CS 671 - Program Derivation Credits 3
Introduction to the formal derivation of computer programs from program specifications. Review of the logical and notational prerequisites needed for formal derivation. Guarded commands and the predicate transformer WP. Developing loops from invariants. Program development via sequence of refinements.
Notes This course is crosslisted with CS 471. Credit at the 600-level requires additional work.
CS 672 - Software Product Design and Development I Credits 3
Current techniques in software design presented with emphasis on architecture first development. Introduction to the processes involved in development. Practice architectural design through a series of homework problems. Students work in teams to prepare the architecture for a software product.
Notes This course is crosslisted with CS 672. Credit at the 600-level requires additional work.
Prerequisites CS 326 and CS 370
CS 673 - Software Product Design II Credits 3
Synthesis (term project) course to involve students, working in teams, in all of the activities necessary to define, model, implement, test, document, and deliver a program product. Students practice Object-Oriented and Component Based development and utilize UML and CASE tools to model the product and document the process.
Notes This course is crosslisted with CS 473. Credit at the 600-level requires additional work.
Prerequisites CS 672 or CS 472
CS 674 - Decision Environments for Software Product Development Credits 3
Term project course to involve students, working in teams, with all of the activities and tools necessary to measure progress and monitor the development of a software product. Students utilize CASE tools for planning, for requirements management, for configuration management, for change management, and for product and process measurement for a product development project.
Notes This course is crosslisted with CS 474. Credit at the 600-level requires additional work.
Prerequisites CS 672 or CS 472
CS 677 - Analysis of Algorithms Credits 3
Analysis of the time and space complexity of algorithms. Techniques for efficient algorithm design and effect of structure choice on efficiency. Fast algorithms for problems such as set, graph and matrix manipulations, pattern matching, sorting, and storage organization. Exponential time problems and introduction to NP-completeness.
Notes This course is crosslisted with CS 477. Credit at the 600-level requires additional work.
Prerequisites CS 302 and MATH 351
CS 680 - Computer Graphics Credits 3
Graphics hardware, software and applications. Data structures for graphics, graphics languages, computer-aided design, and three-dimensional graphics.
Notes This course is crosslisted with CS 480. Credit at the 600-level requires additional work.
Prerequisites CS 302 and MATH 365
CS 682 - Artificial Intelligence Credits 3
Survey of current artificial intelligence technologies: game playing, theorem-proving, natural language processing, pattern recognition, and heuristic programming.
Notes This course is cross listed with CS 482. Credit at the 600 level requires additional work.
Prerequisites CS 302 and PHIL 422
CS 689 - Advanced Computer Science Topics Credits 3
Undergraduate-level course in advanced topics of computer science, depending upon the interest of faculty and students.
Notes This course is crosslisted with CS 489. Credit at the 600-level requires additional work.
CS 690 - Independent Study Credits 1-3
Library research and reports on topics of computer science interest. May be repeated for credit with the consent of the Department of Computer Science
Notes This course is crosslisted with CS 490. Credit at the 600-level requires additional work.
CS 715 - Advanced Analysis of Algorithms Credits 3
Analysis of the complexity and correctness of asymptotically efficient algorithms, including set partitioning, matrix multiplication, integer multiplication and pattern matching algorithms. The theory of NP-completeness; Cook’s theorem and polynomial transformations. Basic NP-complete problems, such as the three-satisfactory, three dimensional matching and Hamiltonian circuit problems. PSPACE-completeness results, such as quantified Boolean formulas.
Prerequisites and
CS 717 - Advanced Computer Simulation Credits 3
Advanced discrete simulation modeling using SIMSCRIPT 11.5 and SLAM. Advanced continuous simulation using ACSL. Modeling concepts, measuring random phenomena. Passive objects, application of simulation to operating systems and software design in general. Digital- analog solution of linear differential equations, industrial dynamics. Feedback systems.
CS 718 - Theory of Computation Credits 3
Computability of functions and sets in terms of Turing machines and other computational models. Universal Turing machines and examples of unsolvable problems. Introduction to other computational models, such as the lambda-calculus, Post systems, Markov algorithms and recursive function theory. The Church-Turing thesis and proofs of equivalence between the models.
CS 719 - Advanced Automata and Formal Languages Credits 3
Extensive study of context-sensitive, recursive and recursively enumerable languages, including ambiguity and closure properties: decidable and undecidable properties of the different language classes: the halting problem and Post’s correspondence problem; properties of the deterministic context-free languages; LR(k) and LL(k) grammars.
CS 733 - Geographic Data Base Systems Credits 3
Spatial data types and operators: point queries, range queries, translation, rotation, and scaling. Data structures for object representation: arc tree, quadtrees. Commercial data bases vs. spatial data bases: relational, hierarchical, network.
Notes (May not be used to satisfy degree requirements in Computer Science.)
Prerequisites CS 135 or CS 117 or equivalent and STAT 611
CS 740 - Statistical Pattern Recognition Credits 3
Concepts and formal theoretical structures necessary for design and implementation of a pattern recognition system. Topics include: parametric and non-parametric methods, linear and non-linear classifiers and clustering algorithms.
Prerequisites , MATH 253 or 265, and CS 302
CS 741 - Structural Pattern Recognition Credits 3
Survey of advanced pattern recognition techniques. Topics include: graph matching methods, syntactic approaches, neural nets, and context-dependent methods.
Prerequisites and
CS 742 - Document Image Understanding Credits 3
Survey of document understanding methods and related topics that include: data compression, document exchange standards, layout analysis methods, logical analysis methods, OCR, error correction, and document routing.
Prerequisites and
CS 747 - Cryptography and Information Theory Credits 3
Cryptography, cryptographic systems, encryption algorithms, cryptographic techniques, access control, lattice model of information flow, flow control mechanisms, inference control mechanisms, mechanisms restricting noise, mechanisms restricting statistics, statistical database models.
Prerequisites CS 370, STAT 411
CS 750 - Computational Algorithms in VLSI Credits 3
Application and inherent limitations of using VLSI to implement computational algorithms, design and analysis of algorithms for design of VLSI circuits, introduction to VLSI implementation of computational algorithms represented by logic circuits, lower bounds on area and time, systolic arrays and their applications, VLSI layout algorithms, VLSI test generation and simulation.
CS 754 - Discrete Optimization Credits 3
Network optimization problems, use of advanced data structures. Topics may vary and include maximum-flow algorithms, multiterminal maximum flows, minimum cost flows and circulations, matching algorithms, approximation algorithms, and applications. Hamiltonian circuits in dense graphs, disjoint paths, the postman problem, introduction to combinatorial geometry, and linear programming.
CS 756 - Formal Semantics Credits 3
Coverage of formal methods for defining the semantics of programming languages, including the operational, denotation and axiomatic approaches. Proof techniques for verifying properties of programs. Consistent and complementary definitions for a Pascal-like language discussed.
Prerequisites CS 326 and
CS 758 - Computational Geometry Credits 3
Geometric searching, point location, range searching, convex hull, Graham’s scan, gift wrapping, dynamic convex hull, proximity closest pair, Voronoi diagram, triangulation. Intersection, visibility shortest paths, geometry of rectangles.
CS 763 - Advanced Computer Architecture Credits 3
Advanced study of various current computer architectures. Examples taken from specialized architectures that support modern general-purpose programming, operating systems, artificial intelligence and data bases. SIMD and MIMD parallel architectures.
Prerequisites CS 326 and
CS 767 - Advanced Computer Graphics Credits 3
Hidden line elimination algorithms and implementation. Perfect interpolators, cubic and bicubic splines, Kriging, Hermite surfaces, nonperfect interpolators, Bezier curves and surfaces, B-splines, ray tracing algorithms, shading, lightness, motion, moving pictures, two- and three- dimensional fractals. Special topics.
CS 768 - Surface Estimation for Computer-Aided Geometric Design Credits 3
Affine maps, function spaces, the DeCasteljan algorithm, Bernstein polynomials, Bezier surfaces, nonparametric curves, Lagrange polynomials, C continuity, B-spline basis, Frenet frame, G continuity, gamma splines, beta splines, geometric continuity, tensor product interpolants, volume deformations, curvatures.
CS 769 - Advanced Data Base Management Credits 3
Continuation of CS 632, including normalization of relational data bases using functional and multivalued dependencies. Query processing, query interpretation, query optimization, and methods for implementing and optimizing logic queries. Knowledge data bases, distributed data bases and object-oriented data bases.
CS 770 - Advanced Operating Systems Credits 3
Study of the design principles, organization, and performance analysis of large-scale computer operating systems. Particular subjects emphasized include coordination of tasks, solutions of deadlock problems, theories of segmentation and paging, and performance prediction.
Prerequisites CS 370
CS 771 - Concurrent Computation Credits 3
Study of concurrent programming methods and applications; event spaces; models of concurrency, such as Petri nets, CCS and CSP. Synchronization, data sharing and communication. Concurrency constructs in various programming languages. Scheduling and implementation techniques. Applications of concurrency in operating system design, fault-tolerance, and reliability.
Prerequisites CS 326 and CS 370.
CS 772 - Software Architecture Credits 3
Survey of advanced techniques for specifying and designing large software systems. System verification. Reliability and project management.
Prerequisites CS 370, , and , or consent of instructor.
CS 777 - Parallel Algorithms Credits 3
Methods for creating and analyzing parallel algorithms. Parallel programming languages and programming models of shared-memory and distributed architectures. Measuring complexity of parallel algorithms. NC-class versus P-class algorithms.
CS 778 - Advanced Translation Credits 3
Formal semantics, automatic compiler generation, attribute grammars. Language issues as they relate to compiler generation.
CS 779 - Supercompliers for Parallel and Vector Computers Credits 3
Dependence analysis, Diophantine equations, the GCD test, the Banerjee test, do-loop normalization, concurrency in loops, vector code generation, control dependence and vectorization, parallel code generation for doall-loops, parallel code generation for doacross-loops, shared memory parallelization, parallelization for distributed memory architectures.
CS 780 - Distributed Computing and Algorithms Credits 3
Methods and algorithms of distributed computing. Topics may include architecture and design goals, formal approaches to distributed computing problems, networks and protocols, models of distributed computing, synchronization and communication, synchronous and asynchronous systems, fault-tolerance and reliability, self-stabilization, distributed algorithms and applications.
Prerequisites CS 370,
CS 781 - Automated Deduction Credits 3
Use of computers for forming deductions and proving theorems in symbolic logic covered. Topics include resolution, unification, proof strategies, and equality. Also examines areas of application: problem solving, question answering, program verification, automatic programming and logic programming (Prolog).
CS 782 - Expert System Construction Credits 3
Design, organization, and construction of expert systems. Includes general concepts, characteristics, elements, advantages, and examples of expert systems. Also rule-based knowledge representations, inference techniques, implementation tools and shells, and advanced topics.
CS 783 - Genetic Algorithms and Neural Networks Credits 3
A study of the utility of adaptive methods and their limitations across optimization problems spanning areas of engineering. Topics include genetic algorithms and genetic programming, simulated annealing, tabu search, neural networks, artificial life. Use of software tools for implementations.
CS 785 - Computational Linguistics Credits 3
Introduction to linguistics and computational linguistics, for natural language. Phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics, and lexicology. Text analysis and processing; construction of lexicons, and indexes and concordances. Introduction to text retrieval, translation, speech understanding and generation.
CS 786 - Advanced Computational Linguistics Credits 3
Advanced study of computational linguistics. Emphasis on cognitive methods in natural language understanding and generation. Pragmatics and discourse.
CS 788 - Computational Environmetrics Credits 3
Applications of sensor networks and pattern recognition to environmental problems. Geometric pattern recognition: metrics for comparing 2-d shapes, signature functions, turning functions. Geometric algorithms in sensor networks. Position based routing, face routing, broadcasting and multi-casting. Interference aware sensor networks. Data gathering and target recognition. Prototype implementation.
Prerequisites Consent of instructor.
CS 789 - Topics in Advanced Computer Science Credits 3 - 24
Graduate-level course in some field of computer science, at advanced level, depending upon the current interest of the staff and the students.
Notes May be repeated with a different subject matter to a maximum of twenty four credits.
Prerequisites Consent of instructor.
CS 790 - Master’s Project Credits 1 – 3
Research, analysis, and development work towards completion of an approved project.
Notes May be repeated, but only three credits will be applied to the student’s program.
Grading S/F grading only.
Prerequisites Consent of instructor.
CS 791 - Thesis Credits 3 – 6
Research, analysis, and development work towards completion of an approved project.
Notes May be repeated, but only six credits will be applied to the student’s program.
Grading S/F grading only.
Prerequisites Consent of instructor.
CS 792 - Research Seminar Credits 1
Oral presentation of assigned articles.
Notes May be repeated to a maximum of four credits.
Prerequisites Consent of instructor.
CS 795 - Directed Research Credits 3
Supervised research in the doctoral program. May be repeated for a maximum of twelve credits.
Prerequisites Department consent.
CS 798 - Dissertation Proposal Credits 3
Development of a prospectus.
Notes May be repeated to a maximum of 6 credits.
Prerequisites Department consent.
CS 799 - Dissertation Research Credits 1 – 6
Research analysis and writing towards completion of dissertation and subsequent defense.
Notes May be repeated but no more than 18 credits will be allowed in the degree.
Grading S/F grading only.
Prerequisites Department consent.
DA 701 - Data Research Methods and Tools Credits 3
Understanding of the Cross-Industry Standard Process for Data Mining (CRISP-DM), how the methodology relates to the scientific method, as well as statistical methodologies related to the analysis of organizational data. As well as learn about the applicability of particular statistical approaches/packages for gaining business understanding in specific settings.
Prerequisites Admission into the Certificate in Data Analytics program.
DA 702 - Applied Big Data Credits 3
Big data concepts, tools and methods. Exposure to big data principles as well as learn about information technology innovations in organizations. Introduction to multiple tools and statistical concepts related to the contemporary analysis of big data.
Prerequisites Admission into the Certificate in Data Analytics program.
DA 703 - Applied Data Management Credits 3
Subjects include the theory, design, development, and management of information. Focusing on providing tools and an understanding of data storage and retrieval for data analytics. Basic technical instruction will include normalization, and Structured Query Language.
Prerequisites Admission into the Certificate in Data Analytics program.
DA 704 - Applied Business Intelligence Credits 3
Skills, technologies, applications, and practices to leverage the organizations’ internal and external information assets for making intelligent business decisions in organizations. Understanding of the relevance of information technology (IT) in organizational decision-making. Topics include decision-making, decision support systems, text/data mining, data warehousing, and business performance management.
Prerequisites Admission into the Certificate in Data Analytics program.
DPT 710 - Selected Topics in Physical Therapy Credits 1
Forum to disseminate information to students on current and professional issues in physical therapy.
Prerequisites Graduate standing in physical therapy.
DPT 711 - Medical Terminology Credits 1
Introduction to medical terminology for the healthcare professional. Students expand their medical vocabulary via immersion in medical content and subjects from a broad spectrum of body systems.
Prerequisites Graduate standing in physical therapy.
DPT 713 - Genomic and Regenerative Rehabilitation Concepts Credits 3
Current perspectives on the emerging impact of regenerative medicine and genomic technologies that have potential to drive progress in the prevention and treatment of acute and chronic condition resulting from injury, disease or aging.
DPT 720 - Professional Development Credits 2
Theories and experiences designed to develop skills to accurately, sensitively and assertively communicate with patients, families, and colleagues. Principles of written and oral communication. Professional issues of changes in health care, state and local laws, standards of practice, code of ethics, quality assessment and quality assurance.
Prerequisites Graduate standing in physical therapy.
DPT 721 - Advanced Topics in Physical Therapy Credits 1
Through in-class and web-assisted instruction, independent study, and mentored project development, prepares students for a variety of clinical competencies including health promotion/wellness, evaluation of alternative and complementary approaches, rural health, and other advanced aspects of clinical practice, ethics, and professional conduct related to physical therapy.
DPT 722 - Issues in Rural Health Credits 1
Unique needs of frontier/rural and underserved populations addressed, emphasizing the eclectic nature of practice in these areas, the importance of networking with other disciplines, and special considerations of these populations including functional rehabilitation, time management, travel, emergencies, and involvement of families in treatment.
Prerequisites Graduate standing in physical therapy.
DPT 726 - Evidenced-Based Practice in Physical Therapy I Credits 1
Designed to provide the student with knowledge and hands-on experience in skills required to engage evidence-based clinical practice of physical therapy. Students will learn how to write answerable questions, search the literature, and critically analyze evidence for application in clinical practice.
Prerequisites Graduate standing in Physical Therapy.
DPT 727 - Evidence-Based Practice in Physical Therapy II Credits 1
This 1-credit course builds on DPT 726 and 790, providing students with knowledge skills to implement evidence-based practice in physical therapy. Students will critique special cases of evidence and psychometric properties of diagnostic tools and outcome measures, and create a minimal data set in order to integrate evidence into practice.
Grading Letter Grade
DPT 730 - Foundations of Observation and Assessment Credits 2
Basic patient assessment skills with introduction to posture and gait evaluation through observation. Patient history and review of the medical record. Documentation in S.O.A.P. Note and functional outcome formats. Assessment skills emphasized include: anthropometric measures, reflex and sensation testing, goniometry, manual muscle testing, vital signs, and surface palpation.
Prerequisites Graduate standing in physical therapy.
DPT 730L - Foundations of Observation and Assessment Lab Credits 2
Lab of basic patient assessment skills including posture, gait evaluation, anthropometric measures, reflex and sensation testing, goniometry, manual muscle testing, vital signs, and surface palpation. Patient history and review of medical records, documentation in SOAP format, and functional outcome formats.
Prerequisites Graduate standing in Physical Therapy.
DPT 732 - Therapeutic Exercise Credits 2
Holistic approach to evaluation and management of patients with various orthopaedic pathologies and other related movement dysfunction. Emphasis placed on theoretical basis of specific exercise physiology, therapeutic exercise and functional training skills interrelated with clinical decision-making methodology. Rationale for and implementation of treatments with safety awareness and proper body mechanics.
Prerequisites , ; ; ; .
Corequisite .
DPT 732L - Therapeutic Exercise Lab Credits 1
Laboratory sessions to practice the evaluation and management of patients (and patient scenarios) with various orthopaedic pathologies and other related movement dysfunctions. Emphasis on exercise prescription and demonstration, as well as progression.
Prerequisites , ; ; ; .
Corequisite .
DPT 735 - Functional Training and Acute Care Credits 4
Performance and application of positioning skills, transfers techniques, and assistive devices. Advancement to clinical decision-making skills and incorporation of learned materials into therapy interventions. Clinical reasoning skills in assessment, treatment design and intervention, goal development and discharge planning for patients in the acute hospital environment.
Prerequisites Graduate standing in Physical Therapy. DPT 744, 745, 730.
Corequisite DPT 735L
DPT 735L - Functional Training and Acute Care Lab Credits 1
Hands on performance and application of positioning skills, transfer techniques, and assistive devices. Advancement to clinical decision-making skills and incorporation of learned materials into therapy interventions. Clinical reasoning skills in assessment, treatment design and intervention, goal development and discharge planning for patients in the acute hospital environment.
Prerequisites Graduate standing in Physical Therapy. DPT 744, 745, 730.
Corequisite DPT 735
DPT 740 - Movement Science Credits 2
This course will introduce students to principles and theories in movement science. Students will be introduced to concepts related to motor control, motor development, and motor learning. Students will also apply these principles to the clinical practice of physical therapy and to observe and assess related phenomena in patients.
Prerequisites Enrollment in professional DPT curriculum.
DPT 741 - Orthopaedic Principles Credits 3
Principles of orthopaedic physical therapy including biomechanics, applied anatomy, and osteokinematic and arthrokinematic concepts examined. Musculoskeletal system investigated from histological, structural, and functional perspectives.
Prerequisites Graduate standing in physical therapy.
DPT 742 - Clinical and Pathological Physiology Credits 5
Fundamentals of physiology and pathology related to diseases causing abnormal movement patterns or capabilities. Processes and diseases most frequently encountered in physical therapy practice emphasized.
Prerequisites Graduate standing in physical therapy.
DPT 744 - Gross Anatomy I Credits 2
Study of gross human anatomy as it applies to physical therapy. Materials to be covered include: muscle, tendon, ligament and nerve innervation of the trunk and upper extremity, structural identification and function of the spine, heart, lungs, abdominopelvic organs, circulatory and sensory systems. Emphasis on relevance of gross anatomy to physical therapy practice. Involves both lecture and laboratory dissection that will cover the upper half of the body.
Prerequisites Graduate standing in Physical Therapy.
Corequisite DPT 744L
DPT 744L - Gross Human Anatomy Lab I Credits 1
Gross human anatomy cadaver lab with supervised dissection and exploration of muscle, tendon, ligament and nerve innervation of the trunk and upper extremity, structural identification and function of the spine, heart, lungs, abdominopelvic organs, circulatory and sensory systems.
Corequisite DPT 744 - Gross Anatomy I
DPT 745 - Gross Anatomy II Credits 2
Study of gross human anatomy as it applies to physical therapy. Materials to be covered include: muscle, tendon, ligament and nerve innervation of the head, neck, and lower extremity, structural identification and function of the corresponding circulatory and sensory systems.
Prerequisites DPT 744 and DPT 744L
Corequisite DPT 745L
DPT 745L - Gross Human Anatomy Lab II Credits 1
Gross human anatomy cadaver lab with supervised dissection and exploration of muscle, tendon, ligament and nerve innervation of the head, neck, and lower extremity, structural identification and function of the corresponding circulatory and sensory systems.
Prerequisites DPT 744 and DPT 744L
Corequisite DPT 745
DPT 746 - Neuroanatomy Credits 3
High level immersion into the anatomy of the nervous system, emphasizing structure and functional relationships. Coursework will also relate the structural relationships of the central and peripheral nervous systems to brain dysfunction and pathology.
Prerequisites Graduate standing in physical therapy.
Corequisite DPT 746L
DPT 746L - Neuroanatomy Lab Credits 1
Human cadaveric dissection of the central nervous system through a series of weekly laboratory experiences with an emphasis on its three-dimensional structure.
Prerequisites Graduate standing in Physical Therapy.
Corequisite DPT 746
DPT 747 - Geriatric Examination and Intervention Credits 1
Examination, evaluation, plan of intervention, outcomes, patient education, and health promotion as applied to the geriatric client. Issues include factors affecting normal aging, pathological aging, common pathologies associated with aging, quality of life, successful aging, care settings, reimbursement, and public policy.
Prerequisites Graduate standing in physical therapy.
DPT 748 - Pharmacology Credits 2
Actions and effects of pharmaceutical agents commonly encountered in physical therapy clinical practice.
Prerequisites Graduate standing in Physical Therapy.
DPT 749 - Applied Exercise Physiology Credits 2
Review of systems responsible for the generation of energy. Overview of the physiologic responses of the human body to acute bouts of exercise and how training leads to chronic adaptation of selected systems. Course content focuses on principles of exercise, role of nutrients in body metabolism, human development and performances.
Prerequisites Graduate standing in physical therapy.
Corequisite DPT 749L - Applied Exercise Physiology Lab
DPT 749L - Applied Exercise Physiology Lab Credits 1
Laboratory and active learning experiences to include major components of physical fitness such as aerobic fitness; muscular strength, power, and endurance; fatigue thresholds; body composition and body build; and flexiblility.
Prerequisites Graduate standing in Physical Therapy.
Corequisite DPT 749.
DPT 750 - Prosthetics and Orthotics Credits 2
Evaluation of medical, surgical and prosthetic and rehabilitation management of amputations. Discussion of design, fabrication and fitting of prosthetic devices as well as general orthotic principles examined. Basic clinical problem solving skills integrated in the context of prosthetic and orthotic management of patients.
Prerequisites Graduate standing in Physical Therapy.
DPT 750L - Prosthetics and Orthotics Lab Credits 1
Application of medical, surgical and prosthetic and rehabilitation management of amputations. Design, fabrication and fitting of prosthetic devices as well as general orthotic principles examined. Basic clinical problem solving skills integrated in the context of prosthetic and orthotic management of patients.
Prerequisites Graduate standing in Physical Therapy.
DPT 751 - Women’s Health in Physical Therapy Credits 2
Overview of the anatomical, physiological, nutritional, psychological, and sociological influences throughout the woman’s life span including: adolescence, the reproductive years, the middle years, the older age. Discussion of physical therapy management of musculoskeletal, integumentary, cardiopulmonary, and visceral pathologies common to women.
Prerequisites Graduate standing in physical therapy.
DPT 752 - Physical Agents and Electrophysiology Credits 3
Biological processes of injury and repair, clinical application of soft tissue techniques, thermal agents, intermittent compression, continuous motion, electrical stimulation, and mechanical traction. Principles of electrophysics and neurophysiology as they pertain to the use of therapeutic electrical stimulation. Advancement to clinical decision-making skills in physical application.
Prerequisites Graduate standing in Physical Therapy. DPT 742, 730, 732.
Corequisite DPT 752L
DPT 752L - Physical Agents and Electrophysiology Lab Credits 1
Hands on performance and clinical application of soft tissue techniques, thermal agents, intermittent compression, continuous motion, electrical stimulation, mechanical traction, therapeutic electrical stimulation.
Prerequisites Graduate standing in Physical Therapy. DPT 742, 730, 732.
Corequisite DPT 752
DPT 753 - Electrotherapy Credits 2
Principles of a electrophysics and neurophysiology as they pertain to the use of therapeutic electrical stimulation. Application techniques of various electrical stimulation devices also presented.
Prerequisites DPT 742, DPT 752, DPT 730, DPT 732.
DPT 754 - Orthopaedic Assessment in Physical Therapy Credits 3
Evaluation and assessment of upper and lower extremity orthopaedic problems. Discussion and application of functional anatomy, biomechanics, and evaluative manual therapy skills used to differentially diagnose orthopaedic pathologies and disorders.
Prerequisites , , , , , ,
DPT 754L - Orthopaedic Assessment in Physical Therapy Lab Credits 1
Evaluation and assessment of upper and lower extremity orthopaedic problems. Practical application of functional anatomy, biomechanics, and evaluative manual therapy skills used to differentially diagnose orthopaedic pathologies and disorders.
Prerequisites , , , , , ,
DPT 755 - Geriatric and Pediatric Rehabilitation Credits 3
Examination of factors affecting normal and pathologic systems from birth into aging. Issues include normal developmental sequences and common pathologies across the life span. Evaluation, wellness and leisure activities, and how basic rehabilitation procedures can be modified for the elderly.
Prerequisites Graduate standing in physical therapy.
DPT 756 - Neurophysiology Credits 4
High level immersion into the function of the human central and peripheral nervous systems based on current research and theory. Topics include normal human motor and sensory neurophysiology, cognitive and learning neurophysiology, neuropathophysiology, neuroplasticity, neurodiagnostics and neurologic treatment options.
Prerequisites DPT 746
DPT 757 - Wound Care Credits 2
Clinical practice of wound care including physiology of tissue healing, wound assessment tools, dressings and treatment approaches. Processes and diseases most frequently encountered in physical therapy practice specializing in wound care.
Prerequisites DPT 742, DPT 752
DPT 758 - Diagnostic Testing and Imaging Credits 2
Presentation of diagnostic tests used by disciplines and specialties within and outside of the profession of physical therapy. Discussion of blood studies, nuclear medicine studies, and radiologic/X-ray studies. Interpretation of test results as it applies to physical therapy evaluation, intervention planning and treatment.
Prerequisites Graduate standing in physical therapy.
DPT 759 - Pediatric Rehabilitation Credits 2
Provides foundational knowledge of development (typical and atypical) and an overview of pediatric physical therapy practice for children with atypical development. Presents examination, evaluation, and development of physical therapy plans of care for children with various disabilities within the frameworks of family-centered care and disablement/enablement models.
Prerequisites Graduate standing in Physical Therapy.
DPT 759L - Pediatric Rehabilitation Laboratory Experience Credits 1
Focuses on application of developmental concepts and an overview of pediatric physical therapy practice for children with atypical development. Provides students with opportunities to observe/engage in examination, evaluation, and development of physical therapy plans of care for children with various disabilities within the frameworks of family-centered care and enablement models
Prerequisites Graduate standing in Physical Therapy.
DPT 761 - Supervised Clinical Education I Credits 3
The first clinical affiliation is a supervised full-time extended clinical learning experience six weeks in duration. The primary purpose is to provide students with the opportunity to actively engage in learning in order to develop introductory clinical competence in the delivery of services to persons with movement dysfunction.
Prerequisites Successful completion of all course work in the first year of the graduate physical therapy program.
DPT 762 - Supervised Clinical Education II Credits 5
The second clinical affiliation is a supervised, full-time extended clinical learning experience 11 weeks in duration. The primary purpose is to provide students with the opportunity to actively engage in experiential learning in order to advance clinical competence in the delivery of services to persons with movement dysfunction.
Prerequisites DPT 761
DPT 763 - Supervised Clinical Education III Credits 5
The third clinical affiliation is ten and one-half weeks and is a supervised full-time extended clinical learning experience. The primary purpose is to provide students with the opportunity to actively engage in experimental learning in order to advance clinical competence in the delivery of services to persons with movement dysfunction.
Prerequisites DPT 762
DPT 764 - Supervised Clinical Education IV Credits 6
The fourth clinical affiliation is twelve weeks and is a supervised full-time extended clinical learning experience. The primary purpose is to provide students with the opportunity to actively engage in experiential learning in order to advance clinical competence in the delivery of services to persons with movement dysfunction.
Prerequisites DPT 763
DPT 765 - Clinical Education V Credits 4
This nine-week clinical affiliation is an extended learning experience for students completing the transitional physical therapy doctorate. The primary purpose is to provide students the opportunity to advance clinical competence in the delivery of physical therapy services to persons with movement dysfunction.
Prerequisites Successful completion or concurrent work in all course work to date in the transitional doctorate physical therapy program.
DPT 770 - Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation Credits 1
Evaluation and treatment of patients with acute and chronic cardiopulmonary disease and dysfunction. Emphasis on regulation of cardiac, circulatory and pulmonary functions at rest and the responses of these systems to differing modes, intensities, and durations. Prerequisite: Graduate standing in physical therapy.
Prerequisites Graduate standing in physical therapy.
Corequisite/Prerequisite DPT 770L |
DPT 770L - Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation Lab Credits 1
Lab of basic patient skills including assessment of vital signs, breathing patterns, heart sounds, ECG interpretation, pulmonary function testing, blood gases, chest wall mobility, cough and sputum, ventilation, performance of bronchial drainage, prescribe exercises for patient with compromised cardiopulmonary function.
Corequisite DPT 770
DPT 772 - Physical Therapy Administration Credits 2
General principles of organizations and administration that impact the ethical and legal aspects of physical therapy practice. Topics include budget development, cost accounting, supervision, communication skills, evaluative techniques, and methods of management and quality assurance.
Prerequisites Graduate standing in physical therapy.
DPT 774 - Psychosocial Aspects of Physical Therapy Credits 2
Social and psychological issues which arise during illness examined and discussed in an open class discussion format. Emphasis on self-awareness as well as awareness of others with respect to cultural differences, religious beliefs, addictions, and coping strategies during stress.
Prerequisites Graduate standing in physical therapy.
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