Sep 27, 2024  
2010-2012 Undergraduate Catalog 


  • ECON 180 - The Economics of Discrimination

    Investigates the economic causes, effects, and remedies of discrimination based on age, ethnicity, gender, religion, national origin, or sexual orientation.

    Credits 3
  • ECON 190 - Global Economics

    Introduction to the economic organization of global markets. Analysis of international trade and finance, transnational corporations, global economic institutions, economic growth and economic systems.

    Credits 3
  • ECON 261 - Principles of Statistics I

    Descriptive and inferential statistics for prediction and decision making, with managerial and economic applications. Includes probability theory and distributions, hypothesis testing, and regression analysis.

    Credits 3
    Prerequisites    with a minimum grade of C or better.
  • ECON 262 - Principles of Statistics II

    Advanced statistical techniques, including multiple regression, the cross-sectional time series model, analysis of variance, and non-parametric statistics.

    Credits 3
    Prerequisites Admission to a business major/junior standing*,   or equivalent.
  • ECON 302 - Intermediate Microeconomics

    Analysis of the price mechanism, resources allocation, output composition, and income distribution in a market economy.

    Credits 3
    Prerequisites Admission to a business major/junior standing*,  .
  • ECON 303 - Intermediate Macroeconomics

    Analysis of income, output, employment, and price level determination in a market economy. Role of fiscal and monetary policy in promoting stability and growth.

    Credits 3
    Prerequisites Admission to a business major/junior standing*,  .
  • ECON 304 - Money and Banking

    Nature of money. Determination of the quantity of money by the commercial banks, the Federal Reserve, and the United States Treasury. Intensive analysis of commercial banking, money, and capital markets, interest rate determination, the foreign sector, and banking.

    Credits 3
    Prerequisites Admission to a business major/junior standing*,  .
  • ECON 305 - Comparative Economic Systems

    Analysis of the economic institutions of capitalism and other economic systems.

    Credits 3
    Prerequisites Admission to a business major/junior standing*,  .
  • ECON 307 - Environmental Economics

    Economics of environmental quality and resource development. Consideration of public policies to account for environmental pollution to air, water, and land resources.

    Credits 3
    Prerequisites Admission to a business major/junior standing*,  .
  • ECON 309 - Resource Economics

    Economics analysis of renewable and non-renewable resources. Examination of resource allocation across generations. Other topics include species extinction and conservation of resources. Emphasis on public policy alternatives.

    Credits 3
    Prerequisites Admission to a business major/junior standing*,  .
  • ECON 320 - Health Economics

    Economic analysis of the health care sector, including physician, hospital, and insurance markets. Emphasis on roles of government, information, and externalities in health care.

    Credits 3
    Prerequisites Admission to a business major/junior standing*,  .
  • ECON 321 - Economics of Sport and Entertainment

    Economic analysis of college and professional sports, gaming, and the performing arts, including film, music, television, and the Internet. Topics include economic effects on host communities, labor issues, government regulation, facility economics, copyright law, and industry structure and competitiveness.

    Credits 3
    Prerequisites Admission to a business major/junior standing*,  .
  • ECON 334 - Economic History of the United States

    Origin and development of economic institutions including industry, agriculture, commerce, transportation, labor, and finance. Analysis of the economic progress of the United States.

    Credits 3
    Prerequisites Admission to a business major/junior standing*,  .
  • ECON 354 - Government and Business

    General survey of government activities affecting business, emphasizing on the legal concepts of property and contract and such policies as antitrust regulation. Primary reference to the public utility industries.

    Credits 3
    Prerequisites Admission to a business major/junior standing*,  .
  • ECON 358 - International Economics

    Introduction to the principles of international economics. Covers international trade and international finance. Emphasizes the forces of globalization and how they affect U.S. firms and workers.

    Credits 3
    Prerequisites Admission to a business major/junior standing*,  ,  .
  • ECON 359 - Economic Development

    Analysis of problems, principles, and policies of economic development. Case studies of selected countries.

    Credits 3
    Prerequisites Admission to a business major/junior standing*,  .
  • ECON 365 - Labor Economics

    Labor union history and organization; labor market analysis of wages, hours, employment and working conditions; collective bargaining and labor legislation.

    Credits 3
    Prerequisites Admission to a business major/junior standing*,  .
  • ECON 402 - Topics of Microeconomics

    Extensions of microeconomic analysis. Application of traditional microeconomic concepts to study economic phenomena. Emphasis on decision making in the public policy arena.

    Credits 3
    Prerequisites Admission to a business major/junior standing*,   and   or equivalent.
  • ECON 403 - Topics in Macroeconomics

    Extensions of macroeconomic analysis. Application of economic analysis to study macroeconomic phenomena. Implications for inflation, unemployment, growth, and the effectiveness of fiscal and monetary policy.

    Credits 3
    Prerequisites Admission to a business major/junior standing*,   and   or equivalent.
  • ECON 440 - Introduction to Mathematical Economics

    Application of mathematics to economic analysis.

    Credits 3
    Prerequisites Admission to a business major/junior standing*,   and   or  .
  • ECON 441 - Introduction to Econometrics

    Measurement of economic relationships, with stress upon the estimation of parameters of stochastic economic models.

    Credits 3
    Prerequisites Admission to business major/junior standing*,  , and   or  .
  • ECON 442 - History of Economic Thought

    Analysis of the ideas of the principal contributors to the development of economics.

    Credits 3
    Prerequisites Admission to a business major/junior standing*, six credits of economics.
  • ECON 451 - Public Finance

    Analysis of the financing and provision of public goods. Topics include: the nature of public goods, the choice regarding the level of public good provision, the incidence of taxes, and issues of tax equity.

    Credits 3
    Prerequisites Admission to a business major/junior standing*,  .
  • ECON 455 - Industrial Organization

    Causes and implications of economic concentration and monopoly power. Comparison of alternative approaches to monopoly power in terms of social and economic goals.

    Credits 3
    Prerequisites Admission to a business major/junior standing*,  .
  • ECON 457 - Law and Economics

    Introduction to the use of economic reasoning to analyze legal issues. Topics include economic reasoning, trespass, breach of contract, torts, crime and punishment, the economics of trial and settlement, and careers in law and economics.

    Credits 3
    Prerequisites Admission to a business major/junior standing,   and  .
  • ECON 462 - International Trade

    Analysis of the theory of international trade, balance of payments, commercial policies, international institutions, and international economic integration.

    Credits 3
    Prerequisites Admission to a business major/junior standing*,  .
  • ECON 463 - International Monetary Relations

    Examination of the theory and policies relating to past and present international monetary relations. Comprehensive view of contemporary monetary institutions and problems.

    Credits 3
    Prerequisites Admission to a business major/junior standing*,  .
  • ECON 470 - Urban and Regional Economics

    Analysis of the structure and functioning of economic activities in urban and non-urban areas, including location and growth of cities and regions, inter- and intrametropolitan distribution of firms and residences, operation of land markets, planning local public services, and urban fiscal problems.

    Credits 3
    Prerequisites Admission to a business major/junior standing*,  .
  • ECON 480 - Managerial Economics

    Integrates the microeconomic theory of the firm and the tools of mathematical and statistical analysis to provide an analytical framework for the formulation of business policy.

    Credits 3
    Prerequisites Admission to a business major/junior standing*,  , and   or  .
  • ECON 489 - Economics Internship

    Internship with business firms, nonprofit organizations, or government agencies. Joint supervision of activity supervisor and instructor.

    Credits (1-4)
    Prerequisites A 3.00 GPA, admission to the major, and completion of nine credit hours of courses within the major.
    May be repeated to a maximum of six credits.
    Notes Project report and internship conferences required.
  • ECON 490 - Independent Study

    Individual study in selected topics.

    Credits (1-3)
    Prerequisites A 3.00 GPA, admission to the major, senior standing, and completion of nine credit hours of courses within the major.
    May be repeated to a maximum of six credits.
  • ECON 493 - Special Topics

    Study of selected topics of current interest in economics and of significance to the discipline.

    Credits 3
    Prerequisites   and  .
    May be repeated to a maximum of six credits.
  • ECON 495 - Seminar in Economic Research

    Capstone course for economics majors. Reviews the major theories and tools used by professional economists. Students attend Friday economics research seminars with faculty and graduate students. Culminates in a student research project presented to the department in oral and written form.

    Credits 3
    Prerequisites   or  ,  ,  , and senior standing.
  • EDCT 230 - Introduction to Career and Technical Education

    Introduction to foundation and history of workforce education and development and its evolution. Discussion of history of work and career and technical education which includes class organization and management, advisory committees, funding and legislation, alternative learning environments and work experience.

    Credits 3
    Prerequisites Contemporary issues also discussed.
  • EDCT 471 - Career and Technical Student Organizations

    Introduces career and technical teachers to all aspects of career and technical education youth organizations, thus providing them with a broad background for integrating these concepts and principles into their classroom instruction.

    Credits 3
    Prerequisites  .
  • EDEL 311 - Elementary Methods Practicum I

    Elementary school practicum I where students apply content acquired in methods courses to initial field-based experiences.

    Credits 3
    Corequisites Enrollment in methods courses specified by the department.
    Prerequisites Admission to Elementary Education Program.
    May be repeated to a maximum of nine credits.
  • EDEL 313 - Elementary Methods Practicum II

    Elementary school practicum II where students apply content acquired in methods courses to advanced field-based experiences.

    Credits 3
    Corequisites Enrollment in methods courses specified by the department.
    Prerequisites  .
    May be repeated to a maximum of nine credits.
  • EDEL 323 - Teaching and Learning Elementary Education

    Current research-based practices in classroom communication skills, delivery of instruction, questioning techniques, lesson design, and behavior management.

    Credits 3
    Corequisites Enrollment in  .
    Prerequisites Admission to Elementary Education Program.
  • EDEL 331 - Teaching Elementary School Art

    Techniques of handling art media, finger paint, clay, easel paint, chalk, and water colors. Scheduled observations in the public schools.

    Credits 3
    Prerequisites   or   and passing PPST scores.
  • EDEL 405 - Curriculum and Assessment Elementary Education

    Introduces standards and resources of elementary school curriculum and assessment and supports students to develop, implement, and assess instructional units developed in school contexts using curriculum standards, student learning, and school resources.

    Credits 3
    Corequisites   or   or  .
    Prerequisites  ,  .
  • EDEL 408 - Classroom Management Elementary Education

    Introduction to management of the elementary classroom by surveying literature in supervising psychosocial environment, physical environment, curriculum implementation, fundamentals of classroom control, discipline, and monitoring of student learning.

    Credits 3
    Prerequisites  , admission to Elementary Education Program and completion of  .
  • EDEL 431 - Standards-Based Curriculum Elementary Mathematics

    Elementary mathematics curriculum standards as outlined by national organizations and state agencies. Emphasis on determining expectations locally, regionally, and nationally and on teachers’ knowledge of theoretical bases of elementary school mathematics pedagogy.

    Credits 3
    Prerequisites   and consent of instructor.
  • EDEL 433 - Teaching Elementary School Mathematics

    Current methods and materials for teaching elementary school mathematics including review of content, objectives, curriculum, and assessment for developmentally appropriate instructional practices.

    Credits 3
    Corequisites Enrollment in a practicum.
    Prerequisites   and   and admission to Elementary Education Program.
  • EDEL 443 - Teaching Elementary School Science

    Formerly Listed as (Formerly ICE 455)

    Current methods and materials for teaching life, physical, and earth sciences using process skills, guided discovery activities, and curriculum integration techniques.

    Credits 3
    Corequisites Enrollment in a practicum.
    Prerequisites  , GEOG 101,  ,  , and admission to Elementary Education Program.
  • EDEL 453 - Teaching Elementary School Social Studies

    Formerly Listed as (Formerly ICE 458)

    Current methods and materials for teaching social studies

    Credits 3
    Corequisites Enrollment in a practicum.
    Prerequisites Admission to the Elementary Education Program.
  • EDEL 481 - Elementary Supervised Student Teaching

    Credits 1-16
  • EDEL 482 - Elementary Supervised Student Teaching Seminar

    Credits 2
    Corequisites  .
  • EDEL 483 - Elementary Supervised Teaching Internship

    Credits 1-16
  • EDEL 484 - Elementary Supervised Internship Seminar

    Credits 2
    Corequisites  .
  • EDEL 485 - Elementary Supervised Teaching Residency Student

    Credits 1-16
  • EDEL 486 - Elementary Supervised Residency Seminar

    Credits 2
    Corequisites  .
  • EDEL 493 - Elementary Education Independent Study

    Specialized instruction in elementary education designed to develop in-depth understanding of a current educational trends and issues.

    Credits 1-6
    Prerequisites Consent of instructor.
    May be repeated.
    Notes Maximum of six credits from independent study courses accepted toward a degree.
  • EDEL 495 - Elementary Education Topics:

    Specialized instruction in elementary education designed to develop in-depth understanding of current educational topics.

    Credits 1-6
    Prerequisites Consent of instructor.
    May be repeated.
    Notes Maximum of six credits from education topics courses accepted toward a degree.
  • EDMS 453 - Teaching Middle School Mathematics

    Planning and teaching mathematics lessons for students in grades 5-8 consistent with NCTM’s “Standards” and the Nevada Mathematics Standard.

    Credits 3
    Corequisites   or  .
    Prerequisites Completion of twenty-four credit hours of mathematics.
  • EDRL 301 - Literacy Survey

    Processes involved in literacy learning and associated terminology from historical, psychological, and sociological perspectives.

    Credits 3
    Prerequisites  .
  • EDRL 401 - Children’s Literature Elementary School Curriculum

    Exposes teacher candidates to a wide range of children’s literature and develops knowledge for selecting and sharing quality children’s literature in the elementary classroom. Focuses on the role that children’s literature plays in the elementary curriculum.

    Credits 3
    Prerequisites Admission to the Elementary Education program or admission to the Early Childhood Education program.
  • EDRL 402 - Literature for Young Adults

    Acquaintance with and critical analysis of literature and other instructional materials in all subject areas.

    Credits 3
    Prerequisites   or  .
  • EDRL 405 - Teaching Literature Secondary Schools

    Emphasizes current theories of teaching and learning of literature, explores integration of minority literature, examines teaching of literary genres, and promotes student-centered literature curriculum.

    Credits 3
    Corequisites Enrollment in a practicum.
    Prerequisites Junior standing and completion of 24 credits hours in English content.
  • EDRL 411 - Teaching Language Arts Elementary Schools

    Current methods and materials for teaching language arts including oral language development, speaking and listening, written expression, spelling, and handwriting.

    Credits 3
    Corequisites   or  .
    Prerequisites Admission to Elementary Education Program.
  • EDRL 425 - Teaching Writing Secondary Schools

    Emphasizes current theories of writing, explores writing processes, examines teaching of writing, and promotes process of writing themes about literature.

    Credits 3
    Corequisites Enrollment in a practicum.
    Prerequisites Junior standing,   and  .
  • EDRL 437 - Teaching Reading

    Current methods and materials for teaching from kindergarten through high school. Intended for special education majors.

    Credits 3
    Prerequisites  .
  • EDRL 442 - Literacy Instruction I

    Methods of instruction and assessment for primary grade readers and writers. Designed to help teacher candidates acquire knowledge and strategies related to literacy development and engagement through classroom application, reflection, analysis, and implementation of lessons with diverse learners.

    Credits 3
    Corequisites Concurrent enrollment in a practicum.
    Prerequisites Admission to Elementary Education Program.
  • EDRL 443 - Literacy Instruction II

    Methods of instruction and assessment for intermediate grade readers and writers. Designed to help teacher candidates acquire knowledge and strategies related to literacy development and engagement through classroom application, reflection, analysis, and implementation of lessons with diverse learners.

    Credits 3
    Corequisites Concurrent enrollment in a practicum.
    Prerequisites  .
  • EDRL 451 - Content Area Literacy Instruction

    Strategies for developing comprehension and critical reading/writing in content areas for intermediate through high school grades.

    Credits 3
    Prerequisites Admission to the Secondary Education Program.
  • EDRL 461 - Diagnosis Assessment and Instruction Literacy

    Survey of diagnostic-prescriptive techniques and materials for use with disabled readers.

    Credits 3
    Prerequisites  .
  • EDRL 469 - Literacy Practicum

    Supervised experience in teaching reading in either a one-on-one or small group setting. Experiences include assessment and implementation of appropriate instruction.

    Credits 3
    Prerequisites  .
  • EDRL 471 - Language Acquisition, Development and Learning

    Contemporary philosophies of second language acquisition, with selected topics related to language use and ideology.

    Credits 3
    Prerequisites   or   and passing PPST scores.
  • EDRL 474 - Methods for English Language Learners

    Introduction to English as a Second Language (ESL) methods, strategies, and instruction, including topics for teaching and accommodating English Language Learners (ELLs) with and without special needs in inclusive classrooms.

    Credits 3
    Prerequisites   and admission to the Elementary Education Program.
  • EDSC 311 - Secondary Methods Practicum I

    Supervised field experience in a secondary classroom. Students work in middle-level or high school classrooms to develop skills working with students and implementing instructional plans.

    Credits 1-3
    Corequisites  .
    Prerequisites  .
    May be repeated to a maximum of six credits.
  • EDSC 313 - Secondary Methods Practicum II

    Students work in a secondary classroom with a teacher to implement lessons planned in subject matter methods. Students have the opportunity, with supervision, to manage classrooms and to implement instructional plans. Course taken the semester prior to student teaching.

    Credits 1-3
    Corequisites Current enrollment with subject matter methods.
    Prerequisites  .
    May be repeated to a maximum of six credits.
  • EDSC 323 - Teaching and Learning Secondary Education

    Develops prospective teachers’ understanding of and abilities in effective instructional planning and techniques. Decision making, learning principles, course strategies, planning schemes, instructional tactics, class pacing, and student evaluation investigated. Participation in micro-peer teaching required.

    Credits 3
    Corequisites  .
  • EDSC 408 - Classroom Management Secondary Education

    Develops prospective teachers’ understanding of effective classroom management techniques and management programs. Students develop, examine and evaluate a teaching rationale, philosophy, management style and learning style. Topics include school and classroom climates and motivation. Students construct their management scheme and explore problem solving, effective communication and conflict resolution.

    Credits 3
    Prerequisites    and admission to Secondary Education Program.
  • EDSC 413A - Teaching Secondary Arts: Art

    Students must have completed or be currently enrolled in courses to complete three-fourths of the course work in their respective teaching fields. Methods, materials, teaching techniques and strategies unique to the specialized area; curriculum; classroom organization; test construction/evaluation, use of audio-visual materials and equipment.

    Credits 3
    Corequisites  .
    Prerequisites  ,  ,  ,  .
  • EDSC 413T - Teaching Secondary Arts: Theatre

    Students must have completed or be currently enrolled in courses to complete three-fourths of the course work in their respective teaching fields. Methods, materials, teaching techniques and strategies unique to the specialized area; curriculum; classroom organization; test construction/evaluation, use of audio-visual materials and equipment.

    Credits 3
    Corequisites  .
    Prerequisites  ,  ,  ,  .
  • EDSC 433 - Teaching Secondary English

    Students must have completed or be currently enrolled in courses to complete three-fourths of the course work in their respective teaching fields. Methods, materials, teaching techniques and strategies unique to the specialized area; curriculum; classroom organization; test construction/evaluation, use of audio-visual materials and equipment.

    Credits 3
    Corequisites  .
    Prerequisites  ,  ,  ,  .
  • EDSC 443 - Teaching Secondary Foreign/Second Language

    Students must have completed or be currently enrolled in courses to complete three-fourths of the course work in their respective teaching fields. Methods, materials, teaching techniques and strategies unique to the specialized area; curriculum; classroom organization; test construction/evaluation, use of audio-visual materials and equipment.

    Credits 3
    Corequisites  .
    Prerequisites  ,  ,  ,  .
  • EDSC 453 - Teaching Secondary Mathematics

    Students must have completed or be currently enrolled in courses to complete three-fourths of the course work in their respective teaching fields. Methods, materials, teaching techniques and strategies unique to the specialized area; curriculum; classroom organization; test construction/evaluation, use of audio-visual materials and equipment.

    Credits 3
    Corequisites   or  .
    Prerequisites  ,  ,  ,  .
  • EDSC 459 - Technology Applications Secondary Mathematics

    Overview of computer- and calculator-based applications in secondary mathematics and science education. Topics include evaluation and selection of educational software, spreadsheets, teacher tools, graphics, telecommunications, computer-based multimedia, calculators, and calculator-based laboratories and probes.

    Credits 2
    Prerequisites  .
  • EDSC 463 - Teaching Secondary Science

    Students must have completed or be currently enrolled in courses to complete three-fourths of the course work in their respective teaching fields. Methods, materials, teaching techniques and strategies unique to the specialized area; curriculum; classroom organization; test construction/evaluation, use of audio-visual materials and equipment.

    Credits 3
    Corequisites  .
    Prerequisites  ,  ,  ,  .
  • EDSC 469 - Technology Applications Secondary Science

    Overview of computer- and calculator-based applications in secondary science education. Topics include evaluation and selection of educational software, spreadsheets, teacher tools, graphics, telecommunications, computer-based multimedia, calculators, and calculator-based laboratories and probes.

    Credits 2
    Prerequisites  .
  • EDSC 473 - Teaching Secondary Social Studies

    Students must have completed or be currently enrolled in courses to complete three-fourths of the course work in their respective teaching fields. Methods, materials, teaching techniques and strategies unique to the specialized area; curriculum; classroom organization; test construction/evaluation, use of audio-visual materials and equipment.

    Credits 3
    Corequisites  .
    Prerequisites  ,  ,  ,  .
  • EDSC 481 - Secondary Supervised Student Teaching

    Full time teaching as a teacher candidate in a secondary school related directly to the student’s program of study teaching field(s). Secondary teacher candidates demonstrate their knowledge, skills and disposition for teaching through directed mentorship from certified licensed teachers and university liaisons/supervisors and participate in all aspects of a secondary school for a total of 12-16 credits.

    Credits (1-16)
    Corequisites  .
    Prerequisites See Student Teaching in the College of Education section and Student Teaching in the Secondary Education section of this catalog for specific prerequisites.
    May be repeated.
    Notes Letter grade only.
  • EDSC 481A - Secondary Supervised Student Teaching: Major Field

    Full time teaching as a teacher candidate in a secondary school related directly to the student’s program of study teaching field(s). Secondary teacher candidates demonstrate their knowledge, skills and disposition for teaching through directed mentorship from certified licensed teachers and university liaisons/supervisors and participate in all aspects of a secondary school for a total of 12-16 credits.

    Credits 1-16
    Corequisites  .
    Prerequisites See Student Teaching in the College of Education section and Student Teaching in the Secondary Education section of this catalog for specific prerequisites.
    May be repeated.
    Notes Letter grade only.
  • EDSC 481B - Secondary Supervised Student Teaching: Minor Field

    Full time teaching as a teacher candidate in a secondary school related directly to the student’s program of study teaching field(s). Secondary teacher candidates demonstrate their knowledge, skills and disposition for teaching through directed mentorship from certified licensed teachers and university liaisons/supervisors and participate in all aspects of a secondary school for a total of 12-16 credits.

    Credits 1-16
    Corequisites  .
    Prerequisites See Student Teaching in the College of Education section and Student Teaching in the Secondary Education section of this catalog for specific prerequisites.
    May be repeated.
    Notes Letter grade only.
  • EDSC 482 - Secondary Supervised Student Teaching Seminar

    Secondary teacher candidates attend required seminar sessions during student teaching. The seminar is designed to provide 1) support for correlating professional education courses to actual classroom teaching experiences, 2) reflective opportunities for self-assessment of teaching competencies, and 3) systematic connections between university and school district supervisory personnel.

    Credits 1-3
    Corequisites  ,  , or  .
  • EDSC 483 - Secondary Supervised Teaching Internship

    Full time teaching as a teacher candidate in a secondary school related directly to the student’s program of study teaching field(s). Secondary teacher candidates demonstrate their knowledge, skills and disposition for teaching through directed mentorship from certified licensed teachers and university liaisons/supervisors and participate in all aspects of a secondary school for a total of 12-16 credits.

    Credits 1-16
    Corequisites  .
    Prerequisites See Student Teaching in the College of Education section and Student Teaching in the Secondary Education section of this catalog for specific prerequisites.
    May be repeated.
    Notes Letter grade only.
  • EDSC 483A - Secondary Supervised Teaching Internship: Major Field

    Full time teaching as a teacher candidate in a secondary school related directly to the student’s program of study teaching field(s). Secondary teacher candidates demonstrate their knowledge, skills and disposition for teaching through directed mentorship from certified licensed teachers and university liaisons/supervisors and participate in all aspects of a secondary school for a total of 12-16 credits.

    Credits 1-16
    Corequisites  .
    Prerequisites See Student Teaching in the College of Education section and Student Teaching in the Secondary Education section of this catalog for specific prerequisites.
    May be repeated.
    Notes Letter grade only.
  • EDSC 483B - Secondary Supervised Student Teaching Internship: Minor Field

    Full time teaching as a teacher candidate in a secondary school related directly to the student’s program of study teaching field(s). Secondary teacher candidates demonstrate their knowledge, skills and disposition for teaching through directed mentorship from certified licensed teachers and university liaisons/supervisors and participate in all aspects of a secondary school for a total of 12-16 credits.

    Credits 1-16
    Corequisites  .
    Prerequisites See Student Teaching in the College of Education section and Student Teaching in the Secondary Education section of this catalog for specific prerequisites.
    May be repeated.
    Notes Letter grade only.
  • EDSC 484 - Secondary Supervised Internship Seminar

    Secondary teacher candidates attend required seminar sessions during student teaching. The seminar is designed to provide 1) support for correlating professional education courses to actual classroom teaching experiences, 2) reflective opportunities for self-assessment of teaching competencies, and 3) systematic connections between university and school district supervisory personnel.

    Credits 1-3
    Corequisites  ,  , or  .
  • EDSC 485 - Secondary Supervised Teaching Residency

    Full time teaching as a teacher candidate in a secondary school related directly to the student’s program of study teaching field(s). Secondary teacher candidates demonstrate their knowledge, skills and disposition for teaching through directed mentorship from certified licensed teachers and university liaisons/supervisors and participate in all aspects of a secondary school for a total of 12-16 credits.

    Credits 1-16
    Corequisites  .
    Prerequisites See Student Teaching in the College of Education section and Student Teaching in the Secondary Education section of this catalog for specific prerequisites.
    May be repeated.
    Notes Letter grade only.
  • EDSC 485A - Secondary Supervised Teaching Residency: Major Field

    Full time teaching as a teacher candidate in a secondary school related directly to the student’s program of study teaching field(s). Secondary teacher candidates demonstrate their knowledge, skills and disposition for teaching through directed mentorship from certified licensed teachers and university liaisons/supervisors and participate in all aspects of a secondary school for a total of 12-16 credits.

    Credits 1-16
    Corequisites  .
    Prerequisites See Student Teaching in the College of Education section and Student Teaching in the Secondary Education section of this catalog for specific prerequisites.
    May be repeated.
    Notes Letter grade only.
  • EDSC 485B - Secondary Supervised Teaching Residency: Minor Field

    Full time teaching as a teacher candidate in a secondary school related directly to the student’s program of study teaching field(s). Secondary teacher candidates demonstrate their knowledge, skills and disposition for teaching through directed mentorship from certified licensed teachers and university liaisons/supervisors and participate in all aspects of a secondary school for a total of 12-16 credits.

    Credits 1-16
    Corequisites  .
    Prerequisites See Student Teaching in the College of Education section and Student Teaching in the Secondary Education section of this catalog for specific prerequisites.
    May be repeated.
    Notes Letter grade only.
  • EDSC 486 - Secondary Supervised Residency Seminar

    Secondary teacher candidates attend required seminar sessions during student teaching. The seminar is designed to provide 1) support for correlating professional education courses to actual classroom teaching experiences, 2) reflective opportunities for self-assessment of teaching competencies, and 3) systematic connections between university and school district supervisory personnel.

    Credits (1-3)
    Corequisites  ,  , or  .
  • EDSC 493 - Secondary Education Independent Study

    Independent study instruction in secondary education designed to develop in-depth understanding of current educational trends and issues. Maximum of six credits from independent study courses accepted toward a degree.

    Credits 1-6
    May be repeated.
  • EDSC 495 - Secondary Education Topics:

    Specialized instruction in secondary education designed to develop in-depth understanding of current educational topics. Maximum of six credits from education topics courses accepted toward a degree.

    Credits 1-6
    May be repeated.
  • EDSP 401 - Problems in Special Education

    Specialized instruction in special education designed to develop in-depth understanding of a current educational problem.

    Credits (1-6)
    Prerequisites Consent of instructor.
  • EDSP 411 - Students with Disabilities in General Education Settings

    Exploration of techniques/principles commonly employed in special education and their usefulness to regular class teachers, recreation personnel, parents, and others who work with handicapped children in regular settings.

    Credits 3
    Prerequisites   or   or   or   (EDW 290) or   or  .
  • EDSP 412 - Foundations of Motor Skills

    Psychological, kinesiological, and mechanical principles for understanding and applying motor activities and remedial techniques.

    Credits 4
    Prerequisites  .
  • EDSP 413 - Introduction to Adapted Physical Education

    (Same as PED 465.) Adapted physical education and recreational programming for the physically challenged child. Emphasis on gross and fine motor coordinative activities, fitness, and recreational activities in special education.

    Credits 3
    Prerequisites Ten credits in special education and consent of instructor.
  • EDSP 414 - Career Education for Students with Disabilities

    (Same as  .) Consideration and design of career education programs for students with disabilities. Transition and adult programs discussed.

    Credits 3
    Prerequisites  .

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