Brown, Monica- Full Graduate Faculty
Professor; B.A., University of Arkansas; M.Ed., Ph.D., University of Nevada Las Vegas. Rebel since 2014.
Graduate Coordinators
Baker, Joshua - Full Graduate Faculty
Assistant Professor; B.A., M.A., Marshall University; Ph.D. University of North Carolina, Charlotte. Rebel since 2012.
Morgan, Joseph - Full Graduate Faculty
Assistant Professor; B.A., University of Illinois at Chicago; M.Ed., Ph.D. University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Rebel since 2012.
Graduate Faculty
Bengochea, Alain - Full Graduate Faculty
Assistant Professor; B.A., University of Florida; M.S.Ed., Fordham University; Ph.D., University of Miami. Rebel since 2016.
Brinson, Jesse A. - Full Graduate Faculty
Associate Professor; B.A., Clark College; M.A., University of the District of Columbia; Ed.D., Western Michigan University. Rebel since 1989.
Brown, Nancy - Associate Graduate Faculty
Faculty in Residence; B.S., M.Ed., Utah State University. Rebel since 1992.
Chen, Ching-Chen (Jen) - Full Graduate Faculty
Assistant Professor; B.Ed., M.S., National Dong Hwa University; M.A., Ph.D., University of Cincinnati. Rebel since 2016.
Cumming, Michelle - Full Graduate Faculty
Assistant Professor; B.FA, Florida International University; M.S.Ed., Sunbridge College; Ph.D., University of Florida. Rebel since 2016.
Filler, John - Full Graduate Faculty
Professor; B.A., Randolph Macon College; M.A., Wake Forest University; Ph.D., Vanderbilt University. Rebel since 1989.
Gelfer, Jeffrey - Full Graduate Faculty
Professor; B.A., Wilmington College; M.S., University of Oregon; Ph.D., Florida State University. Rebel since 1989.
Harris, Katrina - Full Graduate Faculty
Faculty in Residence; B.A., Stephens College; M.Ed., Ph.D., University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Rebel since 2010.
Higgins, Kyle - Full Graduate Faculty
Professor; B.A., M.A., Ph.D., University of New Mexico. Rebel since 1991.
Hoskins, Wendy - Full Graduate Faculty
Associate Professor; B.A., William Penn College M.A., Truman State University; Ph.D., Idaho State University. Rebel since 2003.
Huerta, Margarita- Full Graduate Faculty
Asssistant Professor; B.A., Rice University; M.A., University of Texas at Austin; M.Ed., Texas State University; Ph.D., Texas A&M University. Rebel since 2014
Lau, Jared - Full Graduate Faculty
Assistant Professor; B.S., Univeristy of Hawaii at Manoa; M.S., University of San Diego; Ph.D., University of North Carolina at Charlotte. Rebel since 2013.
More, Cori - Full Graduate Faculty
Assistant Professor; B.A., University of Montana; M.Ed., Western New Mexico University; Ph.D., University of Nevada Las Vegas. Rebel since 2013.
Pollard-Durodola, Sharolyn- Full Graduate Faculty
Professor; A.B. Mount Holyoke College; M.A.T Columbia, M.S. University of New York, Ed.D. University of Houston. Rebel since 2015.
Smith, Shannon - Full Graduate Faculty
Professor; B.A., Eastern Bible College M.A., Ashland College; Ph.D., Oregon State University. Rebel since 2003.
Spies, Tracy - Full Graduate Faculty
Assistant Professor; B. S., University of Houston; M.S., Sam Houston State University; Ph.D., Texas A & M University. Rebel since 2012.