Sep 19, 2024  
2017-2018 Graduate Catalog 

Graduate Courses

  • ECG 707 - Logic Synthesis Engineering

    Credits 3

    Theory and application of Boolean Minimization, functional decomposition and logic synthesis for FPGAs, serial and parallel decomposition strategies, and design implementation using FPGAs. Design entry, introduction to VHDL, BDD, FSM, and BLIF. Placement and routing in Xilinx and Aleira.

    Graduate standing in computer engineering or consent of instructor.

  • ECG 709 - Synthesis and Optimization of Digital Systems

    Credits 3

    Study of the high-level synthesis and optimization algorithms for designing SOCs and MPSOCs. Topics including algorithms for high-level synthesis, scheduling, resource binding, real-time systems, application specific instruction processors, embedded systems and hardware/software codesigns. Simulate and synthesize algorithms using HDL languages (Verilog and SystemC). Use of simulators and emulators.

    CPE 300 and C/C++ knowledge or Instructor permission

  • ECG 720 - Advanced Analog IC Design

    Credits 3

    Advanced analog design considerations including: noise, common-mode feedback, high-speed design, and design for analog signal processing.

    EE 420 or  .

  • ECG 721 - Memory Circuit Design

    Credits 3

    A practical introduction to the transistor-level design of memory circuits. Memory technologies including DRAM, Flash, MRAM, Glass-based, and SRAM will be discussed.

    EE 421 or  .

  • ECG 722 - Mixed-Signal Circuit Design

    Credits 3

    Design of data converters using sigma-delta techniques. Operation and design of custom digital filters for decimating and interpolating in analog-to-digital interfaces.

    EE 320 and EE 360.

  • ECG 730 - Advanced Engineering Electromagnetics I

    Credits 3

    Conformal transformation with application to static field problems in engineering; wave harmonics with engineering applications; theorems of waves and media; Special Theory of Relativity with engineering applications; wave propagation in various media; engineering application of scattering.

    ECG 330 or consent of instructor.

  • ECG 731 - Theoretical Techniques in Electromagnetics

    Credits 3

    Review and introduce mathematical techniques basic to the study of engineering electromagnetics, including coupled mode theory; complex analysis; and Green’s function.

    ECG 330 or consent of instructor.

  • ECG 732 - Advanced Engineering Electromagnetics II

    Credits 3

    Scattering; particle and beam radiation; selected topics in advanced antenna and microwave engineering.

    ECG 330 or consent of instructor.

  • ECG 733 - Plasma I

    Credits 3

    Single particle motion; adiabatic invariants; plasmas as fluids; waves in plasmas; diffusion; resistivity; introduction to kinetic theory; Landau damping.

    ECG 330

  • ECG 740 - Computer Analysis Methods for Power Systems

    Credits 3

    Power system matrices, programming considerations, conventional power flow studies, approximate and fast power flow studies, optimal dispatch, fault studies, power system stability, stochastic methods in power systems analysis.

    ECG 440, ECG 440L or consent of instructor.

  • ECG 741 - Electric Power Distribution System Engineering

    Credits 3

    Electric load characteristics, distribution transformers, design of subtransmission lines and distribution substations, design of primary and secondary systems, voltage drop and power loss calculation, capacitor applications, voltage regulation, distribution system protection and reliability.

    ECG 440, ECG 440L or consent of instructor.

  • ECG 742 - Power System Stability and Control

    Credits 3

    Power equipment dynamic characteristics and modeling, control of active and reactive power, small-signal stability, transient stability, voltage stability, sub-synchronous oscillations, mid- and long-term stability, methods of improving stability.

    ECG 440, ECG 440L or consent of instructor.

  • ECG 743 - Smart Electrical Power Grid

    Credits 3

    Modeling and operation of conventional power systems, microgrid power systems, renewable energy systems with battery storage, smart grid concepts, smart power devices, smart grid communication, cyber security, advanced metering infrastructure, dynamic home area networks, demand response.

  • ECG 750 - Photonics

    Credits 3

    Review of Electromagnetic theory of light, optical wave propagation in vacuum and media, waveguides, fiber optics, quantum dots, lasers, LEDs, semiconductor lasers, optical detectors, electro-optic and acousto-optic modulations, nonlinear optics, harmonic generation, parametric process, Q-switching, mode locking, frequency combs, laser amplification, quantum mechanical aspects of light.

    MATH 432, EE 330, EE 452/ECG 652 or consent of instructor.

  • ECG 752 - Physical Electronics

    Credits 3

    Quantum Theory, electron in potential well, harmonic oscillator. Hydrogen atom, Band Theory of Solids, Kronig-Penny model, theory of metallic state, diffraction by crystals, electronic structure of solids.

    ECG 320 or consent of instructor.

  • ECG 753 - Advanced Topics in Semiconductor Devices I

    Credits 3

    Topics of current interest in solid state electronic devices: physics of semiconductors, thermal and optical and electronic properties of semiconductors, bipolar junction devices, field effect devices, surface related effects, optoelectronic devices, semiconductor lasers. Applications and the design of circuits using these devices. Intended for electrical and electronic engineers, physicists and qualified senior students in engineering and physics.

    PHYS 411 and 483 or ECG 421, ECG 420 and consent of instructor.

  • ECG 755 - Monolithic Integrated Circuit Fabrication

    Credits 3

    Fabrication of integrated silicon and gas circuits, thermal oxidation, solid state diffusion, epitaxial growth, ion implantation, photo and electron lithography, design considerations, surface effect.

    Graduate standing or consent of instructor.

  • ECG 756 - Advanced Topics in Semiconductor Devices II

    Credits 3

    Topics of current interest in solid state electronic devices: ultrafast electronics, high electron mobility transistors, superlattices, heteroface devices, transfer electron devices and III-V and II-VI compounds, novel device structures. Novel approaches to device modeling such as Monte Carlo simulations, self-consistent solution of Schroedinger and Poisson and other approaches.

    ECG 753

  • ECG 757 - Electron Transport Phenomena in Solid State Devices

    Credits 3

    Phenomenological transport equations, Boltzmann transport equation, relaxation time approximation, low field and high electron transport in Si and GaAs, moments of BTE, Monte Carlo simulation, spatial and temporal transients, device analysis, Quantum transport.

    ECG 450 or ECG 753.

  • ECG 758 - Numerical Methods in Engineering

    Credits 3

    Computational course with emphasis on both the numerical analysis and the programming aspects of computer-aided design using simulation methods. Coverage includes understanding and use of CAD programs such as ECAP, CIRCUS, ICECREM, SUPREM, etc.

    Graduate standing or consent of instructor.

  • ECG 758R - Optical Sensing

    Credits 3

    Quick review of fiber optics, lasers, and detectors. Fiber responses to disturbances, interferometry,  displacement sensors, laser stabilization, atomic clocks, precision time and frequency transfer, multiplexing in time, spatial, wavelength domains, rotation and angular sensors, acoustic sensors, deformation sensors, photonic Doppler velocimetry, remote sensing, biosensors, quantum enhancement.

    Consent of instructor. It is recommended but not required for students to have completed ECG 652  Optical Electronics and ECG 750  Photonics.

  • ECG 760 - Random Processes in Engineering Problems

    Credits 3

    Basic probability theory, random variables, probability and densities, expectation, static estimation, random processes, power spectral density, mean square calculus, Wiener integrals.

    ECG 460, MATH 461 or consent of instructor.

  • ECG 762 - Detection and Estimation of Signals in Noise

    Credits 3

    Hypothesis testing, matched filters, estimation theory, Kalman and Wiener filters, applications to communication systems.

    ECG 460, ECG 760 or consent of instructor.

  • ECG 763 - Advanced Digital Communication Systems

    Credits 3

    Digital communication systems with emphasis in digital modulation schemes, optimal detectors, inter symbol interference, channel equalization and multi-carrier communications.

    EE 460

  • ECG 770 - Linear Systems

    Credits 3

    Mathematical systems theory, state space concepts, canonical forms, time and frequency domains, controllability and observability, state feedback, compensator design, and algebraic systems theory.

    ECG 470, MATH 431 or consent of instructor.

  • ECG 771 - Optimal and Modern Control

    Credits 3

    Students will participate in one of the following activities:  research; clinical activity; community outreach under the supervision of a dentist/mentor; may also participate in clinical externship activities with prior approval.

    Topics selected according to the interests of the class.

    ECG 770  

  • ECG 772 - Nonlinear Systems

    Credits 3

    Introduction, differential equations, approximate analysis methods, Lyapunov stability, input-output stability.

    ECG 770  or consent of instructor.

  • ECG 774 - Stochastic Control

    Credits 3

    Introduction, stochastic processor, state estimation, Kalman Filter, nonlinear estimation, stochastic control.

    ECG 770 or consent of instructor.

  • ECG 776 - Adaptive Control

    Credits 3

    Introduction, model reference control, hyperstability, Popov criterion, parameter identification, adaptive control of discrete systems, adaptive predictor, adaptive state estimation.

    ECG 770 (formerly EEG 760) or consent of instructor.

  • ECG 780 - Digital Signal Processing

    Credits 3

    Introduction to the theory and applications of digital signal processing. Discrete-time signals, linear systems and difference equations. Sampling and multirate systems. One sided and two sided z-transforms. Finite impulse response (FIR) and infinite impulse response (IIR) systems. The discrete and fast Fourier transforms (FFT).

    ECG 460, MATH 431 or consent of instructor.

  • ECG 781 - Digital Filters

    Credits 3

    Theory and applications of digital filters. Structures for discrete time systems. Finite precision numerical effects in digital systems. Finite impulse response (FIR) and infinite impulse response (IIR) digital filters designs including windowing techniques, optimization techniques, analog to discrete time transformation techniques and wave digital filters.

    ECG 780

  • ECG 782 - Multidimensional Digital Signal Processing

    Credits 3

    Theory and applications of multidimensional (M-D) digital signal processing. M-D signals and systems. M-D z-transform. M-D DFT and FFT. Design and implementation of M-D FIR and IIR filters. Applications to image processing such as image enhancement and restoration. Advanced topics chosen according to class interests.

    ECG 780

  • ECG 783 - Adaptive Signal Processing with Neural Networks

    Credits 3

    Theory and application of adaptive signal processing with neural networks. Theory of adaptation and performance surfaces. Adaptive algorithms. Fundamental concepts and models of artificial neural systems. Single layer perception classifiers. Multi layer feed forward networks. Single layer feedback networks applications.

    ECG 780 or equivalent.

  • ECG 791 - Independent Study in Electrical Engineering

    Credits 1 – 3

    Supervised independent work in a topic of electrical engineering.

    May be repeated to a maximum of six credits with consent of electrical engineering faculty.

    Graduate standing in electrical engineering or related field and consent of instructor.

  • ECG 793 - Engineering Science Seminars

    Credits 1-3

    The seminar series emphasizes national security related topics, which are broadly applicable to all sciences and technology disciplines. Leaders and experts from government, national laboratories, and universities present the latest progress in national security, defense experiments, applied physics, electrical engineering, photonics, and scientific computing.

    May be repeated to a maximum of six credits.

  • ECG 795 - Advanced Special Topics in Electrical Engineering

    Credits 1 – 3

    Advanced special topics in modern electrical engineering as defined in the announcement of the course.

    May be repeated to a maximum of six credits.

    Graduate standing in electrical engineering or related field and consent of instructor.

  • ECG 797 - Electrical Engineering Thesis

    Credits 3 – 6

    Research, analysis, and writing towards completion of thesis and subsequent defense.

    May be repeated, but only six credits will be applied to a student’s program.

    S/F grading only.

    Graduate standing in electrical engineering or related field and consent of instructor.

  • ECG 799 - Dissertation

    Credits 1 – 6

    Research analysis and writing toward completion of dissertation and subsequent defense.

    May be repeated to a maximum of 18 credits allowed toward the degree.

    S/F grading only.

    Graduate standing in electrical engineering or related field and consent of instructor.

  • ECO 502 - Intermediate Microeconomics

    Credits 3

    Analysis of the price mechanism, resource allocation, output composition, and income distribution in a market economy.  Remedial course to prepare for graduate level microeconomics. Does not count for credit toward the MA in Economics degree.

    Same as
    ECON 302

  • ECO 503 - Intermediate Macroeconomics

    Credits 3

    Analysis of income, output, employment, and price level determination in a market economy. role of fiscal and monetary policy in promoting stability and growth. Remedial course to prepare for graduate level macroeconomics. Does not count for credit toward the MA in Economics degree.

    Same as
    ECON 303

  • ECO 602 - Topics in Microeconomics

    Credits 3

    Extensions of microeconomic analysis. Application of traditional microeconomic concepts to study economic phenomena. Emphasis on decision making in the public policy arena.

    This course is crosslisted with ECON 402. Credit at the 600-level requires additional work.

  • ECO 651 - Public Finance

    Credits 3

    Analysis of the financing and provision of public goods. Topics include: the nature of public goods, the choice regarding the level of public good provision, the incidence of taxes, and issues of tax equity.

    This course is crosslisted with ECON 451. Credit at the 600-level requires additional work.

  • ECO 655 - Economics of Industrial Organization

    Credits 3

    Causes and implications of economic concentration and monopoly power. Comparison of alternative approaches to monopoly power in terms of social and economic goals.

    This course is crosslisted with ECON 455. Credit at the 600-level requires additional work.

  • ECO 701 - Macroeconomic Theory

    Credits 3

    Investigates the behavior of the main economic aggregates: output, employment, consumption, savings, investment, interest rates, and price level. Explores and assesses the major theories of the determinants and interrelations among these variables. Also analyzes the impact of various policies on the macroeconomy.

    ECO 740

  • ECO 702 - Microeconomic Theory

    Credits 3

    Uses quantitative and graphic techniques to analyze household and firm decisions as a basis for market interactions. Topics include the determinants of demand and supply, price and output determination under perfect and imperfect competition, economic efficiency, income distribution, general equilibrium, and economic welfare.

    Graduate standing.

    ECO 740

  • ECO 707 - Environmental and Natural Resource Economics

    Credits 3

    Relationship between environmental quality and natural resources, using economic analysis. Identifies solutions to economic problems arising from resource scarcity and use. Economic growth, externalities.

    Graduate standing.

  • ECO 709 - Regional Economic Analysis

    Credits 3

    Theoretical and empirical analysis of the regional component of economic activity. Examination of location factors, regional and urban development theory, and regional/urban structure and growth theory. Explores regional analysis and forecasting.

    Graduate standing.

  • ECO 720 - Health Economics and Policy

    Credits 3

    Analysis of the U.S. health care markets. Examination of physician, hospital, and insurance markets. Exploration of the role of regulation and technology. Includes international comparisons.

    Graduate standing.

  • ECO 732 - Political Economy and Economic Policy

    Credits 3

    Role of markets, organizations, and governments in economic policy, including topics such as collective decision making, efficient and equitable social choice, regulation, and behavior of bureaucracies.

    Graduate standing in the MPA, EPS, or Economics program or consent of instructor.

  • ECO 733 - Economic History of Europe

    Credits 3

    Economic and social background of European national and international development with emphasis upon the period 1500 to present.

  • ECO 734 - Economic History of the United States

    Credits 3

    Economic and social background of the American economy from the colonial period to the present.

    ECO 301 and 302 or equivalent.

  • ECO 740 - Mathematical Economics

    Credits 3

    Application of mathematics to economic analysis.

    Graduate standing or consent of instructor.

  • ECO 742 - History of Economic Thought

    Credits 3

    Criticism and evaluation of economic thought from ancient to modern times; main emphasis devoted to the development of economic thought since Adam Smith.

    Graduate standing.

  • ECO 743 - Economic Fluctuations

    Credits 3

    Analysis of economic fluctuations from classical times to the present. Intensive study of factors which contribute to cyclical waves. Evaluation of selected economic indicators, business forecasting, and stabilization techniques.

    Graduate standing.

  • ECO 750 - International Monetary Economics

    Credits 3

    Theories, institutions, and policies of international monetary economics and their impact on macroeconomic performance. Topics include international money markets, monetary and exchange rate policies, policy effectiveness under different regimes, the role of expectations, and the effect of capital mobility.

    Graduate standing.

  • ECO 760 - International Trade

    Credits 3

    Study of international trade and international commercial policies. Topics include theories and policies related to international movement of goods, services, and factors of production.

    Graduate standing.

  • ECO 763 - Economics and the Law

    Credits 3

    Application of economic analysis to the topics confronted in litigation. Topics include: microeconomic theory, property rights, contracts, torts, discrimination, eminent domain, copyrights, patents, antitrust, and criminal law.

    Graduate standing.

  • ECO 765 - Labor Economics

    Credits 3

    Examination of competing theories of labor market behavior. Topics include theories of labor supply, labor demand, wage determination, unemployment, discrimination and the impact of unions and government institutions on labor market outcomes.

    Graduate standing.

  • ECO 770 - Econometrics I, Statistical Modeling

    Credits 3

    The course reviews fundamentals of mathematical statistics, that are used in econometric analysis. It integrates mathematical models and statistical techniques to perform regression analysis of cross-sectional data with a policy focus. Topics include empirical model building, estimation, and specification and data problems.

    Involves extensive use of computer software packages.

    Graduate standing and a previous statistics course or consent of instructor.

  • ECO 772 - Econometrics II

    Credits 3

    Building on econometrics I, this course extends econometric/quantitative skills in the estimation and testing of economic theory. Topics include instrumental variables and two stage least squares estimations, simultaneous equation models, qualitative dependent variable models and sample selection corrections, measurement error issues, introduction to time series and panel data methods.

    Graduate standing, ECO 740, and ECO 770.

  • ECO 773 - Business and Economic Forecasting

    Credits 3

    Evaluation of the uses and misuses of forecasting techniques in economics, business and governmental decision making. Exploration of techniques of data handling including exponential smoothing, seasonal and cyclical adjustments. Use of simple and multiple regression models and advanced econometric techniques in forecasting. Nature and estimation of autoregressive moving average (ARIMA) models.

    Graduate standing and ECO 770.

  • ECO 780 - Seminar in Economic Theory and Policy

    Credits 3

    Designed for the study of some specialized topic in economic theory or policy.

    ECO 702, and ECO 770.

  • ECO 784 - Internship

    Credits 3

    Internship with business firms, non-profit organizations or government agencies. Project report and internship conference required.

    Students will receive S/F for final grade.

    ECO 702, ECO 740, ECO 770, ECO 793.

    ECO 772

  • ECO 788 - Topics in Economics

    Credits 1

    Topics of interest to managers offered on a rotating basis. Possible topics include environmental economics, health economics, international economics, labor economics, regional economics, the economics of education, the economics of regulation, and economic forecasting.

    May be repeated to a maximum of three credits.

    ECO 301, 302, and 362 or equivalent. May not be taken for credit toward M.A. degree in Economics.

  • ECO 790 - Independent Study

    Credits 1 – 6

    Directed research course under the supervision of a member of the graduate faculty, culminating in a written paper.

    Consent of Department Chair or Graduate Coordinator.

  • ECO 791 - Thesis

    Credits 3 – 6

    Research, analysis, and writing towards completion of thesis and subsequent defense.

    May be repeated but only six credits will be applied to the student’s program.

    S/F grading only.

  • ECO 793 - Seminar in Economic Research

    Credits 1 – 3

    Provides students with hands-on training in empirical modeling, promotes critical thinking, teaches use of tool kit of research techniques and reinforces the student’s understanding of economic concepts relating to economics research.

    Graduate standing in Economics.

  • ECO 794 - Professional Paper

    Credits 3

    Directed research under the supervision of a member of the graduate faculty, culminating in a professional paper that will be presented to the student’s professional-paper committee. Students will participate in a weekly seminar, presenting results of their research. Students who do not complete a professional paper will receive a temporary grade of “X”.

    S/F course grading only.

    ECO 701, ECO 702, ECO 740, ECO 772, ECO 793

  • EDA 700 - Special Problems in Educational Administration

    Credits 1 – 6

    Specialized areas of instruction in educational administration designed to emphasize understanding and depth in current administrative procedures.

    Maximum of six credits toward a degree accepted in any approved special problems courses in the College of Education.

  • EDA 706 - Selected Problems in Educational Administration

    Credits 3 – 6

    Identification of current problems in administration and development of solution strategies.

    May be repeated to a maximum of six credits.

  • EDA 707 - Critique of Research in the Administrative Process

    Credits 3 – 6

    Survey and analysis of data pertinent to research in educational management.

    May be repeated to a maximum of six credits.

  • EDA 709 - Readings in Educational Administration

    Credits 3

    Selected readings germane to the field of administration.

    EDA 701

  • EDA 714 - Critique of Research in the Supervisory Process

    Credits 3

    Identification, selection, and analysis of research pertinent to the field of supervision.

  • EDA 715 - Issues in Instructional Leadership

    Credits 3

    Introduce students to a variety of instructional frameworks from which to base clinical supervision of instructional staff and to improve educational outcomes for diverse student populations.

    EDA 701

  • EDA 721 - Seminar in School Business Administration

    Credits 3 – 6

    Principles and practices in budget making and execution; management of internal accounts; development of an effective records system; purchase, distribution, and management of supplies; and operation and maintenance of the school plant and auxiliary services.

    May be repeated to a maximum of six credits.

    EDA 701, 720, and consent of instructor.

  • EDA 722 - Seminar in Public School Finance

    Credits 3

    In-depth and advanced study of selected issues and problems in educational finance.

    EDA 720 and consent of instructor.

  • EDA 731 - Leaders, Social Justice, and the Public Interest

    Credits 3

    Explores the concept of social justice in systems that serve increasingly dynamic and diverse populations in the public interest. Through problem-based learning, those committed to social justice, will engage in an examination of the everyday effects of race, class, and culture on equity and diversity within local, national, and global contexts.

  • EDA 732 - Advancing Equity: Gender and Race Issues in Education

    Credits 3

    Examines the veracity of critical theories (e.g. critical feminist theory, critical race theory) for the exploration of educational equity issues. A secondary goal is to provide students from a variety of educational settings/backgrounds the opportunity to study an equity issue of interest, using critical perspectives as a methodological lens.

  • EDA 737 - Readings in Educational Supervision

    Credits 3 – 6

    Selected readings germane to the field of supervision.

    May be repeated to a maximum of six credits.

  • EDA 738 - Interscholastic and Intercollegiate Athletic Programs

    Credits 3

    Designed to study educationally relevant aspects of interscholastic and intercollegiate athletic programs. Topics include growth and development of athletic programs, governing bodies, athletics in education, philosophical reform, recurrent problems, athletes and the student movement, Title IX, sport, politics and education, and NCAA compliance.

    Same as
    (PED 732)

  • EDA 740 - Administration and Curriculum Improvement

    Credits 3

    Clarifies role of the administrator in improving curriculum and instruction in the public schools.

  • EDA 741 - The Administrator and Ancillary Services

    Credits 3

    Prepares students for administrative responsibilities of both quantitative and qualitative services provided in schools. The variety of student needs at the school level requires the use of specialists in guidance, social work, psychologists, health personnel, and many other clinicians.

    Each role must be coordinated within the school operation by the administrator.

    Consent of instructor.

  • EDA 745 - Human Dynamics and Organizational Leadership

    Credits 3 – 6

    Provides students with knowledge, skills and attitudes necessary to undertake leadership responsibilities in complex organizations. Applies concepts and methodologies from the social and behavioral sciences in the analysis of leadership behavior in diverse organizational and community settings.

    Same as
    (HOA 745 and BUS 745)

    May be repeated to a maximum of six credits.

  • EDA 746 - Public Relations Problems for Schools

    Credits 3

    Principles and practices pertaining to methods of working effectively with people in the school and community.

  • EDA 747 - Urban School Administration

    Credits 3 – 9

    Emphasis placed on administration, development, and organization of areas specific to education in the urban settings. a) Social, political, and power groups within the urban setting. b) Nature of the urban setting utilizing a problem-solving approach.

    May be repeated to a maximum of nine credits.

  • EDA 749 - Rural School Administration

    Credits 3 – 6

    Emphasis placed on administration, development, and organization in areas of specific concern to the administrator in a small school setting. Includes the rural setting in its political and social mode, power structures in the (rural) small school setting, utilizing a directed or problem-solving approach.

    May be repeated to a maximum of six credits.

    Consent of instructor.

  • EDA 750 - School Personnel Administration

    Credits 3

    Emphasis on the nature of personnel administration. Organization for handling personnel problems, group processes, and development of personnel policies relating to salary and working assignments, in-service improvement, and professional relations.

    EDA 701 and consent of instructor.

  • EDA 751 - Public School Negotiations

    Credits 3

    Statutory provisions, personnel policies, staff and administrative responsibilities in the professional negotiation process.

    Consent of instructor.

  • EDA 755 - School Law: Cases, Concepts, and Practice

    Credits 3

    Designed to inform students of various legal authorities and their impact on education and administrative practice. Scope includes various legal dictates from constitutions, cases, policies, and opinions.

    EDA 701 or consent of instructor.

  • EDA 762 - The Educational Plant: Surveys and Facilities

    Credits 3

    Studies master planning, educational surveys, site selection, specifications, and construction of school plants. Variety of activities provided to encompass aspects of equipment and ongoing maintenance of educational facilities.

    EDA 701 or consent of instructor.

  • EDA 770 - Individual Instruction in Educational Administration

    Credits 3 – 6

    Provides opportunity for graduate students to select, delimit, and research problems in educational administration.

    May be repeated to a maximum of six credits.

  • EDA 771 - Seminar in Educational Administration

    Credits 1 – 6

    Designed for graduate students preparing for leadership positions in public schools. a) Curriculum. b) Administration. c) Supervision. d) Evaluation. e) Advanced Methodology. f) Research. g) Public Relations. h) Finance. i) School Plant. j) Professional Negotiations. k) School Law. l) Materials for Simulation. m) School Personnel.

    Variable credits determined by consent of instructor.

  • EDA 772 - Seminar in Supervision for Administrators in Various Roles

    Credits 3 – 6

    Designed for graduate students preparing for, or occupying, leadership roles in private and public education, professional schools, and educationally related enterprises. a) Elementary School, b) Middle and/or Junior High School, c) High School, d) Higher Education, e) Director, f) In-service Education.

    The above sections may be taken for three credits each with a maximum of six credits utilized.

  • EDA 773 - Seminar: Constructs of Theory in Educational Administration

    Credits 3 – 6

    Designed to enable teachers and administrators to understand theory and to apply theory in problem solving.

  • EDA 774 - Advanced Seminar: Topics in School Management

    Credits 3 – 6

    Specific topic selected from a school management area. In-depth study provided to post-master’s students who seek to explore and refine further their administrative skills. Topics to be announced.

    May be repeated to a maximum of six credits.

    Consent of instructor.

  • EDA 775 - Educational Futures and Educational Administration

    Credits 3

    Consideration of futurist thoughts, theories, processes, and predications as these may serve to influence the process of administering public education in tomorrow’s schools.

  • EDA 780 - Organization and Administration of Vocational Education

    Credits 3

    Treatment given to the organization and administration of the special field of vocational education in secondary schools and adult vocational programs.

  • EDA 781 - Individual Instruction in Adult and Teacher Education

    Credits 3 – 6

    Selected basic problems related to teaching at the college or university level as well as adult education programs. Includes areas such as administration, supervision, evaluation, research, public relations, finance, school plant.

    May be repeated to a maximum of six credits with consent of instructor.

  • EDA 782 - Seminar in Teacher Education

    Credits 3 – 6

    Enables students interested in professional work in colleges and universities to select appropriate topics for in-depth study. a) Administration. b) Supervision. c) Evaluation. d) Research. e) Public Relations. f) Finance. g) School Plant. m) School Personnel. n) Curriculum.

    May be repeated to a maximum of six credits with consent of instructor.

  • EDA 785 - Administering Schools in a Political Climate

    Credits 3

    Enables students to understand the political process in administration, to develop strategies for coping in a political climate, and to utilize concepts of power and influence in the school community.


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