Feb 16, 2025  
2020-2021 Graduate Catalog 

Maintaining Good Academic Standing

Definition of Good Academic Standing

Academic Integrity

Non-academic Advising 

Student Issues and Appeals

Probation and Separation



Definition of Good Academic Standing

To be in good academic standing, graduate students must have a 3.0 or higher graduate program GPA in their current certificate/program(s), have met any provisional and conditional admissions requirements, comply with the continuous enrollment policy, not be on academic probation, and not be involved in any type of active conduct investigation on campus. Please note that students return to good academic standing once they successfully remedy the issue that impacted their standing.


Academic Integrity

The university and the Graduate College expect scholarly integrity and academic honesty on the part of students, faculty, staff, and administrators. All academic work must be done in an ethical manner. The UNLV faculty and administration regard any attempt by a student to present as their own work that which they did not solely produce as a very serious offense. Students are considered to have cheated, for example, if they copy the work of another; use unauthorized notes or other aids during an examination; turn in a paper or an assignment written, in whole or in part, by someone else as their own. Students are guilty of plagiarism, intentional or not, if they copy material from books, magazines, or other sources without identifying and acknowledging the sources, or if they paraphrase ideas from such sources without acknowledging them—even if doing so was unintentional. Students guilty of, or assisting others in, either cheating or plagiarism on an assignment, quiz, examination, or other scholarly endeavor may receive a grade of ‘F’ for the course involved and may be suspended or separated from the program.

Additionally, UNLV has established policies regarding research misconduct among students, faculty, and staff. Research misconduct pertains to the commission of any of the following acts: falsification of data, improper assignment of authorship, claiming another person’s work as one’s own, unprofessional manipulation of experiments or of research procedures, or misappropriation of research funds. Likewise, most academic disciplines have codes of conduct that faculty and students must abide by specific to your field of study.


Non-academic Advising 

The Graduate College Assistant Dean of Student Services team is available to help provide guidance and nonacademic advisement to students who have questions or concerns about policies, processes, or student due process rights. This office collaborates with all campus partners, faculty, staff, and administration to stay up-to-date on resources that best serve the graduate population. Questions and advice regarding nonacademic advising issues, graduate level academic appeals, course overloads, LOAs, thesis and dissertation formatting, undergrads seeking to take graduate level courses, as well as information about professional development and career readiness and other administrative matters are addressed by this team. Graduate students must consult with their faculty advisor, GAC, graduate coordinator, department chair, and/or college for academic advising.


Student Issues and Appeals

All conduct code violations are handled by the Office of Student Conduct; academic appeals and requests for waivers of Graduate College policies are handled through the Graduate College. All graduate students have a due process right to appeal an academic policy, procedure, or issue and to request specific relief or remedy. 

With respect to academic appeals, graduate students are expected to comport themselves professionally and conform to the ethics, guidelines, policies, and standards of their discipline. It is the responsibility of students to know and observe all regulations and procedures related to their graduate program, the Graduate College, NSHE, and UNLV. Questions regarding graduate-level study, graduate student policies, rights, responsibilities, and/or regulations and their interpretation should be addressed with the assistant dean for Student Services in the Graduate College. While the Graduate College will assist with nonacademic advising, graduate students should first seek input and guidance from their faculty advisor, GAC, graduate coordinator, department chair, and/or college dean as many issues can be resolved at these levels without need for input from the Graduate College for academic advising.

To submit an academic appeal, graduate students initiate an appeal form in their Grad Rebel Gateway. The form must be filled out completely and supporting documents should be attached, if available. The appeal will route through the student’s department, academic dean, and then to the assistant dean for Student Services and the Graduate College dean. The appeal will be reviewed and recommendations logged at each level. The Graduate College dean’s decision on academic appeals is final. In particularly complex or difficult cases, the Graduate College dean may request that the assistant dean of Student Services hold an appeal meeting with the GALIC and invite the student to present their case, as well as faculty or administrators in the student’s department, school, and/or college to do the same. The committee serves in an advisory capacity and the dean will carefully consider their recommendation and the facts of the case before rendering the final university decision on the matter.

Conduct complaints and appeals are handled by the Office of Student Conduct. If a faculty member suspects that a graduate student may have committed academic dishonesty, or that the student is otherwise in violation of the UNLV Student Conduct Code, the faculty member or administrator must contact the Office of Student Conduct to discuss the possibility of disciplinary review under procedures described in the NSHE document Rules and Disciplinary Procedures for Members of the University Community

Academic penalties for academic dishonesty include, but are not limited to: assigning the graduate student a failing grade for the corresponding segment of the course or for the entire course; requiring the student to rewrite the corresponding sections of a research paper, professional paper, thesis or dissertation, or the document in full; failing the student on the exam in question; or recommending that the student is separated from their graduate program. Further disciplinary sanction options described in the UNLV Student Conduct Code include warning, probation, suspension, and expulsion or revocation of a degree if a degree has been previously awarded. 

The Office of Student Conduct’s final decision will be relayed to the student, their department, and the Graduate College. Please visit the Progression and Completion Policies section for further information about Graduate College academic appeal guidelines and procedures.

If a graduate student fails to maintain the standards of academic or professional integrity expected as defined in writing by their discipline or program, the student’s admission status in their graduate program will be terminated. If any member of the university community is deemed guilty of academic dishonesty, action may be brought under Title 2, Chapter 6 of the Board of Regents Handbook. In addition, students who violate these standards will be subject to conduct sanctions, in accordance with the UNLV Student Conduct Code and Policies, in order to promote their own personal development, to protect the university community, and to maintain order and stability on campus.


Probation and Separation
Academic probation at the graduate level is a non-punitive mechanism used to ensure that graduate students who are not successfully progressing in their graduate programs are provided with clear information and requirements to guide them to appropriate progression and timely program completion. Separation from a program can result from a variety of reasons including failure to meet probation requirements, failure to comply with continuous enrollment requirements, failure to meet admissions conditions or provisions, failure to meet degree program requirements in program handbooks or the Graduate Catalog, student conduct issues (handled through the UNLV Office of Student Conduct), etc. For additional information, please review the Progression and Completion Policies  .




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