Oct 05, 2024  
2012-2014 Undergraduate Catalog 


  • MATH 361 - Introduction to Biomathematics II

    A continuation to the study of biomathematics; part two will consider more advanced mathematical models of biological processes associated with advection, diffusion and pattern formation; computational methods for solving partial differential equations.

    Credits 3
    Prerequisites   or  .
    Notes Duplicate credits cannot be earned for MATH 361 and BIOL 361.
  • MATH 365 - Computational Linear Algebra

    Matrices, linear systems of equations, linear programming, least-squares approximations, determinants, eigenvalues and eigenvectors, matrix inversion, elimination, iteration and other algorithms, precision and error analysis, of computational cost of algorithms. Emphasizes the practical methods using computer algorithms.

    Credits 3
    Prerequisites  ;   or  .
    Notes Duplicate credits cannot be earned for MATH 330 and 365.
  • MATH 415 - Graph Theory

    This course examines basic concepts and applications of graph theory. Topics include subgraphs, connectivity, trees, cycles, vertex and edge coloring, planar graphs and their colorings, Eulerian graphs, Hamiltonian graphs, matching and factorization, and the applications of graphs as models. Emphasis will be on proofs and proof techniques.

    Credits 3
    Prerequisites  ,   or consent of instructor.
  • MATH 427 - Differential Equations I

    Theory and solution techniques for solving ordinary differential equations with constant and variable coefficients, systems of linear differential equations, Laplace transform, difference equations and numerical methods. Fourier Series; stability theory and autonomous systems.

    Credits 3
    Prerequisites    or  .
    Notes Duplicate credits cannot be earned in any two of MATH 427-428 and MATH 431-432.
  • MATH 428 - Differential Equations II

    Theory and solution techniques for solving ordinary differential equations with constant and variable coefficients, systems of linear differential equations, Laplace transform, difference equations and numerical methods. Fourier Series; stability theory and autonomous systems.

    Credits 3
    Prerequisites  .
    Notes Duplicate credits cannot be earned in any two of MATH 427-428 and MATH 431-432.
  • MATH 431 - Mathematics for Engineers and Scientists I

    First order linear and non-linear differential equations, second and higher order differential equations with constant coefficients, Laplace transforms and applications, Gaussian elimination and eigenvalue problems, solutions of systems of differential equations.

    Credits 3
    Prerequisites  .
    Notes Duplicate credits cannot be earned in any two of MATH 427-428 and MATH 431-432.
  • MATH 432 - Mathematics for Engineers and Scientists II

    Topics include complex functions, analytic functions, Cauchy-Riemann equations, conformal mappings, linear fractional transformations, complex integration, Cauchy’s integral theorem and formula, power series, Laurent series, and calculus of residues.

    Credits 3
    Notes Duplicate credits cannot be earned in any two of MATH 427-428 and MATH 431-432.
  • MATH 451 - Foundations of Mathematics I

    Introduction to logic, set algebra and Boolean algebra, with applications to the theory of computing machines.

    Credits 3
    Prerequisites  .
  • MATH 452 - Foundations of Mathematics II

    Formalization, proofs, and models of quantificational logic; axiomatics; application to mathematical theories, including set theory.

    Credits 3
    Prerequisites  .
  • MATH 453 - Abstract Algebra I

    Sets, functions, groups, quotient groups, homomorphism theorems, Abelian groups, rings, polynomial rings, division rings, Euclidean domains, fields and vector spaces.

    Credits 3
    Prerequisites    or  .
  • MATH 454 - Abstract Algebra II

    Sets, functions, groups, quotient groups, homomorphism theorems, Abelian groups, rings, polynomial rings, division rings, Euclidean domains, fields and vector spaces.

    Credits 3
    Prerequisites MATH 453
  • MATH 455 - Elementary Theory of Numbers I

    Topics include divisibility, arithmetic functions, congruences, quadratic residues, primitive roots, Diophantine equations, continued fractions, algebraic numbers, and partitions.

    Credits 3
    Prerequisites  ;   or  .
  • MATH 456 - Elementary Theory of Numbers II

    Topics include divisibility, arithmetic functions, congruences, quadratic residues, primitive roots, Diophantine equations, continued fractions, algebraic numbers, and partitions.

    Credits 3
    Prerequisites  .
  • MATH 457 - Introduction to Real Analysis I

    Topics include finite and infinite sets, axiomatic study of real numbers, topology of Cartesian spaces, sequences of functions, continuous functions, differentiation of functions of one variable.

    Credits 3
    Prerequisites  ;   or  ;   or equivalent.
  • MATH 458 - Introduction to Real Analysis II

    Topics include uniform continuity and fixed point theorems, sequences of continuous functions, approximation theorems, Riemann-Stieltjes integral, uniform convergence and infinite integrals, series of functions, differentiation in Rn.

    Credits 3
    Prerequisites  .
  • MATH 459 - Elementary Complex Analysis

    Complex numbers, analytic functions, contour integration, conformal mapping, applications.

    Credits 3
    Prerequisites  ;   or  ;   or equivalent.
  • MATH 461 - Probability Theory

    Fundamental concepts of probability; random variables, binomial, Poisson, normal, chi-square, T, F and other distributions; transformations of random variables; conditional and marginal distributions; central limit theorem and concepts associated with the field of statistics.

    Credits 3
    Prerequisites  ;  .
  • MATH 462 - Stochastic Processes

    Markov chains and jump processes, elements of queuing theory, stationary stochastic processes, the Wiener process and stochastic differential equations.

    Credits 3
    Prerequisites  .
  • MATH 463 - Advanced Matrix Theory and Applications

    Rigorous mathematical treatment of orthogonal matrices, Gram-Schmidt method, Q-R factorization, least-squares fits, eigenvalues and eigenvectors, linear difference equations, systems of linear differential equations, unitary similarities, Schur’s theorem, discrete Markov processes, power method, quadratic forms, singular value decompositions, pseudo-inverse, systems of linear inequalities, and simplex method.

    Credits 3
    Prerequisites   or  .
  • MATH 466 - Numerical Methods I

    Introduction to numerical mathematics and scientific computing. Topics including methods of error estimation, interpolation theory, numerical integration, and solutions of linear and non-linear equations. Emphasizes hands-on computer work based on these techniques.

    Credits 3
    Prerequisites  ; CS 136 or equivalent;   or  .
  • MATH 467 - Numerical Methods II

    Intermediate treatment of methods in computational linear algebra, numerical solutions of ordinary and partial differential equations, algorithmic design and analysis, and topics selected by the instructor.

    Credits 3
    Prerequisites  ;   or MATH 429.
  • MATH 468 - Applied Finite Element Analysis

    Introduction to finite element method with computer applications to engineering continuum problems such as thermodynamics, solid/fluid mechanics. Topics include variational formulation of boundary value problems, natural and essential boundary conditions, discretization of domain based on rectangular, triangular, tethedral and other elements, with linear, quadratic and higher order polynomial approximations.

    Credits 3
    Prerequisites  .
  • MATH 469 - Combinatorics I

    Graph models, covering circuits, graph colorings, trees and searching, general counting methods for arrangements and selections, generating functions, recurrence relations, and inclusion-exclusion.

    Credits 3
    Prerequisites   or equivalent.
  • MATH 470 - Combinatorics II

    Advanced topics in combinatorics. Topics to be selected by the instructor.

    Credits 3
    Prerequisites  .
  • MATH 471 - Actuarial Mathematics I

    Rigorous mathematical treatment of the following topics: survival distributions, life tables, life insurance, life annuities, net premiums, reserves.

    Credits 3
    Prerequisites  ;   or equivalent.
  • MATH 472 - Actuarial Mathematics II

    Rigorous mathematical treatment of the following topics: multiple life functions, multiple decrement models, valuation theory for pension plans, insurance models, nonforfeiture benefits, dividends.

    Credits 3
    Prerequisites  .
  • MATH 473 - Risk Theory

    Rigorous mathematical treatment of the following topics: insurance, individual risk models for short term, collective risk models, applications of risk theory.

    Credits 3
    Prerequisites  .
  • MATH 480 - College Geometry

    Study of advanced geometrical topics using the methods of proof of elementary geometry.

    Credits 3
    Prerequisites  .
  • MATH 483 - General Topology I

    Topological spaces, nets and filters, compactness, continuous functions, product and quotient spaces, introduction to algebraic topology.

    Credits 3
    Prerequisites  ;   or  .
  • MATH 484 - General Topology II

    Topological spaces, nets and filters, compactness, continuous functions, product and quotient spaces, introduction to algebraic topology.

    Credits 3
    Prerequisites  .
  • MATH 488 - Partial Differential Equations

    Method of separation of variables, Fourier series, divergence theorem and Green’s identities, equations of mathematical physics, initial and initial boundary value problems, well-posedness, heat conduction in a thin rod, vibrations of a string, Laplace’s equation, solution of the Dirichlet problem for a disc and for a rectangle.

    Credits 3
    Prerequisites   or  .
  • MATH 489 - Advanced Mathematical Topics

    Undergraduate-level course in advanced topics of mathematics, depending upon the interest of faculty and students.

    Credits 3
    Prerequisites  .
    May be repeated to a maximum of six credits.
  • MATH 491 - Problem Solving Workshop

    Intended for undergraduate students who enjoy solving mathematical olympiad style problems. Typically, such problems are rather challenging and require considerable mathematical ingenuity, but only a modest background. The main objective of the course is to hone student’s problem solving skills and to prepare them for mathematical contests. Students in the course are expected to participate in the local and national mathematical competitions.

    Credits (1-3)
    Prerequisites   and consent of instructor.
    May be repeated to a maximum of six credits.
    Notes S/F grading only.
  • MATH 499 - Independent Study

    Library research and reports on topics of mathematical interest.

    Credits (1-3)
    Prerequisites  .
    May be repeated for credit with consent of Mathematical Sciences Department. Except under special circumstances, total credits limited to six.
  • ME 100 - Introduction to Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

    Introduction to mechanical and aerospace engineering profession. Engineering problems and calculations and creativity in the design process. Ethics and professionalism in engineering design. Laboratory and machine shop demonstrations.

    Credits 2
    Prerequisites ME major.
  • ME 100L - Introduction to Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Laboratory

    Introduction to techniques and their practice used in the design process: sketching, dimensioning, brainstorming, decision trees, decision matrices, P.C. software packages, experimentation.

    Credits 1
    Corequisites ME 100.
    Prerequisites Pre-Engineering major.
  • ME 110 - Private Pilot Ground School

    Preparation for the FAA’s Private Pilot Knowledge Exam. Airframes and powerplants; aircraft systems and instrumentation; aerodynamics; aircraft performance; weight and balance; flight physiology; the national airspace system; aeronautical charts; pilotage, dead reckoning and radio navigation; aviation weather; and Federal Aviation Regulations.

    Credits 4
  • ME 120 - Introduction to AUTOCAD

    Introduction to two-dimensional renderings with AUTOCAD. Basic customization features such as menu modification and the addition of command aliases.

    Credits 1
  • ME 130 - Machine Shop Practices

    Introduction to basic machining processes. Safety practices. Cutting theory. Use of lathe, milling machines, and other devices.

    Credits 1
  • ME 220 - 3D Modeling with Pro Engineer

    Parametric, feature-based solid modeling with ProEngineer software package.

    Credits 1
  • ME 230 - Principles of CNC

    Includes the programming, setup, and use of Computer Numerically Controlled (CNC) machines. Students will learn the “G-code” programming language in addition to descriptions of the tools, equipment, and procedures special to this type of machines.

    Credits 1
    Prerequisites ME 130.
  • ME 240 - 3D Modeling with Solidworks

    Parametric, feature-based solid modeling with Solidworks software package.

    Credits 1
  • ME 242 - Dynamics

    Problem course in engineering dynamics, emphasizing the engineering applications of rigid body motion and mechanisms. Kinematics, energy, momentum, and impulse momentum methods utilized.

    Credits 3
    Prerequisites CEE 241, PHYS 180-180L, and MATH 182.
  • ME 301 - Structure and Properties of Solids

    Electronic structure and bonding in solids, crystalline and noncrystalline solids, defects and their relation to properties, phase transformations, diffusion in solids, and corrosion.

    Credits 3
    Prerequisites CHEM 121; must be concurrently enrolled in PHYS 182.
  • ME 302 - Materials Mechanics

    Study of the response of isotropic elastic solids to load, stress and strain of a point, elasticity, thin walled pressure vessels, torsion, bending, deflection of beams, column failure, and connections.

    Credits 3
    Prerequisites CEE 241, MATH 182, and PHYS 180-180L.
  • ME 302L - Mechanical Testing Lab

    Strain gage attachment and calibration, tensile testing of metals and non-metals, elastic constants, beam deflection and failure, torsion testing, column stability, and bolted connection testing.

    Credits 1
    Corequisites ME 302.
  • ME 311 - Engineering Thermodynamics I

    Engineering applications of thermodynamics including the first and second laws, behavior of condensable and non-condensable substances, analysis of open and closed systems, equations of state, power and refrigeration cycles.

    Credits 3
    Prerequisites PHYS 181, 181L or PHYS 182, 182L.
  • ME 314 - Introduction to Heat Transfer

    Engineering applications of heat transfer. Conduction, convection, and radiation. Introduction to heat exchangers.

    Credits 3
    Prerequisites PHYS 181, 181L or PHYS 182, 182L, and MATH 431.
  • ME 315 - Thermal Engineering Laboratory

    Laboratory studies related to heat transfer, thermodynamics, energy conversion, and HVAC applications.

    Credits 1
    Prerequisites ME 311, ME 314, ME 380.
  • ME 319 - Introduction to Programming for Mechanical Engineers

    Introduction to computer languages and computer hardware, MATLAB programming environment, MATLAB data types, MATLAB graphics, Functions, Inputs / Outputs, text processing function library, Plotting functions, Reading and writing data files, and Case Studies using different MATLAB Toolboxes.

    Credits 2
    Prerequisites  ,  ,  .
  • ME 320 - Dynamics of Machines

    Algebraic and graphical methods for synthesis of cam, gear, and linkage mechanisms; methods of planar motion analysis; characteristics of plane motion, and kinematics.

    Credits 3
    Prerequisites MATH 283 and ME 242.
  • ME 330 - Analysis of Dynamic Systems

    Mathematical modeling and analysis of dynamic systems with mechanical, electrical, and fluid elements. Topics include: time and frequency domain solution, state space modeling and solutions, linearization techniques, numerical solution using Matlab.

    Credits 2
    Prerequisites MATH 431, ME 242.
  • ME 337 - Engineering Measurements

    Generalized measurements systems, characteristics of dynamic signals, basic transducer, signal conditioning and recording systems, applied mechanical measurements, and statistical analysis.

    Credits 3
    Prerequisites  ,  ,  .
  • ME 337L - Engineering Measurements Laboratory

    Laboratory instruction includes basic hardware setup of computer based data acquisition and control system and software programming skill using LabVIEW. Measurement process planning including selection of correct transducers and signal conditioning units commonly encountered in mechancial engineering.

    Credits 1
    Corequisites  .
  • ME 345 - Safety Engineering I

    Engineering approach to safety and health problems and solutions in industries. Includes OSHA and MSHA regulations, safety problems, and equipment and design considerations for safe operations. Retrofit and original designs related to their cost-benefit and to human production factors.

    Credits 3
    Prerequisites CHEM 121 and junior standing for majors in the Colleges of Science and Engineering (senior standing for other majors).
  • ME 380 - Fluid Dynamics for Mechanical Engineers

    Introduction to fluid properties, statics, and fluid dynamics. Development of the Navier-Stokes equations for the study of flow in closed conduits, external flows, boundary layers, compressible flows, potential flows, and turbomachinery.

    Credits 3
    Prerequisites  ,  ,  ,  .
  • ME 380L - Fluid Dynamics Laboratory

    Laboratory and computer-based experiments on the dynamics of fluids including pressure in pipes, fluid properties, compressible flows, inviscid flow simulations, boundary layer measurements, usage of wind tunnels, and applications of computational fluid dynamics.

    Credits 1
    Corequisites  .
  • ME 400 - Intermediate Fluid Mechanics

    Basic laws and equations of fluid flow; very viscous flow solutions; boundary layer flows; potential flows; wave phenomena; transport phenomena; turbulence.

    Credits 3
    Prerequisites ME 380.
  • ME 402 - Computational Methods for Engineers

    Applied numerical analysis for linear and nonlinear engineering problems. Systems of linear equations, nonlinear equations, and eigen value problems. Approximate numerical integration and differentiation. Development of numerical methods for initial and boundary value problems of ordinary differential equations. Introduction to the numerical solution of partial differential equations.

    Credits 3
    Prerequisites MATH 431, ME 319.
  • ME 412 - Sizing Solar Energy Systems

    Covers the sizing of solar thermal and photovoltaic systems using various types of software. Design criteria are also covered. Required course of the technical branch of the renewable energy minor.

    Credits 3
    Prerequisites Junior division standing in an Engineering or Science Discipline.
  • ME 415 - Design of Thermal Systems

    Design of thermal systems and subsystems, especially as they relate to current and new means of energy utilization and power generation; computer simulation and optimization of thermal systems based on performance and economic constraints.

    Credits 3
    Prerequisites EGG 307, ME 311, ME 314, ME 380, or consent of instructor.
  • ME 416 - Introduction to Biomechanical Engineering

    Fundamental engineering principles in several engineering areas to problems in the biological world. Discussion includes biomechanics of solids, biofluid and transport phenomena, biomaterials, cell and tissue engineering, medical imaging and electrophoresis.

    Credits 3
    Prerequisites BIOL 223, ME 314, ME 380.
  • ME 417 - Fuel Cell Fundamentals

    Fuel Cell Principles, Fuel Cell Thermodynamics, Fuel Cell Reaction Kinetics, Fuel Cell Charge Transport, Fuel Cell Mass Transport, Fuel Cell Modeling, Fuel Cell Characterization, Fuel Cell Technology, Fuel Cell Types and Systems.

    Credits 3
    Prerequisites  ,  ,  .
  • ME 418 - Air Conditioning Engineering Systems

    Analysis and design of air conditioning systems, load calculations, system selection, duct sizing, and controls. Relationships between internal and external environments. Development of economic, functional and energy conserving concepts in air conditioning design.

    Credits 3
    Prerequisites  ,  .
  • ME 419 - Advanced HVAC and Energy Conservation Systems

    Room air distribution. Fan and building air distribution. Mass transfer and humidity measurement. Direct contact heat and mass transfer extended surface heat exchangers. Refrigeration. Current energy conservation technologies, computer simulations of dynamic building energy demand.

    Credits 3
    Prerequisites  ,  .
  • ME 421 - Automatic Controls

    Introduction to feedback system concepts; mathematical modeling of mechanical, hydraulic, electromechanical and servo systems; feedback system characteristics and performance; stability; design and compensation of control systems.

    Credits 3
    Prerequisites   or   and  .
  • ME 421L - Automatic Controls Laboratory

    Control system identification. Controller design, experimentation, computer simulation, and analysis of position and speed control systems. Control system performance optimization.

    Credits 1
    Corequisites ME 421.
  • ME 425 - Robotics

    Instruction to basic concept and theory behind motions generated by robot manipulators; kinematics, dynamics, and trajectory generation. Design of basic feedback position controllers and computer simulation techniques of robot dynamics and control system.

    Credits 3
    Corequisites  .
    Prerequisites  ,  .
    Lab/Lecture/Studio Hours Three hours lecture and three hours laboratory.
  • ME 426 - Manufacturing Processes

    Survey of the principal processes used to cast, form, machine, and join material. Tolerances, statistical quality control, costs, operation sequencing, and design for productivity covered. Research paper on related topic required.

    Credits 3
    Prerequisites Senior standing in engineering or architecture.
  • ME 427 - Manufacturing Systems

    Study of the ways of organizing people and equipment so that production can be performed more efficiently. Includes production lines design, CIM, GT, FMS, production planning, inventory control and MRP, lean production, JIT, and agile manufacturing.

    Credits 3
    Prerequisites ME 301.
  • ME 429 - Computer Control of Machines and Processes

    Discrete control theory reduced to engineering practice through comprehensive study of discrete system modeling, system identification and digital controller design. Selected industrial processes and machines utilized as subjects on which computer control is to be implemented. Focuses on the time-domain analysis of the control theory and programming.

    Credits 3
    Prerequisites   or   or equivalent.
  • ME 430 - Corrosion Engineering

    Examination of the fundamental processes of metallic corrosion from the thermodynamic and kinetic points of view. Specific types of corrosion and prevention strategies discussed. Materials selection, design features, and fabrication techniques of corrosion control covered.

    Credits 3
    Prerequisites CHEM 121, ME 301.
  • ME 434 - Noise Control

    Development and solution of one-dimensional wave equation for propagation of sound in air; one-dimensional plane and spherical sound waves; sound transmission phenomena; sound in enclosed spaces; sound propagation outdoors; and human responses to noise.

    Credits 3
    Prerequisites MATH 431 and junior or senior standing in engineering.
  • ME 440 - Mechanical Engineering Design

    Stress analysis; deflection of machine elements; design of machine elements for static and fatigue strength.

    Credits 3
    Prerequisites ME 301 and ME 302.
  • ME 441 - Advanced Mechanical Engineering Design

    Continuation of ME 440; use of advanced concepts in machine design.

    Credits 3
    Prerequisites ME 440.
  • ME 442 - Advanced Mechanism Design

    Cam design, synthesis of mechanisms, spatial mechanisms.

    Credits 3
    Prerequisites ME 320.
  • ME 443 - Design Techniques in Mechanical Engineering

    Computational techniques for use in mechanical engineering design. Emphasis on the use of existing commercial codes for the analysis and design of machine elements and for the study of heat transfer and fluid flow.

    Credits 3
    Corequisites ME 314.
    Prerequisites ME 302 and ME 380.
  • ME 446 - Composite Materials

    Overview of matrix and fiber systems, processing techniques, anisotropic elasticity, unidirectional lamina, multidirectional laminate theory, failure theories, and design of composite structures.

    Credits 3
    Prerequisites ME 302, MATH 431.
  • ME 453 - Mechanical Vibrations

    Free and forced response of single-and-multi-degree-of-freedom, lumped parameter systems. Fourier series and Fourier and Laplace transforms. Introduction to vibration of continuous systems and applications.

    Credits 3
    Prerequisites ME 242, ME 330.
  • ME 454 - Physical Metallurgy

    Physical metallurgy of the common engineering alloys, including carbon, low alloy and stainless steel, cast irons, copper-, nickel- and aluminum‑based alloys. Relationship between composition, structure, properties, and thermal-mechanical history emphasized.

    Credits 3
    Prerequisites  .
  • ME 455 - Fundamentals of Nuclear Engineering

    Fundamentals of nuclear reactor design and analysis of the fission process. Basic health physics, reactor shielding, and nuclear waste management. Calculation of reactor dimensions for criticality. Reactor kinetics and control.

    Credits 3
    Prerequisites MATH 431, PHYS 182.
  • ME 460 - High School Mentoring for Engineering Design

    Students help high school teams design robots for the FIRST robotics competition. Weekly meetings discuss: mentoring, design, robotics, organizational skills, and teamwork. Must arrange transport to assigned local high school. Class begins with the international FIRST Kick-off meeting usually scheduled for the first Saturday after New Year’s Day.

    Credits 3
    Prerequisites Junior standing and consent of instructor.
    May be repeated to a maximum of six credits.
  • ME 462 - Vehicle Design Projects

    Students design and build a vehicle for entry into a national or regional collegiate competition such as Mini-Baja or Human Powered Vehicle. Design topics may include structural analysis, composite materials, aerodynamics, engine performance, occupant safety, drive train, suspension systems, project management, team building, technical report writing, and oral presentations.

    Credits 3
    Prerequisites Juniors standing and consent of instructor.
    May be repeated to a maximum of six credits.
  • ME 470 - Experimental Mechanics of Materials

    Failure theories for isotropic and composite materials, stress concentration, fracture mechanics, combined loading, photoelasticity, composites fabrication, mold making, mechanical testing, and microstructural analysis.

    Credits 3
    Prerequisites ME 302 lecture and lab.
    Lab/Lecture/Studio Hours Three hour lab and two hour lecture per week.
  • ME 480 - Gas Dynamics

    Examines the basic concepts and theories associated with compressible fluid flow. Normal and oblique shocks, 1-D analysis, and method of characteristics discussed.

    Credits 3
    Prerequisites ME 311, ME 380.
  • ME 482 - Aerodynamics

    Presents fluid flow concepts leading to the design of flow surfaces and passages to achieve optimum performance over the widest range of significant parameters. Topics include boundary layer theory, lift, airfoil analysis, and numerical methods for fluid mechanic analyses.

    Credits 3
    Prerequisites ME 380.
  • ME 491 - Independent Study

    Independent study of a selected engineering topic.

    Credits (1-3)
    Prerequisites Senior standing in engineering or consent of instructor with departmental approval.
    May be repeated for a maximum of six credits.
  • ME 492 - Fundamentals of Engineering Examination Registration

    Registration for the Fundamentals of Engineering Discipline-Specific Mechanical Engineering examination. Review of exam materials. Required of all graduating seniors in mechanical engineering. Attendance at the FE examination is required.

    Credits 1
    Corequisites  .          
    Prerequisites Senior standing.
    Notes S/F grading only.
  • ME 495 - Special Topics in Engineering

    Outlet for experimental and other topics which may be of current interest.

    Credits (1-4)
    Prerequisites Upper-division standing in engineering.
    May be repeated once under different topic.
    Notes Topics and credits to be announced. May have a laboratory.
  • ME 497 - Senior Design Project I

    Synthesis course to involve students in the design process. Project proposal and design definition.

    Credits 2
    Corequisites Senior standing in engineering.
  • ME 498 - Senior Design Project II

    Synthesis course to involve students in the design process. Analysis, design completion, and presentation.

    Credits 2
    Prerequisites ME 497.
  • MFT 150 - Personal Growth

    Facilitates self-awareness and understanding, developing close relationships, resolving interpersonal conflict, promoting physical and psychological health, and examining and expanding one’s life goals.

    Credits 3
  • MFT 225 - Multicultural Issues and Families

    Explores a variety of multicultural topics related to culture, ethnicity, gender, class, sexual orientation, and physical attributes. Identifies aspects of culture as it relates to internalized beliefs, biases, values, individual and family interactions. Students will examine these topics in relation to self and others. Focuses on awareness, knowledge, and skills in working with diverse individuals, families, and groups in a variety of settings.

    Credits 3
    Prerequisites   or  .
  • MFT 350 - Human Sexuality

    Formerly Listed as COU 350

    Addresses the physical, social, and emotional aspects of human sexuality. Introduction to scientific information and research pertaining to human sexual behavior and relationships. Addresses topics related to healthy sexuality, decision-making, sexual attitudes, sexual communication and relationships, sexuality over the lifespan, and a variety of issues related to sexuality in today’s society.

    Credits 3
    Prerequisites   or  .
  • MFT 360 - Contemporary Marriage and Families

    Analysis of historic and contemporary trends in marriage and family relationships in American society. Examination of major family processes through the life cycle, including functional and dysfunctional patterns and their interactions with individuals and communities. Includes information on family development and parenting.

    Credits 3
    Prerequisites   or  .
  • MFT 370 - Successful Couple and Marital Relationships

    Formerly Listed as  COU 370

    Examination of dating, mate-selection, and successful couple and marital relationships. Focuses on the individual, social, cultural, and environmental factors that effect couple and marital relationships. Provides students with the opportunity to evaluate current, past, and future relationships. Functional and dysfunctional patterns of behavior (communication, conflict resolution, etc.) explored.

    Credits 3
    Prerequisites   or  .
  • MFT 428 - Introduction to Marriage and Family Therapy

    Formerly Listed as COU 428

    Basic examination of marriage and family therapy, including professional issues, major theories and techniques, and introduction to marriage and family counseling skills. Focus is for students preparing for marriage and family therapy (MFT) as a field of professional study or for those students who may work with individuals and families (e.g. child welfare, education, healthcare, law, etc).

    Credits 3
    Prerequisites  .
  • MFT 499 - Individual Study

    Selected issues related to marriage and families or the treatment of couples and families.

    Credits (1-3)
    Prerequisites  .
    May be repeated up to 6 credits.
  • MGT 301 - Principles of Management and Organizational Behavior

    Fundamentals and principles of management. Administrative policies, objectives, and procedures. Problems of organization control and leadership.

    Credits 3
    Prerequisites Admission to a business major/junior standing.
  • MGT 302 - Small Business Management

    Shows what is involved in forming, operating, and/or owning a small business. For those who work in a small business or want to start a small business.

    Credits 3
    Prerequisites Admission to a business major/junior standing.

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