College of Education
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Purpose and Focus
The College of Education is committed to creating an intellectual environment that promotes quality instruction, significant research, and professional service. Particular attention is focused on preparing professionals for changing educational contexts and on contributing to educational and pedagogical knowledge through scholarly endeavors. The college provides leadership in both the art and the science of educational practice. Furthermore, the college is committed to creating an inclusive learning environment that values and promotes diversity. Collaboration among students, faculty, other professionals, and community members is essential to the college in achieving its goals. The college encourages those who show intellectual promise, social responsibility, and the personal qualities suitable for work with children and youth to prepare for professions in teaching and human services.
Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities
Undergraduate Majors
Department of Early Childhood, Multilingual, and Special Education
Early Childhood Education — Bachelor of Science
Special Education — Bachelor of Arts in Education
Special Education — Bachelor of Science in Education
Department of Counselor Education School Psychology and Human Services
Human Services — Bachelor of Science
Department of Educational Psychology and Higher Education
No Undergraduate Degrees Offered
Department of Teaching and Learning
Elementary Education — Bachelor of Arts in Education
Elementary Education — Bachelor of Science in Education
Secondary Education — Bachelor of Arts in Education
Secondary Education — Bachelor of Science in Education
Undergraduate Degree Minors
Addictions Prevention
Addictions Treatment
Human Services
Problem Compulsive Gambling
Secondary Education
Special Education
Graduate Degree Programs
Educational and Clinical Studies — Master of Education in Early Childhood Education, Master of Education in English Language Learning, Master of Education in School Counseling, Master of Education in Special Education, Master of Science in Mental Health Counseling, Doctor of Philosophy in Special Education, Juris Doctor/Doctor of Philosophy in Special Education*
Teaching and Learning — Master of Education in Curriculum and Instruction, Master of Science in Curriculum and Instruction, Specialist in Education, Doctor of Education in Curriculum and Instruction, Doctor of Philosophy in Curriculum and Instruction, Doctor of Philosophy in Teacher Education, Doctor of Philosophy in Learning and Technology**
Educational Psychology and Higher Education - Master of Science in Educational Psychology, Master of Education in Higher Education, Education Specialist in School Psychology, Doctor or Philosophy in Educational Psychology, Doctor of Philosophy in Higher Education, Doctor of Philosophy in Learning and Technology**, Juris Doctor/Doctor of Philosophy in Educational Psychology***, Juris Doctor/Doctor of Philosophy in Higher Education***
*Offered as a joint degree through ECS and the Boyd School of Law
**Offered as a joint degree through T&L & EPHE
***Offered as a joint degree through EPHE and Boyd School of Law
Admission to the College (Undergraduate Programs)
Minimum GPA: 2.75
Admissions Policies
Students with GPA of 2.75 can be admitted to the College of Education as pre-majors. Students are formally admitted to their major following completion of pre-major course(s) and other program requirements with a minimum overall 2.75 GPA and passing Praxis core Tests or PPST scores taken prior to November 1, 2013. Further information may be obtained from the College of Education Advising and Field Placement Center.
College Policies
Academic Policies
A minimum UNLV cumulative GPA of 2.75 must be maintained to continue in the College of Education. Individual departments may have higher GPA requirements.
Students whose cumulative UNLV GPA falls below 2.75 will be subject to academic discipline (college probation or university suspension). Further information may be obtained from the College of Education Advising and Field Placement Center.
All undergraduate students in programs leading to teacher licensure must take the PRAXIS II and pass the appropriate test(s) in order to obtain a license with the Nevada State Department of Education. Although the PRAXIS II is not required for graduation, to ensure timely submission of the scores, students are strongly encouraged to take the test(s) one semester prior to student teaching. When completing the registration materials for the PRAXIS II, students must list UNLV (RA4861) and the Nevada State Department of Education (R8670) as score recipients. See an advisor in the College of Education Advising and Field Placement Center for more details.
Student Teaching
Student teaching is a full-time, full-semester carefully supervised experience. Through written agreements, university and school authorities are committed to providing quality field experiences for prospective teachers. An international student teaching option affords students the opportunity to explore teaching from a multicultural perspective.
Student teaching applications must be filed one semester prior to student teaching by the posted deadline. Applicants must meet all conditions specified by the appropriate academic department before they will be placed. Failure by the student teacher to meet any requirement may result in delay or cancellation of the supervised teaching assignment.
Any candidate for student teaching who has transferred to UNLV must fulfill all specific requirements and have completed at least 15 hours in residence, including nine credits in professional education courses. Additional courses as determined by the advisor or the department chair may be required of the student. Verify with departments for possible alternative degree requirements.
Please refer to College/Departmental Scholarships in the Student Financial Services section of this catalog.
Advising is provided by the College of Education Advising and Field Placement Center. Students are encouraged to seek advisement early in their academic programs to ensure efficient advancement through their program. All students are encouraged to see their advisors regularly; degree requirements and/or licensure requirements may change.
Specialized Programs
In addition to its traditional programs, the college provides programs intended to meet the needs of individuals who hold baccalaureate degrees in non-licensed areas and who wish to be licensed to teach. Additional information concerning these programs is available in the Teaching and Learning and Educational and Early Childhood, Multilingual, and Special Education Department offices.
For complete information regarding individual departments, please refer to the UNLV web page, www.unlv.edu, and click on the College of Education.
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