistry and the 33 credit hours of the MBA required course work. Furthermore: - UNLV School of Dental Medicine cannot award credit for any class taken before matriculation.
- A maximum of six credit hours of courses taken prior to admission to the DMD/MBA program may be applied towards the MBA degree requirement. This includes all courses taken as a fully admitted graduate MBA student at an AACSB accredited business school, as an admitted dental student at UNLV, or as a non-admitted student at UNLV before admission to the MBA program.
- DMD/MBA candidates who subsequently decide to pursue only the DMD or only the MBA must complete the degree program in its entirety and are subject to the same rules and requirements as students not pursuing the DMD/MBA program.
- DMD/MBA may not receive credit for taking courses outside their degree program except as set forth in this document and with prior approval.
- Student honors and class ranks at the School of Dental Medicine will be computed based solely on dental classes. Student honors and class ranks at the College of Business will be computed based solely on business classes.
- Students in the DMD/MBA program must remain in good standing at both DMD and MBA programs.
- Students in the DMD/MBA program are subject to the same rules and regulations that apply to all students at the School of Dental Medicine and the College of Business.
- The College of Business and the School of Dental Medicine reserve the right to limit participation in the program, including dismissal. Those interested are encouraged to submit a request for permission to participate in the program, along with applications for admission, at the earliest possible time.
MBA Core Required Courses - Total Credits: 33
Total Dental Course Credit Accepted: 15
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