Oct 18, 2024  
2015-2016 Graduate Catalog 

Your Graduate School Experience


The reasons for enrolling in graduate school are as varied as the people who make up the graduate student population. Your decision to seek an advanced degree means that you share with other UNLV graduate students a spirit of adventure that comes with discovery— discovery of new information, new skills—and discovery of the depths of your own intellectual abilities. You will also share a capacity for hard work, because graduate study, whatever the subject matter, is difficult. But at the end of the rigorous and oftentimes exhilarating graduate coursework and research in your chosen field, you will have the satisfaction of having mastered a body of knowledge that places you in an elite group. Earning your graduate degree will be an achievement that marks the beginning of a professional career, more than an end of your academic studies. Your graduate degree will prepare you to engage with other experts in your field and to move forward to make notable contributions in your area of study and beyond.

The Graduate College at UNLV
Services for Graduate Students
Graduate and Professional Student Association

The Graduate College at UNLV 

The university’s advanced degree programs are based on close working relationships between students and faculty. Although most programs can be developed to meet the needs and interests of the individual student, the student must also satisfy all departmental and Graduate College requirements. Therefore, it is important that all students carefully read the appropriate sections of this catalog and stay in close contact with the faculty members in their degree program. Students are responsible for being aware of and observing the policies and regulations stated in the Graduate Catalog. Please note that ignorance of campus policies is not a sufficient reason for exemption from said policies.

The Graduate Dean and the Senior Associate Dean, with the advice of the Graduate Council determines policies and procedures of the Graduate College. The Council consists of one delegate from each academic department that houses an advanced degree program, and it operates with standing committees. The Graduate and Professional Student Association also has representatives on the Graduate Council. The Graduate Dean and Senior Associate Graduate Dean are ex-officio members of the Graduate Council and each standing committee.

Once enrolled as a student, you will have various responsibilities within the academic community. The conduct of all persons affiliated with the University of Nevada, Las Vegas is governed by the Rules and Disciplinary Procedures for Members of the University Community. This code outlines the responsibilities of students, faculty, staff and administration as well as the rules, sanctions and hearing procedures in effect on the campus. Printed copies of the code are available in the Registrar’s Office. The UNLV Student Conduct Code is available through the UNLV Office of Student Conduct.

Additional information may be found in this catalog and on the Graduate College website.

Services for Graduate Students 

The Graduate College offers services to support graduate students in many different areas. In cooperation with various offices at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, Graduate Student Services seeks to provide information and programs aimed at the unique needs of graduate students.

Orientation. Every semester, prior to the beginning of classes, the Graduate College conducts an orientation for new graduate students and graduate assistants. Each department and/or program offering a graduate degree provides additional orientation and advising for new students.

Recruitment. UNLV is committed to growing selectively, serving the region, and achieving distinction. In recognition of this commitment, the Graduate College works with academic departments who seek to develop, implement, coordinate, and monitor their recruitment programs and outcomes. The UNLV Graduate College also proudly participates in the McNair Scholars Program, which helps to identify and prepare under represented and minority students for graduate school.

Graduate REBEL Success Center.  The Graduate College Grad REBEL Success Center is a virtual success center designed to help graduate students engage with departments and colleges around campus; provide opportunities for professional development, research engagement, and scholarly activities; help graduate students successfully complete their degrees and move into their desired field of work; and build and maintain a lifelong relationship between graduate students and the Graduate College.

Thesis and Dissertation Support. For many programs, the thesis or dissertation represents the culmination of the graduate experience. These students’ final theses and dissertations must conform to the formatting guidelines established by the Graduate College, and students must submit a single hard copy of the final document, as well as an electronic copy, before conferral of their graduate degree. The Graduate College provides guidance, oversight and direction to graduate students and faculty concerning the policies and procedures for final submission of the thesis or dissertation.

Professional Development Programs. The Graduate College works with other campus units to provide a formal, value-added experience for graduate students that will enhance their career development in the areas of teaching, research, and other scholarly skills.

Student Advising Services. The Graduate College advising services provide informal and student-centered issue-resolution services, and general non-academic advising advice, to graduate students and prospective graduate students. The office offers guidance, information, and assistance when regular channels have failed to provide graduate students with the information that they need to solve problems or make informed decisions.

Note: The office does not provide academic advising; students must consult with the graduate coordinator or their designated faculty advisor in their own graduate program, or program of interest, for academic guidance.

Graduate and Professional Student Association 

The Graduate & Professional Student Association was formed in 1980 to provide additional opportunities for graduate students to interact, both socially and academically, and to provide a forum for dealing with problems specific to graduate student life. The GPSA’s primary goals are to improve the quality of graduate education and the graduate student experience, and to offer graduate student grants for research and other scholarly projects.

Each department on campus has a graduate student GPSA representative who attends GPSA meetings, participates on GPSA committees, and communicates all pertinent information concerning the GPSA to his/her constituents. The GPSA has graduate student representation on all standing committees of the Graduate College, and participates in at least one community service project each semester.

The GPSA office provides a study area, a copy service and a computer lab, all in the Lied Library. The office is open year round, all day, and some evenings. Meetings are held on the first Monday of every month in the Student Union, and all graduate students are encouraged to attend and participate. For more information visit the GPSA website, or contact the GPSA office in Lied Library, Room 3251, or call (702) 895-2261.