PHYS 483 - Special Topics in Physics Special topics in physics such as, but not limited to, relativity, plasma physics, hydrodynamics, and particle physics.
Credits 3 Prerequisites PHYS 182. May be repeated to a maximum of six credits.
PHYS 485 - Condensed Matter Physics Properties of condensed matters and their applications in materials science. Structures of classical and quantum liquids. Correlations in lower dimensional systems. Localization and magnetism. Superconductivity and superfluidity. Polymers and liquid crystals.
Credits 3 Prerequisites PHYS 481.
PHYS 491 - Independent Study Independent study of a topic in physics not specifically included in the regular course offerings. Grade depends on requirements outlined in a written contract between student and instructor agreed upon prior to beginning the course.
Credits (1-3) Prerequisites PHYS 180, PHYS 180L, PHYS 181, PHYS 181L, PHYS 182, PHYS 182L and consent of instructor.
PHYS 493 - Special Problems Laboratory or research work on a project that demonstrates the student’s ability to apply his or her knowledge of physics. A 30-minute talk on the project required.
Credits (1-3) Prerequisites Nine credits of upper-division physics courses and consent of instructor.
PSC 100 - Nevada Constitution For students who have met the U.S. Constitution requirement with a course that includes no information about Nevada. Includes a brief history of Nevada prior to statehood, commentary on the Nevada Constitution, and analysis of the political, economic, and social characteristics of the state today.
Credits 1 Notes (Satisfies Nevada Constitution Requirement.) |
PSC 101 - Introduction to American Politics A survey of American national, state and local governments; includes review of Nevada’s constitution, government and contemporary issues.
Credits 4 Notes (Satisfies the United States and Nevada Constitutions Requirement.) |
PSC 200 - Survey of Political Theory Survey of political theory from Plato to contemporary times.
Credits 3
PSC 211 - Introduction to Comparative Politics Major conceptual, methodological, and theoretical tools in comparative politics. Distinguishes between developed and developing systems, and examines contemporary issues of the developed systems and problems of underdevelopment.
Credits 3 Notes (Satisfies International and Foreign Culture Requirement.) |
PSC 231 - Introduction to International Relations General introductory course to the field of foreign policy and international politics. Mainly theoretical in nature but such concepts as revolution, economic and political development, and nationalism also considered.
Credits 3 Notes (Satisfies International and Foreign Culture Requirement.) |
PSC 302 - Research Methods in Political Science Focuses on research design and collection and analysis of empirical data; utilization of library and electronic media. Includes methodological debates within the social sciences; covers questions of measurement, sampling, and data analysis. Equips students to conduct research and to evaluate research critically.
Credits 3 Prerequisites , , , and sophomore or junior standing only.
PSC 304 - The Legislative Process Study of the legislative process, with special emphasis on the U.S. Congress. Topics covered include internal distribution of power (parties and committees), external influences (the electorate, the executive, interest groups), and current problems (ethics, accountability, and campaign financing).
Credits 3 Prerequisites . Notes (Satisfies the United States Constitution Requirement.) |
PSC 305 - The American Presidency Study of the American presidency from 1787 to the present. Analysis of the powers of the President and the relationship of the office to the American political system.
Credits 3 Prerequisites .
PSC 312 - Political Parties and Interest Groups Study of major political parties from a historical perspective, with focus on their differing platforms, memberships, and strategies. Types of interest groups and their impact on the policy-making process also analyzed.
Credits 3 Prerequisites .
PSC 314 - Religion and the Political Process Examines role of religion in American politics. Topics include constitutional issues of church-state relations, effect of religious beliefs and memberships on political behavior, and normative issues concerning compatibility of obligations of democratic citizenship and religious discipleship.
Credits 3 Prerequisites .
PSC 316 - Politics of Abortion Examines issue of abortion in American politics. Topics include normative issues regarding rights of the fetus, constitutional issues relating to reproductive freedom, the role of religion in abortion politics, political behavior of pro-life and pro-choice activists, and behavior and attitudes of the mass public.
Credits 3 Prerequisites .
PSC 320 - Policy Analysis Analysis of the political and economic values and processes involved in the making of public policy in the United States today.
Credits 3 Prerequisites .
PSC 321 - Analyzing Policy Issues Contemporary public policy issues, such as environmental protection, abortion, welfare, legalization of drugs, health care, gun control, taxes, etc. Background of policy issues and skills in analyzing and evaluating arguments on different sides of each issue.
Credits 3 Prerequisites .
PSC 330 - Constitutional Law: Governmental Powers Case approach to the interpretation of the United States Constitution, with emphasis on powers of the Judiciary, Congress, and the Presidency. Attention also devoted to the Commerce Clause and federal-state relations.
Credits 3 Prerequisites . Notes (Satisfies the United States Constitution Requirement.) |
PSC 332 - Judicial Process Analysis of the political context of the judicial process. Topics include the structure and function of American court systems, court staffing, judiciary, roles of lawyers and other actors in the American legal system.
Credits 3 Prerequisites .
PSC 371 - Ancient Political Theory Critical study of the major political thinkers before the Christian era. Readings may include Thucydides, Plato, Xenophon, Aristotle, and Cicero.
Credits 3 Prerequisites .
PSC 373 - Early Modern Political Theory Critical study of the major thinkers from the Renaissance until Rousseau. Readings may include Machiavelli, Luther, Calvin, Hooker, Bacon, Grotius, Hobbes, Descartes, Milton, Spinoza, Locke, Montesquieu, and Hume.
Credits 3 Prerequisites .
PSC 374 - Late Modern Political Theory Critical study of the major political thinkers from Rousseau until the twentieth century. Readings may include Rousseau, Kant, Blackstone, Smith, Paine, Burke, Bentham, Hegel, J.S. Mill, Marx, and Nietzsche.
Credits 3 Prerequisites .
PSC 375 - Recent Political Theory Critical study of the major political thinkers and main currents in political thought in the twentieth century. Readings may include Dewey, Husserl, Heidegger, communists, and fascists.
Credits 3 Prerequisites .
PSC 400A - Introduction to Survey Research Overview of survey methodology in general. All aspects from questionnaire design to implementation to analysis using SPSS covered. Focuses on designing academic survey projects and using survey methodology for graduate research projects. Students work on individual research design adapted from the class.
Credits 3 Prerequisites .
PSC 400F - Film in Politics (Same as .) Analysis of the political film. Themes treated include political power, corruption, war, revolution, propaganda, political socialization, and participation.
Credits 3 Prerequisites .
PSC 401A - Urban Politics Study of formal and informal structures and workings of local, urban, and metropolitan society and politics. Examines variety of issues related to local and regional political process, including governing capacity, local democracy and representation, and economic and racial inequality.
Credits 3 Prerequisites .
PSC 401B - Mass Media and American Politics Overview of theoretical and applied literature on mass political communication with attention to historical evolution and legal underpinnings of mass media roles in democratic governance. Focus on types of and interactions between mass media and political actors as well as media effects on public opinion.
Credits 3 Prerequisites .
PSC 401C - Money in U.S. Politics Survey of theoretical and applied debates over campaign financing and reform with attention to historical development, legal underpinnings, and principle participants in American national and state systems of campaign finance. Develops students’ capacities to analyze and interpret patterns and effects of campaign finance along with implications for democratic government.
Credits 3 Prerequisites .
PSC 401D - State Politics Political, constitutional, fiscal, and regulatory aspects of state and local government in the American system, with particular emphasis with selected readings and discussions on campaigns and elections.
Credits 3 Prerequisites . Notes (Satisfies the Nevada Constitution Requirement.) |
PSC 401F - Public Opinion and Political Behavior Study of factors which shape basic political attitudes and circumstances which result in different kinds of political behavior. Political socialization process, both its agents and its consequences, also explored.
Credits 3 Prerequisites .
PSC 401G - Political Campaigns and Elections Participating in and analyzing an election campaign of choice, students have an opportunity to integrate practical experience with selected readings and discussions on campaigns and elections.
Credits 3 Prerequisites .
PSC 401I - Ethnic and Minority Politics Examines the role of subcultures in the American political process. Groups studied include traditionally recognized minorities (women, Blacks, Native Americans) as well as white ethnics, Asians, and various Latin-based groups. Focuses on mobilization efforts, policy concerns and obstacles and accomplishments.
Credits 3 Prerequisites . Notes (Satisfies Multicultural Requirement.) |
PSC 401J - Women in Politics (Same as & .) History of women in U.S. politics beginning with the suffrage movement and concluding with the most recent election. Topics include women as candidates, in office, as administrators, as lobbyists and as political activists. Concludes with a section on so-called “Women’s Issues,” choice, domestic violence, child support, day care, women’s health and current issues.
Credits 3 Prerequisites .
PSC 401K - American Political Movements Overview of the theoretical and applied literature on mass-based political movements applied to the civil rights, students, women’s, peace, and environmental movements.
Credits 3 Prerequisites . Notes (Satisfies Multicultural Requirement.) |
PSC 401Z - Special Topics in American Politics Credits 3 Prerequisites . May be repeated to a maximum of six credits.
PSC 403A - Natural Resource Policy Examines environmental policy primarily as it relates to America’s 700 million acres of public land—nearly one-third of the entire country. Focuses on the tensions between extractive uses such as mining and timbering on the one hand and conservation goals on the other. Substantial attention paid to the subject of water: The law and politics of who gets it and who does not.
Credits 3 Prerequisites or .
PSC 403B - Energy Politics and Policy Study of the impact of energy and its exploitation in political, economic, social, and ecological areas. Primary attention directed at coal, oil, natural gas, and nuclear power. In addition, such exotic energy sources as thermal, wind, fusion, and synthetic fuels considered.
Credits 3 Prerequisites .
PSC 403C - Environmental Policy An overview of key elements of U.S. environmental policy. Includes an assessment of domestic environmental problems and related environmental legislation. Also focuses on issues of global sustainability and value questions that guide environmental policy-making.
Credits 3 Prerequisites
PSC 403F - U.S. Nuclear Policy: Weapons and Waste Examines the history and political consequences of the U.S. development of the atomic bomb. Traces events from 1939 to present, and addresses current problems of atomic litigation, nuclear waste disposal, and nuclear disarmament. Analyzes life in the shadow of the mushroom cloud.
Credits 3 Prerequisites .
PSC 403I - National Security Policy Primarily focuses upon national defense. Covers such topics as the defense establishment, intelligence, strategic theory concepts, strategic weapons systems, war, and war prevention.
Credits 3 Prerequisites .
PSC 403J - Political Ethics and Political Corruption Study of political ethics and corruption in the U.S. Attention given to the concepts themselves and to how they have evolved over time.
Credits 3 Prerequisites .
PSC 403L - Morality Policy This course is intended to provided critical analyses of the legal, institutional, and behavioral issues underlying issues of public policy which involve questions of personal or social morality. The Politics of Church-state relations, abortion, capital punishment, gun control, obscenity and
pornography, and gay rights will be considered.
Credits 3 Prerequisites .
PSC 403Z - Special Topics in Public Policy Credits 3 Prerequisites . May be repeated to a maximum of six credits.
PSC 405B - International Law and Organizations Formerly Listed as PSC 405D.
International legal system, the United Nations, and other international organizations such as E.C.O.S.O.C. and W.H.O.
Credits 3 Prerequisites . Notes (Satisfies International and Foreign Culture Requirement.) |
PSC 405C - Inter-American Relations Considers changing relationships among states in the Americas. Covers early interventionism by the U.S., the Cold War period, and the post-Cold War era. Topics include economic development programs, counterinsurgency assistance, immigration policy, the drug “war,” the environment, and trade.
Credits 3 Prerequisites . Notes (Satisfies International and Foreign Culture Requirement.) |
PSC 405DR - U.S. Foreign Policy Formerly Listed as PSC 342.
Theoretical and historical analysis of the formulation and implementation of American foreign policy. Topics include the institutionalization of the cold war, American adaptation to the post-cold war world, and current foreign policy issues facing the United States.
Credits 3 Prerequisites .
PSC 405E - Foreign Policy of the Major Powers Systematic and comparative study of the foreign policies of the major powers in light of the general world situation and the internal forces and problems of each country.
Credits 3 Prerequisites .
PSC 405J - The European Union Examines the evolution of economic and political integration and the potential future steps toward ever closer union. Institutions, actors, and policies of the European Union analyzed with an emphasis on democracy and tensions between domestic and European interests.
Credits 3 Prerequisites . Notes (Satisfies International and Foreign Culture Requirement.) |
PSC 405K - International Relations of the Middle East and North Africa Develops a framework for the study of international relations of the Middle East and North Africa. Examines domestic, regional, and global determinants of external politics in this region; analyzes great powers’ interests and policies; and studies intraregional problems.
Credits 3 Prerequisites . Notes (Satisfies International and Foreign Culture Requirement.) |
PSC 405L - East Asia in World Politics Examines the complicated forces at work in international relations of East Asia. Analyzes foreign policies of the major world powers towards East Asia in the postwar era. Emphasis on the important bilateral relationships in the region.
Credits 3 Prerequisites . Notes (Satisfies International and Foreign Culture Requirement.) |
PSC 405M - The Pacific Rim and World Politics Examines the Pacific Rim and analyzes the cultural, economic, political, and social issues in the region. Special emphasis on how cultural, ethnic, and religious diversities affect independence and interdependence of the region.
Credits 3 Prerequisites . Notes (Satisfies International and Foreign Culture Requirement.) |
PSC 405N - Regional and International Relations of Latin America and the Caribbean Examination of the regional and international relations of Latin America and the Caribbean. Recent theories of IR, regional economic integration, human rights and democratization, and security issues.
Credits 3 Prerequisites .
PSC 405O - Model United Nations Examines and practices how the United Nations, the world’s largest international organization, works. Studies the mandates and functions of various UN committees and special agencies. Equips students with the unique expertise to represent a country and adopt resolutions to solve global issues through the actual participation in Model UN conferences.
Credits 3 Prerequisites .
PSC 405P - Global Political Economy Formerly Listed as PSC 407S.
Politics of international economic relations. Major theories of international political economy are examined and applied to the study of colonialism, dependency, international trade, official development assistance, foreign direct investment, globalization, regional integration, labor, and the environment.
Credits 3 Prerequisites .
PSC 405Q - Global Ecopolitics Analysis of demographic, ecological, economic and technological security challenges emerging in an era of deepening globalization, including the challenges of population growth and graying, adequacy of world fuel reserves, challenges of global warming, and issues associated with the worldwide diffusion of new technologies.
Credits 3 Prerequisites .
PSC 405R - Africa in World Politics Examines Africa’s place in world politics. Relationships between African countries and international organizations and countries of other world regions as well as relationships among African countries. Explores changing nature of Africa’s state system and challenges confronting this system.
Credits 3 Prerequisites . Notes (Satisfies International and Foreign Culture Requirement.) |
PSC 405S - U.S. Strategic Intelligence Overview of U.S. strategic intelligence, with emphasis on U.S. intelligence community and use of intelligence by policy- and decision-makers. Covers various types of intelligence, covert action, counterintelligence, congressional and judicial oversight, and issues related to intelligence and civil liberties.
Credits 3 Prerequisites .
PSC 405T - International Environmental Politics Formerly Listed as PSC 403D
Theories of international politics applied to global and regional environmental problems. Addresses the politics of how environmental problems are defined and identified by scientists and activists and the various political solutions proposed. Substantive topics include biodiversity, climate change, trade and the environment, sustainable development, environmental refuges, biosafety, and energy.
Credits 3 Prerequisites or .
PSC 405U - International Security This course will examine the economic, political, and social causes and conditions of conflict within and between states across the globe. The course will also utilize threats to international security in order to explore the different methods of preventing, managing, and settling issues of terrorism and war.
Credits 3 Prerequisites .
PSC 405V - International & U.S. Immigration Policy Exam of political and policy implications of international migration, focusing on the debates surrounding immigration to the U.S. and the international refugee crisis. Topics include political responses to immigration policy making, foreign policy/transnational initiatives, post- 9/11 national security policy making, bilingual education policies, affirmative action, and anti-poverty policy.
Credits 3 Prerequisites .
PSC 405Z - Special Topics in International Relations and Foreign Policy Credits 3 Prerequisites . May be repeated to a maximum of six credits. Notes (Satisfies International and Foreign Culture Requirement.) |
PSC 407A - Political Systems of West Europe Study of comparative politics by focusing on the histories, cultures, and political systems of Western Europe. Theory, foundations, institutional framework, and political and economic development of the European Community. Processes of building a European Union.
Credits 3 Prerequisites . Notes (Satisfies International and Foreign Culture Requirement.) |
PSC 407B - Political Systems of East Asia Examines the political development and governmental institutions of East Asia. Analyzes how the contemporary political systems in the region have evolved and how they work. Special emphasis on political culture and policy making.
Credits 3 Prerequisites . Notes Satisfies International and Foreign Culture Requirement. |
PSC 407C - Political Systems of Russia and East-Central Europe Examines the histories, cultures and functioning of political systems after the fall of communist regimes. Impact of the re-emergence of old values and attitudes. Processes of reintegration of the countries of the region into the European and world systems and structures.
Credits 3 Prerequisites . Notes Satisfies International and Foreign Culture Requirement. |
PSC 407D - Political Systems of the Middle East and North Africa Methodological and theoretical tools for the study of developing political systems. Provides students with an in-depth analysis of the political institutions, processes, and policies in the Muslim Middle East and North Africa.
Credits 3 Prerequisites . Notes Satisfies International and Foreign Culture Requirement. |
PSC 407E - Politics in Latin America In-depth study of political concepts and events in Latin America. Examines how politicians have used populism, corporatism, authoritarianism, and democracy to channel and repress political participation. Evaluates competing explanations of rise of military regimes. Considers challenges of democratization, such as building political institutions, political parties, and civic society.
Credits 3 Prerequisites . Notes Satisfies International and Foreign Culture Requirement. |
PSC 407G - Communist Political Systems Ideology of Marxism-Leninism in different historical, cultural, and geographic settings. Compares and contrasts the setting, rise to power, consolidation, and functioning of former and present communist political systems.
Credits 3 Prerequisites .
PSC 407I - Politics and Problems in Developing Areas Explores how developing areas, or Third World, constitute a major portion of the world’s population while sharing in a much smaller fraction of its wealth and productivity. Role of the political process in the attempt of a formerly traditional society to come to terms with modernity and better the lot of its citizens. Relationship between politics and the economic and social dimensions of the development.
Credits 3 Prerequisites . Notes (Satisfies International and Foreign Culture Requirement.) |
PSC 407K - Comparative Religion and Politics Various roles played by religious leaders and believers in a variety of national and international systems. Importance of religious markets in particular settings, the role of religion as a source of regime legitimacy or opposition, and the importance of religious doctrine.
Credits 3 Prerequisites .
PSC 407M - The Mexican Revolution (Same as .) Study of the origins, major events and personalities, and aftermath of the Mexican Revolution of 1910, tracing Mexico’s political development to modern times.
Credits 3 Prerequisites
PSC 407N - Revolution and Reaction in Contemporary Latin America (Same as .) Study of major political movements, leaders, and trends in Latin America from the Cuban Revolution to the present.
Credits 3 Prerequisites .
PSC 407O - Islamic Politics Examines classical and contemporary Islamic political thought and the impacts of Islam on present institutions and practices in Muslim societies.
Credits 3 Prerequisites . Notes (Satisfies International and Foreign Culture Requirement.) |
PSC 407Q - Political Violence and Terrorism Origins, development, and consequences of political violence on both the domestic and international level. Problems of revolution, war, and terrorism as the means used for the achievement of political goals examined.
Credits 3 Prerequisites .
PSC 407T - The Politics of Sub-Saharan Africa Explores the nature of political development in the states of sub-Saharan Africa. Examines historical, economic and social forces that have shaped political change and conflict in Africa. Special attention to democratization process in Africa.
Credits 3 Prerequisites . Notes (Satisfies International and Foreign Culture Requirement.) |
PSC 407U - Democratization Focuses on democratization. Explores how countries transition to democracy. Process by which democracy becomes consolidated. Assesses the state of and prospects for the consolidation of democracy in the world today.
Credits 3 Prerequisites . Notes (Satisfies International and Foreign Culture Requirement.) |
PSC 407W - Politics Of Catholicism Provides an understanding of the political role played by the Catholic Church in a variety of national, regional, and international settings. A major theme of the course will be the interaction of “objective” moral truth (as defined by the Holy See) and the politics of diverse local and national contexts.
Credits 3 Prerequisites .
PSC 407Z - Special Topics in Comparative Politics Credits 3 Prerequisites . May be repeated to a maximum of six credits. Notes (Satisfies International and Foreign Culture Requirement.) |
PSC 409C - American Political Thought Critical study of the major thinkers and writings from the colonial period to the present, such as The Federalist Papers and Tocqueville, that contribute to an understanding of American political principles.
Credits 3 Prerequisites . Notes (Satisfies the United States Constitution Requirement.) |
PSC 409E - Political Theory and Political Education Theoretical analysis of education as a problem and function of political life. Particular attention paid to the relationships between education, the liberal arts, citizenship, and civic virtue.
Credits 3 Prerequisites .
PSC 409F - Politics and Literature Examination of political theories expressed through literary genres other than the philosophical treatise and political essay (e.g. poetry, drama, and the novel) and the relationship of such works to social and political life.
Credits 3 Prerequisites .
PSC 409H - The Problem of Socrates Plato’s Socrates, the various dimensions of his way of life. Also ancient and modern critiques of Socrates from Aristophanes’ Clouds to Socrates’ place in the philosophies of Hegel, Kierkegaard, and Nietzsche. Concludes with Kierkegaard’s contrast between Socrates and Christ, and with Nietzsche’s contrast between Socrates and Dionysus.
Credits 3 Prerequisites .
PSC 409I - Marx and Marxism Critical study of the political theories of Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels, and selected theorists in the Marxist tradition.
Credits 3 Prerequisites .
PSC 409J - Feminist Political Theory Important schools of feminist thought studied: liberal feminism, Marxist feminism, radical feminism, ecofeminism, psychoanalytic feminism, gender feminism, existentialist feminism, postmodern feminism, and multicultural and global feminism. Studies thinkers who provide feminism with its philosophical foundations.
Credits 3 Prerequisites .
PSC 409L - Medieval Political Theory Critical study of the major political thinkers and main currents in political thought from the rise of Christianity to the Renaissance.
Credits 3 Prerequisites .
PSC 409Z - Special Topics in Political Theory Credits 3 Prerequisites . May be repeated to a maximum of six credits.
PSC 411A - Constitutional Law: The First Amendment Case approach to constitutional problems in the First Amendment. Topics covered include speech, press, association, and free exercise and establishment of religion.
Credits 3 Prerequisites .
PSC 411B - Constitutional Law: Civil Rights Case approach to civil rights issues including discrimination based on race, sex, sexual orientation, and other factors; affirmative action; and issues of voting and representation rights.
Credits 3 Prerequisites .
PSC 411C - Legal Theory Analysis of the concept of law, with special emphasis upon the nature of law, sovereignty, legal validity, the relations between law, politics, morality, and economics.
Credits 3 Prerequisites .
PSC 411D - Constitutional Rights of Women Case approach to legal issues concerning abortion, contraception, sterilization, penalties of pregnancy, voting, access to professions, equal pay, and various forms of political, economic, and social discrimination. Key constitutional provisions considered include judicial review, due process, equal protection, privileges and immunities, and the right to privacy.
Credits 3 Prerequisites . Notes (Satisfies Multicultural Requirement.) |
PSC 411E - Constitutional Rights of the Accused Analysis of the legal rights of the accused in the context of the American legal system and political process. Emphasizes constitutional issues involved as well as special problems posed by political conflicts.
Credits 3 Prerequisites .
PSC 411F - Constitutional Theory Examines the different approaches to the interpretation of the U.S. Constitution including interpretivism, non-interpretivism, intentionalism, originalism, plain words, strict, and broad construction.
Credits 3 Prerequisites or or or .
PSC 411H - Comparative Law Examination of concepts, methods, and contemporary issues in comparative law. Comparatively analyzes the origins, processes, structures, and codes in the British, French, German, American, Judaic, and Islamic legal systems and traditions.
Credits 3 Prerequisites .
PSC 411I - Supreme Court and Capitalism A cases and materials approach to the role of the United States Supreme Court in cases dealing with the economy. Cases arising mainly out of the Commerce, General Welfare, Taxing and Spending, Contracts, Due Process and Takings clauses will be covered.
Credits 3 Prerequisites .
PSC 411Z - Special Topics in Public Law Credits 3 Prerequisites . May be repeated to a maximum of six credits.
PSC 480A - Independent Study and Research in Political Science Program of independent reading and research in political science, to be selected in consultation with an instructor before registration.
Credits (1-3) Prerequisites and or or and junior or senior standing. May be repeated to a maximum of six credits.
PSC 490A - Internship: Administrative Students serve for a semester in a public agency and make regular reports on work activities and assigned readings. Students earn credit for service learning under the supervision of agency personnel and university faculty.
Credits (1-6) Prerequisites and junior or senior standing. May be repeated for a maximum of six credits.
PSC 490B - Internship: Legislative Students serve for a semester in a legislature and make regular reports on work activities and assigned readings. Students earn credit for service learning under the supervision of agency personnel and university faculty.
Credits (1-6) Prerequisites and junior or senior standing. May be repeated for a maximum of six credits.
PSC 490C - Internship: Campaign Students serve for a semester on a campaign and make regular reports on work activities and assigned readings. Students earn credit for service learning under the supervision of agency personnel and university faculty.
Credits (1-6) Prerequisites and junior or senior standing. May be repeated for a maximum of six credits.
PSC 490D - Internship: Legal Students serve for a semester in a law office and make regular reports on work activities and assigned readings. Students earn credit for service learning under the supervision of agency personnel and university faculty.
Credits (1-6) Prerequisites and junior or senior standing. May be repeated for a maximum of six credits.
PSC 490E - Internship: Political News Broadcast Students serve for a semester with a television or radio station and make regular reports on work activities and assigned readings. Students earn credit for service learning under the supervision of agency personnel and university faculty.
Credits (1-6) Prerequisites and junior or senior standing. May be repeated for a maximum of six credits.
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