Oct 05, 2024  
2024-2025 Graduate Catalog 
2024-2025 Graduate Catalog

The Graduate Student Lifecycle

Graduate Student Success Through the Graduate Lifecycle

Retention, Progression, & Completion (RPC) Team

The Grad Academy: Innovative Leadership, Professional, and Career Development

Non-Credit Bearning Graduate Co-Curricular Microcredentials

Graduate College Co-Curricular Certifications

Grad Rebel Programs

Navigating Graduate Student Campus Business: Guides and Tutorials


The Graduate College employs a student lifecycle model for all degree-seeking graduate students. The lifecycle model is used in our Grad Rebel Gateway portal and student messaging; in our nonacademic advisement to support progression through required forms and milestones; and in all of our workshops, events, and professional/career development opportunities. We organize students into one of six categories: early-, mid-, late-career master’s and specialist/Artist Diploma students, and early-, mid-, late-career doctoral students. Based on the stage of the lifecycle that a student occupies they will get targeted and personal messaging and information to help them successfully progress to a timely graduation. Graduate certificate-seeking students should refer to the Certificate section within the Late-career students section  of this Graduate Student Handbook for more details.


Retention, Progression, & Completion (RPC) Team

The RPC team is an organizational unit within the Graduate College that facilitates the degree progression and completion of each student. The RPC team helps graduate students through the graduate lifecycle to: progress toward degree and/or certificate and/or microcredential completion; understand program requirements; navigate policy, procedural and form requirements; proceed through the culminating experience or the thesis and dissertation submission process; understand and complete all microcredential, certificate and degree requirements. The RPC team also verifies and confers students’ degrees, certificates, and microcredentials. Students should contact the RPC team at grad.rpc@unlv.edu throughout their student lifecycle for assistance with forms, degree requirements, and graduation processes.

The Grad Academy: Innovative Leadership, Professional, and Career Development

The Grad Academy offers a wide array of free leadership, professional, and career development opportunities to promote student success and help students prepare for their career after graduation. We offer a variety of 60 workshops, signature events, and career support each year in addition to offering co-curricular certifications and programs. All of these are free opportunities for graduate and professional students. 

While all students are able to attend any workshop, our goal is to help students prioritize their experiences and provide resources that will be most useful to them as they need particular skills in the course of their degree program. We accomplish this by providing an organizing framework that clearly shows students the topics of workshops, programs, activities, the learning objectives, the format of delivery, the time commitment required, and what level of student is poised to most benefit from the experience. To accomplish this, we have broken down professional and career development across the master’s and doctoral student lifecycles.

Non-Credit Bearing Graduate Co-Curricular Microcredentials

Microcredentials, often represented by badges, are an alternative credential that signifies student achievement in competencies needed for post-graduate success, re-skilling, or up-skilling. They represent an individual’s accomplishment, expertise, or level of proficiency in a given topic area. Non-credit bearing microcredentials recognize achievement in co-curricular experiences, experiential learning opportunities, or continuing/professional development opportunities. These types of microcredentials differ from those that are credit-bearing graduate badges that appear on your academic transcripts and awarded after completing graduate credit-bearing microcredential programs. Non-credit bearing microcredentials do not appear on your transcripts and are professional development opportunities that support co-curricular development and training as a student at UNLV.  The Grad Academy non-credit bearing microcredentials are earned through the completion of readings, watching videos, attending workshops, and assignments. The Graduate College is currently developing updated non-credit bearing microcredentials in focused topic areas, including foundational grant writing and management skills. Students will receive a digital badge to acknowledge their earned microcredential, which can be displayed on platforms such as LinkedIn profiles.

Graduate College Co-Curricular Certifications

These non-credit bearing certifications are free, year-long programs. Students are accepted as a cohort, complete a number of program requirements, and submit a culminating experience in order to fulfill requirements and earn the certification. The free application cycle for each certification opens during the spring semester for the following academic year. We currently offer the following certification programs:

Upon completion, Graduate College certifications are posted on the students’ transcripts as co-curricular certifications.

Grad Rebel Programs

All of these programs help graduate students build and refine transferable skills that can be used in a variety of career pathways. Students are accepted as a cohort and need to complete a number of program requirements. The free application cycle for each certification opens during the spring semester for the following academic year. We currently offer the following programs:

  • Grad Rebel Ambassadors Program: Ambassadors are among the best and brightest graduate students on campus and they act as the face of the College at our campus and community events, in meetings with prospective and current donors, and they participate in advocacy work with local, regional, and national engagement. Grad Rebel Ambassadors are highly visible members of the Graduate College team who help cultivate a strong graduate community and strengthen ties between the Graduate College, alumni, and community members. These students receive scholarships for their participation in this prestigious program as well as training in multiple skills and areas to prepare them for their ambassador roles.
  • Grad Rebel Advantage Program: Provides cohorts of UNLV undergraduate students with mentorship, workshops, professional development opportunities, and scholarships to help prepare them for graduate studies, whether at UNLV or elsewhere. Graduate students have the opportunity to serve as mentors to a small sub-group of undergraduate program participants.
  • Grad Rebel Writing Boot Camp: A biannual, weeklong program that assists students working on major writing pieces, including theses, dissertations, and publications. A free intensive writing experience with optional writing groups that continue year-round.
  • Weekend Grad Rebel Writing Boot Camp: A two-day program with workshops and structured writing time that helps students cross their writing project finish line.
  • Graduate College Medallion Program: Honors exceptionally involved and high-achieving students with medallions to be worn at commencement to mark their accomplishments.
  • Grad Alumni Ambassadors: UNLV graduate degree holders who work with the Graduate College to help represent the graduate alumni body. Goals include building a strong graduate alumni community; working with the Graduate College to extend mentorship, professional, and career development opportunities to current students; and strengthening ties between Graduate College alumni, and our broader community members.

Navigating Graduate Student Campus Business: Guides and Tutorials

Academic Calendar Deadlines: How to look up the registration add/drop deadlines for your classes.

Adding Addresses: Instructions for students who want to add, edit, or remove addresses from MyUNLV.

Adding Names: Adding/editing preferred, degree, or application names on your student account.

Auditing a Class: Step-by-step guide to auditing a class. 

Enrollment Appointment Guide: Locating your Enrollment Appointment in the Rebel Student Homepage.

My Planner Guide: Adding classes to MyPlanner in your Student Center.

Ordering Official Transcripts: Step-by-step guide for ordering official transcripts. 

Registration Guide: Tips and tricks for enrolling in classes.

Unofficial Transcripts: Step-by-step guide for downloading your unofficial transcripts.

Waitlist Guide: Adding, swapping, and dropping waitlists.



Next: Early-Career Students    

Previous: Registration, Enrollment and Curricular Policies (listed alphabetically)