Jan 20, 2025  
2014-2015 Undergraduate Catalog 

Schools & Departments

University of Nevada, Las Vegas

Lee Business School

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Accounting Department

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Economics Department

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Finance Department

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Management, Entrepreneurship and Technology Department

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Marketing and International Business Department

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College of Education

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Teaching and Learning

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Educational Psychology and Higher Education

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Educational and Clinical Studies

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Division of Educational Outreach

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Howard R. Hughes College of Engineering

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Entertainment Engineering and Design

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Aerospace Studies Department

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Military Science Department

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Civil and Environmental Engineering and Construction Department

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Computer Science Department

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Electrical and Computer Engineering Department

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Mechanical Engineering Department

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College of Fine Arts

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Division of Health Sciences

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School of Allied Health Sciences

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Health Physics and Diagnostic Sciences

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Kinesiology and Nutrition Sciences

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School of Nursing

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School of Community Health Sciences

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Honors College

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William F. Harrah College of Hotel Administration

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Bachelor of Science in Hotel Administration

College of Liberal Arts

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Greenspun College of Urban Affairs

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Communication Studies

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Criminal Justice

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School of Environmental and Public Affairs

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Hank Greenspun School of Journalism and Media Studies

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Marriage and Family Therapy Program

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School of Social Work

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College of Sciences

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