Hank Greenspun School of Journalism and Media Studies
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Purpose and Focus
The Hank Greenspun School of Journalism and Media Studies prepares students to become thoughtful scholars, researchers, and effective professionals in multiple converged media platforms, whether the output be professional news, integrated marketing communications, or more scholarly media studies. Faculty engage students in a supportive environment of scholarship and service, stressing knowledge of theory and practice, ethics, critical thinking, and social responsibility.
Undergraduate Major
Journalism and Media Studies
Areas of Concentration
With the reduction of core course requirements comes an increase in the scope of courses students may take. Moving to Areas of Concentration rather than strictly enforced tracks, our students will be able to complete their degrees in a timely fashion and still have one or two areas of concentration to explore. In an era of constant media change, many of the traditional tracks through a journalism and media program erect artificial barriers to learning; this program seeks to avoid those barriers. Students meet with advisors after completing the pre-major courses to identify individual areas of concentration; they may also meet with faculty advisors as they continue their programs of study to make sure they are on track for completion of their degrees.
Admission to the Major
Minimum: GPA: 2.00
Admission Policies
Students will be assigned a Pre-Journalism (JOURPRE) designation until they have completed the following pre-major requirements:
- Journalism and Media Studies core (12 credits)
JOUR 107 , JOUR 108 , JOUR 207 and JOUR 208 .
- UNLV General Education Core courses (16–18 credits)
ENG 101 and ENG 102
U.S. and Nevada Constitutions requirement
Six credits chosen from the remaining general education core requirements. All courses satisfying Pre-Journalism requirements must be completed with at least a C (2.00) grade (C- is unacceptable). Pre-journalism students may not enroll in upper-division JOUR courses (300–400 level) without express permission of the instructors. Upon completion of the pre-major requirements and after meeting with a faculty advisor, students may apply for full admission to the major.
Transfer Policies
Transfer students will be assigned a JOURPRE designation until they have completed the pre-major requirements described above. Students must meet with an academic advisor in the college’s Student Advising Center for articulation of transfer credit, and with a faculty advisor to determine which courses beyond the core would best serve the interest of the student.
School Policies
Academic Policies
Students must be journalism and Media Studies majors during the completion of the last 30 credits taken at UNLV in fulfillment of the departmental residency requirement. Journalism and Media Studies courses may not be used to satisfy more than one requirement, with the exception of international and multicultural requirements. Only course work in the major for which a grade of C or above (C- is not acceptable) is received will count toward satisfaction of the degree requirements. Maintenance of a UNLV 2.00 GPA is required to remain in and graduate from the program.
Outside Area of Interest
Although there is no formal minor required, students will complete twelve credits in an outside area of interest. At least six credits must be at the upper division (300-400) level.
Change of Major
Change of status from pre-major to major requires the student to acquire a change of major form from the Student Advising Center and follow the steps indicated.
Practical application of classroom experience through professional internships is mandatory for all majors. A student is expected to have completed at least 12 credits of appropriate course work prior to any internship and to have at least a 2.0 GPA. All students must complete three credits of internship.
Upon acceptance as a pre-major, each student must meet with an advisor from the Greenspun College of Urban Affairs’ Student Advising Center. To ensure orderly progress toward the degree, the faculty of the Hank Greenspun School of Journalism and Media Studies will also advise students. Faculty advisement takes place once a student has completed pre-major courses, or is in the last semester of completing pre-major courses. Students who fail to meet with a faculty advisor will not be allowed to continue in the program until such advisement has taken place.
Transfer students are required to consult with a college advisor within the first semester after admission to the department. This initial advising session will determine to what extent those credits accepted by the university will be accepted as part of the major. Faculty advisement must happen within one academic year of admission.
The Advising Center can be reached at 702-895-1009 or Urbanaffairs@unlv.edu or may be visited in person on the 4th Floor of Greenspun Hall.
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