Plan Description
The Certificate in Early Childhood Special Education-Preschool (ECSE-Preschool) program is a graduate certificate program designed for individuals who want to acquire specific ECSE-Preschool skills to meet the needs or demands of their workplace and an NDE endorsement. The certificate program is suitable for students with no prior ECSE background, as well as for those who have prior ECSE knowledge or education and want to acquire specific additional skills. The following are examples of students who can benefit from the program:
- Individuals who have graduated from an ECE undergraduate program or related program several years ago who can use the Certificate in ECSE-Preschool program to stay current with ECSE changes.
- ECSE professionals who want to retool themselves to acquire new ECSE skills.
- Individuals with no formal prior ECSE education who want to learn about ECSE and earn the NDE endorsement in ECSE-Preschool.
For more information about your program, including your graduate program handbook and learning outcomes, please visit the Degree Directory.
Plan Admission Requirements
Application deadlines
Applications available on the UNLV Graduate College website.
The ECSE-Preschool Certificate requires a minimum of 27 hours of studies. Each applicant for admission to the Certificat program must comply with Graduate College requirements for admission. In addition to meeting the requirements of the Graduate College, applicants must also meet the requirements establish by the Department of Educational and Clinical Studies:
- Minimum of GPA of 2.75 for all undergraduate work or 3.0 for the last two years of undergraduate study.
- Completed Certificate application for admission.
- One set of official transcripts from all previously attended colleges and universities sent directly to the Graduate College.
- A one page letter of intent that includes (1) the ECSE Certificate area of emphasis (Infancy or Preschool) you are interested in, (2) your professional and academic goals, and (3) a discussion of your experience relative to the program. Please upload this letter when you apply on-line through the Graduage College Apply Yourself application system.
- All applicants must review and follow the Graduate College Admission and Registration Requirements.
Admission to a Certificate program in early childhood special education requires that students with a GPA of less than 2.75 be admitted to the Certificate program with provisional status. Applicants are evaluated on scholastic record, professional accomplishments, and potential for advanced studies.
Currently, students may be admitted during any semester.
Graduate College Admission Requirements
- Completed application for admission and fee, and
- Set of official transcripts from all previously attended colleges and universities.
Students are accepted into a certificate program as described in the Graduate Catalog. The faculty and corresponding sub-disciplines and sub-plans within the described programs are subject to change at any time.
Plan Certificate Completion Requirements
Students in certificate programs would be subject to the continuous enrollment policy completing the program within 4 years. They would have to enroll in at least six credits each rolling three semesters (including summer).
Upon completion of all ECSE-Infancy Certificate course work students are required to schedule a meeting with their advisor. At the time of the meeting students must provide their advisor with an official transcript showing that the student has met all ECE and Graduate College Certificate requirements. At the completion of the meeting students will be required to complete an exit survey.