Plan Requirements
Total Credits Required: 63
Course Requirements
Required Courses – Credits: 9
EPY 767 - Human Learning and Cognition
CIG 762 - Instructional Strategies and Learning to Teach in Higher Education
CIG 763 - Teaching and Learning to Teach
Teaching Course – Credits: 3
Complete one of the following courses:
CIG 760R - Inquiry into Teacher Education
CIG 780 - Research on Teaching and Schooling
Education Course – Credits: 3
Complete one of the following courses:
CIG 761 - Theoretical Foundations of Education
CIG 768 - Advanced Curriculum Studies
Research Courses – Credits: 6
EPY 718 - Qualitative Research Methodologies
EPY 721 - Descriptive and Inferential Statistics: An Introduction
Internship Course – Credits: 9
Complete 9 credits of internship. This must include a combination of 3 credits of school-based internship and 6 credits of teaching internship.
CIG 791 - Internship in Curriculum and Instruction
Additional Research Course – Credits: 3
Complete one of the following courses:
EPY 716 - Evaluation Research Methods
EPY 719 - Advanced Qualitative Research
EPY 722 - Inferential Statistics and Experimental Design
EPY 720 - Research Design in Education
SOC 705 - Qualitative Methods
SOC 774 - Seminar in Feminist Theories and Research
PSY 707 - Research Methods
PSY 708 - Statistics for Psychologists I
PSY 709 - Statistics for Psychologists II
Technology Course – Credits: 3
CIT 772 - Technology in Teacher Education
Elective Courses – Credits: 9
Complete three of the following courses:
CIE 685 - Elementary Education Curriculum
CIG 603 - Urban Education
CIG 661 - Topics Multicultural Education
CIG 706 - Mentoring Strategies to Improve Teaching
CIG 764 - Models of Teaching
CIG 765 - Instructional Design
CIG 766 - Evaluation of Teaching
CIG 769 - Advanced Curriculum Evaluation in Education
CIG 770 - Current Trends and Issues in Education
CIG 780 - Research on Teaching and Schooling
CIG 782 - School Climate
CIL 772 - Cognitive Foundations of Literacy
CIS 618 - Instructional Methods Secondary School
CIT 667 - Technology and Educational Change
EDA 782 - Seminar in Teacher Education
Research Seminar Course – Credits: 3
CIG 790 - Doctoral Research Seminar
Dissertation – Credits: 15
CIG 799 - Dissertation
Degree Requirements
- Complete a minimum of 63 hours of study beyond the master’s degree.
- Maintain an overall GPA of 3.00 or higher for all course work taken at the doctoral level.
- For the teaching internship course, three credit hours will involve shadowing a faculty member teaching a university course and the other three credits will include teaching a university course under the supervision and mentoring of a faculty member. Co-enrollment with CIG 762 required.
- For the school-based internship, students will complete an internship in Millennium Schools, Paradise Professional Development School, or other Professional Practice Schools. Co-enrollment in CIG 763 is required.
- In consultation with his/her advisor, a student will organize a dissertation committee of at least three departmental members. In addition, a fourth member from outside the department, known as the Graduate College Representative, must be appointed. An additional committee member may be added at the student and department’s discretion. Please see Graduate College policy for committee appointment guidelines.
- Complete the residency requirement for the degree. The residency experience incorporates, to the greatest extent possible, a spirit of full-time attention from students to their studies during the residency period. Selection of the criteria for fulfilling the residency requirement is under the auspices of the student’s committee with oversight of the Doctoral Studies Coordinator and Doctoral Studies Committee. A formal proposal for the residency period is required from the student. The PhD residency experience will incorporate a focus on activities associated with success in academe (e.g., scholarly writing, classroom and online university teaching, research methods and opportunities, and external funding). The residency period will encompass at least two consecutive terms (may include one summer term).
- Attend the T & L Doctoral Colloquium held periodically throughout the years of study.
- Pass a written comprehensive examination taken before commencing with the dissertation.