Sep 27, 2024  
2008-2010 Undergraduate Catalog 


  • CS 480 - Computer Graphics

    Graphics hardware, software and applications. Data structures for graphics, graphics languages, computer-aided design, and three-dimensional graphics.

    Credits 3
    Prerequisites CS 302 and MATH 365.
  • CS 482 - Artificial Intelligence

    Survey of current artificial intelligence technologies: game playing, theorem-proving, natural language processing, pattern recognition, and heuristic programming.

    Credits 3
    Prerequisites CS 302 and PHIL 422.
  • CS 489 - Advanced Computer Science Topics

    Undergraduate-level course in advanced topics of computer science, depending upon the interest of faculty and students.

    Credits 3
    Prerequisites Consent of instructor.
    May be repeated to a maximum of six credits.
  • CS 490 - Independent Study

    Library research and reports on topics of computer science interest.

    Credits (1-3)
    Prerequisites Consent of instructor.
    May be repeated to a maximum of six credits.
  • CST 200 - Introduction to Cultural Studies

    History, theoretical positions, political orientations, topics of interest, and methods.

    Credits 3
    Prerequisites Any one three-credit course which satisfies the University General Education Social Science Requirement.
  • CST 301 - Theories of Culture

    (Same as PHIL 356 and SOC 356.) Study of the nature of culture norms, with reference to art, language, communication, religion, science, etc. Examination of the theoretical underpinnings of the study of culture in the humanities, the social sciences, and in “cultural studies.”

    Credits 3
  • CST 400 - Senior Thesis in Cultural Studies

    Supervision by one or more members of the Cultural Studies Program. Approved proposal must be on file with Cultural Studies Program before registration.

    Credits 3
    Notes For senior majors in cultural studies only.
  • CST 427 - Comparative Racial and Ethnic Relations

    (Same as ETS 427 and SOC 427/627.) Surveys racial and ethnic relations in different societies around the world, including the United States. Special attention given to structures of inequality and to social movements for racial justice and equality.

    Credits 3
    Prerequisites SOC 101 or SOC 102 or CST 200.
  • CST 451 - Russian Society in Transition

    (Same as SOC 451/651.) Sociological survey of Russian society in transition. Reviews major Soviet institutions and examines current attempts to transform Russian society. Special attention to the origins of glasnost and prestroika and the difficulties that the former Soviet Union faces in reforming its communist system and building democracy and a market economy.

    Credits 3
    Prerequisites SOC 101 or CST 200.
  • CST 499 - Independent Study

    Program of independent reading and research, to be selected in consultation with an instructor before registration.

    Credits 3
    Prerequisites CST 301 and 302.
  • DAN 100 - Introduction to Dance

    No dance training necessary. Fundamentals of movement styles and philosophies of dance. Students observe and participate through demonstration, video, and discussion.

    Credits 3
  • DAN 101 - Dance Appreciation

    Non-technical course providing understanding and appreciation of the art of dance with special focus on the artists and styles. Intended for non-dance majors only.

    Credits 3
  • DAN 103 - Sex, Dance, and Entertainment

    Non-technical course providing understanding and appreciation of the sexual derivation and evolution of social, street, and fad dances from 1900 to the present, and the subcultures that created them.

    Credits 3
  • DAN 104 - Appreciation of Dance in Broadway and Film Musicals

    Non-technical course providing an understanding and appreciation of “Show-Biz” dancing in Broadway musicals from the 1940s to the present. Shows like Oklahoma, West Side Story, A Chorus Line, and Dancin’ viewed and discussed in relation to dance. Dance stars on film such as Ginger Rogers, Fred Astaire, Gene Kelly, and Mikhail Baryshnikov explored in respect to their contributions to choreography and performance.

    Credits 3
  • DAN 108 - Pilates I

    Introduction to alignment, flexibility and strengthening technique for the dance with a certified Pilates® practitioner. Pilates® technique, a universal theory of training for movement in all dance forms, develops correct use of the dancer’s instrument and prevents dance injury. Includes practical application with Pilates® apparatus and mat work.

    Credits 1
    May be repeated to a maximum of six credits.
  • DAN 109 - Music Theory for Dancers

    Basic elements of music with special emphasis on rhythm.

    Credits 3
    Prerequisites Dance majors only.
  • DAN 110 - Dance for Flexibility and Tone

    Open to all dance majors and non-majors. Emphasis on dance alignment, flexibility, breathing, and tone.

    Credits 1
    May be repeated to a maximum of three credits.
  • DAN 113 - Flamenco Dance I

    Study of the technique and style of Flamenco Dance, including foot work, hand clapping (Palmas), finger snapping (Pitos) and the playing of Castanets (Palillos). The types of Flamenco dances explored include Sevillanas, Furruca, and Alegrias.

    Credits 1
    May be repeated to a maximum of six credits.
  • DAN 114 - Country-Western and Square Dance

    Vocabulary and skills of country-western and square dance styles.

    Credits 1
  • DAN 115 - Middle Eastern Dance I

    Study of Arabic dance from folklore to modern trends. Expands knowledge of ethnic dance through Middle Eastern movement, music, history, customs, culture and art. Special emphasis on understanding difference between traditional Middle Eastern folk dance and modern bellydance.

    Credits 1
  • DAN 116 - Hip Hop I

    Beginning level Hip Hop. Previous experience in dance not necessary. Offers foundation for dance by putting into practice basic techniques for Hip Hop. Particular emphasis on student’s physical awareness, expressiveness and grasp of material.

    Credits 1
  • DAN 125 - Ballroom Dance (Beginning)

    Basic ballroom techniques in both rhythm and smooth dances.

    Credits 1
    May be repeated to a maximum of four credits.
  • DAN 126 - Ballroom Dance (Beginning/Intermediate)

    Beginning/Intermediate-level ballroom techniques in both rhythm and smooth dances.

    Credits 1
    Prerequisites DAN 125.
    May be repeated to a maximum of four credits.
  • DAN 132 - Jazz Dance I

    Beginning techniques of jazz dance.

    Credits 1
    May be repeated to a maximum of four credits.
  • DAN 135 - Ballet I

    Beginning techniques of ballet.

    Credits 1
    May be repeated to a maximum of four credits.
  • DAN 137 - International Folk Dance

    Credits 1
  • DAN 138 - Modern Dance I

    Beginning techniques of modern dance.

    Credits 1
    May be repeated to a maximum of four credits.
  • DAN 144 - Tap Dance (Beginning)

    Beginning techniques of tap dance.

    Credits 1
    May be repeated to a maximum of four credits.
  • DAN 165 - Survey of Dance

    Introduction to dance, place of dance in social and cultural life, and relation of dance to other art forms.

    Credits 3
  • DAN 166 - Survey of African American Dance

    (Same as AAS 166.) Survey of the role of the African-American in the development of dance in America. Special focus placed on artists, their philosophies and contributions in the areas of ballet, jazz, modern and tap.

    Credits 3
  • DAN 188 - Choreography I: Improvisation for Composition

    Practical application of the techniques of improvisation for its use in composition.

    Credits 2
  • DAN 199 - Seminar in Dance

    Exploration of issues in dance. Required each semester for all dance majors.

    Credits 0
  • DAN 208 - Pilates II

    Continued study of alignment, flexibility, and strengthening technique for dance. Covers the theory and application of Pilates® technique as used with floor barre.

    Credits 1
    Prerequisites DAN 108.
    May be repeated to a maximum of six credits.
  • DAN 209 - Accompaniment for Dance

    Study of devices, structures, and analysis as applied to music and movement. Techniques of selection and production of accompaniment for dance.

    Credits 3
    Prerequisites DAN 109.
  • DAN 213 - Flamenco Dance II

    Continuation of the study of the technique and style of Flamenco Dance, including advanced foot work, hand clapping (Palmas), finger snapping (Pitos) and the playing of Castanets (Palillos). Types of Flamenco dances explored include Rumba, Tangos Gitanos, Bulerias, and Soleares.

    Credits 1
    Prerequisites DAN 113.
    May be repeated to a maximum of six credits.
  • DAN 215 - Middle Eastern Dance II

    Further study of Arabic dance with more in-depth focus on Arabic rhythms, classical Arabic dance forms including ceremonial and ritual dances, and study of modern Arabic dance sequences used in choreography.

    Credits 1
    Prerequisites DAN 115.
    May be repeated to a maximum of six credits.
  • DAN 216 - Hip Hop II

    Intermediate level Hip Hop. Previous experience in Hip Hop is necessary. Builds upon technique and terminology previously acquired in Hip Hop I. Particular emphasis on enhancing the physical awareness and expressiveness. Focuses on intermediate level technique skills as well as explores a variety of styles in Hip Hop music and movement.

    Credits 1
    Prerequisites DAN 116.
    May be repeated to a maximum of six credits.
  • DAN 225 - Ballroom Dance (Intermediate)

    Intermediate-level ballroom dance techniques in both rhythm and smooth dances.

    Credits 1
    Prerequisites DAN 126.
    May be repeated to a maximum of four credits.
  • DAN 226 - Ballroom Dance (Intermediate/Advanced)

    Intermediate/Advanced-level ballroom dance technique in both rhythm and smooth dances. Introduction to continuity styling.

    Credits 1
    Prerequisites DAN 225.
    May be repeated to a maximum of four credits.
  • DAN 227 - International Ballroom Dance

    International dance skills: waltz, quickstep, jive, and Latin American.

    Credits 1
    Prerequisites DAN 226.
    May be repeated to a maximum of six credits.
  • DAN 232 - Jazz Dance II

    Intermediate techniques of jazz dance.

    Credits 1
    Prerequisites DAN 132, DAN 133.
    May be repeated to a maximum of four credits.
  • DAN 235 - Ballet II

    Intermediate techniques of ballet.

    Credits 1
    Prerequisites DAN 135 or DAN 136.
    May be repeated to a maximum of four credits.
  • DAN 238 - Modern Dance II

    Intermediate techniques of modern dance.

    Credits 1
    Prerequisites DAN 138.
    May be repeated to a maximum of four credits.
  • DAN 239 - Modern Dance (Intermediate/Advanced)

    Technique class for students who are beyond the intermediate level but need additional training before entering the advanced level.

    Credits 1
    Prerequisites DAN 238.
    May be repeated to a maximum of four credits.
  • DAN 244 - Tap Dance (Intermediate)

    Intermediate techniques of tap dancing.

    Credits 1
    Prerequisites DAN 144.
    May be repeated to a maximum of four credits.
  • DAN 251 - Prevention and Care of Dance Injuries

    Basic concepts of injury prevention, immediate care of dance injuries, and the accelerated rehabilitation and safe return to activity.

    Credits 1
  • DAN 265 - Ballet History

    Survey of ballet from semination in the courts of Europe to its current position as an accepted art form on the professional stage. Special focus on the artists, their philosophies, contributions, and techniques.

    Credits 3
  • DAN 279 - Dance in Elementary Education

    Designed to acquaint students with the origin, scope, development, and purposes of movement exploration and rhythmic activities as incorporated in the elementary education program.

    Credits 2
  • DAN 288 - Choreography II: Elements of Dance Composition

    Elements of dance composition including experience in spatial relationships, dynamics, movement qualities, and design. Exploration of these elements through movement studies.

    Credits 2
    Prerequisites DAN 188.
  • DAN 301 - World Dance

    International historical concepts, systems and traditions of ethnic dance focusing on social and cultural motivations from many regions of Western and Eastern Europe, Asia, as well as Central and South America.

    Credits 3
    Prerequisites Any 100- or 200-level dance course or concurrently enrolled in a 100 or 200 level dance class.
  • DAN 307 - Composer-Choreographer Collaboration

    Techniques and principles of music composition as related to choreography. Famous collaborations discussed. Focuses on practical applications.

    Credits 3
    Prerequisites DAN 209, DAN 309 or equivalent.
  • DAN 308 - Pilates III

    Advanced study of alignment, flexibility, and strengthening technique for dance. Use of the three pieces of Pilates® equipment (trapeze table, reformer, and chair).

    Credits 1
    Prerequisites DAN 108, 208.
    May be repeated to a maximum of six credits.
  • DAN 309 - Dance-Music Literature

    Survey of musical dance literature focusing on dance music of Medieval, Renaissance, Baroque, Classical, Romantic, and twentieth-century composers, with special attention to composer-choreographer collaborations.

    Credits 3
    Prerequisites DAN 209.
  • DAN 325 - Ballroom Dance (Advanced)

    Advanced ballroom dance technique in rhythm and smooth dances, continuity styling, and an introduction to bolero or paso doble.

    Credits 1
    Prerequisites DAN 226.
    May be repeated to a maximum of six credits.
  • DAN 332 - Jazz Dance III

    Advanced techniques in jazz dance.

    Credits 1
    Prerequisites DAN 232.
    May be repeated to a maximum of six credits.
  • DAN 335 - Ballet (Advanced)

    Advanced techniques in ballet.

    Credits 1
    Prerequisites DAN 235, DAN 236.
    May be repeated to a maximum of six credits.
  • DAN 338 - Modern Dance III

    Advanced techniques in modern dance.

    Credits 1
    Prerequisites DAN 238.
    May be repeated to a maximum of six credits.
  • DAN 344 - Tap Dance (Advanced)

    Advanced techniques in tap dancing.

    Credits 1
    Prerequisites DAN 244.
    May be repeated to a maximum of six credits.
  • DAN 351 - Dance Kinesiology

    Study of the muscular and skeletal structures of the body involved in the discipline of dance. Emphasis on major muscle groups and joint actions, their capacity for movement, with special attention to the causes and prevention of dance injuries.

    Credits 2
  • DAN 365 - Dance History I: Dance History to 1900

    Historical concepts, systems, traditions, and related arts of dance to 1900.

    Credits 3
    Prerequisites Junior standing.
  • DAN 367 - Dance Production I

    Techniques of staging performance. Study of the principles of costume, light, sound, and set design; makeup; box office management and publicity. Practical application in dance production.

    Credits 3
    Prerequisites DAN 100 or 200 level classes.
  • DAN 369 - Design for Dance

    Aesthetics of the visual components of dance production and experience in practical application of design.

    Credits 3
    Prerequisites DAN 367.
  • DAN 370 - Sound and Video Design for Dance

    Provides technical understanding in the principles of sound design, basic recording techniques and video design for dance productions developed through lectures, demonstrations, projects, and production involvement.

    Credits 3
    Prerequisites DAN 209 and DAN 367.
  • DAN 371 - Lighting Design for Dance I

    Provides an understanding in the principles and techniques of lighting design and the collaborative process of dance production on an advanced level.

    Credits 3
    Prerequisites DAN 367 and DAN 369.
  • DAN 372 - Costume Construction for Dance

    Provides technical understanding of principles and techniques of costume construction for dance production. Techniques in makeup and hair application for dance production.

    Credits 3
    Prerequisites DAN 367 and DAN 369.
  • DAN 373 - Scenic Design for Dance I

    Provides technical understanding of principles and techniques in design and construction of small scenic prop pieces as well as scenic painting for dance production.

    Credits 3
    Prerequisites DAN 367 and DAN 369.
  • DAN 374 - Musical Theatre Dance Laboratory I

    Individual, specialized study in the various dance forms encompassed in the musical theatre art form: Ballet and modern dance techniques. Special emphasis in the fundamentals of dance technique to establish a solid, kinesiologically sound movement base.

    Credits 1
    May be repeated to a maximum of six credits.
  • DAN 376 - Musical Theatre Dance

    Techniques and styles of musical theatre dance.

    Credits 1
  • DAN 379 - Dance in Secondary Education

    Origin, scope, development, and purposes of the dance as incorporated in the secondary school program.

    Credits 2
  • DAN 380 - Stage Management for Dance

    Provides technical understanding of principles and techniques of stage management dance production.

    Credits 3
    Prerequisites DAN 367.
  • DAN 384 - Bachelor of Fine Arts Project I

    Choreographic process of producing dance pieces: concept, intention, structure, music, costume, dancers, technical needs, lighting, performance, etc. Creation and production of a dance piece to be auditioned for presentation in the UNLV concert season.

    Credits 3
    Prerequisites Must be B.F.A. candidate.
  • DAN 387 - Dance Arts Ensemble

    Participates as a member of a dance ensemble. Develops the skills necessary for participation in a dance arts company. Practical study in performance, ensemble class, rehearsal schedule, publicity, production, repertory, and technique.

    Credits 2
    Prerequisites DAN 332, DAN 335, DAN 338. Audition required.
    May be repeated to a maximum of eight credits.
  • DAN 388 - Choreography III: Principles of Composition

    Principles of dance composition, including experience in movement development, design, form, and stage production.

    Credits 3
    Prerequisites DAN 288.
  • DAN 407 - Seminar in Dance Music

    Understanding of the function of dance accompaniment for ballet and modern dance classes, as well as choreography. Types of accompaniment and teacher/choreographer/musician relationships explored through discussion, demonstration and interaction with dance faculty. Repertory class for dance music.

    Credits 1
    Prerequisites Audition.
    May be repeated to a maximum of two credits.
  • DAN 409 - Electronic Music for Dance

    Laboratory in the basic fundamentals of electronic music and its application to dance. Focuses on terminology, MIDI application, creation of sound scores, and discussions of choreographic possibilities.

    Credits 3
    Prerequisites DAN 209 and DAN 309.
  • DAN 421A - Entertainment and Fine Arts Law I

    (Same as AAD, MUS, THTR 421A.) Protection of works created by entertainers and artists, including American and European copyright protection and the unique state and federal statutory rights possessed by performers and artists such as the rights of publicity and issues of resale royalties. Special consideration to film and music industries.

    Credits 3
  • DAN 421B - Entertainment and Fine Arts Law II

    (Same as AAD, MUS, THTR 421B.) Unique legal issues in the fields of live stage performance, theater, music, television and film, the art gallery and museum relationships, including legal and social censorship, First Amendment protection, state and federal obscenity statutes, and contract problems.

    Credits 3
    Prerequisites ART, DAN, MUS or THTR 421A.
  • DAN 425 - Ballroom Formation Team

    Competitive ballroom dance team active in local and regional competitions.

    Credits 1
    Prerequisites Audition.
    May be repeated to a maximum of six credits.
  • DAN 432 - Jazz Dance IV

    Professional-level jazz dance techniques. Preparation for professional performance.

    Credits 1
    Prerequisites DAN 332 or equivalent.
    May be repeated to a maximum of six credits.
  • DAN 435 - Ballet IV

    Professional-level ballet techniques. Preparation for professional performance.

    Credits 1
    Prerequisites DAN 335.
    May be repeated to a maximum of six credits.
  • DAN 438 - Modern Dance IV

    Modern dance techniques in preparation for professional performance.

    Credits 1
    Prerequisites DAN 338.
    May be repeated to a maximum of six credits.
  • DAN 444 - Tap Dance (Professional)

    Tap dance techniques in preparation for professional performance.

    Credits 1
    Prerequisites DAN 344.
    May be repeated to a maximum of six credits.
  • DAN 452 - Dance Notation and Movement Analysis

    Basic principles of labanotation, work in theory, reading, and writing.

    Credits 2
    Prerequisites DAN 109, DAN 209, DAN 188, and DAN 288.
  • DAN 462 - Workshop in Dance

    Theory and practical applications in dance.

    Credits 2
  • DAN 465 - Dance History II: 1900 to Present

    Historical concepts, systems, traditions, and related arts of dance since 1900.

    Credits 3
    Prerequisites DAN 288 and 365.
  • DAN 466 - Dance History III: Contemporary Trends

    Trends in dance, music, and visual art relationships from the avant garde.

    Credits 3
    Prerequisites DAN 465.
  • DAN 467 - Dance Production II

    Continuation of DAN 367, focuses on individualized supervision of production project. Students produce full-scale dance concerts and recitals by serving as production managers, stage managers, and lighting, sound, and/or costume/set technicians.

    Credits 3
    Prerequisites DAN 367.
  • DAN 471 - Lighting Design for Dance II

    Provides understanding of principles and techniques of lighting design and the collaborative process of dance production on an advanced level. Continuation of DAN 371.

    Credits 3
    Prerequisites DAN 367, DAN 369 and DAN 371.
  • DAN 472 - Costume Design for Dance

    Provides understanding of principles and techniques of costume design and construction for dance production.

    Credits 3
    Prerequisites DAN 367, DAN 369 and DAN 372.
  • DAN 473 - Scenic Design for Dance II

    Provides understanding of principles and techniques in design of scenery and scenic elements on a larger scale for dance production stage as well as to be able to design for various performance venues other than the stage.

    Credits 3
    Prerequisites DAN 367, DAN 369 and DAN 373.
  • DAN 474 - Musical Theatre Dance Laboratory II

    Individual, specialized study in the various dance forms encompassed in the musical theatre art form: jazz, tap, ballroom, and musical dance techniques.

    Credits 1
    Prerequisites DAN 374.
    May be repeated to a maximum of six credits.
  • DAN 475 - Production Lab

    Provides hands-on experience in technical and design production work for dance production.

    Credits 1
    Prerequisites DAN 367 and DAN 467.
    May be repeated to a maximum of four credits.
  • DAN 477 - Special Topics in Dance

    Study in special or unique areas of dance theory.

    Credits (1-3)
    May be repeated to a maximum of six credits.
    Notes Topics to be announced.
  • DAN 478 - Special Topics in Dance

    Study in special or unique areas of dance technique.

    Credits (1-3)
    May be repeated to a maximum of six credits.
  • DAN 479 - Dance Pedagogy

    Study of techniques, practices, methods, and materials in dance education.

    Credits 2
    Prerequisites DAN 351 and 300–400 levels in ballet, modern and jazz dance technique. Senior standing only.
  • DAN 480 - Business of Dance

    Provides understanding of theory in the principles and techniques of the business of professional dance production.

    Credits 3
    Prerequisites DAN 367.
  • DAN 482 - Women in the Performing Arts

    (Same as WMST 482.) Explores contributions by women to the performing arts of dance, music, and theatre/film. Integrates socio-economic and historic factors that helped shape artists’ intentions and contributions.

    Credits 3
    Prerequisites DAN 100 or DAN 101.
  • DAN 483 - Feminist Issues in the Popular Arts

    (Same as WMST 483.) Explores feminist issues found by female “pop” artists in the performing arts of dance, music, and theatre/film from the 1940s to the present.

    Credits 3
    Prerequisites DAN 100 or DAN 101, DAN/WMST 482.
  • DAN 484 - Bachelor of Fine Arts Project II

    Involves full commitment to the creative process of choreography from conceptualization through performance of a concert dance to be programmed as part of the department’s dance season. Continues study of choreographic process: concept, intention, structure, music, costume, dancers, technical needs. All work will be accomplished under advisement of faculty.

    Credits 3
    Prerequisites DAN 384.
  • DAN 485 - Dance Internship

    Student rehearsal and performance in professional companies.

    Credits 1
    Prerequisites Consent of department chair.
    May be repeated to a maximum of three credits.

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