Feb 01, 2025
Master of Education - English Language Learning
Plan Description
The M.Ed. English Language Learning program is designed for individuals who hold a baccalaureate degree in elementary, secondary, or special education and seek to earn a master’s degree in English Language Learning, with a focus in either English Language Learning or Bilingual Education. Admitted students are required to develop a plan of study relevant to their focus area of study.
For more information about your program, including your graduate program handbook and learning outcomes, please visit the Degree Directory.
Plan Admission Requirements
Application deadlines
Applications available on the UNLV Graduate College website.
Admission to the Master’s degree program in English Language Learning requires a minimum grade point average of 2.75 for all undergraduate work or a 3.00 for the last two years of undergraduate work. All applicants are evaluated on their scholastic record, professional accomplishments, and potential for advanced studies.
- Completed admission application and fee
- Set of official transcripts from all previously attended colleges and universities
- A one-page (350 to 400 words) letter of intent should include (1) the English Language Learning or Bilingual Education focus area of interest, (2) professional and academic goals, and (3) discussion of experiences relative to the focus area of study. The letter should be uploaded on-line with the application forms through the Graduate College Grad Rebel Gateway application system.
Assistantship applications are submitted to the department through the Grad Rebel Gateway application system. International students should check with the Graduate College for current deadlines and procedures.
All domestic and international applicants must review and follow the Graduate College Admission and Registration Requirements.
Students are accepted into a degree program as described in the Graduate Catalog. The faculty and corresponding sub-disciplines and sub-plans within the described programs are subject to change at any time.
Subplan 1 Requirements: English Language Learning Track
Total Credits Required: 37
Required Courses - Credits: 6
English Language Learning Courses - Credits: 26
Elective Course - Credits: 3
Complete one of the following courses:
Culminating Experience - Credits: 1
Subplan 2 Requirements: Bilingual Education Track
Total Credits Required: 37
Required Courses - Credits: 6
English Language Learning Courses - Credits: 26
Elective Course - Credits: 3
Complete one of the following courses:
Culminating Experience - Credits: 1
Plan Degree Requirements
- The master’s degree program requires a minimum of 37 semester hours of approved studies and an overall cumulative GPA of 3.00 in all courses counted toward the degree. Six of these semester hours are in research (3) and multicultural perspectives (3).
- All graduate students are held responsible for the requirements and academic policies established by the Graduate College and outlined in the front of the graduate catalog. In addition, the Department of Educational & Clinical Studies has established requirements. While these requirements may be obtained from an academic advisor, they are briefly outlined here.
- Master’s degrees must be completed within a six-year period, and continuous enrollment must be maintained throughout the six years, unless a formal request for a leave of absence is approved by the department and Graduate College.
The M.Ed. degree requires students to complete a minimum of 27 credit hours with the TESL prefix, EPY 702, ESP 722, either a CIE or CIS prefix course, and complete an electronic portfolio (e-portfolio) related to the focus area’s professional standards.
The e-portfolio must contain the primary assignments and grading rubrics from all courses on the student’s program of study. It is each students’ responsibility to collect and retain the assignments and graded rubrics at the end of each semester. Students must earn a “B” or better on the primary assignment in order for it to be included in the e-portfolio.
- In addition, the e-portfolio must include a matrix of the appropriate TESOL Standards linked to the primary assignments from each course. Further, the e-portfolio must include a table of contents and a one-page reflection for each TESOL standard. Each academic advisor will provide additional information and guidelines on the e-portfolios.
- The e-portfolio must be completed and turned in for evaluation by each student to the academic advisor during the student’s last semester of coursework or in the semester immediately following the student’s last semester of required coursework.
- The e-portfolio will be evaluated across six academic standards and 4 performance levels:
- Academic Standards:
- Theory into Practice
- Professional Philosophy
- Conduct and/or Evaluate Research
- Content and Pedagogical Knowledge
- Professional Standard Knowledge
- Presentation and Format
- Performance Levels: (with corresponding rubrics)
- Distinguished (3)
- exceeds expectations
- provides multiple layers of connected and convincing evidence
- demonstrates exceptional performance
- communicates distinctively and authoritatively
- proposes original and creative solutions
- Proficient (2)
- meets expectations
- provides multiple sources of clear evidence
- demonstrates satisfactory performance
- communicates accurately
- presents a clear and convincing argument
- Marginal (1)
- meets minimum expectations
- provides some evidence
- demonstrates limited performance
- exhibits limited ability to communicate ideas
- presents partial or faulty argument
- Unacceptable (0)
- fails to meet expectations
- provides little or no evidence
- demonstrates insufficient or incomplete performance
- exhibits lack of ability to communicate ideas
- presents unsupported or incoherent argument
- The e-portfolio will be graded Satisfactory or Unsatisfactory. A total score of 12 or greater must be attained to earn Satisfactory, and each Academic Standard must receive no less than 2 points each. Unsatisfactory completion will require re-enrolling in the Culminating Experience. An Incomplete is not given for the Culminating Experience.
Plan Graduation Requirements
The student must submit all required forms to the Graduate College and then apply for graduation up to two semesters prior to completing his/her degree requirements for the program.
The student must successfully complete and submit an e-portfolio.