Mar 06, 2025  
2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog 
2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog

Grades and Grade Point Balance

Consistent with the NSHE Grading Policy, the following grades are used in reporting and recording a student’s proficiency in University courses:

A – Superior
B – Above average
C – Average
D – Below average
F – Failure
P – Pass 
S – Satisfactory
U – Unsatisfactory
I – Incomplete (see below) 
X – Continuing course (research project or course extends beyond one semester) 
AD – Audit 
W – Withdrawn (issued for a drop after the end of late registration)

In addition to solid letter grades, instructors, at their option, may also issue “plus” and “minus” as part of the grading scale.  (i.e., A-, B+, B-, C+, C-, D+, or D-).  The course syllabus will contain a clear explanation of the instructor’s grading scale to be used in the course.  A student may not appeal the format an instructor chooses.

An “F” grades count towards credits attempted and appear on a student transcripts.

A grade of “S”, as well as grades of “D- and above” on the letter grade scale are considered passing the course.  A student will earn course credit upon entry of a passing grade.  However, individual colleges, schools, programs, and departments can determine a higher passing grade a student needs for a course in order to earn their degree.

Incomplete Grade

A grade of “I” is a neutral mark and represents an incomplete.  An “I” is given when a student has been performing satisfactory work for at least three-fourths of the semester but, for reasons beyond the student’s control is unable, to complete the course requirements during the instructional period.  An “I” mark is excluded from GPA computation.  Non-attendance, poor performance, or requests to repeat the course are unacceptable reasons for the issuance of the “I” mark.

When a student’s request for an incomplete mark is deemed acceptable, the instructor is to indicate to the student the specific work that is necessary to complete the course.   The student must make up the incomplete work by the last day of the following regular semester (fall or spring).  However, the instructor may require that it be made up in less time. A student should not re-register for the course to complete the incomplete provided that they complete the work for the course by the end of the following regular semester or by the date set by the instructor, whichever comes first.

If the course work and/or requirements are not completed by the last day of the next regular semester or by an earlier deadline set by the instructor, the “I” will automatically change to an “F” and the student’s GPA will be adjusted accordingly. A student who receives an “I” in a course graded on a “satisfactory/unsatisfactory” basis and who does not complete course requirements within the time limit will receive a “U” grade.   

Satisfactory/Fail Grading 

Certain courses are offered only on a satisfactory/fail basis.  Students in these courses will receive a grade of “S” or “F” rather than a letter grade on the “A to F” scale.  A limited number of courses are offered on the “S/F” grading basis.  The grade of “S” is not used in computing the student’s GPA; however, “F” grades are.

Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory Grading 

Certain courses are offered only on a satisfactory/unsatisfactory basis.  Students in these courses will receive a grade of “S” or “U” rather than a letter grade on the “A to F” scale.  A limited number of courses are offered on the “S/U” grading basis.  Receiving an “S” or “U” grade will not be used in computing the student’s GPA.

Note: During the COVID-19 pandemic, the University allowed undergraduate students to opt for satisfactory/unsatisfactory (“S/U”) grading for the following semesters: spring 2020, summer 2020, fall 2020, spring 2021, summer 2021, and fall 2021. From classes held in spring 2020 through spring 2021, the University considered letter grades of “D-” or higher as equivalent to “S”, and a grade of “F” as equivalent to “U” for undergraduate students.  For summer 2021 and fall 2021 classes, the university considered grades of “C” or higher as equivalent to “S”, and grades of “C-” or lower as equivalent to “U,” again for undergraduate students.

Grade Points and Grade Point Average (GPA)

To facilitate the averaging of grades, the following values are assigned for one semester credit hour of each grade:

Point Value Grade Per Credit
A 4.0
A- 3.7
B+ 3.3
B 3.0
B- 2.7
C+ 2.3
C 2.0
C- 1.7
D+ 1.3
D 1.0
D- 0.7
F 0.0

S, U, I, X, W or AD are not computed.

A student’s GPA is obtained by dividing the total number of points earned by the total number of semester credit hours attempted, excluding noncredit courses and courses in which the marks of “S”, “U”, “I”, “X”, “W”, or “AD” are recorded.  GPA calculations will only include grade points earned in University courses and will not include grade points earned from transferred courses.

Grade Point Balance (GPB) 

Grade point balance indicates how far above or below a student is from a 2.00 GPA. To compute the GPB, points are assigned as follows:

One Credit of: Points of: 
A +2.0
A- +1.7
B+ +1.3
B +1.0
B- +0.7
C+ +0.3
C 0.0
C- -0.3
D+ -0.7
D -1.0
D- -1.3
F -2.0

The GPB is an aid in helping students with grade deficiencies determine what grades are needed to bring their GPA up to a 2.00 which is the minimum needed for graduation.  As an example, a record with a GPB of  8 would require a minimum of eight hours of B (8 times +1.0) or four hours of A (4 times +2.0) to bring the GPA up to a 2.00.

Final Grades 

Instructors are responsible for determining and submitting final grades in MyUNLV by the appropriate deadlines established in the academic calendar.  Once the grade is posted in MyUNLV, grades become official records of the University.  The grades shown on the grade rosters in MyUNLV are considered final unless the student files a grade appeal within no later than the end of the second  (2nd) week of instruction in the (Fall/Spring) semester directly following the semester after the grade is assigned.  Application for grade changes, correcting a grade procedure or appeals under this policy will not be considered after degree conferral

Grade Grievance 

After final grades have been filed, a grade in an undergraduate course may be changed only by the course instructor or by the Faculty Senate Academic Standards Committee.  A student may file a grade grievance relating to a final course grade.  A student may not use this procedure to appeal a grade received as a sanction for academic dishonesty.  Any student disagreeing with a final course grade must first discuss the bases of the grade with the instructor.  If after consulting with the instructor, the student is not satisfied with the instructor’s decision, the student should contact the chair of the department to discuss.  If the chair declines to overturn the decision of the instructor, the student should notify the Faculty Senate Office of an intent to file a Grade Grievance by either calling the Faculty Senate Office at 702-895-3689 or emailing  Notification of the intent to file a Grade Grievance must be received no later than the end of the second week of instruction in (Fall/Spring) semester directly following the semester in which the course was taken.  Any request submitted after this deadline will be denied.

After compiling the appropriate documentation, the student emails the completed form and documentation to the Faculty Senate Office (  The Faculty Senate Office will forward the petition to the instructor and department for confirmation the student has exhausted their appeals to them prior to filing the request with the Faculty Senate Office.  The instructor and the department may respond to the Faculty Senate in writing defending their decisions to reject the appeal.  Upon response from the college, all materials are forwarded to the Faculty Senate Academic Standards Committee.  The decision of the Academic Standards Committee will be communicated to all parties involved.  

Correcting a Grade  

An instructor may correct a clerical error on his or her grade roster by submitting a Change of Grade.  The change must first be approved by the department chair and by the dean of the college. The grade change must be received within six (6) months from the last day of the term/semester in which the original grade was given. After six (6) months has elapsed, a petition to correct a grade must be submitted to the Faculty Senate Academic Standards Committee.  Under no circumstances will the Office of the Registrar accept a Change of Grade submitted by a student.

Go back to the Academic Policies page.