Oct 08, 2024  
2012-2014 Undergraduate Catalog 


  • EDSC 323 - Teaching and Learning Secondary Education

    Develops prospective teachers’ understanding of and abilities in effective instructional planning and techniques. Decision making, learning principles, course strategies, planning schemes, instructional tactics, class pacing, and student evaluation investigated. Participation in micro-peer teaching required.

    Credits 3
    Corequisites  .
  • EDSC 408 - Classroom Management Secondary Education

    Develops prospective teachers’ understanding of effective classroom management techniques and management programs. Students develop, examine and evaluate a teaching rationale, philosophy, management style and learning style. Topics include school and classroom climates and motivation. Students construct their management scheme and explore problem solving, effective communication and conflict resolution.

    Credits 3
    Prerequisites    and admission to Secondary Education Program.
  • EDSC 413A - Teaching Secondary Arts: Art

    Students must have completed or be currently enrolled in courses to complete three-fourths of the course work in their respective teaching fields. Methods, materials, teaching techniques and strategies unique to the specialized area; curriculum; classroom organization; test construction/evaluation, use of audio-visual materials and equipment.

    Credits 3
    Corequisites  .
    Prerequisites  ,  ,  ,  .
  • EDSC 413T - Teaching Secondary Arts: Theatre

    Students must have completed or be currently enrolled in courses to complete three-fourths of the course work in their respective teaching fields. Methods, materials, teaching techniques and strategies unique to the specialized area; curriculum; classroom organization; test construction/evaluation, use of audio-visual materials and equipment.

    Credits 3
    Corequisites  .
    Prerequisites  ,  ,  ,  .
  • EDSC 433 - Teaching Secondary English

    Students must have completed or be currently enrolled in courses to complete three-fourths of the course work in their respective teaching fields. Methods, materials, teaching techniques and strategies, and approached to assessment unique to the specialized area; curriculum; classroom organization; and use of technology.

    Credits 3
    Corequisites  .
    Prerequisites  ,  ,  ,  .
  • EDSC 443 - Teaching Secondary Foreign/Second Language

    Students must have completed or be currently enrolled in courses to complete three-fourths of the course work in their respective teaching fields. Methods, materials, teaching techniques and strategies unique to the specialized area; curriculum; classroom organization; test construction/evaluation, use of audio-visual materials and equipment.

    Credits 3
    Corequisites  .
    Prerequisites  ,  ,  ,  .
  • EDSC 453 - Teaching Secondary Mathematics

    Students must have completed or be currently enrolled in courses to complete three-fourths of the course work in their respective teaching fields. Methods, materials, teaching techniques and strategies unique to the specialized area; curriculum; classroom organization; test construction/evaluation, use of audio-visual materials and equipment.

    Credits 3
    Corequisites   or  .
    Prerequisites  ,  ,  ,  .
  • EDSC 459 - Technology Applications Secondary Mathematics

    Overview of computer- and calculator-based applications in secondary mathematics and science education. Topics include evaluation and selection of educational software, spreadsheets, teacher tools, graphics, telecommunications, computer-based multimedia, calculators, and calculator-based laboratories and probes.

    Credits 2
    Prerequisites  .
  • EDSC 463 - Teaching Secondary Science

    Students must have completed or be currently enrolled in courses to complete three-fourths of the course work in their respective teaching fields. Methods, materials, teaching techniques and strategies unique to the specialized area; curriculum; classroom organization; test construction/evaluation, use of technology.

    Credits 3
    Corequisites  .
    Prerequisites  ,  ,  ,  .
  • EDSC 469 - Technology Applications Secondary Science

    Overview of computer- and calculator-based applications in secondary science education. Topics include evaluation and selection of educational software, spreadsheets, teacher tools, graphics, telecommunications, computer-based multimedia, calculators, and calculator-based laboratories and probes.

    Credits 2
    Prerequisites  .
  • EDSC 473 - Teaching Secondary Social Studies

    Students must have completed or be currently enrolled in courses to complete three-fourths of the course work in their respective teaching fields. Methods, materials, teaching techniques and strategies unique to the specialized area; curriculum; classroom organization; test construction/evaluation, use of audio-visual materials and equipment.

    Credits 3
    Corequisites  .
    Prerequisites  ,  ,  ,  .
  • EDSC 481 - Secondary Supervised Student Teaching

    Full time teaching as a teacher candidate in a secondary school related directly to the student’s program of study teaching field(s). Secondary teacher candidates demonstrate their knowledge, skills and disposition for teaching through directed mentorship from certified licensed teachers and university liaisons/supervisors and participate in all aspects of a secondary school for a total of 12-16 credits.

    Credits (1-16)
    Corequisites  .
    Prerequisites See Student Teaching in the College of Education section and Student Teaching in the Secondary Education section of this catalog for specific prerequisites.
    May be repeated.
    Notes Letter grade only.
  • EDSC 481A - Secondary Supervised Student Teaching: Major Field

    Full time teaching as a teacher candidate in a secondary school related directly to the student’s program of study teaching field(s). Secondary teacher candidates demonstrate their knowledge, skills and disposition for teaching through directed mentorship from certified licensed teachers and university liaisons/supervisors and participate in all aspects of a secondary school for a total of 12-16 credits.

    Credits 1-16
    Corequisites  .
    Prerequisites See Student Teaching in the College of Education section and Student Teaching in the Secondary Education section of this catalog for specific prerequisites.
    May be repeated.
    Notes Letter grade only.
  • EDSC 481B - Secondary Supervised Student Teaching: Minor Field

    Full time teaching as a teacher candidate in a secondary school related directly to the student’s program of study teaching field(s). Secondary teacher candidates demonstrate their knowledge, skills and disposition for teaching through directed mentorship from certified licensed teachers and university liaisons/supervisors and participate in all aspects of a secondary school for a total of 12-16 credits.

    Credits 1-16
    Corequisites  .
    Prerequisites See Student Teaching in the College of Education section and Student Teaching in the Secondary Education section of this catalog for specific prerequisites.
    May be repeated.
    Notes Letter grade only.
  • EDSC 482 - Secondary Supervised Student Teaching Seminar

    Secondary teacher candidates attend required seminar sessions during student teaching. The seminar is designed to provide 1) support for correlating professional education courses to actual classroom teaching experiences, 2) reflective opportunities for self-assessment of teaching competencies, and 3) systematic connections between university and school district supervisory personnel.

    Credits 1-3
    Corequisites  ,  , or  .
  • EDSC 483 - Secondary Supervised Teaching Internship

    Full time teaching as a teacher candidate in a secondary school related directly to the student’s program of study teaching field(s). Secondary teacher candidates demonstrate their knowledge, skills and disposition for teaching through directed mentorship from certified licensed teachers and university liaisons/supervisors and participate in all aspects of a secondary school for a total of 12-16 credits.

    Credits 1-16
    Corequisites  .
    Prerequisites See Student Teaching in the College of Education section and Student Teaching in the Secondary Education section of this catalog for specific prerequisites.
    May be repeated.
    Notes Letter grade only.
  • EDSC 483A - Secondary Supervised Teaching Internship: Major Field

    Full time teaching as a teacher candidate in a secondary school related directly to the student’s program of study teaching field(s). Secondary teacher candidates demonstrate their knowledge, skills and disposition for teaching through directed mentorship from certified licensed teachers and university liaisons/supervisors and participate in all aspects of a secondary school for a total of 12-16 credits.

    Credits 1-16
    Corequisites  .
    Prerequisites See Student Teaching in the College of Education section and Student Teaching in the Secondary Education section of this catalog for specific prerequisites.
    May be repeated.
    Notes Letter grade only.
  • EDSC 483B - Secondary Supervised Student Teaching Internship: Minor Field

    Full time teaching as a teacher candidate in a secondary school related directly to the student’s program of study teaching field(s). Secondary teacher candidates demonstrate their knowledge, skills and disposition for teaching through directed mentorship from certified licensed teachers and university liaisons/supervisors and participate in all aspects of a secondary school for a total of 12-16 credits.

    Credits 1-16
    Corequisites  .
    Prerequisites See Student Teaching in the College of Education section and Student Teaching in the Secondary Education section of this catalog for specific prerequisites.
    May be repeated.
    Notes Letter grade only.
  • EDSC 484 - Secondary Supervised Internship Seminar

    Secondary teacher candidates attend required seminar sessions during student teaching. The seminar is designed to provide 1) support for correlating professional education courses to actual classroom teaching experiences, 2) reflective opportunities for self-assessment of teaching competencies, and 3) systematic connections between university and school district supervisory personnel.

    Credits 1-3
    Corequisites  ,  , or  .
  • EDSC 485 - Secondary Supervised Teaching Residency

    Full time teaching as a teacher candidate in a secondary school related directly to the student’s program of study teaching field(s). Secondary teacher candidates demonstrate their knowledge, skills and disposition for teaching through directed mentorship from certified licensed teachers and university liaisons/supervisors and participate in all aspects of a secondary school for a total of 12-16 credits.

    Credits 1-16
    Prerequisites See Student Teaching in the College of Education section and Student Teaching in the Secondary Education section of this catalog for specific prerequisites.
    May be repeated.
    Notes Letter grade only.
  • EDSC 485A - Secondary Supervised Teaching Residency: Major Field

    Full time teaching as a teacher candidate in a secondary school related directly to the student’s program of study teaching field(s). Secondary teacher candidates demonstrate their knowledge, skills and disposition for teaching through directed mentorship from certified licensed teachers and university liaisons/supervisors and participate in all aspects of a secondary school for a total of 12-16 credits.

    Credits 1-16
    Corequisites  .
    Prerequisites See Student Teaching in the College of Education section and Student Teaching in the Secondary Education section of this catalog for specific prerequisites.
    May be repeated.
    Notes Letter grade only.
  • EDSC 485B - Secondary Supervised Teaching Residency: Minor Field

    Full time teaching as a teacher candidate in a secondary school related directly to the student’s program of study teaching field(s). Secondary teacher candidates demonstrate their knowledge, skills and disposition for teaching through directed mentorship from certified licensed teachers and university liaisons/supervisors and participate in all aspects of a secondary school for a total of 12-16 credits.

    Credits 1-16
    Corequisites  .
    Prerequisites See Student Teaching in the College of Education section and Student Teaching in the Secondary Education section of this catalog for specific prerequisites.
    May be repeated.
    Notes Letter grade only.
  • EDSC 486 - Secondary Supervised Residency Seminar

    Secondary teacher candidates attend required seminar sessions during student teaching. The seminar is designed to provide 1) support for correlating professional education courses to actual classroom teaching experiences, 2) reflective opportunities for self-assessment of teaching competencies, and 3) systematic connections between university and school district supervisory personnel.

    Credits (1-3)
    Prerequisites See Student Teaching in the College of Education section and Student Teaching in the Secondary Education section of this catalog for specific prerequisites.
  • EDSC 493 - Secondary Education Independent Study

    Independent study instruction in secondary education designed to develop in-depth understanding of current educational trends and issues. Maximum of six credits from independent study courses accepted toward a degree.

    Credits 1-6
    May be repeated.
  • EDSC 495 - Secondary Education Topics:

    Specialized instruction in secondary education designed to develop in-depth understanding of current educational topics. Maximum of six credits from education topics courses accepted toward a degree.

    Credits 1-6
    May be repeated.
  • EDSP 401 - Problems in Special Education

    Specialized instruction in special education designed to develop in-depth understanding of a current educational problem.

    Credits (1-6)
    Prerequisites Consent of instructor.
  • EDSP 411 - Students with Disabilities in General Education Settings

    Exploration of techniques/principles commonly employed in special education and their usefulness to regular class teachers, recreation personnel, parents, and others who work with handicapped children in regular settings.

    Credits 3
    Prerequisites   or   or   or   (EDW 290) or   or  .
  • EDSP 412 - Foundations of Motor Skills

    Psychological, kinesiological, and mechanical principles for understanding and applying motor activities and remedial techniques.

    Credits 4
    Prerequisites  .
  • EDSP 413 - Introduction to Adapted Physical Education

    (Same as PED 465.) Adapted physical education and recreational programming for the physically challenged child. Emphasis on gross and fine motor coordinative activities, fitness, and recreational activities in special education.

    Credits 3
    Prerequisites Ten credits in special education and consent of instructor.
  • EDSP 414 - Career Education for Students with Disabilities

    (Same as  .) Consideration and design of career education programs for students with disabilities. Transition and adult programs discussed.

    Credits 3
    Prerequisites  .
  • EDSP 415 - Second Language Pedagogy for Students in Inclusive Settings

    (Same as  .) Introduction to English as a Second Language (ESL) methods, strategies, and instruction, including topics for teaching and accommodating English Language Learners (ELL) with and without special needs in inclusive classrooms.

    Credits 3
    Prerequisites  ,   .
  • EDSP 421 - Education of Students with Emotional Disturbance

    Study of existing educational programs for students with emotional disabilities in public schools, day care, and community programs.

    Credits 3
  • EDSP 422 - Education of Students with Physical Disabilities

    Study of educational programs for students with physical disabilities within the school, agency, and clinical settings.

    Credits 3
  • EDSP 423 - Collaboration and Consultation in Special Education

    Introduction to the collaborative consultive model in special education with emphasis on the role of the special educator in the collaborative process. Practical consultive techniques emphasized.

    Credits 3
    Prerequisites   or  .
  • EDSP 431 - Legal Aspects of Special Education

    Analysis of federal, state, and local statutes, policies and titles which affect the funding and direction of special education programs particularly as related to the development and implementation of Individual Education Programs for students with disabilities.

    Credits 3
    Prerequisites  ,  , and  .
  • EDSP 432 - Serving Individuals with Disabilities and Their Families

    Considerations relevant to federal mandates and appropriate to the development of individualized educational programs for exceptional children. Emphasis given to parental roles, rights and responsibilities, the employment of special teaching personnel, and external agency resources in IEP planning and implementation.

    Credits 3
    Prerequisites   or  .
  • EDSP 441 - Characteristics and Inclusive Strategies for Students with Mild/Moderate Disabilities

    Introduces common characteristics and educational needs of students with emotional disturbance, learning disabilities, and/or intellectual disabilities. Appropriate educational strategies discussed.

    Credits 3
    Prerequisites   or other Introduction to Special Education.
  • EDSP 442 - Curriculum Planning for English Language Learners With Diverse Needs

    Principles of curriculum organization, development, and implementation examined relative to English Language Learners (ELLs) with and without disabilities. Connection between research, theory, and practice studied, focusing on integration of listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills in well developed second language curriculum.

    Credits 3
    Prerequisites  ,  .
  • EDSP 451 - Assessment of Diverse Learners with Disabilities in Inclusive Settings

    Presentation of essential diagnostic and prescriptive strategies applicable to students with disabilities, including English language learners.

    Credits 3
    Prerequisites  ,  ,   (or concurrent enrollment in EDSP 442),  ,  .
    Notes Must be taken prior to or concurrently with EDSP 487.
  • EDSP 453 - Behavior Management Techniques for Students with Disabilities

    Principles of behavior management and social learning theory to aid parents and educators in improving academic and social behavior of students with and without disabilities in the classroom and home settings.

    Credits 3
    Prerequisites Ten credits in special education.
  • EDSP 461 - Oral and Written Language Instruction for Students with Disabilities

    Provides specific strategies for assessing and teaching oral and written language skills to students with disabilities, with emphasis on educational needs rather than clinical classifications.

    Credits 3
    Prerequisites  .
  • EDSP 462 - Math Methods for Students with Mild Disabilities

    Provision of math instruction to students with mild disabilities. Focuses on appropriate methods and interventions for teaching mathematics skills to students with mild disabilities.

    Credits 3
    Prerequisites  , or  , or   and  ; and  .
  • EDSP 464 - Strategies for Students with Disabilities

    Practical methods and learning strategies for teaching students who are at risk for school failure. Specific training in the strategies intervention model.

    Credits 3
    Prerequisites   and  .
  • EDSP 465 - Student Growth Models and Data-Based Instructional Decision Making

    Students obtain skill in analyzing and utilizing commercial and teacher-made instruments and materials to identify and enhance children’s learning styles.

    Credits 3
    Prerequisites  .
  • EDSP 466 - Group Teaching Methods for Students with Disabilities

    Selection and application of specific curricular learning and procedures designed to facilitate the task of the student teacher.

    Credits 3
    Corequisites EDSP 487 and EDSP 488.
    Prerequisites EDRL 437, EDRL 471, EDU 203, EDSP 441, 481, 442 (or concurrent enrollment in EDSP 442), 415, 423, 462, 453. 464.
  • EDSP 471 - Introduction to Early Childhood Special Education

    Characteristics of young handicapped children from birth to eight years; local, state and national programs; legislation; assessment and intervention strategies; curriculum; classroom management; family involvement; and coordination of community agencies.

    Credits 3
    Prerequisites   (or concurrent enrollment), attempted PPST.
  • EDSP 473 - Developmental Assessment in Early Childhood Special Education

    Survey of issues related to assessment of children with atypical patterns of development. Introduction to principles of unstructured and structured observations of young children with developmental delays or those at-risk for developmental delays. Issues of cultural diversity considered.

    Credits 3
    Prerequisites  .
  • EDSP 474 - Curriculum Development in Early Childhood Special Education

    Introduction to the various curricular approaches to the education of children birth to 8 years of age with disabilities. Focuses on materials, published guides, and descriptions of curricular methods used with young children with developmental delays or those at-risk for developmental delays.

    Credits 3
    Prerequisites or concurrent enrollment in  .
  • EDSP 475 - Strategies for Teaching Young Children with Disabilities

    Survey of strategies for teaching children with atypical patterns of development. Emphasis placed on methods that can be employed in the general education setting. Includes strategies for adapting the general curriculum and setting for young children with developmental delays. Issues of cultural diversity considered.

    Credits 3
    Prerequisites or concurrent enrollment in  .
  • EDSP 481 - Practicum in a Resource Room

    Provides supervised experience in working with students with mild disabilities in a resource room setting.

    Credits 4
    Prerequisites  ;  .
  • EDSP 486 - Internship in Reading

    (Same as EDRL 469.) Supervised experience in teaching reading in regular classrooms, resource rooms, and other appropriate settings. Students work five hours per week (75 hours per semester) in an assigned setting and meet one hour weekly on campus with the instructor of record.

    Credits 3
    Prerequisites  .
  • EDSP 487 - Pre-Student Teaching

    Introduction to practice teaching with students with disabilities.

    Credits 3
    Corequisites Must be concurrently enrolled in   and  .
    Prerequisites EDRL 437, EDRL 471, EDU 203, EDSP 441, 481, 442 (or concurrent enrollment in 442), 415, 423, 462, 453, 464.
  • EDSP 488 - Pre-Student Teaching Seminar

    Specific curricular learning and procedures to facilitate the task of the pre-student teacher in special education.

    Credits 1
    Corequisites   and  .
    Prerequisites EDRL 437, EDRL 471, EDU 203, EDSP 441, 464, 481, 442 (or concurrent enrollment in 442), 415, 423, 462, 453.
  • EDSP 491 - Student Teaching in Special Education

    Full-time supervised practice teaching with exceptional children.

    Credits 1-12
    Corequisites  .
    Prerequisites Completion of all course work: Must have a B or better in   and  .
  • EDSP 492 - Student Teaching Seminar

    Application of specific curricular learning and procedures designed to facilitate the task of the student teacher.

    Credits 2
    Corequisites  .
    Prerequisites Must have a B or better in   and ESP 487.
  • EDU 201 - Introduction to Elementary Education

    Overview of teaching as a professional career for prospective elementary school teachers. Requires 25 hours of structured/guided observation and non-teaching tasks in an elementary school under the supervision of an experienced teacher and/or guided observations using videos and group on-site school observations.

    Credits 3
  • EDU 202 - Introduction to Secondary Education

    Engages pre-service teacher candidates in self-assessment, examination of personal and practical models of teaching, and experiences related to complexities of contemporary secondary school. Current issues and multicultural, social, and psychological foundations emphasized. Requires up to 25 hours of field experiences and/or guided video observation.

    Credits 3
  • EDU 203 - Introduction to Special Education

    Survey of the characteristics, training, and educational needs of students with disabilities and gifts and talents. Designed for undergraduate students in special education, general education, nursing, counseling, psychology, and related fields.

    Credits 3
    Prerequisites Prerequisite to all subsequent courses in special education.
  • EDU 210 - Nevada School Law

    Constitutional provisions and legislative enactments regarding state and local school matters. Does not satisfy the university’s Constitutions requirement.

    Credits 2
    Prerequisites Sophomore standing.
  • EDU 214E - Preparing Teachers to Use Technology

    Addresses key technology hardware, software, web-based tools, and instructional practices in schools with a focus on developing teacher candidates’ knowledge, skills, and strategies for integrating information technology into the classroom. EDU 214E is for elementary; 214S is for secondary.

    Credits 3
  • EDU 214S - Preparing Teachers to Use Technology

    Addresses key technology hardware, software, web-based tools, and instructional practices in schools with a focus on developing teacher candidates’ knowledge, skills, and strategies for integrating information technology into the classroom. EDU 214E is for elementary; 214S is for secondary.

    Credits 3
  • EDU 280 - Valuing Cultural Diversity

    Introduces pre-service educators to micro-cultures which may include class, ethnicity, gender, exceptionalities, religion, language, and age. Culturally appropriate pedagogical practices, dimensions of multicultural education, and educational implications of diversity emphasized.

    Credits 3
  • EDUC 480 - School Administration for the Pre-Service Teacher

    Formerly Listed as EDA 480

    Acquaints pre-service teachers with various organizational, legal, fiscal, and operational procedures of schools. Various behavior roles manifested by administrators and, conversely, expectations administrators may have for pre-service or newly employed teachers. Credits earned may not be utilized in programs in educational administration.

    Credits 3
    Prerequisites  ,   
  • EDUC 490 - School Administration for the Layman and/or the Professional

    Formerly Listed as EDA 490

    Acquaints the variety of publics affected by or involved with the administration of schools.

    Credits 1-4 credits
    Prerequisites  ,   
    Each section may be repeated for a total of four credits. a) implications for teachers and parents, b) the public and negotiations, c) legal foundations of public schools, d) school boards and the public. Credits earned may not be utilized on programs in educational administration.
  • EDUC 495 - Education Topics:

    Seminar taught by various College of Education faculty members. Topics might include multicultural education, exceptional children, consultation skills for teachers, or other topics as appropriate.

    Credits 1-3
    Prerequisites   or  .
    May be repeated to a maximum of nine credits.
  • EDUC 498 - Special Problems in Administration and Supervision

    Formerly Listed as EDA 499.

    Develops in-depth understanding of current or special problems in the areas of supervision and the administrative process.

    Credits 1-6
    Prerequisites  ,  .
    May be repeated to a maximum of six credits.
  • EDWF 135 - Workforce Skills and Content

    Skills and content in individual career and technical education teaching areas: a) adult education, b) agriculture education, c) business and office education, d) marketing education e) allied health education, f) family and consumer science education, g) technical education, h) trade and industrial education. Credit by examination up to a maximum of 16 hours in one section only.

    Credits 1-16
    Prerequisites Enrollment open only to students majoring in Workforce Education and Development.
    Notes S/F grading only.
  • EDWF 430 - Curriculum Development in Workforce Education

    Formerly Listed as EDW 430.

    Developing curriculum for secondary and adult education programs utilizing various models.

    Credits 3
    Prerequisites  .
  • EDWF 439 - General Methods of Teaching Workforce Education

    Methods course for prospective teachers of postsecondary students and adults. Develops understanding of and abilities in effective instructional techniques with the adult learner.

    Credits 3
    Prerequisites EDCT 230.
  • EDWF 440 - Computer Uses in Workforce Education and Development

    Focuses on uses of and changes in technology in workforce education and development. Discussion on how technology impacts workforce education teaching areas and ways of integrating technology in teaching areas. Development of skills using various software applications.

    Credits 3
    Prerequisites Enrollment open only to students majoring in Workforce Education and Development.
  • EDWF 452 - Postsecondary/Adult Supervised Teaching

    Credits 3-6
    Prerequisites EDCT 230, EDWF 430, 439, 440, 475, 492A, 497, 499, EPY 303, 451, EDU 280 and 2.75 GPA.
  • EDWF 454 - Student Teaching - Workforce Education and Development

    Provides opportunities for supervised teaching in an assigned class situation, depending on the student’s program and employment intentions.

    Credits 1-12
    Prerequisites Completion of all required course work.
    May be repeated with advisor’s consent.
    Notes A total of 12 credit hours of supervised student teaching is required.
  • EDWF 475 - Career Development and Work-Based Learning Strategies

    Educational strategies to help plan careers of students in a variety of workforce education settings. Provide connections to work and opportunities for competitive employment in the 21st century through the development of workplace skills using assessment, school-based work experiences and other work-based learning strategies at the secondary and postsecondary level.

    Credits 3
    Prerequisites  .
  • EDWF 477 - Advanced Workforce Skills and Content

    Skills and content in the individual career and technical education to teaching areas: a) adult education, b) agriculture education, c) business and office education, d) marketing education, e) allied health education, f) family and consumer science education, g) technical education, h) trade and industrial education. Enrollment open only to students majoring in Workforce Education and Development.

    Credits 1-16
    Prerequisites Credit by examination to a maximum of 16 hours in one section only.
  • EDWF 492A - Career Education for Students with Disabilities

    (Same as EDSP 414.) Consideration and design of career education programs for students with disabilities.

    Credits 3
    Prerequisites  .
    Notes Transition and adult programs discussed.
  • EDWF 497 - Workforce Education and Development Field Experience

    Provides students in Workforce Education and Development with practical, on-the-job experience, offering the student insight into current business and industry practices. Work experience monitored by an on-site supervisor and a field experience coordinator.

    Credits 3-6
    Prerequisites  .
  • EDWF 498 - Independent Study in Workforce Education and Development

    Students, along with instructor, design and develop a project examining in depth a current problem in workforce education and development.

    Credits 1-6
    May be repeated to a maximum of six credits.
  • EDWF 499 - Current Topics in Workforce Education and Development

    Exposes students to and helps them understand topics that impact and influence workforce development in a variety of workforce education settings.

    Credits 3
    Prerequisites  .
  • EE 190 - Electrical and Computer Engineering Freshman Design

    Introduces safety, ethics and various branches of electrical and computer engineering through one-hour weekly lectures by various professors and practitioners. Students introduced to design principles in electrical and computer engineering and design, build, and test an electrical and/or computer system.

    Credits 1
    Prerequisites Freshman status in Electrical and/or Computer Engineering.
  • EE 220 - Circuits I

    Introduction to linear circuit analysis. Kirchhoff’s laws, operational amplifiers, node and loop analysis. Thevenin, Norton, and other network theorems, first order RL and RC circuits, second order RLC circuits.

    Credits 3
    Corequisites  .
    Prerequisites  .


  • EE 220D - Circuits I Discussion

    Introduction to PSpice - simulation tool for electrical circuits, problem solving using SPICE.

    Credits 0
    Corequisites EE 220.
  • EE 221 - Circuits II

    Sinusoidal steady state analysis using phasors, sinusoidal steady state power, the Laplace transform and its application to circuit analysis, network functions, frequency response, magnetically coupled circuits and transformers.

    Credits 3
    Prerequisites EE 220 and CS 117, CS 135.
  • EE 221L - Circuits II Laboratory

    Basic measurements and instrumentation. Principles of experimentation.

    Credits 1
    Corequisites EE 221.
  • EE 292 - Fundamentals of Electrical & Computer Engineering

    Introduction to electrical circuit analysis, electronic devices and circuits, transducers, electric machines and power transmission.

    Credits 3
    Prerequisites   or   and  .
    Notes For non-electrical engineering majors only.
  • EE 320 - Engineering Electronics I

    Introduction to electronic devices, electronic circuits and electronic signal processing. Design and analysis of diode circuits including rectifiers and power supplies. Design and analysis of single stage amplifiers and digital circuits.

    Credits 3
    Prerequisites CHEM 121, EE 221, MATH 431, PHYS 181, and PHYS 181L.
  • EE 320L - Engineering Electronics I Laboratory

    Laboratory-based analysis and design of electrical and electronic systems.

    Credits 1
    Corequisites EE 320.
    Prerequisites EE 221L.
  • EE 330 - Engineering Electromagnetics I

    Static electric and magnetic fields. Dielectric and ferromagnetic materials. Laplace’s equation. Time-varying electric and magnetic fields. Maxwell’s equations. Engineering applications.

    Credits 3
    Corequisites   and EE 330D.
    Prerequisites  ,   and  .
  • EE 340 - Introduction to Electrical Power Engineering

    Electric energy sources and energy conversion principles, modeling and analysis of synchronous generators, transmission lines, transformers, AC and DC machines. Brief introduction to power system analysis including power flow, fault calculation and economic dispatch.

    Credits 3
    Corequisites EE 330.
    Prerequisites EE 320.
  • EE 340L - Electric Power Engineering Laboratory

    Measurement of different electric powers, measurement of equivalent circuit parameters and characteristics of electric generators, transformers, transmission lines, AC and DC motors, use of software packages for fault calculation and load flow.

    Credits 1
    Corequisites EE 340.
    Prerequisites EE 320L.
  • EE 360 - Signals and Systems I

    Formerly Listed as


    Deterministic signals and linear systems. Time domain description and analysis of analog and discrete linear systems. Analysis of linear systems using the Laplace transform and the z-transform. Block diagram and flow graph representation of signals and linear systems. Introduction to state space representation and analysis.

    Credits 3
    Corequisites   or   and  .
    Prerequisites   or   and  .

  • EE 360D - Signals and Systems I - Discussion

    Introduction to MATLAB- simulation tool for signals and systems, solving problems using MATLAB.

    Credits 0
    Corequisites EE 360.
  • EE 361 - Signals and Systems II

    Stochastic and deterministic signals and linear systems. Analog and discrete Fourier Series, analog and discrete Fourier transforms, basic probability theory, stochastic processes, stochastic signals and linear systems.

    Credits 3
    Prerequisites   and  .
  • EE 370 - Classical Feedback and Control Systems

    Introduction to control systems. Feedback control characteristics, performance, stability. Analysis, synthesis and design of feedback control systems.

    Credits 3
    Prerequisites   or   and  .
  • EE 370L - Feedback and Control Systems Laboratory

    Laboratory projects and exercises in feedback control.

    Credits 1
    Corequisites EE 370.
    Prerequisites EE 221L.
  • EE 420 - Engineering Electronics II

    Analysis, synthesis, and design techniques of modern electronic analog and digital circuits

    Credits 3
    Prerequisites EE 320 and MATH 431
  • EE 420L - Engineering Electronics II Laboratory

    Applications and study of modern electronic analog and digital circuits. Advanced instrumentation.

    Credits 1
    Corequisites EE 420
    Prerequisites EE 320L
  • EE 421 - Digital Electronics

    Digital circuit analysis. Discrete and integrated circuit technology, logic families, A/D-D/A circuits, comparators, Schmitt triggers.

    Credits 3
    Prerequisites CpE 100 and EE 320
  • EE 421L - Digital Electronics Laboratory

    Laboratory-based analysis and design of digital and computer electronic systems.

    Credits 1
    Corequisites EE 421
    Prerequisites EE 320L
  • EE 422 - Introduction to Analog Integrated Circuit Design

    Design of CMOS, BICMOS, and bipolar analog integrated circuits. Topics include device models, current mirror design, single stage amplifier design, differential amplifier design, frequency response analysis and noise analysis.

    Credits 3
    Prerequisites EE 320
  • EE 427 - Introduction to VLSI System Design

    Introduction to the theory, design and implementation of digital VLSI systems including MOS transistor theory and integrated circuit fabrication technology, digital system design, layout and design rules and use of CAD tools.

    Credits 3
    Prerequisites   and  .

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