Romance Languages Major - (BA)
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Romance Languages Major - Bachelor of Arts (BA)
Please see the UNLV College of Liberal Arts, World Languages and Cultures web page at liberalarts.unlv.edu/Foreign_Languages for information about department programs, faculty and facilities.
Please see advising information at the UNLV Wilson Advising Center at www.liberalarts.unlv.edu/WAC/.
Institution - Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities www.nwccu.org
Learning Outcomes
- Students will be able to narrate in the past using the preterit and the imperfect with greater precision.
- They also will be able to make descriptions using with more accurately the verbs ser and estar.
- Additionally, the students will be prepared to use properly subjunctive and indicative moods.
- Finally, they will improve their ability to argue using the appropriate logical connectors.
University Graduation Requirements
Romance Language Degree Requirements - Total: 120 Credits
General Education Requirements - Subtotal: 35-40 Credits
First-Year Seminar - Credits: 3
English Composition - Credits: 6
Second-Year Seminar - Credits: 3
Constitutions - Credits: 3-6
Distribution Requirement - Credits: 18-19
Please see Distribution Requirement for more information. - Humanities and Social Science
- Automatically satisfied by Major requirement
- Social Science: 9 Credits
- Life and Physical Sciences and Analytical Thinking: 9-10 Credits
- and two courses from life & physical sciences category; at least one must be a lab.
Multicultural and International
Multicultural, one 3 credit course required International, one 3 credit course required These courses may overlap with general education and major requirements. A single course may not meet the multicultural and international requirements simultaneously. For the list of approved multicultural and international courses, go to: http://facultysenate.unlv.edu/students Major Requirement - BA in Romance Languages: Primary Language Concentration/Secondary Language Concentration - Subtotal: 66 Credits - Subtotal: 66 Credits
Humanities - Credits: 6
Fine Arts Credits: 6
Primary Language Concentration (French, Italian, Spanish) Requirement - Credits 36 Literature - Credits: 6 Language, Composition and Conversation - Credits: 12
Select four courses from your primary language, including FREN 302 Third-Year French: Composition and Conversation II or SPAN 302 Third-Year Spanish: Grammar and Composition . See Department for appropriate placement. - FREN 213 - Intermediate French I
- ITAL 213 - Intermediate Italian I
- SPAN 213 - Intermediate Spanish I
- SPAN 214 - Intermediate Spanish II
- ITAL 214 - Intermediate Italian II
- SPAN 226 - Spanish for Heritage Speakers I
- SPAN 227 - Spanish for Heritage Speakers II
- FREN 300 - French Grammar Review
- ITAL 300 - Italian: Advanced Conversation
- FREN 301 - Third-Year French: Composition and Conversation I
- ITAL 301 - Third-Year Italian: Composition and Conversation
- SPAN 301 - Third-Year Spanish: Conversation and Composition
- FREN 302 - Third-Year French: Composition and Conversation II
- ITAL 302 - Third-Year Italian: Composition and Conversation
- SPAN 302 - Third-Year Spanish: Grammar and Composition
- ITAL 303 - Third-Year Readings in Italian: Subtitle Varies
- FREN 401 - Advanced French Composition and Conversation I
- ITAL 401 - Advanced Italian Grammar and Composition I
- SPAN 401 - Reading Proficiency in Spanish
- ITAL 402 - Advanced Italian Grammar and Composition II
- FREN 402 - Advanced French Composition and Conversation II
- ITAL 403 - Advanced Reading Proficiency in Italian
Linguistics - Credits: 3 Culture - Credits: 3
Take FREN 425 Topics in French Culture OR SPAN 425 Topics in Hispanic Culture . Other Upper-division courses in Primary Language - Credits: 12 Secondary Language Concentration (French, Italian, Spanish, Latin) Requirement - Credits: 18
Language, Composition and Conversation - Credits: 12
Select four courses for your secondary language from the lists above. See department for appropriate placement.
(See Primary Language Concentration (French, Italian, Spanish) Requirement for the list of classes in those languages).
Additional upper-division courses in secondary language - Credits: 6
NOTE: To fulfill General Education Requirements all Romance Language majors must complete SPAN 302 and SPAN 425 OR FREN 302 and FREN 425 .
Electives - Credits: 14-19
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