Sep 12, 2024  
2017-2018 Graduate Catalog 

Graduate Courses

  • PSC 702 - Advanced Quantitative Methods I

    Credits 3

    Review of basic statistical techniques and in-depth treatment of bivariate and multivariate regression analysis, including regression diagnostics and remedies for assumption violations. Also introduces advanced statistical estimation techniques including robust regression, time-series analysis, and maximum likelihood estimation.

      or equivalent and graduate standing.

  • PSC 703 - Topics in Advanced Quantitative Methods

    Credits 3

     Topics in advanced research methodological techniques used in the social sciences, such as maximum likelihood estimation, time series analysis, and formal modeling.

    repeatable up to 6 credits. 

    PSC 701  and PSC 702  

  • PSC 704 - Advanced Qualitative Methods

    Credits 3

    This course examines advanced qualitative research techniques used in the social sciences including inference, causality, measurement, process tracing, and typological theory.

    PSC 701  and PSC 702  

  • PSC 710R - Proseminar in American Politics

    Credits 3

    Concepts, methods, and theories in American politics. Particular attention is devoted to the presentation and analysis of classic books and articles in the field so as to provide students with the requisite foundation for advanced study.

  • PSC 713 - American National Government: Principles

    Credits 3

    Addresses the theoretical principles underlying—and disputed within— the American political regime since the Founding. Readings include writings by American statesmen, political philosophers, and scholars representative of key perspectives in the liberal-constitutional tradition. Satisfies U.S. Constitution requirement.

    (PSC 710)

    Graduate standing.

  • PSC 714 - American National Government: Structure and Processes

    Credits 3

    American political institutions, public opinion, voting behavior, and the making of public policy.

    PSC 711

    Graduate standing.

  • PSC 719 - Advanced Studies in American Politics

    Credits 3

    Selected topics in American politics. Students are advised to take PSC 710R before this course.

    May be repeated to a maximum of six credits.

      and graduate standing.

  • PSC 721 - Public Policy Process

    Credits 3

    Examines the roles of the legislative and executive branches of government in public policy formation and implementation. Surveys empirical techniques used in the field, assesses the impact of ethical theories on the public policy process, and explores selected policy issues in detail.

    Same as
    (EPS 747)

    May be repeated to a maximum of six credits.

    Graduate standing.

  • PSC 723 - Policy Analysis

    Credits 3

    Aims to enable students to understand and evaluate a range of methods used by professional policy analysts, and to present some of the ethical issues surrounding this practice.

    Same as
    (EPS 710)

    Each student is required to locate and critique some examples of policy analysis in his or her own area of interest.

    Graduate standing.

  • PSC 729 - Advanced Studies in Public Policy

    Credits 3

    Selected topics in public policy. May be repeated to a maximum of six credits.

      and graduate standing.

  • PSC 732 - Constitutional Law

    Credits 3

    Study of the U.S. Constitution with emphasis on its interpretation, the power of the judiciary, Congress, and executive. Attention also devoted to federal-state relations and the Commerce Clause. Satisfies the U.S. Constitution requirement.

    (PSC 730)

    Graduate standing.

  • PSC 739 - Advanced Studies in Public Law

    Credits 3

    Selected topics in public law. Students are advised to take PSC 710R before this course.

    May be repeated to a maximum of six credits.

      and graduate standing.

  • PSC 740 - Proseminar in International Relations

    Credits 3

    Concepts, methods, and theories in international relations. Application of these tools to contemporary issues in international politics and economics. Conflict and peace studies, the North-South dialogue, and futures studies.

    Graduate standing.

  • PSC 741 - U.S. Foreign Policy

    Credits 3

    Examines the dynamics of the foreign policy decision-making process, surveys the historical evolution of American foreign policy, and addresses its contemporary issues. Impacts of the changing faces of communism, third-world nationalism, and global economic and political interdependencies on U.S. foreign policy studied in detail.

    Graduate standing.

  • PSC 746 - Middle East in World Affairs

    Credits 3

    Develops a framework for the study of international relations of the Middle East; examines domestic, regional and global determinants of external politics in the region; analyzes its great powers’ interests and policies (strategic, military, economic, etc.) in this area; and studies intraregional problems including the Arab-Israeli imbroglio, inter-Arab conflicts, and turmoil in Lebanon.

    Graduate standing.

  • PSC 747 - Pacific Rim in World Affairs

    Credits 3

    Examines international relations of the Pacific Rim, a key region in contemporary international politics. Analyzes diplomatic/political, military/security, and economic/trade issues in the region, and assesses the dynamics and interdependence of the region and the region’s significance to international politics in the twenty-first century.

    Graduate standing.

  • PSC 751 - International Political Economy

    Credits 3

    Examines the concepts, methods, and theories used in the study of the politics of international economic relations. Major theories of international political economy are examined and applied to the study of international trade, international capital flows, economic development, globalization, regional integration, labor, and the environment.

  • PSC 754 - Global Governance

    Credits 3

    Examines the theoretical foundations for world order with attention to international organizations, collective security, regional and global integration, transnational capital, social movements, human security, and states.

  • PSC 755 - International Security

    Credits 3

    This course will examine contemporary threats to international security and peace (e.g., terrorism, conflict) in order to explore the different methods of preventing, managing, and resolving them.

  • PSC 759 - Advanced Studies in International Relations

    Credits 3

    Selected topics in international relations. Students are advised to take PSC 740 before this course.

    (PSC 749)

    May be repeated to a maximum of six credits.

      and graduate standing.

  • PSC 760R - Proseminar in Comparative Politics

    Credits 3

    Concepts, methods, and theories in comparative politics. Topics include such as political development, ethnicity, leadership, and political economy.

    (PSC 750)

    Graduate standing.

  • PSC 761 - Middle Eastern and North African Politics

    Credits 3

    Provides students with in-depth analysis of the political institutions, processes, and policies in the Middle East and North Africa.

    (PSC 760)

    Graduate standing.

  • PSC 762 - African Politics

    Credits 3

    This course surveys the broad themes and debates in the study of the politics of sub-Saharan Africa. The historical and geographic forces that have shaped the African state are explored. The nature and performance of the post-colonial state and the attempts at economic and political reform are examined.

  • PSC 763 - European Politics

    Credits 3

    This course covers the politics of Europe, home to many of the world’s democracies and the European Union. Students will become familiar with the major political (including electoral and legislative) and economic dynamics in Europe. 

  • PSC 764 - Latin American Politics

    Credits 3

    Provides students with an understanding of regime change, party systems, conventional participation, and social movements. Includes coverage of advanced theories of comparative politics as applied to the region.

  • PSC 767 - Comparative Democratization

    Credits 3

    This course explores the phenomenon of democratization, with a particular focus on the cases of democratization that have occurred since the start of the third wave of democratization in the mid-1970s. The different theoretical approaches to explaining both the transition to and consolidation of democracy will be examined.

  • PSC 775 - Comparative Political Behavior

    Credits 3

    Examination of the antecedents and consequences of public opinion and political behavior from a comparative perspective, with emphasis given to democratic regimes.

  • PSC 779R - Advanced Studies in Comparative Politics

    Credits 3

    Selected topics in comparative politics. Students are advised to take PSC 760R before this course.

    (PSC 769)

    May be repeated to a maximum of six credits.

      and graduate standing.

  • PSC 780R - Proseminar in Political Theory

    Credits 3

    Concepts and issues in political theory, with emphasis on major texts in the history of political philosophy.

    (PSC 771)

    Graduate standing.

  • PSC 781 - Political Theory before 1500

    Credits 3

    Readings from works by selected political theorists of the ancient and medieval periods. Authors may include Thucydides, Xenophon, Plato, Aristotle, Cicero, Al-Farabi, Maimonides, and Thomas Aquinas.

  • PSC 782R - Political Theory from 1500 to 1900

    Credits 3

    Readings from works by selected political theorists of the early and late modern periods. Authors may include Machiavelli, Hobbes, Locke, Rousseau, Kant, Hegel, J. S. Mill, Marx, and Nietzsche.

  • PSC 783 - Political Theory since 1900

    Credits 3

    Readings from works by selected political theorists since 1900. Authors may include Dewey and Heidegger.

  • PSC 789R - Special Topic: Advanced Studies in Political Theory

    Credits 3

    Selected topics in political theory. Students are advised to take PSC 780R  before this course.

    (PSC 779)

    May be repeated to a maximum of six credits.

    Graduate standing.

  • PSC 790 - SP Topics: Studies in Political Science

    Credits 3

    Analysis of the research and literature on a selected topic in political science. Specific topic announced each semester.

    May be repeated to a maximum of six credits.

  • PSC 791 - M.A. Independent Study in Political Science

    Credits 1-3

    Program of independent reading and research in political science for M.A. students, to be selected in consultation with an instructor before registration. May be repeated to a maximum of six credits with consent of instructor.

    Consent of instructor.

  • PSC 792 - Ph.D. Independent Study in Political Science

    Credits 1-3

    Program of independent reading and research in political science for Ph.D. students, to be selected in consultation with an instructor before registration. May be repeated to a maximum of six credits with consent of instructor.

    Consent of instructor.

  • PSC 793 - Internship in Political Science

    Credits 1 – 3

    Graduate students have a work assignment in an executive, legislative, or judicial setting, political party, or interest group institution at the national, state, or local governmental level and make regular reports on work activities and assigned readings. Substantial written work required.

    (PSC 780)

    May be repeated to a maximum of six credits with consent of instructor.

  • PSC 795 - Directed Readings in Political Science

    Credits 1 to 6

    Program of assigned reading and preparation of professional paper.

    (PSC 782)

    May be repeated to a maximum of 6 credits.


    Department approval.

  • PSC 796 - Thesis

    Credits 3 – 6

    Research, analysis, and writing towards completion of thesis and subsequent defense.

    (PSC 789)

    May be repeated but only six credits applied to the student’s program.

    S/F grading only.

    Departmental approval.

  • PSC 799 - Dissertation

    Credits 3-12

    May be repeated but only 12 credits may be applied toward degree.

    Passing grade on comprehensive examinations.

  • PSY 606 - Intermediate Statistics

    Credits 3

    Theory and application of parametric and non-parametric statistical inference, including special correlation methods.

    This course is crosslisted with PSY 406. Credit at the 600-level requires additional work.

    Admitted PhD Psychology students only.

  • PSY 620 - Psychology of Learning

    Credits 3

    Analysis of the principles, theories, and phenomena of learning.

    This course is crosslisted with PSY 420. Credit at the 600-level requires additional work.

    Admitted PhD Psychology students only.

  • PSY 680 - Experimental Psychology

    Credits 3

    Graduate credit may be obtained for courses designated 600 or above. A full description of this course may be found in the UNLV Undergraduate Catalog under the corresponding 400 number.

    Credit at the 600-level requires additional work.

    Admitted PhD Psychology students only.

  • PSY 681 - Principles of Psychological Testing

    Credits 3

    Theory, construction, and application of standard psychological tests.

    This course is crosslisted with PSY 481. Credit at the 600-level requires additional work.

    Admitted PhD Psychology students only.

  • PSY 682 - History of Psychology

    Credits 3

    Study of the history of psychology.

    This course is crosslisted with PSY 482. Credit at the 600-level requires additional work.

    Admitted PhD Psychology students only.

  • PSY 683 - Theories of Personality

    Credits 3

    Graduate credit may be obtained for courses designated 600 or above. A full description of this course may be found in the UNLV Undergraduate Catalog under the corresponding 400 number.

    Credit at the 600-level requires additional work.

    Admitted PhD Psychology students only.

  • PSY 701 - Biological Bases of Behavior

    Credits 3

    A detailed examination of the biological processes that underlie behavior including basic structure and function of the nervous system, physiological bases of behavior, and neuroscience approaches to topics such as sensation, perception, learning, memory, emotion, sleep, and development.

    Admitted PhD Psychology students only and consent of instructor.

  • PSY 702 - Sensation and Perception

    Credits 3

    Critical review of major theories and issues in perception research, including a discussion of psychophysical methods, general auditory perception, speech, vision, olfaction, gustation, and touch.

    Admitted PhD Psychology students only and consent of instructor.

  • PSY 703 - Cognitive Psychology

    Credits 3

    Critical review of theory and findings in cognitive psychology, including an evaluation of research in attention, pattern recognition, the representation of events in memory, and language.

    Admitted PhD Psychology students only and consent of instructor.

  • PSY 704 - Social Psychology

    Credits 3

    Overview of current theory and research in social psychology. Both the limitations and implications of social psychological theory explored using current research evidence. Topics include attitude change, social influence, attribution theory, social cognition, and cross-cultural perspectives.

    Admitted PhD Psychology students only and PSY 460 and consent of instructor.

  • PSY 705 - Developmental Psychology

    Credits 3

    Survey of cognitive, social, and emotional development from birth through adolescence.

    Admitted PhD Psychology students only and consent of instructor.

  • PSY 706 - History of Psychology

    Credits 3

    Examination of the forces which have shaped the development of the discipline and the practice of psychology, including antecedents in philosophy, physiology, and psychotherapy.

    Admitted PhD Psychology students only and consent of instructor.

  • PSY 707 - Research Methods

    Credits 3

    Advanced treatment of the issues involved in planning, conducting, and evaluating research.

    Admitted PhD Psychology students only and consent of instructor.

  • PSY 708 - Statistics for Psychologists I

    Credits 3

    Treatment of analysis of variance and multiple comparison methods applied to psychological research.

    Admitted PhD Psychology students only.

  • PSY 709 - Statistics for Psychologists II

    Credits 3

    Treatment of correlation, multiple regression, chi-square, and analysis of covariance as applied to psychological research.

    Admitted PhD Psychology students only.

  • PSY 710 - Multivariate Analysis in Psychology

    Credits 3

    Examination of multivariate statistical techniques including topics such as multivariate analysis of variance and covariance, discriminant function analysis, profile analysis, factor analysis, principal components analysis, and canonical correlation.

      and   or equivalent and admitted PhD Psychology students only.

  • PSY 711 - Advanced Seminar in Psychological Statistics

    Credits 3

    Examination of advanced statistical techniques such as nonparametric statistics, meta analysis, time-series analysis, and structural equation modeling.

    May be repeated to a maximum of 18 credits.

      and   or  permission of the instructor.

  • PSY 712 - Psychometrics

    Credits 3

    Principles of evaluating and constructing psychological tests using psychometric theory and behavioral assessment methodology.

    Admitted PhD Psychology students only.

  • PSY 713 - Developmental Research

    Credits 3

    Application of theory, methods, designs, analyses, and interpretation of research in developmental psychology.

    Admitted PhD Psychology students only.

  • PSY 714 - History and Foundations of Clinical Psychology

    Credits 3

    An overview of the historical development of psychology as well as exploration of current theoretical and skills-based issues in clinical psychology.

    Admitted PhD Psychology students only and limited to students enrolled in clinical psychology doctoral program.

  • PSY 715 - Assessment of Children

    Credits 3

    Theory and practice of psychological assessment of children.

    Admitted PhD Psychology students only and limited to students enrolled in clinical psychology doctoral program.

  • PSY 716 - Assessment of Adults

    Credits 3

    Theory and practice of psychological assessment of adults.

    Admitted PhD Psychology students only and limited to students enrolled in clinical psychology doctoral program.

  • PSY 717 - Cognitive Methods

    Credits 3

    Overview of cognitive and neuroscience research methods, including demonstrations of equipment and software that is used for conducting experiments and analyzing results.

    Admitted PhD Psychology students only and consent of instructor.

  • PSY 718 - Cognitive Science

    Credits 3

    An exploration of topics related to cognition from fields such as perception, neuroscience, computational modeling, artificial intelligence, antrhopology, and linguistics.

    Admitted PhD Psychology students only and consent of instructor.

  • PSY 719 - Behavioral Neuroscience

    Credits 3

    Examines the neural basis of behavior including cellular, molecular, and genetic contributions. Topics will include neuronal cellular structure and function, neuroanatomy, experimental methods/techniques, and detailed investigations of the mechanisms involved in various behaviors and neurological/psychological disorders.

    Admitted PhD Psychology students only and consent of instructor.

  • PSY 720 - Systems and Cognitive Neuroscience

    Credits 3

    Examines systems and cognitive neuroscience theories, methods, and data used to understand topics such as perception, attention, action, learning, memory, emotion, social behavior, language, music, and brain disorders.

    Admitted PhD Psychology students only and consent of instructor.

  • PSY 721 - Developmental Science

    Credits 3

    Discussion and critical review of theoretical perspectives and issues in developmental psychology. Topics include aspects of physiological, cognitive, and social development.

    Can be taken for a maximum of 3 credits.

    Admitted PhD Psychology students.

  • PSY 725 - Intervention with Children

    Credits 3

    Principles and methods of psychological intervention with children.

    Admitted PhD Psychology students only and limited to students enrolled in clinical psychology doctoral program.

  • PSY 726 - Intervention with Adults

    Credits 3

    Principles and methods of psychological intervention with adults.

    Admitted PhD Psychology students only and limited to students enrolled in clinical psychology doctoral program.

  • PSY 727 - Seminar in Clinical Psychology

    Credits 3

    In-depth study of selected topics in the science and practice of clinical psychology. Focuses on the etiology, assessment, and treatment of specific clinical disorders such as depression, anxiety-based disorders, autism, substance abuse, sexual dysfunctions and paraphilias, marital dysfunctions.

    May be repeated to a maximum of nine credits

    Completion of year 1 of the Ph.D. Program. Consent of instructor. Admitted PhD Psychology students only.

  • PSY 735 - Counseling: Theory and Practice

    Credits 3

    Emphasis on counseling problems, techniques, and practice as well as historic and contemporary therapeutic theories. Includes supervised student counseling.

    Admitted PhD Psychology students only and consent of instructor.

  • PSY 736 - Psychopathology

    Credits 3

    Advanced treatment of psychopathology covering description, diagnosis, classification, physiological factors, and psychodynamics.

    Admitted PhD Psychology students only and consent of instructor.

  • PSY 737 - Child Psychopathology

    Credits 3

    Primary features, etiological theories, and epidemiology of behavior disorders in youth. Major diagnostic groupings covered include internalizing disorders (i.e., anxiety, depression, suicide, social withdrawal), externalizing disorders (i.e. ADHD, conduct disorder, substance abuse), pediatric problems, and developmental disabilities (e.g., autism, mental retardation).

    Admitted PhD Psychology students only and consent of instructor.

  • PSY 740 - Topics in Developmental Psychology

    Credits 3

    Analysis of theoretical concepts and research pertinent to the development of the individual.

    May be repeated to a maximum of 12 credits.

    Admitted PhD Psychology students only.

  • PSY 741 - Psychology and Health

    Credits 3

    In-depth study of selected topics in the science of health psychology and/or the practice of behavioral medicine. Emphasis on theoretical foundations and empirical findings. Topics permitting, instruction on the clinical practice of behavioral medicine.

    Completion of year 1 of PhD program and admitted PhD Psychology students only.

  • PSY 742 - Psychopharmacology

    Credits 3

    In-depth study of the effects of psychoactive drugs on nervous system function and behavior. Topics include pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, principles of neurotransmission, mechanisms of drug action, theoretical models of drug dependence and experimental approaches to psychopharmacology research.

    Admitted PhD Psychology students only and consent of instructor.

  • PSY 743 - Human Sexuality

    Credits 3

    In-depth examination of the social and biological foundations of human sexuality. Includes detailed explorations of the latest research on the human sexual response, the relation of sexuality to psychological adjustment, variations in sexual behavior and identity, sexual dysfunction, and sociocultural issues.

    Admitted PhD Psychology students only and consent of instructor.

  • PSY 744 - Neuropsychology

    Credits 3

    Provides in-depth examinat ion of the area of neuropsychology to include information on the historical roots of neuropsychology, organization of the human nervous system, brain-behavior relationships, higher cognitive functions, assessment techniques, neuropathology, neurological conditions, report writing, and developing recommendations for treatment planning.

    Admitted PhD Psychology students only and consent of instructor.

  • PSY 745 - Clinical Geropsychology

    Credits 3

    Assessment and psychological treatment of problems experienced in late life.

    Admitted PhD Psychology students only and consent of instructor.

  • PSY 746 - Marital and Family Therapy

    Credits 3

    Principles and methods of psychological interventions with couples and families.

    Admitted PhD Psychology students only and consent of instructor.

  • PSY 747 - Topics in Perception

    Credits 3

    A seminar that explores the core concepts and recent developments in an area of perception. Potential topics include vision, hearing, taste, touch, and smell.

    May be repeated to a maximum of 12 credits.

    Admitted PhD Psychology students only and consent of instructor.

  • PSY 748 - Topics in Memory:

    Credits 3

    Seminar that explores the core concepts and recent developments in an area of memory research. Potential topics include short-term, working, episodic, semantic, procedural, implicit/explicit, and prospective memory.

    Admitted PhD Psychology students only and consent of instructor.

  • PSY 749 - Topics in Cognitive Processes:

    Credits 3

    A seminar that explores the core concepts and recent developments in an area of cognitive processes. Potential topics include reasoning, decision-making, mathematics, problem-solving, and language use.

    May be repeated to a maximum of twelve credits.

    Admitted PhD Psychology students only and consent of instructor.

  • PSY 750 - Diversity in Professional Psychology

    Credits 3

    Acquaints students with the growing body of psychological literature on ethnic, age, life style, and other diversity issues. Emphasis on sensitizing students to unique aspects of minority populations, while enhancing their ability to work with individuals from various backgrounds.

    Admitted PhD Psychology students only and consent of instructor.

  • PSY 752 - Group Psychotherapy: Principles and Practice

    Credits 3

    The practice of competent, evidence-based group psychotherapy, its foundation, and supportive theories. Addresses key aspects of group therapy and relevant ethics.

    Must have taken or currently be enrolled in  .

  • PSY 755 - Ethics and Professional Issues

    Credits 3

    Examination of ethical and professional issues related to the practice of psychology.

    Admitted PhD Psychology students only and consent of instructor.

  • PSY 756 - Ethics, Professional Issues, and Diversity in Experimental Psychology

    Credits 3

    Examination of ethical, professional, and diversity issues related to the practice of experimental psychology. Topics include publishing, grant funding, the professoriate, scientific misconduct, protection of human and nonhuman subjects, and diversity in experimental psychology.

    Admitted PhD Psychology students only and consent of instructor.

  • PSY 757 - Teaching of Psychology

    Credits 3

    Preparation and presentation of teaching material, the grading process, and solicitation of student feedback, among other variables.

    Admitted PhD Psychology students only and consent of instructor.

  • PSY 758 - Proseminar in Experimental Psychology

    Credits 1 – 2

    Weekly forum for students and faculty to discuss professional issues and interdisciplinary research in experimental psychology.

    May be repeated to a maximum of six credits.

    Admitted PhD Psychology students only and consent of instructor.

  • PSY 760 - Advanced Psychological Assessment

    Credits 3

    Advanced practice in psychodiagnosis, psychological test administration, scoring, interpretation, and integrated report writing.

    Admitted PhD Psychology students only and consent of instructor and limited to students enrolled in clinical psychology doctoral program.

  • PSY 762 - Introduction to Clinical Supervision

    Credits 3

    The practice of competent clinical supervision, focusing on the roles and responsibilities of the supervisor, models and methods of supervision, and legal and ethical issues. Concurrent supervision of practicum students.

    Admitted PhD Psychology students only and consent of instructor and limited to students enrolled in clinical psychology doctoral program.

  • PSY 763 - Survey of Community Mental Health Resources

    Credits 1

    Visits to community psychological facilities with presentations by resource professionals.

    S/F grading only.

    Admitted PhD Psychology students only.

  • PSY 764 - Family Counseling Practicum

    Credits 3

    Supervised practice in counseling with families and couples. Emphasis on understanding functioning at the family system.

    Admitted PhD Psychology students only and consent of instructor.

  • PSY 765 - Seminar

    Credits 1 – 6

    Explores a specific aspect of psychology. Department approval must be obtained prior to registration.

    May be repeated to a maximum of six credits.

    Admitted PhD Psychology students.

  • PSY 766 - Independent Study

    Credits 1 – 9

    Individual projects under the direction of a faculty member. 

    Department approval must be obtained prior to registration. Student may enroll for 1-9 credits per semester. May be repeated to a maximum of 18 credits.

    Admitted PhD Psychology students only.

  • PSY 767 - Practicum

    Credits 3

    Supervised clinical experience at a departmentally approved site.

    Department approval must be obtained prior to registration. May be repeated.

    Admitted PhD Psychology students only.

  • PSY 768 - Independent Research

    Credits 1 – 9

    Individual research projects under the direction of a faculty member.

    Department approval must be obtained prior to registration. Student may enroll for 1-9 credits per semester. May be repeated.

    Admitted PhD Psychology students only.

  • PSY 769 - Thesis

    Credits 3 – 6

    Research, analysis, and writing towards completion of thesis and subsequent defense.

    May be repeated, but only six credits will be applied to the student’s program.

    S/F grading only.

    Admitted PhD Psychology students only.

  • PSY 770 - Dissertation

    Credits 3 – 12

    Dissertation must be orally proposed and defended.

    Student may enroll for 3-9 credits per semester. May be repeated, but only 12 credits will be applied to the student’s program.

    S/F grading only.

    Admitted PhD Psychology students only.

    Department approval must be obtained prior to registration.

  • PSY 771 - Professional Internship

    Credits 1 - 3

    The student must complete a full calendar year APA-approved clinical psychology internship. During the internship year, students must register for six credits of PSY 771: Professional Internship.

    May be repeated, but only six credits will be applied to the student’s program.

    S/F grading only.

    Admitted PhD Psychology students only.


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