Feb 01, 2025  
2018-2019 Graduate Catalog 

Master of Education - Curriculum & Instruction

Plan Description

The Department holds as its central mission the preparation and development of educators at all levels. The department ensures that its professional education programs are based on essential knowledge, established and current research findings, and sound professional practice.

The program offers a wide variety of sub-plans to accommodate educators of all levels and content areas. The Graduate Licensure Program (GLP) subplans are designed to assist the student in earning a Master’s degree while also completing some of the requirements necessary to become licensed teacher. Subplans are also available for students who have been admitted into the Teach For America (TFA) program. Students can also earn a Master’s degree in some content areas through a partnership with the Regional Professional Development Program (RPDP).


  • Elementary Education
  • Elementary Education Endorsement
  • Elementary Education GLP
  • Elementary Education TFA
  • Elementary Mathematics Education (K-8)
  • Elementary Science Education (K-8)
  • Elementary Social Studies Education (K-8)


  • Middle School Mathematics Education RPDP (6-8)
  • Middle School Science Education RPDP (6-8)
  • Secondary Education
  • Secondary Education GLP
  • Secondary English Language Arts Education (7-12)
  • Secondary English Language Arts Education TFA
  • Secondary Mathematics Education (7-12)
  • Secondary Mathematics Education RPDP (7-12)
  • Secondary Mathematics Education TFA
  • Secondary Science Education
  • Secondary Science Education RPDP (7-12)
  • Secondary Science Education TFA
  • Secondary Social Studies Education (7-12)
  • Secondary Social Studies Education TFA


  • Career & Technical and Postsecondary Education
  • Children’s and Young Adult Literature (K-12) **ON HOLD**
  • Educational Technology
  • Educational Technology RPDP
  • Literacy Education (K-12)
  • Multicultural Education (PK12, Higher Ed, or Community-Based Ed Focus)
  • Reading Specialist (K-12) **ON HOLD**
  • Leadership for Teachers and Professionals

For more information about your program, including your graduate program handbook and learning outcomes please visit the Degree Directory.

Learning outcomes for specific subplan tracks can be found below:

Plan Admission Requirements


Application deadlines

Applications available on the UNLV Graduate College website.

In addition to meeting the admission requirements of the Graduate College, applicants must also meet the requirements established by the Department of Teaching and Learning. They are:

  1. An overall undergraduate grade point average (GPA) of 3.00 is required for admission. Students with a GPA of less than 3.00 but greater or equal to 2.75 may be admitted to the graduate program upon review of the Admissions Committee.
  2. A completed on-line application for admission submitted to the Graduate College.
  3. The online application must include a one- to two-page statement of professional goals. The names with contact information of two professional references and intended emphasis area should be included in the statement.
  4. Two sets of official transcripts from all previously attended colleges and universities. One set of transcripts must be sent directly to the Graduate College; the other set must be sent directly to the T&L main office.
  5. For Graduate Licensure Program (GLP), must submit Praxis Core passing scores and the supplemental application directly to the T&L Department (see tl.unlv.edu/glp for details).

Applications are processed when all credentials required by both the Graduate College and T&L have been received. Once received, materials are forwarded to the Graduate Coordinator and the T&L Master’s Admission Committee to evaluate the applicant’s credentials and recommend acceptance or denial into the program. Those who wish to begin studies but who missed the application deadline may enroll as a non-degree seeking graduate student. However, since there is no guarantee that courses taken as a non-degree student will count toward a degree, and since a maximum of 15 hours taken prior to admission to the program may be used to meet degree requirements, candidates are urged to seek advisement prior to registering for any course(s). Please see http://tl.unlv.edu/admissions for more information. Students may also email tlgrad@unlv.edu or call (702) 895-1986 for assistance.

The Graduate College will send official notification regarding the status of applications through the Grad Rebel Gateway. In addition, an email will be sent from the department of Teaching and Learning identifying an academic advisor. Students are responsible for contacting their advisors upon admission to the program. Students are required to complete their program of study using Advise, T&L’s online system for submitting a program of study. Advise can be accessed at: http://advise.unlvcoe.net/.

All domestic and international applicants must review and follow the Graduate College Admission and Registration Requirements.

Students are accepted into a degree program as described in the Graduate Catalog. The faculty and corresponding sub-disciplines and sub-plans within the described programs are subject to change at any time.

Plan Requirements

See Subplan Requirements below.

Subplan 1: Elementary Education Track
Subplan 2: Elementary Education Endorsement Track
Subplan 3: Elementary Education Alternative Route to Licensure/Graduate Licensure Program Track
Subplan 4: Elementary Education TFA Track
Subplan 5: Elementary Mathematics Education (K-8) Track
Subplan 6: Elementary Science Education (K-8) Track
Subplan 7: Elementary Social Studies Education (K-8) Track
Subplan 8: Middle School Mathematics Education RPDP Track
Subplan 9: Middle School Science Education RPDP Track
Subplan 10: Secondary Education Track
Subplan 11: Secondary English Education ARL Track
Subplan 12: Secondary Math Education ARL Track
Subplan 13: Secondary Science Education ARL Track
Subplan 14: Secondary Social Studies Education ARL Track

Subplan 15: Secondary English Language Arts Education (7-12) Track
Subplan 16: Secondary English Language Arts Education TFA Track
Subplan 17: Secondary Mathematics Education (7-12) Track
Subplan 18: Secondary Mathematics Education RPDP (7-12) Track
Subplan 19: Secondary Mathematics Education TFA Track
Subplan 20: Secondary Science Education Track
Subplan 21: Secondary Science Education RPDP Track
Subplan 22: Secondary Science Education TFA Track
Subplan 23: Secondary Social Studies Education (7-12) Track
Subplan 24: Secondary Social Studies Education TFA Track
Subplan 25: Career & Technical and Postsecondary Education Track
Subplan 26: Children’s and Young Adult Literature (K-12) Track
Subplan 27: Educational Technology Track
Subplan 28: Educational Technology RPDP Track
Subplan 29: Literacy Education (K-12) Track
Subplan 30: Literacy Education (K-12) Track - Regional Professional Development Program

Subplan 31: Multicultural Education (PK12, Higher Ed, or Community-Based Ed Focus) Track
Subplan 32: Reading Specialist Track
Subplan 33: Leadership for Teachers and Professionals Track

Subplan 1 Requirements: Elementary Education Track

Total Credits Required: 37

Course Requirements

Curriculum and Instruction Course – Credits: 3

Pedagogy Course – Credits: 3

Instruction Course – Credits: 3

Complete one of the following courses:

Curricular Courses – Credits: 18

Complete 9 credits from each of two curricular areas below:

Mathematics Education

Elective Course – Credits: 3

Complete 3 credits advisor-approved elective courses.

Culminating Experience – Credits: 1

Subplan 2 Requirements: Elementary Education Endorsement Track

Total Credits Required: 37

Course Requirements

Curriculum and Instruction Course – Credits: 3

Complete the following course within last 30-36 semester hours of coursework; preferably the semester before CIG 697.

Pedagogy Course – Credits: 3

Additional Pedagogy Course – Credits: 3

Complete one of the following courses:

Additional Literacy Course – Credits: 3

Complete one of the following courses:

Professional Education Course – Credits: 3

Complete one of the following courses, or another advisor-approved course given the Professional Education licensure requirements are satisfied.

Culminating Experience – Credits: 1

  • (Prerequisite: CIE 685 the semester prior to enrollment)

    Subplan Notes

    1. Student must hold a secondary or special (art, music, health, physical education, special education, etc.) license, plus three years of successful teaching experience in the initial licensed area to obtain a regular Elementary Education endorsement added to a license. If the license is 7-12 secondary or the specialty teaching experience is in a K-8 setting, then student teaching may be waived given Nevada Department of Education approval.
    2. *Methods courses (9 semester hours of literacy and 9 semester hours of mathematics, science and social studies) required for the regular Elementary Education license. Depending on student’s academic background, 500-level courses may be substituted for 600-level methods courses given instructor, advisor and/or Graduate Coordinator approval.
    3. **Meets the six semester hours of Professional Education coursework required for the regular Elementary Education license. Although selected courses are required for the master’s degree program, previous courses taken in two of the following areas are acceptable for the Nevada Department of Education regular Elementary Education license.
      1. Classroom management;
      2. English as a second language;
      3. Technology;
      4. Evaluation of pupils;
      5. Child development;
      6. Special education; or
      7. Social and cultural issues.

Subplan 3 Requirements: Elementary Education Alternative Route to Licensure/Graduate Licensure Program Track

Total Credits Required: 37

Course Requirements

Foundations Course – Credits: 3

Curriculum & Instruction Course – Credits: 3

Culminating Experience – Credits: 1

  • Subplan Notes

    1. CIS 684 must be completed within final 30-36 hours of study and before enrollment in CIG 697.
    2. These courses are only for the M.Ed portion of the Graduate Licensure program. Additional requirements exist that do not count towards the master’s degree. Students should reference the Graduate Licensure page for complete details and information about the required sequence in which these courses must be taken.

Subplan 4 Requirements: Elementary Education TFA Track

Total Credits Required: 37

Subplan 5 Requirements: Elementary Mathematics Education (K-8) Track

Total Credits Required: 37

Course Requirements

Cognate Courses – Credits: 6

Complete 6 credits of advisor approved cognate coursework.

Possible cognates include, but are not limited to, educational technology and teaching English as a second language.

Subplan 6 Requirements: Elementary Science Education (K-8) Track

Total Credits Required: 37

Course Requirements

Elective Courses – Credits: 6

Complete 6 credits of 600 or 700-level advisor-approved Science courses from the College of Sciences or SCI 630 courses via RPDP.

Cognate Courses – Credits: 6

Complete 6 credits of cognate coursework. Possible cognates include, but are not limited to, educational technology and teaching English as a second language.

Seminar Course – Credits: 3

Culminating Experience – Credits: 1

Subplan 7 Requirements: Elementary Social Studies Education (K-8) Track

Total Credits Required: 37

Course Requirements

Integration Course – Credits: 3

Complete one of the following courses:

Elective Courses – Credits: 12

Complete three 600-level advisor-approved social science courses from Liberal Arts.

Culminating Experience – Credits: 1

Subplan 8 Requirements: Middle School Mathematics Education RPDP Track

Total Credits Required: 37

Course Requirements

Content Courses – Credits: 15

Complete 15 credits of SCI 620 courses via RPDP from UNLV’s College of Sciences.


Culminating Experience – Credits: 1

Subplan 9 Requirements: Middle School Science Education RPDP Track

Total Credits Required: 37

Course Requirements

Curriculum and Instruction Course – Credits: 3

Complete one of the following courses:

Content Courses – Credits: 15

Complete 15 credits of SCI 630 courses via RPDP with credit through UNLV’s College of Sciences.

Culminating Experience – Credits: 1

  • Subplan Notes

    1. Admission to UNLV’s Graduate College is required PRIOR to the completion of 15 credit hours. Students who have already begun the RPDP Certificate Program are encouraged to apply to UNLV as soon as possible.
    2. CIS 684 must be completed within final 30-36 hours of study and before enrollment in CIG 697.

Subplan 10 Requirements: Secondary Education Track

Total Credits Required: 37

Course Requirements

Curriculum and Instruction Course – Credits: 3

Complete one of the following courses:

Elective Courses – Credits: 9

Complete three courses from one of the subject areas below. One of the courses must be a methods** course.

English Education

Mathematics Education

Science Education

Social Studies

Complete the following courses, or any 600-or 700-level course(s) in Anthropology, Economics, Geography, History, Political Science, Psychology and/or Sociology:

Elective Course – Credits: 3

Complete 3 credits of an advisor-approved elective course.

Culminating Experience – Credits: 1

  • Subplan Notes

    1. CIS 684 must be completed within final 30-36 hours of study and before enrollment in CIG 697.
    2. CIG 660 cannot satisfy requirements in more than one category.
    3. Each topic course (CIS 620, CIS 630, CIS 640, and CIG 661) is limited to 3 total credit hours.

Subplan 11 Requirements: Secondary English Education ARL Program

Total Credits Required: 37

Course Requirements

Research Course – Credits: 3

Complete one of the following courses:

Foundations Course – Credits: 3

Curriculum & Instruction Course – Credits: 3

Culminating Experience – Credits: 1

  • Subplan Notes

    1. CIS 684 must be completed within final 30-36 hours of study and before enrollment in CIG 697.
    2. Note: These courses are only for the M.Ed portion of the Graduate Licensure program. Additional requirements exist that do not count towards the masters degree. Students should reference the Graduate Licensure page (tl.unlv.edu/glp) for complete details and information about the required sequence in which these courses must be taken.

Subplan 12 Requirements: Secondary Math Education ARL Track

Total Credits Required: 37

Course Requirements

Research Course – Credits: 3

Complete one of the following courses:

Foundations Course – Credits: 3

Curriculum & Instruction Course – Credits: 3

Culminating Experience – Credits: 1

  • Subplan Notes

    1. CIS 684 must be completed within final 30-36 hours of study and before enrollment in CIG 697.
    2. Note: These courses are only for the M.Ed portion of the Graduate Licensure program. Additional requirements exist that do not count towards the masters degree. Students should reference the Graduate Licensure page (tl.unlv.edu/glp) for complete details and information about the required sequence in which these courses must be taken.

Subplan 13 Requirements: Secondary Science Education ARL Track

Total Credits Required: 37

Course Requirements

Research Course – Credits: 3

Complete one of the following courses:

Foundations Course – Credits: 3

Curriculum & Instruction Course – Credits: 3

Culminating Experience – Credits: 1

  • Subplan Notes

    1. CIS 684 must be completed within final 30-36 hours of study and before enrollment in CIG 697.
    2. Note: These courses are only for the M.Ed portion of the Graduate Licensure program. Additional requirements exist that do not count towards the masters degree. Students should reference the Graduate Licensure page (tl.unlv.edu/glp) for complete details and information about the required sequence in which these courses must be taken.

Subplan 14 Requirements: Secondary Social Studies Education ARL Track

Total Credits Required: 37

Course Requirements

Research Course – Credits: 3

Complete one of the following courses:

Foundations Course – Credits: 3

Curriculum & Instruction Course – Credits: 3

Culminating Experience – Credits: 1

  • Subplan Notes

    1. CIS 684 must be completed within final 30-36 hours of study and before enrollment in CIG 697.
    2. Note: These courses are only for the M.Ed portion of the Graduate Licensure program. Additional requirements exist that do not count towards the masters degree. Students should reference the Graduate Licensure page (tl.unlv.edu/glp) for complete details and information about the required sequence in which these courses must be taken.

Subplan 15 Requirements: Secondary English Language Arts Education (7-12) Track

Total Credits Required: 37

Course Requirements

Curriculum and Instruction Course – Credits: 3

Complete one of the following courses:

Literacy Topics Course – Credits: 3

Complete one of the following courses:

Cognate Courses – Credits: 6

Complete two courses from one of the following areas of emphasis:

Elective Course – Credits: 3

Complete 3 credits of an advisor-approved elective course.

Seminar Course – Credits: 3

Subplan 16 Requirements: Secondary English Language Arts Education TFA Track

Total Credits Required: 37

Subplan 17 Requirements: Secondary Mathematics Education (7-12) Track

Total Credits Required: 37

Course Requirements

Curriculum and Instruction Course – Credits: 3

Complete one of the following courses:

Mathematics Elective Course – Credits: 3

Complete one of the following courses:

Elective Course – Credits: 3

Complete 3 credits of an advisor-approved elective course.

Culminating Experience – Credits: 1

Subplan 18 Requirements: Secondary Mathematics Education RPDP (7-12) Track

Total Credits Required: 37

Course Requirements

Curriculum and Instruction Course – Credits: 3

Complete one of the following courses:

Content Courses – Credits: 15

Complete 15 credits of SCI 640 courses via RPDP from UNLV’s College of Sciences.

Culminating Experience – Credits: 1

  • Subplan Notes

    1. CIS 620 is limited to 3 total credit hours.
    2. CIS 624 and CIS 628 require secondary mathematics content background.
    3. Students must successfully complete a culminating experience. CIG 697 involves the development of an e-portfolio. It is recommended that you keep copies of your work from all classes in your program in preparation for this course.

Subplan 19 Requirements: Secondary Mathematics Education TFA Track

Total Credits Required: 37

Subplan 20 Requirements: Secondary Science Education Track

Total Credits Required: 37

Course Requirements

Curriculum and Instruction Course – Credits: 3

Complete one of the following courses:

Elective Courses – Credits: 6

Complete 6 credits of 600- or 700-level advisor-approved courses from the College of Sciences or SCI 650 courses via RPDP.

Cognate Courses – Credits: 6

Complete 6 credits of advisor-approved cognate coursework.

Seminar Course – Credits: 3

Culminating Experience – Credits: 1

Subplan 21 Requirements: Secondary Science Education RPDP Track

Total Credits Required: 37

Course Requirements

Curriculum and Instruction Course – Credits: 3

Complete one of the following courses:

Content Courses – Credits: 15

Complete 15 credits of SCI 650 courses via RPDP through UNLV’s College of Sciences.

Culminating Experience – Credits: 1

Subplan 22 Requirements: Secondary Science Education TFA Track

Total Credits Required: 37

Subplan 23 Requirements: Secondary Social Studies Education (7-12) Track

Total Credits Required: 37

Course Requirements

Curriculum and Instruction Course –Credits: 3

Complete one of the following courses:

Content Course – Credits: 3

Complete one of the following courses:

Elective Courses – Credits: 9

Complete 9 credits of 600-level social science courses from Liberal Arts.

Seminar Course – Credits: 3

Culminating Experience – Credits: 1

Subplan 24 Requirements: Secondary Social Studies Education TFA Track

Total Credits Required: 37

Subplan 25 Requirements: Career & Technical and Postsecondary Education Track

Total Credits Required: 37

Course Requirements

Subplan 26 Requirements: Children’s and Young Adult Literature (K-12) Track **ON HOLD**

Total Credits Required: 37

This subplan is currently on hold and unavailable to new students.

Course Requirements

Literacy Learning Course – Credits: 3

Literacy Topics Course – Credits: 3

Complete one of the following courses:

Cognate Course – Credits: 6

Complete 6 credits of advisor-approved cognate coursework within a particular area of study.

Seminar Course – Credits: 3

Culminating Experience – Credits: 1

Subplan 27 Requirements: Education Technology Track

Total Credits Required: 37

Course Requirements

Subplan 28 Requirements: Educational Technology RPDP Track

Total Credits Required: 37

Course Requirements

Subplan 29 Requirements: Literacy Education (K-12) Track

Total Credits Required: 37

Course Requirements

Required Literacy Courses – Credits: 6

Complete CIL 601 before taking CIL 699.

Culminating Experience – Credits: 1

Subplan 30 Requirements: Literacy Education (K-12) Track - Regional Professional Development Program

Total Credits Required: 37

Course Requirements

Culminating Courses – Credits: 4

Subplan 31 Requirements: Multicultural Education (PK12, Higher Ed, or Community-Based Ed Focus) Track

Total Credits Required: 37

Course Requirements

Multicultural Core Course – Credits: 3

Cognate Courses – Credits: 6

Complete 6 credits of advisor-approved cognate coursework.

Subplan 32 Requirements: Reading Specialist Track **ON HOLD**

Total Credits Required: 37

This subplan is currently on hold and unavailable to new students.

Course Requirements

Learning Course – Credits: 3

Additional Foundations Course – Credits: 3

Complete one of the following courses:

Literacy Programs Course – Credits: 3

Complete one of the following courses:

Seminar Course – Credits: 3

Culminating Experience – Credits: 1

Subplan 33 Requirements: Leadership for Teachers and Professionals Track

Total Credits Required: 37

Plan Degree Requirements

  1. Students must complete a minimum of 37 credit hours with a minimum GPA of 3.00.
  2. All graduate students are held responsible for the requirements and academic policies established by the Graduate College and outlined in the front of this catalog.
  3. Students must successfully complete a culminating experience, CIG 697 under the direction of an advisor.
    1. Registration for the culminating experience, CIG 697, is restricted to students who have 6 credits or less remaining in their program of study.
    2. CIG 697 involves the development of an e-portfolio. It is recommended that you keep copies of your work from all classes in your program in preparation for this course.
  4. Per graduate college requirements, students must be enrolled in at least 3 credits in the term they will graduate.

Plan Graduation Requirements

  1. The student must submit all required forms to the Graduate College and then apply for graduation up to two semesters prior to completing his/her degree requirements.
  2. The student must successfully complete the culminating experience.