Dec 04, 2024  
2017-2018 Graduate Catalog 

Graduate Courses

  • CIL 600 - Topics Literacy Education

    Credits 1 – 6

    Examines specific topics and issues of content, materials, methods, and procedures related to literacy and literacy learning.

    CIL 702

    Maximum of six credits accepted toward a degree.

  • CIL 601 - Foundations of Literacy Learning

    Credits 3

    Surveys theories and historical trends leading up to present day literacy instruction. Incorporates application of current research to the methods and philosophies of teaching reading and writing.

    CIL 701

  • CIL 604 - Literacy Instruction for Young Children

    Credits 3

    Current trends, practices, materials, and methods utilized in grades K-3. Includes language development, reading and writing development, and application of current research.

    May include field experience.

      or CILR 601  

  • CIL 607 - Comprehensive Reading Instruction

    Credits 3

    Study of historical developments, theoretical underpinnings and practical applications of a comprehensive approach to literacy instruction.

      or consent of instructor.

  • CIL 610 - Content Area Literacy

    Credits 3

    Development of literacy processes and strategies in content areas.

    CIL 710

  • CIL 616 - Teaching Writing

    Credits 3

    Study of research-based practices and methods in teaching and assessing writing. Throughout the course students will explore the writing process through personal writing assignments.

    CIL 716

  • CIL 617 - Southern Nevada Writing Project: Invitational Institute

    Credits 6

    Participants in the SNWP Invitational Institute explore writing and the teaching of writing by engaging in the process themselves, demonstrating effective writing practices, planning school and community-based inquiry, and reading and responding to professional resources.

    CIL 717

    As an invitational institute, application and interview process required.

    Application and interview.

  • CIL 621 - Assessment in Literacy

    Credits 3

    Examines naturalistic assessment procedures in literacy based on a holistic philosophy. Students expected to field test selected assessment procedures. Strategies for improving instruction presented. K-12 perspective.

    CIL 721

      or consent of instructor.

  • CIL 622 - Practicum Literacy Diagnosis and Instruction

    Credits 3

    Practicum in the application of principles, materials, and instructional strategies for teaching students with literacy difficulties.

    CIL 722


  • CIL 629 - Reading Conference

    Credits 3

    Annual conference to bring together teachers and experts in reading, the related language arts, and reading in the content area. Presentation of timely topics, new teaching techniques and technology-based media.

    May be repeated to a maximum of six credits.

    S/F grading only.

  • CIL 641 - Instruction English and Language Arts

    Credits 3

    Study of research-based instructional practices in the teaching of English/language arts.

    CIL 711

    CIL 701 or consent of instructor.

  • CIL 642 - Instruction English Education

    Credits 3

    Designed to connect the study of curriculum theory and research related to the teaching of English with the practices of teacher in the secondary English classroom. Methods for reading, writing, speaking and listening skills addressed.

    CIL 712

  • CIL 643 - Curriculum Development English Education

    Credits 3

    Emphasizes research and curriculum studies dealing with content and procedures in the English/language arts.

    CIL 713

  • CIL 671 - Materials Selection School Library

    Credits 3

    Study of research-based practices and methods of assessing and selecting school library material to meet curricular needs and reading interests and abilities of students. Methods of acquisition include design and implementation of collection development policies and survey of bibliographic tools used in the selection of K-12 materials.

    CIL 731

  • CIL 672 - Reference Methods and Resources School Library

    Credits 3

    Study of research-based practices and methods of the school library’s informational curricular support function including the role of the school library specialist as an information resource consultant, teacher and instructional partner. Examines selected print and electronic reference tools including dictionaries, encyclopedias, yearbooks, periodical indexes and subject area references.

    CIL 732

  • CIL 673 - Technology Applications School Library

    Credits 3

    Examines the issues and methods for the application of library science-based technology in the school library.

    CIL 733

  • CIL 674 - Organization and Classification School Library

    Credits 3

    Introduction to the principles, practices and trends of organizing information in the school library including the classification, cataloging, and processing of materials for effective access and retrieval.

    CIL 734

      and   or consent of instructor.

    Concurrent or prerequisite  .

  • CIL 675 - Administration School Library

    Credits 3

    Study of research-based principles and strategies for planning, organizing and administering school library programs and practices related to policy development, budgets, personnel, public relations, facilities planning, and systematic program planning and evaluation.

    CIL 735


  • CIL 676 - Supervised Practicum School Library

    Credits 3

    Supervised library practicum under the direction of professional librarians in school settings.

    CIL 736


    Concurrent or prerequisite  .

  • CIL 680 - Contemporary Literature Children and Young Adults

    Credits 3

    Designed for teachers and librarians. Evaluation, selection, and use of recent literature for children and young adults.

    CIL 740

    May be repeated after a six-year period.

  • CIL 684 - Multicultural Literature

    Credits 3

    Study and critical evaluation of multicultural and multiethnic literature and media for children and young adults.

    CIL 741

  • CIL 687 - Literature-Based Instruction

    Credits 3

    Study and application of principles and techniques of teaching reading and language arts with children’s literature (trade books) as primary content.

    CIL 742

     , CIL 681 or CIL 682

  • CIL 688 - Historical Development of Literature

    Credits 3

    Survey of the development of literature for children; investigation of social and cultural factors affecting children’s reading and the publication of children’s books during different periods of United States history; critical analysis of the literary value of children’s books.

    CIL 743

     , CIL 681, or CIL 682 or consent of instructor.

  • CIL 691 - Organization and Supervision Literacy Programs

    Credits 3

    For individual serving in or preparing for leadership roles in literacy. Emphasis on the effects of education reform; evaluation of model programs; design, implementation and evaluation of district-wide programs; development of guidelines for staff development.

    CIL 726

    Fifteen hours graduate coursework in literacy or consent of instructor.

  • CIL 693 - Literacy for a Diverse Society

    Credits 3

    Advanced course work focuses on literacy issues for students, including diverse learners from various cultures, socioeconomic backgrounds, and language groups.

    CIL 728

    Fifteen hours graduate coursework in literacy or consent of instructor.

  • CIL 699 - Literacy Research Seminar

    Credits 3

    Examination of seminal and current literacy education research through readings, writings, discussions, and presentations.

    CIG 717

    Fifteen hours of graduate coursework or consent of instructor.

  • CIL 747 - Literary Theories and Children’s Literature

    Credits 3

    Explores various theoretical positions within the framework of literary theory and how these positions have influenced reading and literature instruction. Participants will come to understand a range of perspectives within literary theory and be able to relate these theories to reading comprehension and literacy development.

    CIL 740 or CIL 741

  • CIL 770 - Advanced Practicum in Diagnosis and Instruction of Literacy Difficulties

    Credits 3

    Advanced practicum in the application of principles, materials, and instructional strategies for teaching students with literacy difficulties.

    Maximum of six credits accepted toward a degree.

    Doctoral status or consent of instructor.

  • CIL 772 - Cognitive Foundations of Literacy

    Credits 3

    Examines theories and research on cognition related to literacy learning and programs of literacy instruction for adults and children. Required of doctoral students in the literacy emphasis sequence.

    Doctoral status.

  • CIL 774 - Historical Foundations of Literacy Research and Instruction

    Credits 3

    Examines the historical foundations of literacy research and instruction. Overview of significance of research and theories within literacy and the implications for instruction today.

    Doctoral status.

  • CIL 776 - Social and Political Issues in Literacy

    Credits 3

    Examines the social and political implications of literacy access and development by investigating the role of literacy in culture, government, economics, technology and its future in society.

      and   or consent of instructor. Doctoral status.

  • CIL 782 - Theory and Research in the English/Language Arts

    Credits 3

    Critical interpretation and evaluation of research and theoretical writing in English/language arts.

    Maximum of six credits accepted toward a degree.

      and   or consent of instructor. Doctoral status.

  • CIL 784 - Theory and Research in Literacy

    Credits 3

    Critical review of major studies in literacy with the student identifying an area or areas which warrant investigation; planning a possible implementation of research proposal.

    Maximum of six credits accepted toward a degree.

    Six hours of educational research from   , or  . Doctoral status.

  • CILR 601 - Foundations Literacy Learning

    Credits 3

    Surveys theories and historical trends leading up to present day literacy instruction. Incorporates application of current research to the methods and philosophies of teaching reading and writing.

  • CILR 604 - Literacy Instruction for Young Children

    Credits 3

    Current trends, practices, materials, and methods utilized in grades K-3. Includes language development, reading and writing development, and application of current research.

  • CILR 607 - Comprehensive Reading Instruction

    Credits 3

    Study of historical developments, theoretical underpinnings and practical applications of a comprehensive approach to literacy instruction.

  • CILR 610 - Content Area Literacy

    Credits 3

    Development of literacy processes and strategies in content areas.

  • CILR 621 - Assessment in Literacy

    Credits 3

    Examines naturalistic assessment procedures in literacy based on a holistic philosophy. Students expected to field test selected assessment procedures. Strategies for improving instruction presented. K-12 perspective.

  • CILR 622 - Practicum Literacy Diagnosis and Instruction

    Credits 3

    Practicum in the application of principles, materials, and instructional strategies for teaching students with literacy difficulties.

  • CILR 680 - Contemporary Literature for Children & Young Adults

    Credits 3

    Designed for teachers and librarians. Evaluation, selection, and use of recent literature for children and young adults.

  • CIS 513A - Teaching Secondary Art

    Credits 3

    Provides an overview of methods and materials to include instructional strategies, curriculum standards, and classroom management techniques for teaching secondary school art. Students must have completed or be currently enrolled in courses to complete three-fourths of the content coursework in art.


  • CIS 533 - Teaching Secondary English

    Credits 3

    This course is designed for preservice teachers planning to teach high school English. Course topics include methods, materials, teaching techniques, and strategies unique to the English classroom, as well as curriculum design, lesson planning, assessment, and current issues in the teaching of English.

    This course is crosslisted with EDSC 433. Credit at the 500 level requires additional work.

    CIS 702

  • CIS 543 - Teaching Secondary Foreign/Second Language

    Credits 3

    Provides an overview of theories, methods, materials to include insturctional strategies, curriculum standards, and classroom management techniques for teaching Languages Other Than English (LOTE) at the secondary school level. Students must have completed or be currently enrolled in courses to complete three-fourths of the content coursework in LOTE.

    20-24 semester credit hours of LOTE.


  • CIS 553M - Teaching Middle School Mathematics

    Credits 3

    Explore mathematics and its relation to education in grades 6 through 9. The focus is to develop skills in planning and teaching mathematics. Lessons incorporate use of technology, cooperative learning, and manipulatives while providing an environment to construct knowledge about arithmetic, algebra, geometry, probability, and statistics. Evaluation using formative and summative strategies.

    This course is crosslisted with EDMS 453. Credit at the 500-level requires additional work.


    Concurrent enrollment in a practicum

  • CIS 553S - Teaching Secondary Mathematics

    Credits 3

    The focus is on developing skills in planning and teaching mathematics for grades 9 –12 that are consistent with Mathematics Standards. Students explore instructional strategies to develop understanding of concepts in the topic areas of arithmetic, algebra, geometry, trigonometry, calculus, probability, and statistics. Evaluation procedures use formative and summative strategies. 

    This course is crosslisted with EDSC 453. Credit at the 500-level requires additional work.


    Concurrent enrollment in a practicum.

  • CIS 563 - Teaching Secondary Science

    Credits 3

    This course is designed for candidates intending to teach high school science. Course topics include: assessing knowledge before instruction, designing curriculum, planning lessons, promoting inquiry-oriented teaching, teaching about evolution and nature of science, scientific literacy, laboratory safety, national and state standards, using technology, and assessing student learning.

    This course is crosslisted with EDSC 463. Credit at the 500-level requires additional work.


    Enrollment in a practicum and CIS 702.

  • CIS 573 - Teaching Secondary Social Studies

    Credits 3

    Teaching Secondary Social Studies

  • CIS 601 - Secondary Teacher Development Seminar

    Credits 3

    Designed for students entering the Secondary Graduate Licensure program. Examines contemporary trends for developing classroom expertise with observations in a middle or high school setting. Focuses on theory and practice in fostering personal and professional development for inservice teachers.

    CIS 701

    Same as

    Graduate standing.

    Admission to Graduate Licensure Program.

  • CIS 602 - Secondary School Practicum

    Credits 3

    Designed for Secondary Graduate Licensure students. Exposure to contemporary urban educational settings and basic management and planning strategies through structured experiences in a middle or high school settings, supplemented with campus-based instruction.

    CIS 702

    PPST and   

      and subject area methods.

  • CIS 603 - Secondary Process and Instruction

    Credits 3

    Designed to examine effective teaching practices and theories. Students examine research literature in classroom organization and management, instructional planning, classroom contexts and conditions. Provides analyses of the secondary classroom processes, school context, and the community at large.

    CIS 703

    PPST and   

      and subject area methods.

  • CIS 604 - Secondary Classroom Management

    Credits 3

    Students engage in the examination of theories, models and application of classroom management to develop a personal philosophy and effective practices of managing contemporary middle and high school classrooms.

    CIS 711

    Graduate standing

  • CIS 610 - Middle School History, Theory, and Philosophy

    Credits 3

    Study of history, theory, and philosophy of middle school learning environments. Emphasis on application of theory and philosophy to contemporary middle school contexts.

    CIS 716

  • CIS 611 - Instructional Trends for the Middle School Level

    Credits 3

    Study of application of knowledge about instructional strategies, adolescent development, and models of teaching to the middle school context. Students design lessons appropriate for middle-level learners and examine literature on interdisciplinary teaching and middle-level learners.

    CIS 717

    CIS 710

  • CIS 612 - Curriculum Development Middle School Education

    Credits 3

    Studies application of curriculum development theory to middle school context. Emphasis on middle-level teacher’s role in curriculum development. Students examine and develop interdisciplinary teaching units.

    CIS 718

      or   or   

  • CIS 613 - Contemporary Middle School Research

    Credits 3

    Assessment of research practices and trends in middle schools. Emphasis on application of research findings to school classroom. Proposals for action research projects in middle school learning environment required.

    CIS 719

    Three hours course work in research; six hours in middle school education.

  • CIS 617 - Topics Secondary Education

    Credits 1 – 3

    Examines specific topics and issues related to content in secondary subjects.

    CIS 707

    Maximum of six credits accepted toward a degree.

    Current teaching certificate or consent of instructor.

  • CIS 618 - Instructional Methods Secondary School

    Credits 3

    Study of research-based practice and methods related to curricular content in specific secondary subjects.

    CIS 708

    Current teaching certificate or consent of instructor.

  • CIS 620 - Topics Secondary School Mathematics

    Credits 1 - 3

    Examines specific topics and issues related to content and pedagogy in secondary mathematics education.

    Same as

    Maximum of six credits accepted toward a degree.

    Secondary mathematics undergraduate methods course and current teaching certificate.

  • CIS 622 - Instructional Middle School Mathematics Education

    Credits 3

    Study of research-based practice and methods in middle school mathematics education.

    EDEL 433 or EDMS 453 or EDSC 453 or consent of instructor.

  • CIS 624 - Instruction Secondary Mathematics Education

    Credits 3

    Study of research-based practice and methods in secondary school mathematics education.

    CIS 724

    EDMS 453 or EDSC 453 or consent of instructor.

  • CIS 628 - Technology Application in Secondary Mathematics Education

    Credits 3

    Study and development of research-based practices and methods of using computer-based technology to teach mathematics in secondary schools.

    CIS 728

      or   or consent of instructor.

  • CIS 629 - Curriculum Development Secondary Mathematics Education

    Credits 3

    Examiners research and curriculum studies related to content and procedures within secondary school mathematics programs.

    Same as

      or   or consent of instructor.

  • CIS 630 - Topics Secondary School Science

    Credits 1 - 3

    Examines specific topics and issues related to content and pedagogy in secondary science education.

    Same as

    Maximum of six credits accepted toward a degree.

    Current teaching certificate or consent of instructor.

  • CIS 632 - Instruction Middle School Science Education

    Credits 3

    This course is designed for teachers of middle school science. Course topics include: assessing knowledge before instruction, designing curriculum, planning lessons, promoting inquiry-oriented teaching, teaching about evolution and nature of science, scientific literacy, laboratory safety, national and state standards, using technology, and assessing student learning.

    EDSC 463 or consent of instructor.

  • CIS 634 - Instruction Secondary Science Education

    Credits 3

    Study off research-based practice and methods in secondary school science education.

    EDSC 463 or EDSC 563 and current teaching certificate or consent of instructor.

  • CIS 638 - Technology Applications in Secondary Science Education

    Credits 3

    Study and development of research-based practices and methods of using computer-based technology to teach science in secondary schools.

    CIS 738

      or   or consent of instructor.

  • CIS 639 - Curriculum Development Secondary Science Education

    Credits 3

    Examines research and curriculum studies related to content and procedures within secondary school science programs.

    Same as

      or   or consent of instructor.

  • CIS 640 - Topics Secondary Social Studies Education

    Credits 1 - 3

    Examines specific topics and issues related to content and pedagogy in secondary social studies education.

    Same as

    Maximum of six credits accepted toward a degree.

    Current teaching certificate or consent of instructor.

  • CIS 644 - Instruction Secondary Social Studies Education

    Credits 3

    Study of research-based practice and methods in secondary school social studies education.

    EDSC 473 or EDSC 573 and current teaching certificate.

  • CIS 649 - Curriculum Development Secondary Social Studies Education

    Credits 3

    Examines research and curriculum studies related to content and procedures within secondary school social studies programs.

    Same as

      or consent of instructor.

  • CIS 682 - Secondary School Instruction

    Credits 3

    Examines effective teaching practices derived from classroom-based research. Includes instructional planning, instructional strategies, motivational techniques, teaching models, and the teacher-as-researcher.

    CIS 704

    EDSC 481 or consent of instructor.

  • CIS 684 - Secondary Education Curriculum

    Credits 3

    Examines the major input variables to curriculum decision-making at the secondary level. Emphasis on the levels of curriculum decision-making, decision implementations, and curriculum evaluation.

    CIS 705

    EDSC 481 or consent of instructor.

  • CIS 686 - Curriculum Development Secondary Education

    Credits 3

    Introduces problem of conducting systematic inquiry in the curriculum field related to a subject area discipline, including generation of practical programs, curriculum research and theory, innovative proposals, and critical analysis. Current status of field, literature sources, and work of leading scholars.


  • CIT 600 - Topics in Educational Technology:

    Credits 1 - 6

    Specialized course that explores current educational technology topics.

  • CIT 601 - Technology Applications Elementary Curriculum

    Credits 3

    Study of issues and applications of digital technologies in elementary schools. Students will explore appropriate uses of technology and gain hands-on experience in developing instructional activities using technology applications.

    CIT 701

    Same as

  • CIT 602 - Technology Applications Secondary Curriculum

    Credits 3

    Study of issues and applications of digital technologies in secondary schools. Students will explore appropriate uses of technology and gain hands-on experience in developing instructional activities using technology applications.

    CIT 702

    Same as

  • CIT 604 - Nevada Technology Leadership Conference

    Credits 1

    Annual conference to bring together educators interested in enhancing teaching and learning with computer-based technology. Presentations of timely topics, new techniques and strategies, and the latest hardware and software applications.

    CIT 704

    Maximum of three credits accepted toward a degree.

    Course work or experience in computing.

  • CIT 607 - Technology as Educational Mindtools

    Credits 3

    Examines current technologies as examples of mindtools, research-based devices used to help students think and learn. Explores mindtools as a cognitive model and uses technology as a mindtool while providing students with the requisite skills to implement these tools in a classroom setting.

    CIT 707

  • CIT 608 - Integrating Technology in Teaching and Learning

    Credits 3

    Study of research-based practices and methods of integrating technology to promote thinking and learning. Students actively explore contemporary technologies and environments for the production and consumption of information.

    CIT 720 and CIT 620.

    Coursework in educational technology or consent of instructor.

  • CIT 609 - Internet for Learning

    Credits 3

    Examines the potential of the Internet to impact education and learning. Explores a wide range of online resources and how they can be integrated into instruction.

    CIT 709

  • CIT 611 - Digital Publishing for Educators

    Credits 3

    Hands-on tutorials and design assignments for using page layout and graphics software to create well designed, effective publications for professional and instructional purposes. Topics include: design principles, layout techniques, graphics and type manipulation, importing media, and desktop publishing projects for the classroom.

    CIT 711

    Coursework in educational technology or consent of instructor.

  • CIT 622 - Microcomputer Technology for Educators

    Credits 3

    In-depth look at how personal computers work. Microprocessors, printed circuit boards, bus structures, storage devices, and display options examined from the perspective of how they impact educational applications, purchasing decisions, and planning.

    CIT 722

    Coursework in educational technology or consent of instructor.

  • CIT 643 - Designing Digital Materials for Education

    Credits 3

    Examines instructional design principles and applies them to the design of instructional software. Explores various theories of learning as they apply to courseware.

    CIT 743

      or consent of instructor.

  • CIT 647 - Creating Online Learning Environments

    Credits 3

    Educational Web site development using contemporary tools and contexts. Emphasis on web-based programming and user interface design.

    CIT 747

      or consent of instructor.

  • CIT 648 - Issues and Methods in Online Learning

    Credits 3

    Addresses the theory and practice for online teaching and learning. Participants explore a range of resources and extend skills in creating and implementing digital learning activities. Emphasis is on pedagogical issues and trends in virtual schooling and distance education.

    CIT 768, CIT 668

      or consent of instructor.

  • CIT 649 - Instructional Methods Computer Applications

    Credits 3

    Study of research-based practices and methods for teaching computer applications. Emphasis on developing project-based instructional activities for teaching digital technologies in the elementary/secondary classroom or professional development settings.

    CIT 749

    Coursework in educational technology or consent of instructor.

  • CIT 651 - Instructional Methods Computer Science

    Credits 3

    Study of research-based practices and methods in the teaching of computer science topics including algorithmic processes and their principles, object orientation and programming, elements of software design and usability, data abstraction and logic structures, and interface design. Emphasis is on project-based learning (PBL) strategies in a web-based development environment.


    CIT 751

    Consent of instructor.

  • CIT 653 - Creating Digital Materials for Education

    Credits 3

    Focus on current application programming interfaces for developing digital educational materials.

    CIT 753

      or consent of instructor.

  • CIT 667 - Technology and Educational Change

    Credits 3

    Examines issues and trends pertaining to the implementation of technology-based innovations. Includes a review of research on past and current change efforts. Topics covered include professional development, assessment, strategies for technology coordinators, grant writing, and long-range planning for effective change.

    CIT 767

      or consent of instructor.

  • CIT 669 - Advanced Web Design and Development for Educators

    Credits 3

    Advanced educational web site development with emphasis on web-based programming and user interface design. Development environments such as JavaScript, Perl/ CGI, and brief introduction to Java explored.

    CIT 769

      or consent of instructor.

  • CIT 673 - Digital Materials Studio

    Credits 3

    Project-based course emphasizing problem definition, instructional design, and product development. Students work individually and collaboratively on a set of relevant technical and pedagogical competencies.

    CIT 763

      or consent of instructor.

  • CIT 676 - Management of Educational Technology Facilities and Resources

    Credits 3

    Advanced course focusing on problems and issues in procurement and management of educational computing applications, desktop workstations, computer laboratories, local and wide area networks, and support services. Consideration given to hardware and software interoperability; security for hardware, software and information; legal issues; health and safety factors; budgeting.

    CIT 766


  • CIT 700 - Advanced Topics in Educational Technology

    Credits 1 – 6

    Specialized course that explores current educational technology topics and issues.

  • CIT 770 - Foundations in Technology & Learning

    Credits 3

    Emphasis is on critical review and analysis of  computer-mediated communications, human-computer interaction, and human factors design research for learning contexts.

    Doctoral status or consent of instructor.

  • CIT 772 - Technology in Teacher Education

    Credits 3

    Examines issues and research on preparing teachers to enhance learning with technology. Topics include ISTE’s National Educational Technology Standards (NETS) for Students and Teachers, technology integration in methods courses and field experiences, electronic portfolio assessment, one-to-one laptop projects, and online learning in teacher preparation and professional development.

    Doctoral status or consent of instructor.

  • CIT 773 - Interaction Design

    Credits 3

    In-depth examination of how human-computer interaction design influences learning.

    Doctoral standing and/or consent of instructor. Students must have the ability to access and use UNLV’s Web Campus learning management system.

  • CIT 774 - Behavioral Sciences & Technology

    Credits 3

    Emphasis is placed on the critical review of theory-driven research in the general principles of behavioral and social processes in technological contexts.

    Doctoral standing and/or consent of instructor. Students must have the ability to access and use UNLV’s Web Campus learning management system.     

  • CIT 775 - Affect & Technology

    Credits 3

    In-depth examination of research that addresses the relationship between affect and learning as facilitated by technology.

    Doctoral standing and/or consent of instructor. Students must have the ability to access and use UNLV’s Web Campus learning management system.

  • CIT 776 - Emerging Technologies for Learning

    Credits 3

    In depth examination of contemporary technologies for example, social media platforms, mobile technologies, games, and simulations.

    Doctoral standing and/or consent of instructor. Students must have the ability to access and use UNLV’s Web Campus learning management system.    

  • CIT 778 - Instructional Design

    Credits 3

    Trends, issues, and research findings on effective instructional planning, presentation, and evaluation.

    Doctoral status or consent of instructor.


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