Reyes, Imelda
Professor in Residence; B.S., Western Michigan University; MPH, University of Michigan; MSN, Emory University; DNP, Vanderbilt University. Rebel since 2022
Associate Dean for Advanced Education
Reyes, Imelda
Professor in Residence; B.S., Western Michigan University; MPH, University of Michigan; MSN, Emory University; DNP, Vanderbilt University. Rebel since 2022.
Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs
Colosimo, Roseann
Associate Professor; BSN Saint John College, Cleveland Ohio; MSN Catholic University, Washington DC; PhD The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio. Rebel since 2016.
Associate Dean for Research Affairs
Evangelista, Lorraine
Professor; BSN University of the Philippines; MSN, PhD University of California, Los Angeles. Rebel since 2022.
Associate Dean for Entry and Prelicensure Education
Silvestri-Elmore, Angela
Assistant Professor; BSN, Salve Regina University; MSN, PhD University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Rebel since 2016.
Ph.D. Program Director
Burton, Candace W.
Associate Professor; BSN University of Virginia; PhD University of California San Francisco. Rebel since 2022.
DNP Program Director
Burton, Candace W.
Associate Professor; BSN University of Virginia; PhD University of California San Francisco. Rebel since 2022.
MSN Program Director
Burton, Candace W.
Associate Professor; BSN University of Virginia; PhD University of California San Francisco. Rebel since 2022.
FNP Program Track Lead
Maes, Cheryl
Associate Professor, Faculty in Residence; BSN, MSN, University of Nevada, Las Vegas; PhD University of Arizona. Rebel since 2005.
PMPNP Program Track Lead
Serafica, Reimund
Associate Professor; A.A., MSN, Gardner-Webb University; Post- Master Certificate (PMHNP) University of Nevada, Reno; PhD University of Hawaii at Manoa. Rebel since 2014.
Tan, Rhigel
Associate Professor, Faculty in Residence; BSN, Cebu City Medical Center College of Nursing; MN, Cebu Normal University; DNP Rocky Mountain University of Health Professions. Rebel since 2005.
Nurse Education Track Lead
Leland, Necole
Assistant Professor, Faculty in Residence; BSN, MSN University of Nevada, Las Vegas; DNP American Sentinel University
NMW Program Director
Woeber, Kate
Associate Professor, Faculty in Residence; BSN D’Youville College, MSN, MPH, PhD Emory University. Rebel since 2022.
DEMSN Program Track Lead
Sullivan, Kayla
Assistant Professor; DNP University of Nevada Las Vegas, MSN Nursing Education Chamberlain University, BSN Marian University Indianapolis, BA Psychology San Diego State University. Rebel since 2019.
Graduate Faculty
Attin, Mina
Assistant Professor, PhD University of California, Los Angeles, Post Doctoral training University of Illinois, Chicago. Rebel since 2023.
Bartmus, Terry
Visiting Assistant Professor; DNP, MSN University of Nevada, Las Vegas, BSN. Rebel since 2023.
Benfield, Rebecca
Associate Professor; BSN University of North Carolina; MSN University of Kentucky; PhD University of South Carolina. Rebel since 2015.
Bondmass, Mary
Professor, Faculty in Residence; BSN Loyola University; MSN Loyola; PhD University of Illinois. Rebel since 2015.
Burton, Candace
Associate Professor; BSN University of Virginia, MSN Cornell University, PhD University of California, San Francisco. Rebel since 2023.
Clark, Esmeralda
Lecturer; BSN, MSN University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Rebel since 2016.
Colosimo, Roseann
Associate Professor, Faculty in Residence; BSN Saint John College, Cleveland Ohio; MSN Catholic University, Washington DC; PhD The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio. Rebel since 2016.
Cyrkiel, Dianne
Lecturer; BSN Indiana University, MSN, University of Texas. Rebel since 2000.
Eisenberg, Karen
Lecturer; BSN, MSN Regis University. Rebel since 2012.
Evangelista, Lorraine
Professor; BSN University of the Philippines; MSN, PhD University of California, Los Angeles. Rebel since 2022.
Feng, Du
Professor; BS Peking University; MS University of Southern California; PhD University of Southern California. Rebel since 2013.
Foster, Letoshia
Assistant Professor, Faculty in Residence; BSN Mount St. Mary’s College, MSN University of California, Los Angeles, MS in Medical Anthropology, PhD University of Memphis. Rebel since 2023.
Grewal, Alena
Assistant Professor in Residence; BSN, MSN, DNP University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Rebel since 2023.
Kawi, Jennifer
Associate Professor; BSN Saint Louis University; MSN University of Nevada, Las Vegas; PhD University of Colorado, Denver. Rebel since 2007.
Killian, Jacqueline
Assistant Professor; BSN University of Florida, MS University of Oklahoma, MSN Hampton University, DNS Uniformed Services University of Health Sciences. Rebel since 2023.
Kim, Jinyoung
Associate Professor, BSN, Ewha Womans University, Seoul Republic of Korea; MSN, Graduate School of Clinical Health Science, Ewha Womans University, Seoul Republic of Korea; PhD, Ewha Womans University, Seoul Republic of Korea. Rebel since 2019.
Lee, Hyunhwa
Associate Professor; BSN, MSN, Yonsei University, Seoul, Republic of Korea; PhD, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. Rebel since 2014.
Lekhak, Nirmala
Assistant Professor; BSN; PhD Case Western University. Rebel since 2017.
Leland, Necole
Assistant Professor, Faculty in Residence; BSN, MSN University of Nevada, Las Vegas; DNP American Sentinel University. Rebel since 2010.
Maes, Cheryl
Associate Professor; Faculty in Residence; BSN, MSN, University of Nevada, Las Vegas; PhD University of Arizona. Rebel since 2005.
Nicholas, Lisa
Assistant Professor; Faculty in Residence; BSN, MSN University of Nevada, Las Vegas; EdD University of St Augustine for Health Sciences. Rebel since 2017.
Pfannes, Jennifer
Assistant Professor; Faculty in Residence; BSN, DNP University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Rebel since 2013.
Ramos de Oliveira, Clariana
Assistant Professor; BSN, MSN Federal University of Rio Grande in Brazil, PhD University of Sao Paulo, Post Doctoral Fellowship Harvard. Rebel since 2023.
Reyes, Andrew
Assistant Professor; BSN Remedios T. Romualdez College of Nursing; MSN D’Youville College; PhD University of Western Ontario, London Ontario, Canada. Rebel since 2016.
Reyes, Imelda
Professor, Faculty in Residence, BS Nursing Western Michigan University, MPH University of Michigan, MSN Emory University and DNP Vanderbilt University. Rebel since 2022.
Rockstraw, Leland “Rocky”
Professor; Faculty in Residence, BSN University of Nebraska, MSHCA Central Michigan University, MSN University of South Alabama, PhD Drexel University. Rebel since 2020.
Rue, Shona
Senior Lecturer; BSN, Virginia Commonwealth University; MSN Oregon Health Sciences University. Rebel since 2007.
Serafica, Reimund
Associate Professor; A.A., MSN, Gardner-Webb University; Post- Master Certificate (PMHNP) University of Nevada, Reno; PhD University of Hawaii at Manoa. Rebel since 2014.
Silvestri-Elmore, Angela
Associate Professor, Faculty in Residence ; BSN, Salve Regina University; MSN, PhD University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Rebel since 2016.
Stimpson, James
Professor; Faculty in Residence; BSN Idaho State University, CRNA Gonzaga University, DNP Rocky Mountain University. Rebel since 2022.
Sullivan, Kayla
Assistant Professor, Faculty in Residence; BSN Marian University Indianapolis; MSN Chamberlain College; DNP University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Rebel since 2019.
Tan, Rhigel
Associate Professor, Faculty in Residence; BSN, Cebu City Medical Center College of Nursing; MN, Cebu Normal University; DNP Rocky Mountain University of Health Professions. Rebel since 2005.
Thimsen, Kathleen
Associate Professor and Faculty in Residence; BSN, MSN Webster University; DNP Regis University. Rebel since 2020.
Thompson-Robinson, Melva
Professor; BS, University of Michigan; MSPE, Ohio University; DrPH, University of South Carolina. Rebel since 2004
Tran, Dieu-My
Associate Professor; BSN, PhD University of Nebraska Medical Center. Rebel since 2016.
Trnka, Margaret
Lecturer; BSN, MSN Olivet Nazarene University. Rebel since 2018.
VanBeuge, Susan
Professor, Faculty in Residence; BSN Pacific Lutheran University; MS University of Nevada Las Vegas; DNP University of Utah. Rebel since 2006.
Vanderlaan, Jennifer
Assistant Professor; BSN, Russell Sage College; MSN, Emory University Nell Hodgson; PhD, Emory University Laney Graduate School. Rebel since 2019.
Woeber, Kate
Associate Professor; Faculty in Residence; BSN D’Youville College, MSN, MPH, PhD Emory University. Rebel since 2022.
Wood, Minnie
Senior Lecturer; BSN State University of New York; MSN University of California. Rebel since 2016.
Yelle, Ericka
Lecturer; BSN Nevada State College; MSN University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Rebel since 2019.